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Beginner February 2014

Wedding hates and dislikes

Wifeytobe88, 4 September, 2013 at 16:51

Posted on Planning 312

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going! What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much? personally I really don't like it...

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going!

What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much?

personally I really don't like it when the bride and groom does a 'funny' first dance. I'm sure some people like it and find it funny, but I just find it super cringe and naff.

This might be a bit controversial, but I also really don't like vintage / birdcage themes anymore. They were lovely when they first started, but after seeing them at every other wedding, I think they've just gotten a bit meh. Again though I'm fully open to other people's tastes and if the bride or groom loves this look, then I still believe they should have what they want without caring what others think.

312 replies

  • *Mrs M to be*
    Beginner August 2014
    *Mrs M to be* ·
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    I just had a flick through the old thread on this subject! Jeez, that got heated!

    But on a MUCH more serious note... I now have a major complex about my chair covers as they seem to appear on everyone's list of dislikes/ hates! Why didn't someone tell me before I got them! Haha

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  • Feb2014Bride
    Beginner February 2014
    Feb2014Bride ·
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    Some comments on here are great, reading out cards?!? That's very random ha.

    My personal dislikes;

    strapless dresses

    swirly waistcoats

    animals being any part of the day

    Balloons / balloon arches

    Routine first dances

    couples who sing the first dance song to each other - cringe ha

    buffett instead of sit down

    Oooo .... Not sure if it counts but guests wearing white / cream dresses!!

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  • icklesal
    Beginner April 2015
    icklesal ·
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    Top hats and canes

    church weddings for a non religious ccouples

    structured undos for the bride/bridesmaids. The ones with curly bits down the side of the face

    Classic/vintage wedding cars

    Any Shania Twain/Robbie Williams songs (that's not just at weddings haha)

    Bridal party line up


    posed pictures

    really fancy food where you get one potato and 1/4 of a chicken breast drizzled in fancy sauce. Give me real food people!

    Champagne or wine. Makes me feel ill just smelling it. I'd rather a glass of water.


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  • *Mrs M to be*
    Beginner August 2014
    *Mrs M to be* ·
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    I've just another thread that has made me remember this one... Sorry if I offend anyone, it's totally personal taste... But I HATE football teams being incorporated into a wedding in anyway. My fiancé is a serious Aberdeen supporter and I dreaded him seriously suggesting having it worked in some how. He did joke to me about it a few times but he knows I really dislike red so it never would have worked!

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  • woowoo83
    Beginner October 2013
    woowoo83 ·
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    I also agree on the church thing for non religious people - this also stretches to people christening children having never been to church ever!

    There should be a prize for who has the most things listed as part of their wedding - think I'm currently at 6 - luckily I don't care and am in no way offended!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    me too!

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Non religious church weddings ugh! Just don't get it lol not keen on massive gypsy wedding style dresses either and, sorry folks, not keen on the idea of theming the guests outfits.

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  • Y
    Beginner April 2014
    YellowDuckie ·
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    Oooh I'm sure I can think of lots of things but chair covers and non religious ppl getting married in church are up there for me (although a bit hypocritical as oh isn't religious at all, but I am and that's how I'm justifying our church wedding).

    i think lots of things ppl don't like because they see them all the time. However we need to remember we're all looking at blogs and Pinterest all day long. Most guests won't have seen those things before. I've only been to one wedding with a live band and have never been to a wedding with a photobooth, sweet table, birdcages or dessert table instead if a cake, and I'm hoping most of my guests won't have either - as we're having all of them!

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  • *Mrs M to be*
    Beginner August 2014
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    Haha, I think I'm just at chair covers at the moment, although on the previous thread I was screwed! Mirrored plates under table centres, predictable wedding format, matching bridesmaids dresses, simple/ traditional wedding dress and the worst one... Silk taffeta! I did have a bit of a gulp at that one as I just bought my taffeta wedding dress at the weekend! I suppose I'll get over it! Haha :o)

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    they seems to be a 'necessary evil' for venue choosing the cheap option for seating, same goes with busy nasty carpets to hide spills and stains

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  • PinkButterfly
    Beginner June 2014
    PinkButterfly ·
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    I stopped counting... Judging by some of the things listed my wedding is awful! I still love all the choices I've made! My wedding is unique to any of the weddings ive attended in the past!

    i think it's difficult being on a forum such as this because things can get very 'samey' and people get fed up of seeing it!

    i love my lace dress, my mirrored centrepieces and ivory sparkly blingy shoes!

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  • woowoo83
    Beginner October 2013
    woowoo83 ·
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    My OH absolutely hates anything cliched so he's been the test - if he's seen it a lot (and certainly doesn't frequent wedding forums!) then it didn't get in!

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  • *Eclair*
    Beginner August 2012
    *Eclair* ·
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    You don't have to go to Church to believe in God. In this country our options are pretty much limited to a church wedding or a completely non-religious wedding. If you want any mention of religion you can't have a civil ceremony. Not all non-church goers who get married in a church do so for the pretty building.

    Aaaanyway, my dislikes are:

    -strapless dresses

    -the words "sweetie buffet"

    -chair covers (even though I had them! The venue chairs were horrible)

    -animals in any form especially dog ring bearers or dove releases

    - 3 course sit down meals with no options (particularly if the portions are tiny.)

    -giving gifts during speeches

    -making bridesmaids all have the same hair/jewellery

    -father daughter dances (thankfully never seen one in person)

    -pink gerberas

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  • M
    Beginner March 2014
    Marmite27 ·
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    Blimey! upto pg 24 on the last one, it got heated, hope the OP has a good set of rugby pads and a crash helmet for when they break the baseball bats out!

    I dislike vintage/birdcagey things, SIL & Future SIL had/having them, soooo not me Smiley smile

    Ditto sweetie bar... both had/having them

    Not keen on the swirly waistcoat & tails, will be asking for no swirls when we go dressing up my man dollies suit shopping

    I don't like fruit cake, unfortunately its a deal breaker for OH, no fruit cake no him, so I have relented.... under protest Smiley winking

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  • Kentish Gal
    Beginner July 2013
    Kentish Gal ·
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    Animals - we had nowhere we could leave our dog so she attended. Hubby says of all the wedding photos the (impromptu) ones of me with her are the ones in which I look happiest!!

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  • *Ducky*
    Beginner July 2012
    *Ducky* ·
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    Men in pink.

    Pink in general.

    Eating too late/not having canapés to tide you over

    Weddings where no one dances (I ALWAYS try and make sure someone is on the dancefloor, even it is just me) I feel so bad when I see a stark dancefloor and lack of atmosphere.

    Stuffy weddings where no one has drunk enough

    Oh man, I'm a fat, greedy alcoholic.

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  • M
    Beginner March 2014
    Marmite27 ·
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    Oh and just so's you all know...

    My venue has swirly carpets (not that struck on them myself mind!) I'm having mirrors under my centre pieces, a strapless dress, matchy matchy bridesmaids and can't wait for confetti! AND god forbid table crystals!

    Edited to add aaaaaand CHAIR COVERS!

    So ner!

    Please don't hate me because I'm trendy ?

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
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    ? Me too

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    The purpose isn't to come on here and defend your choices. It's to be lighthearted- relax and join in Kentish!

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  • *Eclair*
    Beginner August 2012
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    I read that as "men in general" at first.

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  • M
    Beginner March 2014
    Marmite27 ·
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    Dislike pigeon lobbing/birds delivering rings, and the butterfly thing (them dying in little boxes waiting for the big release) made me sad Smiley sad

    Wasn't keen on my brothers wedding, ceremony at 3pm, no food until 8pm Smiley surprise I took a picnic!

    When asked if their food wasn't good enough for me, the answer 'what food?' didn't go down well ?

    Oh and money poems, just make me cringe. Especially the ones in evening invites from people I don't know very well, its like saying 'I don't know you very well, courtesy dictates I must invite you to my wedding, please give me money'. No, just no IMO.

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
    Erin8 ·
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    Really not sure where to begin here!

    Bad food -most frequently cold and / or greasy


    Bad music as it totally ruins the mood

    Swirly waistcoats

    Ivory traditional wedding shoes

    Coloured wedding dresses

    Anything involving birds, butterflies etc. Cruel and l don't want to get poo on me!

    Yeah the card reading thing is pretty dull -this seems to happen at most if not all Irish weddings.

    Children at weddings who can't behave and / or the parents don't keep a close eye on them.

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  • Kentish Gal
    Beginner July 2013
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    Definitely not defending, couldn't give a F either way, just felt a bit sad for my groom when he said it. Happy for me though Smiley smile

    The single only wedding thing I've ever really felt negative about (as opposed to deciding not to choose something for my own) is the School Disco First Dance Shuffle. And if it's paired with a good tonguing that's a double whammy as far as I'm concerned!!

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    I wanted my cat as ring bearer. This was vetoed.

    thought of another- receiving lines. Awkward and germ filled.

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  • M
    Beginner March 2014
    Marmite27 ·
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    Evidently my Ma went to a lot of weddings in her day. Only one she's been to recently was the aforementioned brothers wedding ? She asked me afterwards why they didn't read out all the cards in the speeches, as I'm obviously at prime wedding attendance age

    It was boring and long when they did it then, and I would consider old fashioned to do it now, particularly when she was asking about telegrams! I've never even seen a telegram, I know they got sent WW1 & WW2, but really in 2013???

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    YES! Sorry girls but men in pink just look whipped! *makes whipping sounds*

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    Maybe I like a whipped manSmiley winking

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  • H
    Beginner August 2014
    HundredMonkeys ·
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    Chairs covers, especially when the chairs have a nice rustic look to them in the first place and don't really need covering.

    Cravats in those bright, shiny colours.

    Hat and tails for the men - it's a wedding, not a period drama.

    Mirror plates and those tall vases and glass bead things.

    Lack of emotion in speeches.

    Long waits and crap food. Or worse still, none or very little food, especially when the venue is in the middle of nowhere!

    Church weddings when the couple don't go to church.

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  • HelenSomerset
    Beginner September 2014
    HelenSomerset ·
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    My personal pet hates are:-

    - People that don't sing in church - I don't care if you can't sing, I can't sing, but don't just stand there in silence and let someone's Mum (usually mine) sing on her own!

    - Burlesque style corset wedding dresses - It's a wedding not the Moulin Rouge - why? Also don't like lace up backs - creates a nice shape though, I do admit.

    - Super cheesy DJs that do commentary over and between songs at evening disco. Had one of these at my friends wedding and he got the bride and groom's name wrong. No we're not cheering because we don't like the happy couple, we just don't know who Emma and Dave are!

    - Another one for chair covers, although I appreciate sometimes they are a necessary evil.

    - Tiaras - you're not a princess, why do you require a crown? Also, used to hate veils, but relented on that one as decided to have one ?

    - Granny like wedding shoes. - When you're wearing a beautiful dress, why would you want to wear old lady shoes?

    - Venue that don't supply enough food so that when the shared veg comes round to you, it's all gone. Alternatively, venues where the top table have been served and eaten their meal before you've even had your starter.

    - Pointless wedding favours. Why? You've obviously spent 4 months knitting intricate little favour bags, but no one wants to take them home so you might as well not have bothered.

    - Orange brides, bridesmaids or mothers. Tanned fine, but I am talking tangoed.

    I could go on, but best stop as getting quite worked up....

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    i like your thinking ;P

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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
    Icklefee ·
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    Cadbury purple. I have nothing against the colour but why can't it just be called dark purple or bright purple? It's the name that bothers me rather than the actual colour.

    Canapes. They're too little. They don't fill a gap, the open a gaping cavern and just make me even more hungry.

    Converse boots. I get that not everyone wants heels and they're comfortable but so are ballet pumps which are much more appropriate when you're wearing a dress you've spent a months salary on.

    Butterflies in match boxes. There needs to be laws against it.

    Confetti throwing. I just don't fancy a mouthful of paper/flower petals or to be digging them out from my cleavage during my dinner.

    I love men in pink (brings out the colour of H2B's eyes), birdcages, chair covers and anything vintage Smiley smile

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  • L
    Beginner December 2012
    LEN11212 ·
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    Chair covers, sweetie buffets, no seating plan, brides showing too much cleavage, ring bearers, animals, children, entertainment that isn't music, food or booze (including lawn games, photo booths, bouncy castles and especially magicians), too little wine on the table, cr4p sparkling wine (just to be clear, I don't dislike all sparkling wine, just the rubbish stuff), guest books or anything else for me to sign, ice cream carts or fish and chips for the meal, table crystals.

    My, don't I sound like a grump?!

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