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What DON'T you like at weddings?

BumbleBrat, 9 of February of 2011 at 14:27

Posted on Planning 307

We have lots of flashes of stuff we love and the like.. So what things would you hate at your wedding?

We have lots of flashes of stuff we love and the like..

So what things would you hate at your wedding?

307 replies

  • lolacp1
    Beginner July 2012
    lolacp1 ·
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    I know everyone has their own taste but for me I HATE!

    Grooms in top hat and tails

    horse and carriage


    long bridesmaid dresses

    chocolate fountains

    wedding band/singers

    anything princessy or themed

    diamanté on EVERYTHING!

    People who dont look after their own children

    Im sure there more...

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  • WelshBride-ScottishGroom
    Beginner April 2011
    WelshBride-ScottishGroom ·
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    Wow! after reading all that im so happy lol! sound weird i know but it is cool to hear people's different tastes but there is still quite a bit where there is a consensus about certain things espesh ive noticed back fat! which is unexceptable which you all seem to agree!

    I have noticed alot of things of mine have cropped up in the lists! makes every wedding unique which i love! Great thread Smiley smile

    hmm hates well dislikes more than hates:

    Back fat - get a proper fitted dress! as has been mentioned previously who sees the label!

    bra straps/tan tines - i feel like they havent made the effort

    tattoos on shown (Brides) - just doesnt go with the purity of a wedding that i feel it should be

    as has been mentioned loads... Church wedding just for photos - would have been my only reason to have a church wedding but yeah as loads have said it would feel hypocritical to be bless by God if i dont believe in him

    Grooms that havent scrubbed up - make a little effort its one day

    buffet for wedding breakfast - i understand this maybe due to budget but it just doesnt feel right

    chavvy tacky OTT decorations - i think this is a given also

    Long waits - who likes waiting!

    Extra expense not being used on guests - previously mentioned too, extravagant wedding vheicles but no wine for the guests.

    balloons sort of - im debating having balloons on sticks for the kids sounds really tacky but its more to keep them amused even for a little while. i dont like balloon arches.

    Thiank that about for now, i agree with loads on other lists! some controversial ones cropping up! how different we can be Smiley smile


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  • carrollove
    carrollove ·
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    I don't to see a balloons at weddings.

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    Things I hate about weddings, in no particular order.

    - Too much alcohol, when people get drunk and out of control. Just because it's free doesn't mean people have to drink more than they normally would.

    - The expectation that you "have" to provide alcohol, and plenty of it for your guests - you don't.

    - Noisy children getting in everyone's way, running about, making a noise and disrupting everything. Just because you're at a party doesn't mean your parental responsibilities are forgotten. It's not cute, trust me. Just take them outside till they calm down.

    - Evening entertainment that's so loud you can't hear yourself think.

    -Getting strange looks because by 10.30pm you're ready to head off to bed - not everyone has the ability to stay up till the early hours.

    - People being late for any part of the day. You've had the timings for ages, it's just rude, and I'm sure the traffic wasn't that bad; why leave it till the last minute anyway?

    - Crap photographers who need to take 20 shots of each group because they can't seem to get it right, or get in the way.

    - Bling. Nothing wrong with a bit of glamour but seriously, wtf?

    - Excessive makeup, fake tans etc. If you don't wear makeup normally why slap it on with a trowel for your big day. Your groom might not even recognise you.

    - Two-faced people that tellyou what a wonderful time they're having and how beautiful you look, then criticising every aspect the moment you're out of earshot.

    - High heeled shoes the bride can hardly walk in, and get removed at the earliest opportunity. Nothing wrong with going barefoot later in the day but why subject yourself to that pain in the first place? Nobody sees what you're wearing under a floor-length dress anyway.

    - The expectation that you have to spend thousands on every aspect - you don't.

    - The expectation that your guests should be entertained every moment of the day - they don't. They're grown up and perfectly capable of talking amongst themselves for half an hour and would probably welcome the opportunity to catch up with people.

    - Guests that don't get on with other guests not wanting to sit at the same table as each other - it's one day, grow a pair and suck it up.

    - People making 'big announcements' and stealing the couple's thunder.

    - Kids - particularly girls - dressed up inappropriately and pretending to be adults.

    - Expensive food but in small portions. Doesn't impress people, just leaves them hungry.

    - Church weddings where neither the bride and groom are Christians but "it would look pretty in photos".

    - Guests not grasping the fact that "RSVP" means a reply is required, not just let us know if you're coming. We will have to waste time chasing you up if you don't respond.

    - Everything being "all about the bride" - it's not, it's about two people publicly committing themselves to each other in front of friends and family.

    - An awkward "first dance" - you don't have to have one so if you hate the thought and both dance like rusty robots, why bother? It's not a legal requirement.

    - The expectation that you "have" to have hen and stag nights - you don't.

    - The bride and/or groom sneaking outside every 15 minutes for a cigarette.

    -People that go on about how much their wedding cost, particularly if they spent more money than you did - it's not a competition and more money certainly doesn't mean it's automatically a better show.

    - Involving animals in any part of the day unless you are arriving in a horse-drawn carriage.

    - The bride thinking she can dictate to the groom (and the rest of the men in the bridal party) how they should look on the day, down to the minutest detail. I'm sure we're perfectly capable of sorting ourselves out, thankyou.

    - Guests wanting to invite people you've never met or possibly even heard of, upgrading themselves to "all day" or putting in unreasonable 'special requests'.

    - People expecting glasses wearers not to wear them on the day - why not, if you normally do? If you felt comfortable in contacts normally you might wear them too but especially for the day? Just wear 'em, adds a touch of sophistication and class particularly if you happen to like your partner in glasses normally.

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  • A
    Beginner August 2012
    Anneka:) ·
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    JezVonSavage,I feel the same about the uniforms,my brother is in the Royal Lances and I am very proud of him Smiley smile he asked if he could wear his uniform to our wedding and of course I reply "YOU WEAR THAT UNIFORM PROUDLY".

    I am having a horse and carriage Smiley smile



    This thread is great makes you realize how different we can all be !!

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  • *libby*
    Beginner June 2011
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    LOL so true

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  • joannexyx
    Beginner July 2013
    joannexyx ·
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    Is this not a bit of a cheeky subject

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    I think it's quite fun actually having the opportunity to be honest without the risk of offending everyone because it's clear what the purpose of the discussion is from the start.

    It's a fact of life that every single one of us here are planning our wedding the way that we want it, but it's not going to be to everyone's taste as we're such a wide bunch here. Of course, you're going to get recurring themes so there are going to be things that more people than others don't like (bossy photographers, for example) but at the end of the day, if someone else here mentions that they hate, for example, "owls used to carry rings" (which someone mentioned - I've never even heard of it) and you happen to have that, then it may alert people to the fact that others may find something you'd planned less than brilliant, and possibly rethink that aspect of your ceremony.

    At the end of the day, who really cares what any of us here think about anyone else's wedding? The chances of any of us being invited to someone else's big day (if they didn't know them personally before they joined up) are probably still fairly remote so that's the end of it as far as I'm concerned really. Maybe people didn't like my first idea of a table decoration, lots of other alternatives were shared in that thread so it's given us some thoughts for other things which, admittedly we may or may not bother to share on here, but it's often very easy when wrapped up in your own wedding planning to think that everything is wonderful and it's going to be the most amazing wedding in history, and to be completely oblivious to the fact that something actually isn't as good as you thought. Sometimes a critical comment - or a discussion like this, can make us re-evaluate things, particularly when time is on our side, and perhaps improve your big day.

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  • S
    Beginner June 2011
    SouthB2B ·
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    I've found it really interesting and, even though I'm having a church wedding, long bridesmaid dresses and chair covers, all of which are on others 'don't like' lists, it's not changed my mind but makes you realise how great it is that we are all individuals. For me personally, after reading this thread I checked my pay bar for the evening of our reception and (disappointingly) they are cash only so it's been so useful to find this out - I'm going to make it clear to guests and also ensure I give my sister a decent chunk of cash to look after for anyone who still only brings cards. So thanks all for the cash-only bar warnings! Smiley smile x

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  • knitting_vixen
    Beginner September 2011
    knitting_vixen ·
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    I think the thing that annoys me about chair covers is that they would be unnecessary if the venue had nice chairs in the first place. It is a bit cheeky!

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  • MrsMac2be
    Super May 2015
    MrsMac2be ·
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    I do agree to a certain point but I also think it would be a really bad move on the Venue to buy white or ivory chairs as they will get dirty very quickly and that is the majority of the B&G's decision for chair covers that they want a neutral ground on the chairs.. even if the Venue bought beige chairs I think I would still personally get the chair covers to match with the colour theme of the wedding..

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    Do you always shout Anneka?

    I have thought of another one- brides who spend the last hour of the reception crying that thier "big day" is over. Erm love the whole point is that your married life is starting! Strap a pair on.

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
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    Indeed, the ceremony is only the beginning. It isn't over till you divorce or die.

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  • lolacp1
    Beginner July 2012
    lolacp1 ·
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    Oooo another one I hate... when people have a montage of their baby pictures! Eugh!

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  • S
    Beginner March 2011
    Swandive ·
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    Good God I never would have thought of 90% of the things you ladies mentioned!

    I have never been to a wedding with balloons, a cash bar, a fight, karaoke, a casino, animals, plastic cutlery, to scratch the surface.

    That said I haven't been to a wedding in the UK.

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  • knitting_vixen
    Beginner September 2011
    knitting_vixen ·
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    Most weddings I have been to have had a cash bar, it is unusual to have a free bar in Britain, maybe it's because alcohol in this country is so expensive! I am hoping to have a free bar, we'll be going to France to get it!

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
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    I think when they have referred to cash bar previously, they meant that the bar has no facility to take cards for payment, as opposed to a free bar.

    We will be providing drinks until the money we have put behind runs out, then it will be cash bar (no cards)...

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  • T
    Trickers ·
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    I had to bump this thread as it's much funnier than the one currently doing the rounds!?

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  • Bittersweet
    Beginner June 2012
    Bittersweet ·
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    Ha!!! I forgot about this one! ?

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  • RachTN25
    Beginner December 2012
    RachTN25 ·
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    Id go mad if someone did that at our wedding!!

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    People turning their noses up at the stuff they don't like ?

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  • Big Apple
    Beginner February 2013
    Big Apple ·
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    Not read the thread, not got time yet, but it was written as i was being proposed to!!

    ? as ? can be and i don't give a ?

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  • Pinky6
    Beginner June 2012
    Pinky6 ·
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    Ha I started reading it thinking 'bloody hell we were only on page 6 when I left for work, the ladies have been busy today!!' then after reading about 5 more pages realised it was last years. duh!

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  • Mellow_Yellow
    Beginner May 2012
    Mellow_Yellow ·
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    Denim ?

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  • cookiekat
    Beginner August 2012
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    ? Have images in my head of a denim wedding dress

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
    *Mini* ·
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    Blast from the past!

    Love seeing out thoughts when we were all excited brides to be ?

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