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Beginner June 2011

Your parents' home

Saisi, 20 September, 2012 at 15:29 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 57

Do you still have keys for your parents' house? Or if they moved out of your 'childhood' home after you left, did they give you a set?

Do you use them? Do you drop in unexpectedly?

I still have keys to my parents', I do use them if I'm visiting, but almost never pop in unexpectedly. I have on a couple of rare occasions gone in unexpectedly when I knew no-one would be in.

My dad has keys to his parents' house but never uses them, even if he's been invited and they know he's coming, he will knock and wait for them to answer the door to him.

Do your parents have keys to your place? Mine don't, and the ILs don't either. I would feel a bit funny about it TBH, which is highly hypocritical! I might give my grandparents a set though, for emergencies, as they will be the closest family.

57 replies

Latest activity by Mellow_Yellow, 21 September, 2012 at 12:36
  • ~Peanut~
    Beginner December 2012
    ~Peanut~ ·
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    Yes, I only moved out of my childhood home last year. I never remember to bring the keys when I go round though!

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
    kharv ·
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    My parents don't live in my childhood home anymore.

    I have a key to their house.

    I often turn up unannounced.

    I never knock before opening the front door.

    I'm so rude!

    They have a key to my house but wouldn't use it without telling me first I don't think (mainly because my H works shifts so they wouldn't want to wake him if he's just got in from a night shift).

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  • Becklarrr
    Becklarrr ·
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    I have a set to my parents house but never drop in unexpectedly...

    And they have a set to mine but again I know when they are coming over so they only ever use it if i ask them to look after our cat for the weekend or something! Our neighbours also have a set just in case we lose ours or again if I need them to look after our cat ?

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  • *Eclair*
    Beginner August 2012
    *Eclair* ·
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    I still have a set of keys to my parents' house. They live an hour and a half away though so I can't really just drop in. I generally knock when I first get there but I don't really know why, it wouldn't be weird if I didn't. No one has a spare key to our place, I'm starting to think that maybe they should.

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    mum hates it if we knock, she hates it if any family knock and expect to be greeted into the house, she wants people to feel comfy enough to just walk in..legend

    ETA - the in laws live round the corner and do have a spare key, cos i am forever shutting the front door keyless and lcoking myself out ?

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  • LittleMissP
    Beginner September 2012
    LittleMissP ·
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    I have a set for my parents house and for my nan's flat. I normally ring the bell, but for example this morning i had to drop off some wedding cake for my dad before work so used my keys as i didn't know if anyone would be up!

    My parents and FIL have a set of keys for our flat, but it's only if we need them to sit in for a delivery or builders etc.

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    I have my parents' front door key on my normal keyring. I feed their cat when they're away, so it makes sense to have it on me at all times. I'll sometimes drop over unannounced, but not often - they usually know when I'm coming, but when I do, I'll just walk in.

    They also have a key to my house as they also feed our cat when we're away. They will never drop over unannounced but when they do come over, they usually ring the doorbell and then let themselves in rather than wait for me to open the door.

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  • AmnesiaCustard
    Beginner June 2011
    AmnesiaCustard ·
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    No, in either direction.

    It's always ring the bell and wait with us. And I would NEVER let my in laws have a key!!

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  • S
    Beginner October 2011
    SuperSpud ·
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    Yep, I still have keys to my parents house. I do drop in unexpectedly and let myself in - Mum would be offended if I rang the bell.

    My parents have keys to our house - Dad looks after the dogs when we're at work and they look after the house (post & stuff) when we're away.

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  • Little Pixie
    Beginner September 2011
    Little Pixie ·
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    They still live in my childhood home and prob always will. I have keys as does OH. Both on our normal key rings so they are always with us. We get in trouble if we don't use them and we ring the doorbell. My sister and her fiance also have keys on them all the time.

    My parents have a spare to ours but only for emergencies and would never use it otherwise

    OH also has keys to his parents house which is also his childhood home. Also on his normal key ring

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
    (Claire) ·
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    I live 200 miles away from my parents so I can't just drop in but I would never knock! H's paretns have a spare set for us but that's just incase we are away they can check the house or if I have a blonde moment and forget my keys. They knock when they come to us but we never knock when we go to theirs, is it just me that thinks it's weird to knock on your own parents door?

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  • Pompey
    Beginner June 2012
    Pompey ·
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    I have keys for both my Mum and Nan's houses but neither have keys for mine...! Usually use my key to get into Mum's house as then she doesnt have to answer the door.

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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
    far2calm ·
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    Only been moved out nearly 4 months, and I'm told its my home still, I call in all the time unannounced, (never knock) its my mam and dad if I cant just turn up on the door step when I fancy there is something seriously wrong and vice visa.

    I often let myself in when they are not there, still havent moved all my stuff, but even then it wouldnt bother them, as they've said it will always be my home.

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  • cookiekat
    Beginner August 2012
    cookiekat ·
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    I have no ones keys and no one has mine. I left home when I was really young and under bad circumstances my parents took the key off me to prevent me from coming back.

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  • Pinky6
    Beginner June 2012
    Pinky6 ·
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    They don't have a key to our house but will leave them one if we go away.

    I have a key to my mums house. I go round unannounced and never knock, she still lives in our family home so still feels like a second home to me.

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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
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    I'm with you, I think it is weird!

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  • kharv
    Beginner March 2012
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    My mam would think I'd gone a bit crazy, yes!

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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
    far2calm ·
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    My really close friends and family... I would just knock and walk into there houses and they do the same back... must be a Northern thing, anybody and everyone is welcome! ha

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
    Kriek ·
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    I never knock on my parents door unless I've forgotten my keys. They usually know I'm coming anyway.

    They don't have keys to my place but I leave them a set when we go away. My brothers all take this as a sign that they can live in my flat while I'm on holiday.

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    mummy flow would be the same if any of us or the grandkids knocked on her door!

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  • Rod
    Rod ·
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    We have keys to my dads and to h's parents but I wouldn't use it unless they weren't in. I just feel its rude, I wouldn't want them letting themselves into my house!

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  • Pinky6
    Beginner June 2012
    Pinky6 ·
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    Since my mum and sister walked straight into our house whilst we were I think we have both learnt our lessons. They always knock and we always make sure the door is locked anyway! haha

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  • venart
    Beginner June 2013
    venart ·
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    Hmm, I do not have keys to either of my parents houses, but to be fair, they live in Toronto and Austin, so not close enough for me to pop in. I haven't been to Texas in 4 years, but when I do it's very rare for the house to be locked. When I visit my mum I always use one of the cars whenever I'm out of the house, and they car keys have the house key on. And I can't really show up unannounced since she always picks me up at the airport Smiley smile

    The in-laws, however, that's a different story altogether. Ant has always had a key to their house, and he always just walks in and says hello. Never without them knowing he's coming over, though. They also have a key to our place, as does Ant's sister, but they only ever use them when I've locked myself out... which is scary often.

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  • freckles87
    Beginner May 2013
    freckles87 ·
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    My sister lives in the house that I grew up in, I do have a key and do go around unannounced, but it's where my doggies are so I mainly go round to see them.

    My parents don't have a key to our house, though my Mum does know the code for the front door of the building, just wouldn't be able to get in our actual door. They never come round here though, I hate them coming round! My Mum goes on a cleaning spree and it makes me feel uncomfortable!

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  • FaeBelle13
    Beginner April 2013
    FaeBelle13 ·
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    I have a key to my mums but if she knows I'm coming she hovers around waiting and will open the door before I get the chance to open it.

    I have one to my dads and always just let myself in unannounced. he lives 2 minutes from me so I often pop in to check hes still alive otherwise I'd never see him.

    MIL, we always knock, not close enough with her to have a key

    FIL his door is always open, we (and other random waifs and strays) just walk in unnanonuced, at all hours. He's a strange one.

    No one has a key to my house, but I need to give one to my parents because I know I'll lock myself out one day! They wouldn;t come in without me knowing I don't think.

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  • Sparkles82
    Beginner April 2013
    Sparkles82 ·
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    I still have a key to my mama and papas door. But, i never use it because they are obsessed with keeping a key in the lock incase one of us loses our keys and someone uses it to break in! Honestly... it is a nightmare!! As punishment, I knock and ring the bell repeatedly and loudly untill they get to the door.... :-)

    We have a key to the in laws too, put their doors are always unlocked and we just walk in... quite often, they are down the bottom of the garden and the first they know of our arrival is when we walk down the the summerhouse with a cuppa for them both....

    Total opposite ends of the spectrum!

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  • SaSaSi
    Beginner July 2012
    SaSaSi ·
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    I have a key for my parents. Generally the know I'm coming but done sat afternoons I go over when the house is empty, Hoover out my car in the country where no one sees etc. My folks have a key to ours & use it regularly - dropping off dinners, parcels I get delivered to my mums shop, dad would call & fix sthing during day while we at work. Mil had key to ours but only uses it if we are in hols or sthing. We have one for hers - she's in a flat up loads of stairs so we ring to tell her we are coming up to save her the bother.

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  • spikeygoodness
    spikeygoodness ·
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    I don't have a key to my parent's house any more. I would drop in unannounced, and I wouldn't knock (the door's not locked until they go to bed.) They don't have a key to mine but my sister does, ostensibly to have a spare in the same town in case we lose ours but she's actually a bit crap so has probably lost it. I'd be miffed if anyone walked in unannounced.

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  • HatTrick
    Beginner September 2010
    HatTrick ·
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    I don't have a key since I lost the me I had when I lived there. I never go round just to see them really, will go round to get something or drop something off without notice. They never come to mine. My dad will come and do DIY jobs if asked but my mums been to my house maybe twice in the two years we've lived there? They live 10 mins away but don't drive.

    In laws are also 10 mins away and rarely come round. MIL will come more often now if she's bought anything for the baby. H has a key to their house and MIL does have a spare key to ours just in case we lose one but she would never let herself in and of be very annoyed if she did.

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  • BumbleBrat
    BumbleBrat ·
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    I did have a key to my Dad's house until about 9 months ago when he wanted it for his girlfriend to use (It's his only spare) when she came over to stay for a couple of months. I had never let myself in when he was there, always knocked and waited, but did if I needed anything when he was at his girlfriend's (He goes for a month at a time so I can't really wait if I need something.. Although all the stuff I was storing there is now at my own house).

    I don't have a key to my Mum's house, no need to, plus I've only actually been to her house once in the year she's lived there even though it's just a few miles away.

    I have a key for my Sister's house, I always have. She lives in a 3 storey house so if she's on the top floor it's easier for me to let myself in and I lock the house for her at night if I leave late. I go in when she's not there too, she doesn't mind at all.

    The only other key I have is for my boss's house.

    Nobody has a key to my house, not even my Nan and she owns the house! I might give my Sister the spare though, always handy to have a spare somewhere just in case you get locked out or something.

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  • Vanilla Pod
    Beginner September 2011
    Vanilla Pod ·
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    I have a key to my parents on my keyring and I use it all the time. My Mum has a key to our house and she uses it but lets me know she is coming first. PIL dont have a key and they dont need or want one. They dont visit very often.

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
    Helenia ·
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    I think I still have a key to my parents' house but it's buried in a drawer somewhere. They don't have one for our flat. They live 3.5 hours' drive away, so we don't just "pop round" in either direction. I don't knock/ring the doorbell, but they would have to for us as we have to buzz people into the building.

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