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Beginner May 2011

What do you scoff during an average day?

Storky, 15 of January of 2013 at 16:55

Posted on Off Topic Posts 47

On a normal working day (where I don't do any exercise) I'd have something like the following: Breakfast: 2 x eggs, scrambled with half a tin of beans. Sometimes I add some parmesan, too. Cup of tea. On 'going out to work' days I'd have porridge with blueberries, or granola, yoghurt and a small...

On a normal working day (where I don't do any exercise) I'd have something like the following:

Breakfast: 2 x eggs, scrambled with half a tin of beans. Sometimes I add some parmesan, too. Cup of tea. On 'going out to work' days I'd have porridge with blueberries, or granola, yoghurt and a small swirl of honey.

Lunch: Homemade soup or a large ham/tuna salad.

Dinner: Grilled, marinaded chicken with plenty of veg, or perhaps a cottage pie made with lean mince and plenty of stealth veg.

Snacks might include: apple, banana or orange, handful of nuts, carrot & cucumber batons with hummous or rice cakes with peanut butter. I normally have another cup of tea during the day but also drink around 1.5l of water throughout the day. I rarely have chocolate or crisps. Puddings are a rare event on a normal working day.

On a day when I'm doing some sport, I'd have a banana before hand and a boiled egg afterwards if I'm still hungry.

How about you?

47 replies

  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    In the week - Breakfast - Black coffee

    Lunch - Soup or salad. Sometimes sandwich and crisps. or soup and a sandwich.

    Tea - Meat and veg or stew. Something with no main carbs so no pasta or rice or potato etc. Lots of veg or salad

    At the weekend I tend to have a late breakfast brunch meal and then tea which on a saturday usually has a wee bit of carb in it.

    If hungover at the weekend the above goes out the window I will graze on crap all day - crisps, pasty, or whatever is put in front of me.

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  • Beez
    Beginner May 2016
    Beez ·
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    Yesterday I had

    no breakfast

    ham and mustard sandwich & crisps

    prawn curry and rice and a mountain of stir fried pak choi and sugar snap peas.

    2 glasses of wine, too many cups of tea and coffee.

    I did also treat myself to a donut. But I took one bite and C pinched it off me and scoffed most of it before I wrestled it off her and chucked it.

    I'm losing weight though, I had a friend over yesterday for dinner so made an effort to cook. I've been eating less than the above most days recently.

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    Yesterday I had:

    Breakfast: Natural yogurt with 1tsp honey, 20g muesli & a chopped banana

    Lunch: 3 Ryvita with spreadable cheese, yogurt, apple

    Snacks: Bag of Skips & grapes

    Dinner: Pasta with tomato, mozzarella, tuna & olives.

    Oh, and a bourbon biscuit!

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    I've just rejoined Slimming World so am trying to alter my daily food intake as it has been very bready of late and that always makes me pork out (clearly nothing to do with the obscene amount of Christmas chocolate and cake.....)

    Anyway, yesterday was:

    Breakfast - 2 weetabix with banana, cup of tea with sweetener

    Lunch - Wholemeal pitta bread with hoummous and salad

    Dinner - SW chilli (made with Quorn mince instead of beef) and rice

    Snacks - many cups of tea, another banana, apple, celery

    Today I'm yet to have breakfast (can't eat 'til about 11 or I'll feel sick) but will probably have porridge and banana then. Lunch is leftover chilli and dinner will be a noodle stir-fry with prawns, pepper, mushrooms, carrots and cabbage.

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    A typical day (I have the same brekkie everyday as standard)

    Breakfast: 1 Weetabix (warmed with hoit water) and a muller light vanilla yoghurt. An Apple

    Lunch: either a ham roll or wrap or 3 ryvita with philly and cucumber. An apple and kiwi. maybe a bag of French fries

    Dinner - Day dependant, pasta with veg, slow cooker dishes, fraggleheetas, followed by a muller light yoghurt

    Snacks: maybe some, orange, since being on mat leave 2 choc chip biscuits of an afternoon!

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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
    far2calm ·
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    Breakfast - Porridge made with semi skimmed milk and a banana all washed down with icey cold water.

    Mid Morning Snack – Apple

    Lunch – 2 bread buns stuffed with tuna and sweetcorn and as much salad as I can get in, and 2 handfuls of cherry tomatoes (I pretend they are crisps) and then a yogurt.

    Mid Afternoon Snack – Mixed seeds and a small piece if fruit.

    Evening – Meat/Fish with veg, or pasta with my own homemade sauces

    And I drink lots of water all day and possibly 1 to 2 cups of coffee a day.

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    I never have time for breakfast during the week but I have always taken something to work. Since being preggo, I eat ALL the time, so since arriving at work at 9am, I've already had:

    Oatsosimple with a large handful of blueberries

    Large pre-packed fruit salad

    Snickers (note I don't normally have this for breakfast, it was leftover from H's lunch yesterday!)

    And I could still eat more. Pre-pregnancy, I'd have an Alpen Light bar or two plus a fruit salad.

    Weekends will be crumpets with jam or peanut butter, or two weetabix with banana.

    Lunch in the week tends to be a pot of soup (from the chilled section), beans/spaghetti on toast (left over from my SW days!) or leftover dinner from the night before. In the summer, I'll have salad, couscous salad etc.

    Dinner is normally something homemade and balanced like pasta, cottage pie etc.

    Dinner habits are horrendous at the moment due to leaving for panto at 5.45 and not getting back until 11, so I tend to have some toast or crumpets before I leave, take a bag of Snack a Jacks and dried fruit with me and then we'll have some fresh pasta (the 2 minute stuff) when we get back as I can't eat a big meal before a show.

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    I practice the 80% good 20% 'bad' kinda way of eating.

    Breakfast - usually porridge soaked overnight in almond milk with chia seeds & pumpkin seeds / smoothie made with scoop protein powder (fave is chocolate protein, greek yogurt, peanut butter & banana) / tomato omelette

    Lunch: salad - I love M&S wholefoods salads 2 for £3 with rocket & wholemeal pitta bread / homemade soup & pitta bread / left overs. Today Im having toasted pitta with mashed avocado, celery sticks & humous

    Dinner: low carb high protein meals. Last night I had spag bol made with loads of vege and a teeny portion of wholemeal spaghetti. I eat a lot of salmon & chicken with green vege & a couple of poached eggs. Sometimes I make pitta pizzas & sweet potato wedges.

    Snacks are: banana / apple / almonds / blueberries, greek yogurt with honey

    Drinks are: water, green tea - currently on detox tea by M&S, I love their teas esp the raspberry & strawberry one. One coffee a day with cinamon, usually decaff.

    At wkend I relax it and eat a chinese / pizza / couple of glases of wine, sunday roast, desert etc but still keep portion control - I could easily eat a whole large pizza.

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  • *gnashers*
    Beginner October 2013
    *gnashers* ·
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    Normal day....

    Wake up - cup of tea (skimmed milk, one sweetener)

    Breakfast - cup of tea as before, 30g porridge with skimmed milk and a swirl of honey. Glass of water

    Snack - Banana. Glass of water

    Lunch - Soup with rice cakes, or left over dinner (pasta, stir fry etc), yoghurt (petis filou or plain yoghurt). Can of diet coke.

    Afternoon - green tea and water.

    If I'm going out for a run, I will have a couple of rich tea or similar before I go.

    Dinner - 'Diet' ready meal, stir fry, pasta etc etc. Always supplemented with veg or salad. More water.

    I'm using MFP and am trying to stick to 1600 calories a day at the mo. I probably have 4 portions of fruit or veg a day but I don't like fruit really and it doesn't really help my Crohn's.

    I probably have too much salt in my diet, I do check it on MFP and will avoid stuff if I've already had too much salt that day, but I don't smoke, I exercise, and I'm cutting down on the booze so I'm not going to obsess too much over stuff!

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  • jojo2
    Beginner June 2012
    jojo2 ·
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    A normal day for me is

    breakfast - yeo valley Greek yoghurt, fresh or frozen berries, banana Dorset cereal granola and honey drizzled on it.

    If I'm starving it is toast with jam and butter and cup of tea with one sugar.

    Lunch - jacket potato and tuna or baguette with chicken or soup and roll

    Dinner - usually meat or fish with roast winter veg/Mediterranean veg or salad.

    on a binge day I will have a cake or popcorn for my sweet tooth or raid M&S and have what I fancy with no regrets.

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