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Beginner July 2012

Vegetarian wedding breakfast ideas?

Wherts2b, 19 of October of 2011 at 16:26

Posted on Planning 159

A lot of our guests are vegetarian (myself included) and Im looking for some inspiration for menu ideas! Our venue doesn't have a lot to offer and is open to suggestion

A lot of our guests are vegetarian (myself included) and Im looking for some inspiration for menu ideas! Our venue doesn't have a lot to offer and is open to suggestion

159 replies

  • luckylola
    Beginner September 2012
    luckylola ·
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    Not sure if someone has suggested this already, but I had a lovely starter the other day at a resturant.

    I am not into food/cooking so stick with me as I try to explain this:

    It was a larged grilled flat mushroom, with some sort of garlic butter, wilted spinach on top, crumbled goats cheese on top of that, and spinkled with toasted pine nuts. It was finished with little dots of balsamic vinegar around the plate.

    It was bootiful ! ?

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  • cookiekat
    Beginner August 2012
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    that sounds scrummy! might try making that for tea tomorrow ?

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  • BustyB
    Beginner June 2012
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    I dont normally agree with AJ but on this occasion I do! I dont think every meal needs to have meat in it, but I would find it odd that their wasnt any meat given, the same if I was a vegetarian and I wasnt given the option of having no meat.


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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
    Wherts2b ·
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    ]Hi B

    As i've already said, we're having a meat based main course, it will just be the starter where the meat eaters will have to "suffer". To be fair guests are lucky that hard earned cash is going towards something I feel so strongly against. Needless to say I will request free range, RSPCA approved meat!

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    ... and people think I'm extreme?

    If you really feel that guests are 'lucky' to be given the option to eat meat then words fail me. Yes, it's your day, your way and all that, but you also have to take into account what your guests are too as they're an important part of your day - statistics I can find online indicate that only about 3.5% of the population are vegetarians. I got a lot of flack on here (not from our guests on the day, I add) for choosing not to provide copious amounts of free alcohol at our wedding - we provided fruit juice and shloer for toasts instead - however we had absolutely no problem with a pay bar (as is normal) at the hotel for anyone who wished to buy a pint or a glass of wine or whatever during the afternoon and evening. I didn't consider my guests 'lucky' that I 'allowed' them to have alcohol at our wedding by 'allowing' the hotel to keep the bar open, I just left them the choice. My wife has a dairy intolerance (a higher % of the population have one than are vegetarians) yet we didn't ban dairy from the menu on the day - she just chose not to have cream on the dessert, quite simple really.

    If you resent spending money on something as normal and accepted to the majority of the population as meat, why bother? In fact, why invite anyone that isn't a vegetarian so you then don't have to worry about the issue in the first place?

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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
    Wherts2b ·
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    AJ can I just remind you the title of this thread "Vegetarian wedding breakfast ideas?"

    Not "Any idiots want to try and debate with me about the fact that I don't eat meat and my FRIENDS and FAMILY who 100% respect that can't get a bit of dead in their starter"!!!!!!!!!!

    You clearly had nothing useful to say, except be over opinionated as per usual and get on your high horse.

    Get back to your pork pies

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    Much more enjoyable than a handful of lentils...

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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
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    Tell your arteries that

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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
    Wherts2b ·
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    I love this idea of the BBQ - we are considering this for our evening buffet. Will the peppers be cooked on BBQ too?

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    AJ, if you attended a Muslim wedding, would you expect to be fed pork?

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  • Mrs_imp
    Beginner June 2012
    Mrs_imp ·
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    Interesting, I hadn't even given this a second thought!

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    This sparks a memory. I seem to recall that some cheap table wines are clarified with animal products (I assume that means precipitating out all the excess tannins etc). I also recall that if you buy a decent bottle, it's not usually an issue. Might pop off and do a bit of research...

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    I'd say the chances of me being invited in the first case are next to zero. But it's a different principle you're talking about so I can't see how you can make a comparion really.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    Because you have more respect for a religious dictat than for something you perceive as a whimsical lifestyle choice?

    Should a Muslim couple not respect the dietary requirements of their guests?

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    In that particular case, no. I don't like the concept of Halal either and avoid it where I can, although often it's that or do without in my part of London - so I usually take the supermarket option.

    My particular issue with the original discussion was not a person's choice to be vegetarian or not, the health benefits (or otherwise) of meat v vegetarian diets, or any other issue relating to a person's choices in life - it was the idea of taking away of choice from the guests which a meat eater would probably not even consider imposing on a vegetarian. I hadn't picked up in the first case that there was a 'meat' main course option and the discussion was more about the starter; quite often as a starter I'd have had a soup or melon, instead of pate, salmon or whatever "meat option" might be available, although of course it depends on what I felt like eating at the time (if the hosts hadn't made the choice for everyone in the first place, as often happens at weddings for hotel convenience).

    As for your second point (which appeared whilst I was typing) if you were invited to a Muslim wedding then of course you expect that to influence the day in all sorts of ways - but when did you last hear of a 'vegetarian wedding'?

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
    ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown ·
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    Because it seems apparent (you only have to look at your earlier comments) that meat-eaters would throw their toys out of the pram.

    I would have loved to have a vegetarian wedding. I know at least one other Hitcher felt the same.

    ETA: "Choice" is a funny word, you know when you say the same word several times and it starts to look wierd?

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  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
    Tray1980 ·
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    I'll be offering 2 or 3 veggie choices (if my venue cooperate) and in the evening I'll be having a hog roast but with lots of non pork and non meat options for those that don't want it.

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    We asked for dietary requirements with our invitation rsvp's, and out of 115 people only about 5 had specific requirements including two stating they were vegetarians. We gave them what we had picked as our choices (although we hadn't confirmed them with the hotel at that point) and they both said they were fine with it, so it wasn't something we had to give much thought to.

    Unless vegetarianism is now a religion, then I really think you're clutching at straws trying to draw comparisons. Although I suppose you do get 'fundamentalist vegetarians'...

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
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    Both could surely be classed as a lifestyle choice?

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    A religion is a collection of beliefs that define (at least a part of) someone's worldview and behaviour. Vegetarianism is a collection of beliefs that define (at least a part of) someone's worldview and behaviour. Both types of "philosophy" are, to the believers, informed and well-guided, the "right" way to live a life. The only difference is the mechanism by which people come to have these beliefs.

    Are you saying that "religious" beliefs are deserving of more respect than "non-religious" beliefs? That you would understand and accept a "no pork" rule at a Muslim couple's wedding but not at a vegetarian couple's wedding?

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    Yes. But I'm really not convinced Hitched is really the place for that discussion.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    I'm operating a policy of waiting for a little bit before I reply to this. Always for the best...

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
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    Ignoring all the meat eaters v vegetarian gumpf..

    We had a pescetarian chum at our wedding. I went through the menu options with her and she chose Thai fishcakes to start followed by a goats cheese wellington. They looked delumptious. Sorry, can't remember the other options but they all looked yummy.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    Mmmm, goat's cheese and pastry is a winner for me.

    Mellow Yellow - did you ever work out what Melon Wellington was?

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    AJ, I agree that the wedding forum in Hitched is not the right place for this kind of discussion.

    If this happens to be the type of debate you are interested in, I am part of another discussion forum where such things as politics/religion/current affairs/etc are chewed over. The members are a huge mix of characters, with often wildlyg differing views on many things. If you would be interested in joining us, the link is here:

    Note to mods: this website is in no way a competitor of Hitched so I hope you'll allow the link.

    It's not very glossy and it can get a little robust but it would interesting to have someone like you there.

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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
    Wherts2b ·
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    Just a summary and response to the idiotic rubbish our vegetarian-discriminative Hitched member has had to say this morning while I have been busy working:

    1) My wife has a dairy intolerance (a higher % of the population have one than are vegetarians) yet we didn't ban dairy from the menu on the day

    I don't think this even justifies a response it is so ludicrous. I don't think your wife has any ethical issues with a bit of cheese and "intolerance" doesn't stipulate CHOICE. AND HOW MANY TIMES - I AM NOT BANNING MEAT FROM THE DAY, JUST THE BLOODY STARTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2) quite often as a starter I'd have had a soup or melon, instead of pate, salmon or whatever "meat option" might be available, although of course it depends on what I felt like eating at the time

    If it "depends on what I felt like eating at the time" then god help anyone who's wedding you attending with these obvious high standards about your meals that are clearly so important in your life.

    3) ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown:

    Are you saying that "religious" beliefs are deserving of more respect than "non-religious" beliefs?

    Yes. But I'm really not convinced Hitched is really the place for that discussion.

    That sounds like an argument lost in my opinion, and no ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, I don't think he'll be joining your other forum seeing as he has no valid or interesting opinion on the subject and clearly has nothing better to do with his time

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    Good grief... if you think this is 'discrimination' then you really have a big shock coming to you when you hit the real world.

    I have nothing further I can add as you clearly cannot understand the issue from the point of view of someone who chooses to eat the way that around 96.5% of the world choose to.

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    This is simply and absolutely utter utter bobbins. I suggest you check your stats again.

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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
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    lol don't patronise me AJ I'm in the real world. I just avoid idiots like you who see themselves as some sort of philosopher but know *** all.

    Now instead of googling for statistics to try and back up your pathetic argument, here's a statistic for you - 95% of people that have posted in this thread DISAGREE WITH YOU so I suggest you find another thread to stick your unwanted opinion into. Jesus!

    Thanks to all the girlies with worthwhile posts and ideas for menu, and for supporting my argument against this ****

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  • T
    Trickers ·
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    Excellent, excellent thread.

    Good work everyone.

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  • *Marmite*
    Beginner October 2011
    *Marmite* ·
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    Going back to the OP, I'm a veggie and our vegetarian main course was a mozzarella and pesto pastry with roast new potatoes, green beans and rocket. It was really yummy. We too had a veggie starter - bruschetta with tomatoes and mozzarella. (We did also have a meat main course, but if I could've had it all my way it'd all have been vegetarian).

    A bit OT, but if any of you are going to Rome, there's an amazing vegetarian restaurant there.

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  • W
    Beginner July 2012
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    All I wanted was some menu ideas!!!!!!!!!!?

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