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Beginner February 2014

Wedding hates and dislikes

Wifeytobe88, 4 September, 2013 at 16:51

Posted on Planning 312

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going! What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much? personally I really don't like it...

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going!

What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much?

personally I really don't like it when the bride and groom does a 'funny' first dance. I'm sure some people like it and find it funny, but I just find it super cringe and naff.

This might be a bit controversial, but I also really don't like vintage / birdcage themes anymore. They were lovely when they first started, but after seeing them at every other wedding, I think they've just gotten a bit meh. Again though I'm fully open to other people's tastes and if the bride or groom loves this look, then I still believe they should have what they want without caring what others think.

312 replies

  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    Nasty cliquey bitches

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  • Bookish
    Beginner August 2014
    Bookish ·
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    My god I'm dense. I've just had to google 'swirly waistcoats' to see what everyone was going on about. I imagined waistcoats that spun out when you twirled and grooms prancing around Fred Astaire style. I'm quite disappointed to find out that they are, in fact, just waistcoats with swirls on.

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
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    I didn't know what they were either ?

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  • C
    Beginner November 2013
    clareio ·
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    I just thought of another one:
    People that assume favours will be edible and whinge when they're not!!!

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  • woowoo83
    Beginner October 2013
    woowoo83 ·
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    After attending a wedding at the weekend, I thought I'd add a couple more!

    2 hours and 15 minutes for the couple to have photos - I wouldn't mind but they provided us with 2 drinks for the whole time and nothing else to do!

    Lack of table wine

    Having to travel to the middle of nowhere and spend a fortune doing so!

    I will add that the wedding was lovely, clearly no expense had been spared which is why I was so riled at only having 2 glasses of booze while they spent 2 hours having photos!

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  • PinkButterfly
    Beginner June 2014
    PinkButterfly ·
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    After watching a documentary I have a couple more too!

    brides who wear gloves, elbow length satin, short and lacy, fingerless... Any kind of glove! Yuck

    brides who carry a handbag around.... Seriously what do you really need to carry on your wedding day someone can't hold for you!

    (bare in mind on this documentary the bride had her bag on her wrist slung over OH shoulder during first dance)

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  • SallyLou
    Beginner August 2014
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    I went to a wedding at the weekend and the bossy TOG still hadn't finished an hour and a half later. It was cold and we didn't know if we could go inside or if we were needed. A brief outline of the day would have saved much grumping.

    Which leads me onto bossy TOG's, who do stupid posed photographs.

    Lets see, what else;

    Cheap chocolate favours

    Chair covers

    Receiving lines

    Bouquet toss

    Smoke machines (this is a general aversion though, they stink)


    Table diamond things

    No thought put into the speeches which are basically a list of thank you's. I don't mind a short speech, but put some feeling into it.

    I shall stop there for now. I may be back as I think of more. ?

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
    Elixia ·
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    Were (probably) having cheap chocolate gold coins, i LOOOOVE them. I got an inside scoop from someone who worked for a chocolate factory they melt down broken chocolate bar like mars bars caramel bars and press them into coins. no wonder they're a sugary mess and bloody addictive! hmm i want some, come ooooooon christmas!

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  • N
    Beginner May 2015
    nixy3 ·
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    I LOVe chocolate coins, our Tesco is already stocking them, and I may or nay not have bought some....nom nom nom!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    as a bit of humour this was how my boss gave us our christmas bonus! ... then the gift cards. cheeky sod Smiley winking

    I saw them and WAS gonna buy some and stock them for the favors ... i truly don't think they'll last the week let alone 5 months!

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  • Pinkboo
    Beginner March 2014
    Pinkboo ·
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    My hates are as follows.....

    * Ill-fitting loose chair covers....They look cheap, get lycra ones! Or at least iron them.

    * Organza chair bows....They do nothing for me.

    * Swirly waistcoats and cravat ties.....They're sooooo dated!

    * Satin pointed wedding shoes (in fact, most traditional wedding shoes)....Dated and Boring!

    * Mason/Jam Jars....Unless you're having an outdoor/barn wedding then it looks wrong.

    * "Mini Wedding Dresses" for Flower Girls....Let Kids be kids!

    * "Naked" Wedding Cakes...They look pretty but they'll dry out before you get to cut it!

    * Money Poems.....Just be straight!

    * Diamonds/Sprinkles on tables....It's just going to end up on the floor.

    * Balloons/Balloon Arches....I can forgive big, perfectly round balloons.....Just!

    * Vintage Cups/Teapots/Birdcages/Typewriters.....All lovely, I love Vintage stuff but this is kind of done to death now.

    Saying that, I've been to Wedding's where people have used some of the above, and it's fitted their day.....Just so not my cup of tea!

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    ? PMSL at Bookish and the swirly waistcoats!

    I have thought of another! Owls delivering the rings. WTF?!?!?!

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  • SunnyOrangeFlowers21
    Beginner August 2014
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    I guess owls who fall asleep on the job aren't too hot either


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  • Icklefee
    Super May 2014
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    I'm dreading the people that open my little seed bombs and try eating them. I may have to put warning labels on them

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
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    At my sons christening we have a little bag full of little goodies, the ladies included a baby bottle full of bath salts & my gran thought it was sweeties and tried to eat them hahaha!!

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  • D
    Beginner September 2013
    Doddyclaire ·
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    Well, where to start eh?! I was going to start by saying i'm so glad you're not coming to mine as most of my features are on the grim list, and then I read the previous thread and nearly fell off my perch laughing!!! Oh my days, that did make me dribble a little wee! So funny how people couldn't just lighten up just a leeeeetle!! pet dislikes would have to include white dresses, i'm just not sure that they do anyone any favours! Oooh - guests who take it upon themselves to change the seating plan - on the day - errr NO!!!

    I would say swirly wasitcoats too but my OH picked one, bearing in mind he was going to rock up in an AC/DC t shirt & jeans, I think I can swallow that!!

    To be honest i've not been to that many weddings so its mostly come from spending far too much time watching DTTB and the likes Smiley laugh

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    Very rude. I have seen my MIL consider doing this before!

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  • tayto
    Beginner May 2013
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    Keep an eye on that one Erin8 - my MIL made us move people on the plan to satisfy what she thought! Grr....

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  • Erin8
    Beginner June 2014
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    We are getting married in Vegas just the 2 of us and having a very informal wedding party when we get back. So hopefully this will not be an issue. My MIL and your MIL l think are the same person as she would also want to move people on the plan to satisfy what she thought!

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  • S108HAN
    Beginner August 2013
    S108HAN ·
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    A similar post turned to this into all out war in the Spring. I quite enjoyed it though.

    [backs away cautiously and closes door quietly behind her]

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  • jfilsell
    Beginner March 2014
    jfilsell ·
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    Oh man, just spent a while reading all these posts - it takes all sorts to make a world eh? ?

    The biggest dislike that resonated with me was the comment about weddings being all about the bride. It's not MY day, it's OUR day.

    I'd also like to add:

    - Weddings where the bride dresses/acts like a princess. They's actually something quite negative about the idea of being a 'princess' for the day IMHO

    - Children. We're having cousin's children because I would be excommunicated if not, but no others.

    - Long waits for food, no canapes, no evening food. If you're going to trap your guests in the middle of nowhere have the decency to feed them properly!

    - Giant table flower arrangements - especially ones in huge martini glasses.

    Finally - ironically - anyone telling the couple what they *should* do, or what they *must* do, or what's *right* for a wedding. Tosh!

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  • Pinkboo
    Beginner March 2014
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    YES!!! Huge table displays that you have to talk around! Makes it very arkward to get to converse.

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  • MrsHD2015
    Beginner June 2015
    MrsHD2015 ·
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    My pet hates would be;

    Badly fitting wedding dress or bridesmaid dress
    Plus sized brides with strapless dresses and boobs hanging out
    Bottles of Coke/WKD/any cheap looking bottles on the table (i know it sounds snobby but it ruins the look of the room)
    Brides who wear glasses on the day. I wear glasses myself and will be converting to contact lenses for the big day
    Funny posed photos like the groomsmen holding up the bride or everyone jumping in the air - just not my style
    Non-religious people having church ceremonies
    Kids running riot, screaming, shouting and generally being a pain
    Cupcake wedding cakes
    Hours and hours of photos
    Any length other than full length wedding dresses
    Any birds or other animals being used for anything
    Massive bridal bouquets and also really plain bouquets
    Novelty first dances such as ‘Thriller’ or ‘Dirty Dancing’
    Bride getting changed into a different outfit at the reception
    Old fashioned/castle style venues

    I'm sure there's more...i work in a wedding venue so I see hundreds of weddings a year plus a lot of my old school frenemies have been getting married lately!

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  • Vanadesse
    Beginner August 2014
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    Seems like most of my wedding there! Good thing I don't care what others dislike as long as I like it!

    I hate ceremonies where you can't see because pillars or something or blocking your view or it's so quiet you can hardly hear anything. Speeches that drone on and on. Otherwise that's about it really, can see past anything else and enjoy it.

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  • D
    Beginner May 2014
    Daisydoll-Lea ·
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    Anything "vintage" or "country garden" theme...bunting, teacups, sweetie tables etc, purely for being so overdone and now totally unoriginal! Following on from this, tea length dresses?? They are so "of the moment" and in 10 years time people will be like "oh yeah do you remember when everyone was doing that whole vintage, country garden thing!"

    Moving on to the men, I really dislike morning suits! Nice and traditional yes but always hired and as a result poor fitting and cheap looking.

    Lastly...buffet style instead of sit down meal, balloons, silly staged first dance or worse the bride or groom taking to the mic to sing (major cringe), no free bar...for me it's just a must! Urgh and those awful feather centerpeices that look like a Las Vegas showgirls head peice!!!

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  • *J9*
    VIP March 2014
    *J9* ·
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    Ooh I'm glad this has been bumped!

    I'd like to add that I dislike brides showing too much cleavage

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  • Akrigg
    Akrigg ·
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    I like everything about weddings and I don't have pet peeves at all. None. ?

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  • jen-lou
    Super July 2016
    jen-lou ·
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    Loved reading the I the only one secretly hoping someone takes all these ideas in one big go and that they base there wedding on it? Te he he lol

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  • MrsToffee
    Expert April 2015
    MrsToffee ·
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    Only just seen this thread and it just goes to show you can't please all of the people all of the time! I'm surprised how often chair covers has come up; I like them and will be having them to cover our fine but slightly scruffy venue chairs, those posh chairs you can hire are gorgeous but look like they would be so uncomfortable to lean back on!

    My personal dislikes--

    strapless dresses (on anyone...sorry!!) in so many photos of brides in strapless dresses I've seen it just looks like she's naked from the waist up

    church weddings just for the sake of tradition

    traditional wedding cake

    guests making a big drama over anything e.g. distance to venue, what the food is like, drinks prices, who is or isn't invited etc if it bothers ou that much don't go!!

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  • Foo
    Beginner June 2014
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    Oooooh, how did I miss this?? Okaaaaay...

    A-line, strapless, lace-up back, ruched dresses. So dull.

    Matchy matchy colours, where the stationery matches the bridesmaids knickers which match the carpet which matches the loo roll.

    Weddings that start too early so that the guests are hanging around for hours getting drunk/bored. In theory everyone is mingling and chatting, in practice it just feels like you are waiting for something to happen.

    Cult of the bride - 'oh this is the day I have DREAMED of since I was a BABY and I can't believe I am marrying the man of my DREAMS and it's MY DAY and I feel like a PRINCESS and OMG I'm soooo emotional and it's all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!'

    Shite food dressed up as 'posh' food.

    Favours and all that unnecessary weddingy stuff that no-one notices except the bride - signs, ribbons, candles,bunting, glittery crap, centrepieces, personalised tat, etc etc.

    Fucking sweet buffets. WTF is that about? I AM AN ADULT. ? Ditto ice-cream carts, doughnut vans, candyfloss stalls. Just have normal food.

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  • Alisha.B
    Expert April 2022
    Alisha.B ·
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    Probably massively unpopular opinion here but what I cant stand (even though everyone on here seems to have)

    A LINE DRESSES (especially strapless)

    they are god awful, never look flattering and you know how everyone looks at 80s photos of poofy dresses and goes 'god, did they think that looked nice, I wonder if we will look back and think things like this' - yes, yes you will... the A line is the new 80s silk puff dress and they all look painfully the same

    I have collected wedding dresses since the age of 5, I have book on book on book of wedding dress design and history, I have toured museums and conference meetings on the history of wedding dresses and used to work in dress design - I love wedding dresses of all cultures, periods, material and style EXCEPT the a line which I am still yet to see a decent one of (they may just work on tea length but any A line past the knee is just a no no)

    other things include:

    buffets (cheep and tacky)

    balloons (really? are we children)

    workie clubs (im sorry but their is nothing more tacky EVER)

    goldfish in bowl (do you know how cruel this is?... News flash - THEY DIE they are poisoned by ammonia and sent into shock by water changes)

    DJs (always sound like a 5 year olds birthday)

    non matching bridesmaids (really people think this looks good?)

    green theme (its the color of snot and baby poo)

    butterflies (just reminds me of burta throwing the dead butterflies in 2 and a half men)

    shoe stickers (done to death)

    shuffle dance (if your just going to stand there looking awkward then do us a favor and dont)

    spoilt princess things (castle, stately homes, tiaras, Jordan carriage etc...)

    colored wedding dresses (this is fine culturally like hindu etc... but just to be different is stupid)

    people getting drunk (I have NEVER been drunk at a wedding, have some f*cking respect and class - do that at the stag/hen instead)

    cup cake cake (screams cheap)

    Karaoke (are we in the local on a saturday night?)

    no favors (once again screams cheap)

    Lillies (really funeral flowers? are you the addams family?)

    almonds or bubbles (uncreative, you might as well not)

    selective colour photos (im an ex photographer to and this just makes me cringe - unfortunately most people have no idea about photos and actually ask for it)

    thank you notes (I doubt you even remember seeing me, dont try to make small talk about it weeks later - just save the paper)

    guests/brides maids in white/ivory/cream (unless you the bride you just dont, its disrespectful, you can wear silver of hints of white but never a white dress)

    a side note on no glasses - If people wear them for the wedding thats fine and obviously some people need glasses all the time but some people are so over dramatic, 70% of my friends with glasses have the exact same condition as me and they freak out without their glasses... WTF, you dont need them your not even close to blind just a little short sighted ive manage my entire life without my glasses (yes I do have them, only started actually wearing them 3 months ago and only for watching tv sometimes) the only issue I have is reading things over 2 meters away, yes I cant really see 3D but it doesn't effect depth perception, its not like your suddenly going to walk into lamp posts and stuff you only need them for things like driving ffs

    I like: dramatic centerpieces, matching brides, church weddings, colors and themes (as long as its not OTT like fancy dress), wish trees, feathers,

    I dont mind: kids, red, table crystal, pets

    lol I probably have more to moan about but its getting late... most people will hate my wedding with its theme etc... but it fits us as a couple and our friend/family as a group and thats all we need

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  • IGB2B
    Beginner May 2014
    IGB2B ·
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    What a great thread!

    Some of the things I dislike are:

    when the groom's personality isn't reflected in the wedding and it's all about the bride. It's OUR wedding day, not MY wedding day.

    guests wearing white / cream

    pop music as entrance / exit music for the ceremony

    when everything is too matchy matchy

    drunk brides embarrassing themselves

    I've not heard of these money poems that have been mentioned. They sound vile. Does anyone have an example of one?

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