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What DON'T you like at weddings?

BumbleBrat, 9 of February of 2011 at 14:27

Posted on Planning 307

We have lots of flashes of stuff we love and the like.. So what things would you hate at your wedding?

We have lots of flashes of stuff we love and the like..

So what things would you hate at your wedding?

307 replies

  • S
    Beginner January 2009
    sammy_wheeler ·
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    Fasinators-sorry- dont like them

    the whole cutting cake with sword thing

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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
    Storky ·
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    *dons b i t c h hat*

    Bare legs when the legs really do need something...

    Tights with peep toe shoes. They make special tights and hold ups for them now, so there's no excuse!

    SCabby looking feet in sandals or peep toes.

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  • BespokeTailor
    BespokeTailor ·
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    I've loads more. But this is my last lot.

    Post Box things, that look like they were made on blue Peter.

    Videographers who have 6 assistants.

    Pushy photographers (bog off!)

    Table Magicians

    Best Men who are not as funny as they think.


    (OK I have one more)

    People who leave their kids unattended to run riot. I have 2 small kids and at the last 3 weddings I attended I not only supervised my own kids but other peoples too.

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  • T
    Teal ·
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    Exposed bra straps on guests or bride

    Visible panty line on anyone

    Wearing strapless dress with fat hanging over the top

    Wearing all black- might be old fashioned, but celebrate & be a little colourful

    Mother-in-law wearing a skin tight, WHITE dress, backless with plunging neckline & no bra! (she is a size 22)


    Speeches about the grooms previous girlfriends, how many he slept with, drink nights out or anything about his genitals

    Skirts or dresses above the knee

    pumpkin carriages with horses & pink feathers

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  • Mellow_Yellow
    Beginner May 2012
    Mellow_Yellow ·
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    Totally - I'm working hard at not taking it personal, he he!

    I'm having balloons on the table for the evening, will be wearing a tiara, my maid of honour will be in a short dress, there will be a buffet in the evening for 80-100 guests.

    Not offended though, and hope I don't offend! ?

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  • S
    Beginner January 2009
    sammy_wheeler ·
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    Lol we all different- if we werent our weddings wud be the same

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  • B
    Baroness ·
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    Oh my GOD where do I start?!



    Ill fitting dresses

    Men in white suits- ERGH.

    Garter shots

    Being sat about for ages and not given instructions

    People who make no effort - people turning up to my wedding in jeans will be asked to leave. Sorry, but you don't wear jeans to a wedding. Not my wedding anyway.

    Being all in one room and having to be turfed out several times so it can be rearranged. Especially when we're sent outside and it's raining with no shelter

    Long boring speeches that aren't funny or sentimental. LAst wedding I went to the bride's dad reeled off a long, racist joke for his speech, no nice stories abotu his daughter.

    Brides in glasses (sorry)

    Brides smoking... SIL2B had a wedding in Gretna and sat outside with a fag in one hand and a pint in the other.

    Drunk people.

    Poor organisation.

    Ipod as a DJ... what were you thinking?!The aforementioned wedding did this and had a band (guitar duo) but they didn't turn off the ipod when the band were playing, so we had a weird combination of the 2! Plus the band were only playing slow, miserable songs so no-one got up to dance.

    Poor food.

    Buffets. I love a buffet, but not at a wedding.

    Weddings in the morning... get too tired by the end of the night.

    Not enough food/long gaps between food.

    Horses and carriages

    Ugly suits. Velour? No thanks,

    Guests in white.

    I could go on. Yes. I am bridezilla.

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    Excellent thread!

    My hates:

    1. Balloons as any form of decoration

    2. Those silver stick on letters you can get saying "Wedding Invitation" etc.

    3. Booby dresses on the bride

    4. Speeches that go on too long

    5. Having to hang around for ages between the ceremony and the reception with no drinks

    6. Any member of the bridal party (well, anyone actually) chewing gum (I once went to a wedding where the father of the bride was chewing as he walked his daughter down the aisle - gross)

    7. Children making a noise or running round during the ceremony or reception

    Think that'll do!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    OMG I forgot to tell a story on here about this!

    Took my mom to see my dress again end of Jan and there was a bride getting married in 4 weeks in the next changing room trying on her dress, she was whinging to the assistant she'd wanted to lose a lot more weight. She was being reassured she was perfect and her H2b would love her non the less etc etc

    Well.. She and I both walked out, she took a quick peek in the mirror, then bent over to put her shoes on, there must have been literally 3 inches of back fat overflow on the poor womans back - and NO ONE TOLD HER!! Her mom was looking on and didn't mention it!!

    In contrast me and Mom and very honest with each other.

    Anyway, she got up and asked how she looked... silence, then "yes perfect" etc all those things.

    My mom wades in.... Erm, could you consider a bolero (OMG Mom, shut up - she is getting married in Jamacia in 2 weeks, she's already going to be hot in the big heavy full dress!!).

    It wasn't a good moment!

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  • O
    Beginner October 2011
    oldgal ·
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    There are things that would bother me at my own wedding but nothing that would bother me at someone elses as long as the people were happy and the people around them had the right attitude. I would be mortified if I thought my guests were putting my wedding choices under the microscope. TBH I want a nice wedding but cba with the organising lol I am more interested in being married than the shenanigans that surround it but I suppose I would regret it if I didn't make it a public declaration. One of the best weddings I ever went to was in a scout hut , everyone was so happy and it was a great laugh !

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  • Kooks
    Beginner September 2011
    Kooks ·
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    Gawd - brides with a fag on - not a good look!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    @ Sammy - I hope non of our guests dont like the cutting the cake with a sword, oH with have his regimental sword and I do NOT want him to use it on guests. lol

    @ CB - even worse than bear legs, Hold ups or stocking on legs that are just a tad to fat so they roll down and fold in on themselves making the fat bulge out - so unflattering.... ?

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  • nanny plum
    Beginner September 2011
    nanny plum ·
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    Don't like those Mr & Mrs signs..bit cheesy

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  • J
    Beginner January 2012
    Jaw ·
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    Wishing Well post boxes

    Money/gift poems

    People who don't RSVP and then when you ring to ask they say of course we're coming thought you'd have just assumed that!

    Clones of bridesmaids, let them be inviduals, have a dress style/hair/jewellery that suits them not just your scheme.

    Photographers who take the pictures that they want not the specific ones you've requested

    Oh there's loads more I'm sure.

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  • ebony_rose
    ebony_rose ·
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    Party poppers

    chocolate fountains


    disposable cameras

    table quizzes

    the colour ivory

    smoke/bubble machines

    animals dressed up

    animal releases

    sugared almonds

    foil confetti on tables. Especially the "just married" one.

    plastic wine glasses

    elderly relatives who lean down to kiss you, and their false teeth fall into your lap

    recieving lines

    garter shots

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  • D
    Doodle ·
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    The only thing I dislike really are stuck up guests and cash bars where there is no facility to get money our of pay by card.

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  • T
    Teal ·
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    Forgot. A barefooted hippy came to friends wedding. In the church she breastfed her 2 kids, a baby and a toddler. Am all for breast feeding, but be descreet & put a small towel over the top. Dont sit there with your breasts hanging out in a church.

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  • kirstycat
    Beginner April 2011
    kirstycat ·
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  • nanny plum
    Beginner September 2011
    nanny plum ·
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    Last one..i don't like weddings as much when the people/person are on the 3rd or more marriage,it kind of takes away some sort of sentiment for me.

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  • Katscamel
    Katscamel ·
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    Ok guilty.......I'm having a pink dress and a buffet (well a BBQ) (probably).

    Things I hate...........really boring, bland weddings where nobody talks to each other only their own little 'circle';

    Horrible food - some of the food I've had at weddings has been really bland

    Single sex weddings - yes they do exist - in my travels in the Gulf (not showing off honest) I have been to a few weddings that just consist of about a million women sitting round gossiping, eating bad food and drinking Fanta. I appreciate that it's religious/cultural but they are just sooooooooo wrong.

    Those 'cutesy' vomit inducing teddy bears/rabbits whatever that seem to apprear far to often on weddingy things,

    Too small a venue for the number of guests so there's no room to move around and mingle.

    Overstressed bride (please don't let it be me)

    And lots of the other things that have already been must go and dust off my humungous sparkly tiara and finish making the co-ordinating outfit for the hamster (ooops - I don't have a hamster!)

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    Thought of a few more: When the groom doesn't turn to look at his bride until she is next to him... When the bride or groom feel the need to belt out a tune to their new spouse...

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  • miss.understood
    Beginner February 2011
    miss.understood ·
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    I would hate:

    Dove releases or butterfly releases for that matter - i think it's cruel.

    Silly ornate hats where people look like hoity toity folk!

    A bride, bridesmaid or female guest with their chest practically hanging out of their dress

    A dress worn by a guest that was way too short that they get looked at for all the wrong reasons!

    The one who gets drunk.....very drunk, throws a strop and ruins EVERYTHING!

    None religious couples getting married in church just because it looks flash or gives a good backdrop to their photos

    Karaoke.....deffo not!

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  • miss.understood
    Beginner February 2011
    miss.understood ·
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    Oh and for the balloon haters.....i confess, i am having balloons...however they will be at a height where they're not in peoples faces or OTT in the venue. Plus there are children going until 9pm, so they can take most of them away with them xx

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  • C
    Beginner July 2011
    CSayer ·
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    Haha love it, you've all made my afternoon at work go a lot more quickly!

    my list:

    Children, Balloons,Limos/hummers/horse drawn carriages, massive dresses, OTT with themes, fireworks, chavy dressed family members ruining photos, brides with pint glasses/beer cans, brides with back fat squishing out of the top of their dresses (I know people try to lose weight but get a dress that fits and compliments your figure)

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  • miss.understood
    Beginner February 2011
    miss.understood ·
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    I have more!.......

    receiving lines

    Gift lists (personally i just don't agree with them)

    removing the garter infront of everyone and making a big deal of it, people may as well get their knickers off!

    wasted food (especially since the good food we have arranged costs so damn much!)

    chocolate fountains - bit too tacky for me

    banners with the bride and grooms names on

    pictures of the bride and groom dotted around......guests know who's wedding they're at and don't need reminded everywhere they go.

    and a dj playing a-ga-doo!

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  • GeordieBarbie
    Beginner May 2010
    GeordieBarbie ·
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    Grooms matching the rest of the men
    Groomsmen in rental suits
    Top Hats
    Chair Covers
    Coloured Sash's on chairs (covered or un-covered)
    Covers on everything else...
    Colour scheme with absoloutely everything matching
    Large table decorations
    Chocolate fountains
    Sweetie tables
    Bands / Singers at evening reception
    Casino tables
    Photos of bride and groom through the ages and/or slide shows of photos
    Small children dressed in suits
    Children at weddings

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  • Blonde Viki
    Beginner July 2012
    Blonde Viki ·
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    I've been stealthily reading this to pass the final moments of the afternoon in work and was managing to keep my mirth to a reasonable level (only attracting the occasional wierd look from colleagues) until I read this:

    at which point I laughed so loudly and lengh-ily that I think my boss knows I'm not working.

    I think we've established that whatever we have at our wedding, there's someone that won't like it!! All the more reason to do what you like Smiley smile

    My personal peeves are:

    Anyone trying to upstage the bride/couple and draw attention away from them (particularly if they are already married) - let the couple have their day!!

    Proposals at another person's wedding - why would you???

    Butterfly/dove releases

    Long gaps in the day with no real reason - happy to mingle but at least let there be seating/drinks/nibbles, something to assist the flow of time!

    DJs who like the sound of their own voices.

    Family who can't put aside their differences just for one day.

    RAIN in July!!!

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  • LuLu_x
    Beginner May 2012
    LuLu_x ·
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    Ok my list:

    Sausage rolls in the buffet - they cold and esp greasy

    Back fat in the wedding dress ( i have this and am trying desperatly to get rid)


    my mums friend is doing our decorations and she came out with a pair of teddies dressed as the bride and groom that sing love and marriage when u walk past them! ultimate CHEESE!

    Children running around

    wedding party getting drunktard

    Guests not dressed ( one girl asked me if it was ok to come dressed in her tuxedo t-shirt :/

    prob more cant think of any now tho!

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  • sapphire_22
    Beginner September 2011
    sapphire_22 ·
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    Sack her!!!!

    Joking, obviously ?

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  • LuLu_x
    Beginner May 2012
    LuLu_x ·
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    lol if she comes out with anything else like that i will! i was trying not to offend her aswell so was standing like 'oh awe theyre lovely but there is nowhere to put them *please take hint*'

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  • W
    Beginner October 2011
    wonky ·
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    If anyone refers to my wedding day as my 'big day' or 'special day' I think I will scream. I hate it. Just call it my wedding day.

    Agree with many other things on here but mainly:

    - clothing that is too revealing (either Bride or guests)

    - stressed out bride and groom

    - standing around for ages with no refreshments / seats and no idea how long the situation will continue for

    - people being late for weddings (and that includes the bride) it doesnt take much to be on time

    - pushy photographers (this was factored in when choosing our own)

    - Bride and Groom that go away for hours on end to have photographs taken - speak to you guests!

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  • Bittersweet
    Beginner June 2012
    Bittersweet ·
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    Everyone is each to their own and if ppl get upset with my comments- im sorry (Dont read) lol

    I agree with the majority here- except the artificial flowers part. I'm having silk flowers as i have terrible hayfever plus i want to be able to keep my beautiful flowers after the wedding day.

    So here goes-

    I dislike

    Balloons, chavvy dressed family members that ruin photos, cheap tacky favours that look like they have come from a cracker- id rather have nothing, a dj that is far too overpowering and annoying, anything purple (only because i hate purple), sweetie buffets- only because they are far too popular now and the kids would be charging around the venue being high on E numbers!

    I'm sure there are more!

    What else would I do at a boring wedding but pick at things I disliked?

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