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Rockstar September 2022 Warwickshire

who? what? how?

slimzoe1, 5 of October of 2008 at 16:38 Posted on Beauty & Wellbeing 0 41

Havent done this in a while, and we seem to have lots of new faces so,

who are you?

what diet/plan

how much have you lost?

interesting random fact!

im zoe im 30 (sob!) and i live in nuneaton with my h and 2 girls

i do ww- im a ww leader now

i had lost 5 stone (4.5 with ww 7lb with slim fast ? ) but had a bit of a blip since my hol, back on it now and feeling better.

random fact- i once auditioned for deal or no deal- i didnt get on obviously ?

41 replies

Latest activity by Shiny, 25 of October of 2008 at 18:43
  • Lumpy Golightly
    Expert February 2003
    Lumpy Golightly ·
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    I'm Lumpy (by name, Lumpy by nature - but dealing with the latter.) I'm 37, I'm an English teacher and I live with Mr Golightly and our furbabies in Birmingham.

    I'm losing weight by following Weight Watchers, via 'online'.

    I've lost 4.5 stone since the start of 2008.

    Random fact - This week I've applied to do the first module of a masters degree and I'm bricking it now ?

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  • Chez2k
    Beginner October 2010
    Chez2k ·
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    My name is Cheryl. I'm 25, I am a mobile beauty therapist and live with my partner in Ackworth west yorkshire.

    I'm starting a weight loss programme from Forever Living either tommorow or tuesday - just need to pick up the stuff to do it.

    I have done allsorts of diets and never had any success. I thought I would give this one a go as I have become a distributor for Forever and want to experience the programme for myself.

    I want to loose between 2 and 3 stone as I will be getting married in the next few year (not set an official date as yet).


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  • kmw
    kmw ·
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    I'm Kerry live in lancashire with Mr kmw and our 2 boys

    I'm following the ELMM with an eye on calorie counting

    So far I've lost 7lb in 4 weeks.

    Random fact, I'm training to be a counsellor 7 months until I qualify.

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  • whitty1
    Beginner December 2003
    whitty1 ·
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    Hi, I'm Debbie. I'm 29 and live in Wiltshire with my husband Mark, my dog Pedro and my cat Jake. I design underfloor heating systems (quite ironice as I have no heating at present and am trying to keep warm with my laptop on my knee!!).

    I follow weightwatchers and HAD lost 25.5 lbs. I've just come back off holiday feeling about a stone too heavy but weighed myself this morning and I'm just about within my goal range (hurrah!) so am feeling mightily relieved. I am going back to meetings tomorrow to try and lose the extra stone I didn't get around to losing the first time around. So I'll be around about it more frequently as I try and get my "losing weight" mindset back, rather than my "maintaining weight" head.

    I'd like to lose 21lbs more in total but would settle for 14lbs. Preferably before Christmas but looking less and less likely!

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  • Mrs M
    Dedicated December 2008
    Mrs M ·
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    I'm Mrs M 37 ? SAHM to 3 girls aged 4,3 & 2

    I'm doing the wondrous ELMM (but in my case its more a case of Eat More but better so you Don't attack the cheese box Move More ?

    I've lost 3 stone since the end of May

    Random fact - I applied to live on the remote scottish Island of Canna when they were looking to increase their numbers. Still living in Beds tho.

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  • sweetersong
    Beginner January 2006
    sweetersong ·
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    I'm Vicky, 24 and live with my husband in Hertfordshire

    I am following Weight watchers via meetings and esource (been doing plan since last sun, first meeting last weds)

    I have lost 3.5 lbs in the last 2 weeks

    Random fact: My husband and I own 9 pets (2 rabbits, 2 guinea pigs, 4 rats and a chinchilla)

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  • M
    Beginner January 2008
    Mad ·
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    I'm Nicky and I'm nearly 30 (does that mean I have to grow up), I'm from Cheshire and I have a 10 month old (which is why my tummy looks so unsightly)

    I'm doing slimming world (I;ve been going since the end of july and I've lost about 21lbs but I've got a long long way to go.

    Random fact: erm, I met fred the weatherman (think this morning weather map) when I was at school. Actually I met David Attenborough too from the same school project but Fred the weather man is most important.

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  • essexmum
    Beginner August 2009
    essexmum ·
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    I'm 35 and live in Berkshire with my husband and two children (10 and 8).

    I'm currently doing my own thing by running and trying hard to resist chocolate and cake and eating more vegables but less potaotes and bread. This regime has slipped in the passed two weeks and I need to get back on track!

    So far I've lost around 3 stone, 6 inches off my waist and gone from a size 18 to a size 10/12. However this has taken me 2 years with the majority of the weigh loss being done by following the cambridge diet. However the toning and the inch loss has been done by the running.

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  • barongreenback
    Beginner September 2004
    barongreenback ·
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    I'm Baron, I'm old enough to vote and I live in a house that has rooms and a roof.

    I've lost 122 pounds doing a revolutionary weight loss plan that involves eating less and moving more. If anyone can come up with a catchy name for it, please let me know.

    My favoured form of burning calories is moving forward at a quicker pace than walking whilst looking somewhat like a mutilated Thunderbirds puppet. Sadly, I'm even more mutilated than normal as my knee is broken. My consultant says that a bit of PVA glue and wood filler will see me right if I rest and don't jump on it.

    This weekend a letter arrived telling me that I must run the London Marathon next year and if I don't, Paula Radcliffe will eat a puppy for every single mile I don't run (it's those cute Andrex ones as well). I will therefore be enlisting the help of the high foreheaded people at CERN to alter time and create an extra 2-3 hours per day to let me train without completely changing my life.

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  • A
    alisam ·
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    Hi I'm sam 26 I live in Somerset with my husband and 13 month old daughter

    I have lost 6 stone since october last year 2 stone on my own and then the rest with weight watchers. I got to goal a couple of weeks ago but would really like to lose another stone.

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  • slimzoe1
    Rockstar September 2022 Warwickshire
    slimzoe1 ·
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    i think it should be called the amazing all singing all dancing bgb common sense diet! well done for getting a place on the marathon, bet you never thought when you started all this youd be running the flm! well done

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  • Zooropa
    Super October 2007
    Zooropa ·
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    I'm Jo. I'm 33, a software developer and I live in Dudley with my h.

    I've been doing ww for 8 weeks now and have lost 18.5lbs so far. Still got quite a few more to go.

    I'm struggling for a random fact - erm when i was young I went to the gamemaster exhibition and me and my brother were videoed playing games. Can't say I ever saw it on tv though.

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  • M
    Beginner January 2007
    marmaduke* ·
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    Hi, I'm marmaduke, I'm 33 and live in south wales with my h, 7 year old son and our cat spud!

    I'm not following a diet plan as such but I'm calorie counting using the foodfocus website to record all that I eat and all the exercise I do. I'm basically trying to eat less (and a bit healthier) and do more exercise (lots of walking). I've managed to lose over half a stone in just over a month, hoping to lose another stone by xmas. I'm thinking about joining weight watchers or rosemary conley classes to help me but I'm managing ok on my own at the moment.

    Random fact, this is the first time I've ever been on a diet, I've been one of those lucky people who has been able to eat whatever I liked and do no exercise and never get above a size 10! Unitll the last year that is!

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  • Consuela Banana Hammock
    Consuela Banana Hammock ·
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    I'm Consuela, CBH to my friends, I'm 39 and I live in Brum with The Prof and Mr Woody (H and dog respectively).

    I originally lost 2 stone on WW going to classes and dropped from a 16 to a 10. I don't follow WW anymore having switched to ELMM and am now addicted to the gym, doing two Body Pump classes a week and having a Personal Trainer. My weight has gone up but I'm still a size 10 and I'm just building muscle and toning now so have given up with the "numbers" so to speak.

    Random Fact: I am in School for Seduction (that rubbish Brit film starring Kelly Brook) but it wasn't glamorous as a I played a check-out girl called Stacey and filmed all my scenes in the local Asda.

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  • R-A
    Beginner July 2008
    R-A ·
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    I'm R-A, I'm 25 and I live in East London with H.

    I've lost 3 stone (was 3.5 until wedding & honeymoon!) using the WW principles (reducing calories & saturated fat) but not going to any meetings and just using this forum to weigh in, ask questions and get inspiration. I had to sort my portion control and I do more exercise now (although still have an aversion to exercise for the sake of it, so prefer to just walk/cycle everywhere instead of going to the gym). I'm in this for the long haul.

    My random fact is that I'm a sexual health doctor and spend all day examining people's genitalia!

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  • SophieM
    SophieM ·
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    I'm Sophie, I'm 35 and I live in London, sharing two flats with loml, my fantastic other half.

    I spent the first six monthys of this year trying to shake off a pesky 10lb that had crept on since I successfully completed the heartbreak diet in 2005. A bit of it has crept back since I returned to distinctly autumnal London from holiday in South Africa. I shall be losing it over the next few weeks with a dramatic combination of ... eating less and moving more.

    I'm a runner, ELMMer, calorie-counter, low-GIer and 5-a-day-er, and having tried any number of weird and stupid diets in the past, believe that a combination of the above is the only way to keep weight off successfully without saying sayonara to your social life and/or sanity.

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  • L
    Beginner November 2007
    Lush70 ·
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    I'm Lisa, I'm 38 and I live in Lancashire.

    I'm a chef and spent 8 years working in a pub-restaurant. I spent all my working day eating, then I would prop up the bar and drink cider until closing time, then grab a pizza, curry, kebab or something on the way home. In that time I put on a stone each year. I changed my job to try to get out of that destructive cycle, but I've not lost any weight. I've tried WW and SW and both have worked, but my will power is so pitiful that I only ever manage a few weeks. I am now trying a sensible, healthy eating approach and trying to get my portion sizes under control. I suppose it is ELMM, I just need to improve the MM part. I really hate exercise, but know I have to make an effort, so I'm going to start walking and maybe in a few weeks, try out at the gym.

    Random fact - my glittering catering career has seen me make a cheese and tomato sandwich for Jimmy Tarbuck and cook a sirloin steak for Lilo Lil from Bread!

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  • GMT
    Beginner December 2008
    GMT ·
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    I'm Gill. I'm older than you lot, work in Brum, live in Gloucestershire, and have one husband, four cats and three dogs.

    I am following the SW plan and have been since June, and so far have shed more than a stone-and-half. I've got a lot more to go to get back into my size 10/12 clothes that are stuffed in the wardrobe. I do a lot of walking with thr dogs which ought help shift fat and tone what's left.

    Random fact? I've slid down a fireman's pole ..... in the days when H&S didn't see fit to bar such items!

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  • whitty1
    Beginner December 2003
    whitty1 ·
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    She Is A TART!! You gotta love Nellie Boswell ?

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  • Hawhaw
    Beginner February 2007
    Hawhaw ·
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    I'm Shell, 41 and live in the midlands with my H, 18yr old son and 4 cats.

    I just try and eat sensibly and avoid junk and chocolate.

    I've lost 17lb so far.

    Random Fact: The day after our wedding (almpst 4 years ago) my husband said, 'so you won't need to go on that wedding forum now will you?' ?

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  • Disco
    Disco ·
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    I'm embarrased by my name on Hitched, it's always quoted as one of those when the rubbish names threads come up. It was nice 28 years ago, I like to think. People used to say so. Until some daft bird went on Big Brother and made it synonymous with "common blonde bimbo". So that's my name and age covered!

    I've been going to SW classes since 31 July, and I've lost a stone, have 2-3 to go. Could've done better so far, but life has got in the way in the last few weeks. I have no life now, so back on track!

    Random fact, I have disprortionately short toes, so much so that I can't wear peep toed shoes. My toes just hide.. Well, you asked for random...

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  • slimzoe1
    Rockstar September 2022 Warwickshire
    slimzoe1 ·
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    Ok that wins as best random fact!

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  • whitty1
    Beginner December 2003
    whitty1 ·
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    Ok that wins as best random fact!

    I can match that (although I can't quote) in that I have disproportionately long toes. The first three are longer than my big toe (or same size as) so I can't wear peep toes either as all my toes try to squish through the hole. Most uncomfortable!

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  • Treacle tart
    Beginner January 2006
    Treacle tart ·
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    I'm Treacle Tart aged 31 and live in Surrey with Mr Tart and 3 cats - Munki, Smudge and Felix.

    I'm on Slimming World

    I have lost 10 1/2 lbs in 3 weeks so far

    I have tried every diet going and have finally gone back to SW as it works for me.

    Random fact....? er.....LOL... I can touch my nose with my tongue ?

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  • Huss
    Huss ·
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    I'm Shona, I'm 30 and live in Hampshire with my husband and son.

    Today is my first day on Lighterlife and tbh I'm very aprehensive about it. I'm really hoping that it'll work as I've pretty much tried every other diet out there. I have a considerable amount of weight to lose and I'm hoping that the CBT element of LL will be the thing that breaks the cycle of losing and gaining.

    Random fact is that I once discussed Christmas decorations with Prince Edward!

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  • Peaches
    Super January 2012
    Peaches ·
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    I'm Peaches, I'm older than Gill, I live in Texas with my one husband and 2 cats.

    I've followed every diet there is to follow, including pills, potions, hypnotherapy, acupuncture, F plan, B plan, high protein, low fat, very low calorie .... the lot!

    Managed to lose 145 lbs with LighterLife and thought that was the be all and end all of my weight issues. Wrong. Very, very wrong.

    Since moving to the States I've joined a gym and went for nutrition classes. They could see how much I was exercising and exactly what I ate. Despite all that I was gaining weight, not losing. So they tested my metabolism. It was so low they thought the machine was broken, so had to do it again. The 2 time it was even lower, so they sent me off to an endocrinologist. A year later (bringing us bang up to date now) they've discovered my thyroid is very low, and each time they medicate me and test me 6 weeks later, it's gone lower again. Also my T3 & T4 levels are shot too (don't ask me to explain further as I still don't know exactly what that means).

    I'm now being 'studied' as far as my sleep is concerned as lack of decent sleep can cause weight issues, and also being tested for Cushings Syndrome/Disease. Will get the 2nd round of results tomorrow.

    After seeing running post after running post on Hitched, and the fantastic results some people were getting, I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try it myself. I'm in the 8th week of training on the 'couch to 5k' plan, and can now run for 30 minutes non-stop (although run is actually a bit far from the truth as I'm more jogging IMO!)

    Weight will clearly always be an issue for me. It's depressing, but it's a fact of life. I have very green eyes for naturally slim people, or those who can appear to eat what they like. I know it's not the case, but for me it does seem that I put on pounds by just looking at food. Very disheartening.

    Here endeth the 'woe is me' post! ?

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  • Mrs Bonfire
    Mrs Bonfire ·
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    Hello, i am Mrs Bonfire and i live in leicestershire with my H and 3 kiddies 5, 2 & 9 months

    I am doing WW but not going to meeting doing it online, but a few ladies i work with are doing it so it spurs me on, I have been doing it 3 weeks and i have lost 7lb, (well i had lost 11lb but put 4lb back on last week) i have done WW before and lost about 2 stone, but put it all back on and more,

    Random fact, Frank Bruno gave me the nickmane Bumper because when i walk my boobs go bump,bump, bump,He even went and asked my dad if he was Bumper's dad ?,

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  • Debi*M
    Beginner July 2009
    Debi*M ·
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    Im Debi and im 27, living in Nottingham (as at uni ) but from Leeds originally. Just cut out the rubbish, doing more excercise and have lost 6lb so far, although put on 1 1/2 lbs this week Smiley sad(( I am desperatly trying to lose weight which i have put on since starting at uni!

    Random fact: erm, ive just joined the university dance club, and am learning to jazz/ street dance!


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  • Quincy
    Beginner July 2007
    Quincy ·
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    I'm Quincy, and live in Hampshire with mrQ and a miniQ-ette.

    I've lost 2 stone 2lb in the last 9 weeks, although 6lb 8oz of that was baby. I'm now at my pre-pregnancy weight, but sadly that was 2.5 stone overweight.

    I've been overweight for YEARS, but I put a lot of weight on during my first pregnancy with my son in 2007, and then comfort ate when that went wrong, and continued to trough like a pig during the pregnancy with my daughter. I'm quite daunted by having 2.5 stone to lose.

    I'm ELMM - MrQ managed to lose 5.5 stone by this method last year, so he's my inspiration. I'm trying to run, but the sleepless nights are taking their toll somewhat.

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  • D
    Beginner October 2007
    Danger mouse ·
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    I am 31 ☹️ married and have 2 boys aged 4 and 2.

    I need to lose around 10Ibs. Technically I am not over weight but my hip, waist measurements aren't great and my clothes have been a bit tight of late. I am not following a diet programme just eating healthier and cutting down on fatty, sugary snacks. I am also exercising regularly on a cross trainer. I started cutting down on saturday so have no weight loss as such, haven't checked.

    Random fact: I have met Rosemary Connelly twice and she is lovely. I had my photo taken with her but I looked terrible. Also I went to school with Mrs Bonfire.

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  • T
    Beginner August 2004
    tinkerbull ·
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    I'm Sarah, I'm 25 and live in Bradford with my H and our son.

    I am doing WW.

    I lost 5 stone before I fell pregnant with my son and need to lose 3 stone to get back to goal.

    Random fact-my Dad used to play for Bradford City AFC.

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  • Chickpea
    Chickpea ·
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    I'm Chickpea, 33 and first time on here (usually on BT). I live in Pembrokeshire with my husband, 2 year old son and 11 week old daughter.

    I did WW when my son was 9 months old until he was 13 months old then got pregnant again. I lost 17 pounds before but now need to add an extra 7 pounds on top of that to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight, which I was pretty happy with.

    I re-joined WW today and feel good to have taken a positive step again

    Random fact: I used to work in Boots when I was at school and once served Lenny Henry a pack of Pampers! He's MASSIVE in real life!

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