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Beginner February 2014

Wedding hates and dislikes

Wifeytobe88, 4 September, 2013 at 16:51

Posted on Planning 312

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going! What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much? personally I really don't like it...

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going!

What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much?

personally I really don't like it when the bride and groom does a 'funny' first dance. I'm sure some people like it and find it funny, but I just find it super cringe and naff.

This might be a bit controversial, but I also really don't like vintage / birdcage themes anymore. They were lovely when they first started, but after seeing them at every other wedding, I think they've just gotten a bit meh. Again though I'm fully open to other people's tastes and if the bride or groom loves this look, then I still believe they should have what they want without caring what others think.

312 replies

  • Polkadots_and_Pincurls
    Beginner June 2015
    Polkadots_and_Pincurls ·
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    Swirly effing waistcoats, I seriously hate them with a passion.

    Father / daughter dances, Im sorry but that is creepy to me.

    And recieving (sp?) lines make me feel a leeeetle uncomfortable, got to say...

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  • Bookish
    Beginner August 2014
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    I've just read this and it's absolutely priceless! It helped a little with my back to work blues after a week in Cyprus.

    Whatever happened to Shelltoon? She seemed DEE-lightful!

    My wedding dislikes...

    Chair covers

    A 'conference room' feel

    Face cake smushing/garter shots/too much tongue for the 'you may kiss the bride' kiss

    Money poems/asking for cash

    Receiving lines (just not me)

    Standing around for three hours while photos are taken

    Having said that, I'm sure people will consider our wedding to be a bit naff, but it will be gloriously so and I'll love every bloody minute!

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  • Polkadots_and_Pincurls
    Beginner June 2015
    Polkadots_and_Pincurls ·
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    Oooh, ooh, almost forgot my biggest wedding hate- PEACH! Im sorry, but it is the worst colour. Although I reckon that stems from a scarring experience as an eighties child bridesmaid in a massive peach monstrosity!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
    Elixia ·
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    Well icklefee, i'll add your cadbury purple confession. Cadbury only use ONE purple for their marketing, where as for bridesmaids dress manufacturers its varies from plum to bleeding amethyst! Just ordered a cadbury's purple bridesmaids only it bloody plum. its going back!

    only picked the dam colour because i like purple and thought it'd be easier to find dresses and other stuff for. New brides to be, heed my warning, its not.

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
    *MM3* ·
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    Haha fun thread!! Going to reply on this then have a nosy on Minis one!

    Ok so I really dislike - and no offence to anyone, great to have our own tastes haha Smiley smile
    Rehearsed first dances - cringey although the ones where the bride & groom stare lovingly into each others eyes and sing to each other are equally as bad Smiley laugh
    Buffets as a main meal
    Hog roasts!!
    Daughter & father / Son & mother dances..the thought makes me cringe.
    Bouquet throws
    The colour pink
    Black themed weddings, quite popular atm but i just don't like it.
    Money poems - i feel so embarassed at the thought of these

    I had never heard of some of these like the best man reading out cards, feather centrepieces & i didn't know what swirly waistcoats were haha!

    Only a couple on the list I think for me, most popular being the animal one as we're having a golden eagle in our photos with us at reception venue haha, she's not delivering the rings or anything though..although i'd love to see someone get skelped on the back of the head with her wings haha Smiley smile

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  • ATB
    Beginner August 2014
    ATB ·
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    Like: Open bars

    Dislike: Children

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  • *Funky*
    Beginner January 2001
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    Men in pink = whipped? As in like an ice cream? ? delicious?

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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
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    I'm fairly sure I read somewhere that Cadburys had put a trademark on the colour and that people weren't allowed to advertise something as being "Cadbury" purple any more. I feel your pain in finding the right shade though. Dusky pink has a million different variations too! The trouble I've had sourcing the right shade of dusky pink birdcages has been a nightmare! Not to mention my matchy matchy bridesmaid! lol

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    Whenever I see a groom in a pink waistcoat and cravat I instantly think 'this man had no say in this wedding'.

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  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
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    Actually that leads on to my biggest wedding pet peeve: weddings that reflect absolutely none of the groom's personality and it's all about the bride.

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  • Forever Wedding Dance
    Rockstar September 2013
    Forever Wedding Dance ·
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    Thanks Mini for sharing the old link, it was a good read!

    I am having LOADS of things that people hate and as a first dance choreographer I did wince at the amount of people who don't like choreographed first dances lol but that's the fun of everyone being different!

    I just wanted to pick up on a couple of bits - and sorry for not remembering who said what but I just read 30+ pages between that old discussion and this one!

    1, About reading out the cards and telegrams during the speeches: I went to a lot of weddings as a child (in the 80's) where this seemed to be the norm. Thankfully I think in the digital age this has mainly been phased out as it is rarely entertaining to listen to - unless someone included a rude limerick in their message or something!

    2, Fear of peach. I was bridesmaid twice in 1990 and both times had to wear almost identical peach meringues with puffy sleeves so I feel the pain there. I realise now, looking back on it, that these were just like the ones from when Scott married Charlene in Neighbours (broadcast over here in 1989) so that obviously influenced the bridalwear designs the following year!

    3, Someone mentioned they hated chimney sweeps. I have never encountered a chimney sweep at a wedding so I am off to google it but if anyone can fill me in I would love to know more...intrigued!

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  • Loopz
    Beginner March 2013
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    This is a thing? I've never heard of this, and it's a bit weird!

    Chair covers, balloons (my mum had a huge bride and groom delivered for our reception and was most upset when the kids trashed them, meaning no one got to see them....I was sooooo relieved. My blood ran cold when she showed us! Luckily there are no photos to ever prove they even existed!), buffet lunches, in jokes in best man speeches, converse, satin wedding dresses, loads of bridesmaids, horse shoes being carried by the bride, flower girl/page boys carrying signs/flags - 'here comes your bride', massive centre pieces, guest table trivia etc, table sparkles, photos of the bride being lifted by the groomsmen, garter photos....

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  • ~Curley~
    Beginner August 2014
    ~Curley~ ·
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    Love this thread and all seems very friendly ATM so will comment now incase it goes sour later lol.

    I've been to a few weddings and didn't know I disliked/hated things until I started planning my own so maybe it's more of a I wouldn't have that but if you did I probs wouldn't notice. Lol. Here it goes;

    I hate top hat and tails unless your 60+ ( why would you dress like your great grandfather!)

    I don't particularly like massive wedding where everyone is invited (via Facebook) just makes it seem like 1. Your guest that you officially invited aren't that special or 2. You are a desperate show off and want everyone (including people I know you don't like) to see you in all your finery.

    I also don't like the colour red....not sure why this is just carnt stand the sight of it at a wedding

    i don't like when the bride/groom/wedding party get sloshed and start stripping/lifting their dresses up

    I don't like to see the bride smoking

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  • PinkButterfly
    Beginner June 2014
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    Oh my gosh! I hate balloons... In actual fact I'm genuinely terrified of them! I don't know why... Wouldn't even have them at my kids birthdays parties much less my wedding.

    recently went to pick my nephew up from a birthday party and I made him leave his ballon there. I felt awful but I just couldn't have it in the car with me! Thankfully he was given one that hadn't be blown up to replace it so I managed to avoid a massive scene. When he got home he was able to have his balloon.

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  • ~Curley~
    Beginner August 2014
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    Just read 24 of the 38 pages the last thread got. Wowser!! The *** hit the fan on that one. Let hope the title gives people a clue and the more sensitive among us won't read. Hehe

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    I can believe that, well I'm armed with a swatch now! came from my grooms suit fitting .. the ones with tails. i hate tails. i hope he doesn't look like a plonker.

    anyway girls, off sick today and reading these has made my day! Keep them coming!

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  • *Pugsley*
    Beginner March 2014
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    Oh dear. Let's hope this stays more lighthearted than the last thread on this eh!

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  • Mrs Bass
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs Bass ·
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    Every wedding i went to as a child, the best man read out cards and telegrams from people who couldn't make it! Must have been an 80s/90s thing!

    Most of the thing we didnt want involved in our wedding have already been mentioned! On thing that bugged me when we were planning, was the amount of things that incorporated butterflies! stationary, decorations, flower girl dresses, cakes. Who decided that wedding must in someway involve butterflies! My mum started to find it hilarious as it really started to wind me up!

    My main dislike is when people add things to their wedding because it is expected or a parent wants it. Grow a pair and celebrate the day the way you want to!

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
    Ohwhatatuesday ·
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    Ooh the butterflies has reminded me!I also hate the way everything has hearts on it - I don't mind the odd heart here and there but everything heart shaped gets a bit much - but it seems to be that or butterflies. And cutting the cake - we're not going to do this and it seems to be causing drama among the traditional ones in our family.

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
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    Haha mine actually originally chose "fuchsia" for himself but we ended up deciding on the lovely Cadbury purple! ?

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  • W
    Beginner February 2014
    Wifeytobe88 ·
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    Mini's previous thread has reminded me of another one - chocolate fountains!!!! Why???

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  • Guy Wade
    Guy Wade ·
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    I'll find this difficult to type. It's hard to see the keyboard through the hot tears of self-loathing and doubt that are dripping onto my pink shirt...

    A lot of real chimney sweeps hire themselves out for weddings. I don't mind that. I dislike people dressing up as chimney sweeps with one token smut of makeup on their otherwise pristine face.

    Slightly more controversially - for a toastmaster, anyway - is a general dislike for receiving lines. In most cases.

    As a guest, I dislike receptions without a quiter space where conversation can be had. But that's because my idea of a good night out involves chatting rather than dancing. I really am that boring.

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  • F&GBride
    Beginner May 2014
    F&GBride ·
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    I'm afraid birdcages really wind me up - cannot understand why you would have one? They're cages. (sorry folks)

    Don't like confetti so I won't be providing any but I'm willing to bet people will bring some anyway and I won't stop them.

    Don't like sweetie buffets (although never been to a wedding with one) mainly because I haven't eaten those kind of sweets since I was a child. Chocolate truffle buffet might be more up my street though...

    And I don't like football team being incorporated into weddings - they've got nothing to do with it as far as I'm concerned.

    Goldfish bowl centrepieces - remind me of where I used to work

    Really dislike bridesmaids or any other guests in black.

    Tiaras on brides - a lady in a bridal shop kept trying to put one on me and I was adamant it was getting nowhere near my head. Then my godmother offered me hers as my something borrowed and I had to very politely decline.

    I am having chair covers - again the chairs at out venue are awful without - but I may leave the sashes because the covers are subtly patterned anyway. I probably will be having traditional ivory-esque shoes, mirrors under our centrepieces, tall vase centrepieces and I'm afraid a one-choice only meal (unless you're veggie of course). Our venue has a dark swirly carpet which I never noticed at all until someone mentioned the carpet thing on here a while ago. Couldn't care less - it fits in with the traditional country-house hotel feel of our venue and that's why we picked it.

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  • N
    Beginner May 2015
    nixy3 ·
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    I hate receiving lines (sorry!).....really, what is the point? Stand up and queue for an age to go through, say hi to a bunch of people (that you have probably already said hi, congratulations to etc) and make awkward conversation with some person who you have never met before (the long-lost great uncle etc) - very odd and not for us, but I can see why some people have them.

    I don't like money poems either!

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  • Childhood-Sweet<3
    Beginner July 2014
    Childhood-Sweet<3 ·
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    Based on weddings I have been to as opposed to a general dis-like, I do not like:

    When the bride says "yes darling I would love to have the aston villa colours for our wedding" but swiftly incorporate so much pink that it looks like a candy floss factory.

    Crap bar...enough said.

    Crap DJ - Definitely more of a live music gal but I can get on board with a good DJ.

    No choices of menus.

    Speeches after food. I hate seeing the top table look nervous through out their meal.

    This swiftly moves me on to long top tables.

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    thats it! we're through! ;P my dress is:

    shock horror, I was adamant i didn't want a dress like this. funny huh? still not a fan of the red ones thou. As for 'red weddings' as a game a throne fan that chills my blood for a whole other reason ...

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  • AuntieBJ
    Beginner September 2014
    AuntieBJ ·
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    Ooh, I'm loving this thread! I'm having balloons and lots of them because I like them and our reception is also a 50th birthday party for h2b. I'm having a buffet cos we're diying it. I'm having a pay your own way bar cos we can't afford to have an open one. I'm having a sweetie buffet cos we have loads and loads of kids coming. My bridesmaid is matchy matchy and my flower girls will be princesses for the day. Can't wait to wear my tiara and do my daddy daughter dance. Really looking forward to the best mans in jokes too! I'm even considering animals now (joke) hehe.

    Oh and I love love love red so there will be as much as I can get. Hope everyone loves my wedding lol

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  • Sambride
    Beginner April 2014
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    Everything on this list! Especially swirly waistcoats, even more so Burgundy swirly waistcoats!

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    Here goes..........

    Strapless dresses

    Dresses with loads of bling

    Satin weddingy shoes with grim pointy toes


    Post boxes

    Guest books/finger print trees/wish trees etc

    OTT invites with loads of inserts

    Teardrop shaped bouquets or those ones where it's just a lily or 2 layed on your arm

    Button bouquets

    3 course sit down meals that include some sort of roast. Boring.

    Cheap champagne - use prosecco if you can't stretch to the real deal!

    Shed loads of bridesmaids

    long best man speeches with loads of inside jokes. Yawn.

    The giving of presents publicly or during speeches

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
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    That was my first thought on reading Bonnie's post too. Now that would be a crappy reception, no amount of balloons or pigeon lobbing could top that!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    Oh god, it would be a bloody mess!

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  • N
    Beginner May 2015
    nixy3 ·
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    I've thought of another one - really tall centrepieces! I want to be able to see and talk to the other people on the table, not have to lean round, stand up to look over and say hi, plus they always worry me that with the long tablecloths that touch the floor, someone will eventually catch the tablecloth and send the whole lot crashing down!

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