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Your proposal. . .

11 of October of 2011 at 22:04 Posted on Planning 0 79

After Chippers telling me about his proposal to MrsC2B, I have decided I want to hear how every one proposed/was proposed to? The mushier the better, and what little sentimental things were included??

My OH had been wittering on about wanting to marry me for ages, and I thought he was only half joking, so I kept telling him no as he wasn't on one knee and I couldn't see a ring.

So one friday we went to the beach (we do often, normally with his parents dog, but it was just us) and well it was just normal, we went and got a drink from the little cafe, sitting talking having a fag just like we do allll the time, then when the beach was quite we went and sat on the edge of the pavement, (so our feet was dangling over the beach) and we were just talking away, and then all of a sudden he was just there on one knee, proposing!!! I said yes and literally jumped onto him hugging (and ended up rolling in the sand ) I think it was perfect and took me by suprise as I didn't know he had a ring. It turns out he'd seen one, and he managed to convince his friend to drive him to the shop during lunch breaks so he could see it and pay for it etc Smiley smile

So come on let me hear your stories now pleasie Smiley smile

79 replies

Latest activity by Jess, 24 of July of 2023 at 10:19
  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
    Tray1980 ·
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    He proposed at the baseball in New York and had it projected it on the big screen. I was looking up, saw it, and looked back at him and there was him on one knee. Daft git. I said yes...cue lots of cheering and getting to meet all the players and things afterwards. And we were given a bottle of champagne by the club - loved it

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    'tis on our wedding website Smiley smile as is of course the rest of the story of our big day.

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  • NorthumberlandBride
    NorthumberlandBride ·
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    Me and my OH have been together for 9 years almost and we were watching the telly in the living room, then i asked him if he thought we should get married and he said yes lol then he proposed to me over dinner that night with an onion ring.

    not very romantic

    the day after we went out and chose a ring.

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  • ButtercupSoph
    Beginner June 2012
    ButtercupSoph ·
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    Awww I love reading proposal stories Smiley heart

    My OH is so romantic when he wants to be and his proposal to me was the most romantic thing i've ever witnessed.

    So here it is with some flashes:

    Early morning on the 3rd December I awoke to discover my OH not in bed with me, which I found very strange because I usually have to drag him out of bed. I opened my eyes and looked around to see a single red rose and note on his pillow.

    The note read:

    There was a line of rose petals on the bed, going down onto the floor and out of the bedroom. The rose petals led all the way down stairs and into the lounge. Along the rose petal route there was long stem red roses that had a letter tied to them spelling out ‘Will you’.

    When I got into the lounge, I gasped. The whole room was lit with candles, and covered on rose petals and long stem red and white roses. Candles in the middle of the room spelt out ‘I Smiley heart U’

    The original trail of rose petals lead into the kitchen and to the window looking out into the garden, where there were two roses stuck to the window and a note saying look outside. I looked out the window and in the snow outside it said ‘MARRY ME?’ in huge letters.

    I turned around and my OH was there in a suit with a ring box in his hand, then he got down on one knee and proposed! The most romantic moment of my life! Smiley heart

    (Sorry for the big pics).

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  • NorthumberlandBride
    NorthumberlandBride ·
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    he got the idea from the simpsons. Wonderful! My H2B's romantic role model is homer simpson... should i worry?


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  • NorthumberlandBride
    NorthumberlandBride ·
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    OMG so jealous! Much better than mine! beautiful!

    A friend of mine had a romantic proposal like that only it went very wrong lol. He tied her wedding ring to a piece of string on christmas morning that stretched from her bed, down the stairs, through the kitchen, outside, back around the house and inside again then hanging above the mantle piece was a ring on the end with a note saying marry me. well she put it on straight away, couldn't get it off and had to wait an hour to be rescued by the lazy sod who was still in bed

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  • NorthumberlandBride
    NorthumberlandBride ·
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    I hail from Northumberland and dash back and forth to see my grandparents - i help to care for my grandpa who lives in old hartly, but im mostly living in whitley bay at the moment. so... not newcastle at all. although i did live in benton for a while.

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  • ButtercupSoph
    Beginner June 2012
    ButtercupSoph ·
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    Omg....that is hilarious! Obviously not for her at the time. Funny story to remember tho lol

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  • Pinky6
    Beginner June 2012
    Pinky6 ·
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    Aww Soph that's such a cute story, he put so much effort into it.

    I found out OH was going to propose when the jewellers he bought the ring from left an answerphone message on our house phone!!! Needless to say he was not impressed, I couldn't lie and told him I knew so he cancelled the ring and we went and chose another.

    He still proposed in Paris whilst on a river cruise outside the Eiffel Tower, I knew he was going to propose I just didn't know when so was still romantic Smiley smile

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  • pumpkin_pie
    Beginner May 2013
    pumpkin_pie ·
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    We took the train to Delamere forest, Adam packed the picnic and was unusually giddy for a monday morning. The weather was perfect after a week of drizzle and dull skies, we couldn't of timed it better if we tried. We only saw two other people the whole day it was like the forest was just for us. When we sat down for lunch adam had packed all my favourite foods and we played brand new (our favourite band) on his phone. He gave me a small brown box, inside was a KidRobot toy and underneath was the cutest ring ever! He got down on one knee said he loved me and wanted to be with me forever and put the ring on my shaking finger. When I saw he was crying I couldn't hold it together any longer and burst into tears. The ring was a perfect fit and beautiful, I spent the whole day looking at it in disbelief. I always took for granted that we would get engaged at some point but saying it out loud and thinking about was so much more exciting than I could ever of imagined. The time and thought that went into the ring and that he had asked my dads permission (something I never thought he would do) he really out did himself and I can't wait to marry him!

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  • pumpkin_pie
    Beginner May 2013
    pumpkin_pie ·
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    I love reading proposal stories =] the writing in the snow is so cute!!!

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  • pumpkin_pie
    Beginner May 2013
    pumpkin_pie ·
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    Errrmmm the OH handles all that sort of thing lol, I just take the pictures. He did it on photoshop I think but Im not 100% sure how.

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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
    far2calm ·
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    I was taken away to a luxury log cabin for the weekend, never thought anything of it at the time as the OH was going to be working in the Far East for a few months so just thought he was just trying to get in my good books.

    Anyway we got there and got all settled in. I was busy washing the dishes when he came and put his arms around me with a little box. I spun round and he asked me ‘fancy being my wife?’ ha. All I could keep saying was ‘really’ and ‘are you joking’.

    So I started crying and hugging him (don’t think I ever said yes). He then asked me if I wanted to look at the ring, I screwed my face up, I’d always wanted to pick my own. The little box he was holding looked like something from antique shop, so all I could think about was that it was some horrendous Great Aunties ring that I was going to have to wear even if I hated it.

    He asked me again, do you want to see the ring, with a big cheeky grin spread across his face. So finally I let him open it and it was this electric blue stretchy toy ring with a little ball bearing in. I could pick my own… WHOOP! I wore it all weekend until we found the perfect ring.

    Couldn’t have been happier and now only 226 till I’m a Mrs… eeek!

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  • Hollie1984
    Beginner July 2012
    Hollie1984 ·
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    Love hearing proposal stories, they are all so lovely!

    My OH propsed to me on Christmas eve. He wanted to go out for a meal in the evening but traditionally i always have a christmas drink with my best friend on xmas eve so he said to pop down and have a drink with her and he'll pick me up after and take me out for dinner. So we went for a nice meal, then when we got home he had wrapped all my presents up and put them under the tree. He asked me if i wanted to open a present now - the big kid i am of course i said YES please!! there was a huge pressie that i really wanted to open but OH insisted that i need to open the small one.... I said i didnt want to open it because i knew what it was (i'd asked for earrings!) but he asked me again so i started opening it, still thinking it was earrings and it was a beautiful ring!! He propsed to me there, sat under the christmas tree ?

    He had my favourite champagne in the fridge ready so we poured ourselves a glass and then he gave me my christmas card - 'To my Fiancee' !

    We waited until christmas morning to tell our families when we saw them all, i then went on to find out that all week my OH had planning it picking up the ring and visting my mum and dad to ask their permission and i didnt have a clue!!

    (p.s. the really big present was my earrings i'd asked for, ina really big box! ? )


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  • far2calm
    Beginner May 2012
    far2calm ·
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    Hollie that just give me goose pimples, lovely, and I dont do romantic, but thats just lush Smiley smile

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  • filoftus
    Beginner November 2012
    filoftus ·
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    ButtercupSoph your proposal made me cry so romantic.

    Well, we went on holiday to the Maldives for a 2 week holiday as we dont get to see getting to the Maldives we were down graded (longe were not impressed) they gave us a candle lit meal on the beach free.

    So the proposal night we go to the bar for a couple of drinks before dinner like we have been doing and start talking to a couple of couples that we had met,

    The table is booked for 7.30 and we go to the beach for our complimentary candle lit meal. A bottle of champaigne come out and we are talking like we usually do, and i went to look at ou mean the world to me and I want to spend the rest of my life with you will you marry me?" with tears in his eyes, i started crying and said yes

    He stayed on his knees for about a minute (still waiting for him to put the ring on my finger!) I said to him you going to put it on my finger and he said i didnt think i had to this is what they do in the movies lol.

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  • sal.san
    Beginner December 2011
    sal.san ·
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    About 2 months before Christmas 2009, H2B asked me what i wanted for Christmas, i casually mentioned an engagement ring (as you do!! ?). He never mentioned anything about Christmas presents until Christmas Day. In between this time, i thought i "lost" one of my dress rings and lo and behold, it turned up at H2B's place a week later. Thought that it was strange but thought awe well, obviously dropped in somewhere in the house. Christmas Day arrived, opened all my presents (was very spoilt) and i thought, oh well, no engagement ring! Never mind ?. He did say that he had kept one present for later (my dad dresses up as Santa every Christmas Day afternoon, for the kids and the BIG kids to give more presents out.) Later in the afternoon when "Santa" arrived, I was busy taking photos of everyone, "Santa" calls out, ho ho ho, present for Sally, i go up sit on "Santas" knee, kisses and photos etc....... Sits back down and H2B says "are you going to open the present?" My reply, "let me take some more photos of the kids", lol lol (looking back now he must have been on tenterhooks all day)!!! When i did get around to opening my present, it was a large box with a small box inside, a picture of the ring on the lid of the large box, i just looked at H2B and said "is this what i think it is" (tears rolling down my eyes [:'(] ) and then he asked me those 4 magic words - will you marry me!! The whole of my mums living room erupted, crying, laughing, screaming, shouting, every single emotion you can imagine. Poor dad was upstairs changing from "Santa" to "bampie" and wondered what on earth was going on downstairs and thinking that we were being robbed with the noise ? ?. After lots of crying i said YES. And now, nearly 2 years later, we are getting married! Romance isnt dead!!!!

    Sally xxxxx

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  • ScillyB2B
    Beginner June 2012
    ScillyB2B ·
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    Aw these are so lovely!!

    D and I had been together nearly 5 years and I was just about to start my course which has meant us being apart mon-fri. We had planned a lovely holiday before I started to the Isles of Scilly, our favourite place, camping on one of the quiet white beach islands. He had previously asked me which was my favourite beach on the island and I had said Great bay, a deserted great sweep of white sand on the north side of the island. On the second day we headed over there, and the tide was right for a spot of rock pooling before our picnic which I was excited about... When we got to the path above the beach D started acting a little oddly and saying he wanted to have some fun and play hide and seek. No,I said, I want to go rock pooling. He insisted a bit, so I (slightly grumpily) started counting, got bored, and came looking long before the 200 he had asked for...

    As I came down through the dunes, there he was with 'will you marry me' written in the sand, holding a box with my perfect ring inside (he had had the ring I had always wanted made - Emerald shaped diamond flanked by 2 sapphires- I swear I had only mentioned it ONCE before and he's not usually the sharpest for picking up clues!!!) He had asked my dad a few weeks before which I thought was really sweet. He had to actually ask me what my answer was as I had been shaking too much to say yes!!

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  • L
    Beginner June 2012
    Littlelaura82 ·
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    Ours in on our wedding website (, his and hers stories :-) x

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  • Natalie2011
    Beginner September 2012
    Natalie2011 ·
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    fave so far is the onion ring and the writing in the snow!

    I met my man on 01/11/2002 and all through the 7+ years we'd been together he said he didn't want to get married and that a 20 year mortgage was more than enough commitment! LOL!

    on 31st October 2009, he met me from work in town and we went for a meal and a few drinks, had a row - I told him he'd been really distant and in another place completely so I was wondering whether his mind was on someone else too! when we got home I sat in the front room refusing to speak to him and he stood in the kitchen until midnight.

    Then at 12:01am he called me into the kitchen, clambered on top of the work surface and took a shoe box off the top of the cupboard and opened it. He was crying so I was like "oh right is this the reveal of the other woman" fighting back the tears he gave me an envelope with "Mrs O'B*****" well that's his surname so I was completely puzzled.

    In the envelope was a cheque with my name in the recipients section and where you write in the amount it said "My Life" and he'd signed it. He whispered "you've spoilt my surprise...." Still so induldged in my thoughts I could not get to grips with what was going on, then he passed me a necklace style box which I held still completely oblivious!

    Then as I opened the box he went down on one knee and (sobbing his heart out) I opened the box and in gold sticker lettering it said Will you Marry Me...? my legs went from under me and we both collapsed into a heap on the kitchen floor! After several minutes of sobbing I asked if he meant it before telling him that nothing in the world would stop me marrying him!

    The next day he took me to get my ring as he had it made for me. Pear shaped solitaire diamond in platinum setting. the week after we'd booked our venue! The rest, as they say is history!

    He's now forgiven me for spoiling the suprise!

    we got wed 3rd September 2011 Smiley smile

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  • S
    Beginner October 2012
    steph290208 ·
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    My fiance (Simon) proposed last July. We went skydiving, had an awesome jump, then the instructor opened the parachute and as we were drifting down I noticed a massive sign which said 'Steph, will you marry me?' I just thought "there must be another steph on the plane" (the people on the ground were dots at that point), then as we got closer I could see it was Simon standing next to the sign, and we landed and I ran (still attached to the parachute) towards Simon, still in my sexy jumpsuit and funny hat) and Simon went down on one knee and said a lovely little speech). We had planned to go to Alton Towers that weekend, and he booked a romantic little bed and breakfast and we had a 4 poster bed and he organised roses and he bought me a champagne bottle made out of chocolate, because I don't like champagne and i LOVE chocolate. Twas the perfect proposal for me Smiley smile I'm a very luck girl Smiley smile

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  • JennyH10
    Beginner May 2013
    JennyH10 ·
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    OH bought me a trip to Venice over Valentine's weekend as my Christmas present last year. He was intending to propose on Valentine's night on a gondola going under the Bridge of Sighs but he was so nervous that he did it on our first night (Saturday 12th) on the Rialto bridge. He bent down to take a photograph as I was looking at the Grand Canal, when I turned to him he was on one knee with the ring in his hand ?

    It was wonderful and the best thing about him doing it two days early was that we had the rest of the weekend to celebrate ?

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  • Ali_G
    Beginner October 2012
    Ali_G ·
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    Some of these stories are amazing!

    I'd been saying to James "If you don't propose to me soon, I'll find someone who will marry me". He also wanted to buy our house and I was like "I'm not buying it until we're married." (So really, he HAD to propose).

    I knew he'd bought a ring because he went to town one day and wouldn't tell me why - I'm not daft, I put 2 and 2 together and got 4.

    We'd been at his mum and dad's for dinner and, on the way home, he decided we needed to go for a walk to burn off some of our dinner. We stopped at a lovely lake and took a walk around (I knew it was coming but I still ran away from him when he stopped lol). He got down on one knee and popped the question.

    It was lovely. I'm not a romantic girl, I don't like all of that showmance romance. I don't know why but I get really funny about it, like really embarrassed. So I didn't want him to do anything big and extravagent. It was very simple and lovely!

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  • MrsA2012
    Beginner July 2012
    MrsA2012 ·
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    Everyone else's proposals were so romantic.

    Here's mine (more funny than romantic!!):

    We'd been together for just over 2 years and living together just over 1. We'd talked about the future and knew the big question wasn't that far away.

    So one evening, we went out for a run (yes, this is how the story starts!) in the park/woodland area near our flat. Halfway round we gave up with the run and just started chatting. We got onto our future etc, as we had done many times before. I noticed that oh was gettting a bit shifty and trying to find a nice place. He took my over to a nice part underneath a big oak tree and popped the question. And that is why I was proposed to in my sweaty running clothes!

    I love that it was spontaneous as I'm so suspicious/nosey I would've noticed if he was trying to plan something. Also, as I didn't want a diamond, I'd told him not to buy the ring in advance so I got to chose my beautiful aquamarine ring myself!

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  • ButtercupSoph
    Beginner June 2012
    ButtercupSoph ·
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    Loving them!

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  • ClaireMcToBe
    Beginner September 2012
    ClaireMcToBe ·
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    Loving this thread! The onion ring is my favourite Smiley smile

    We've been together for 8 years and lived together for almost 6, have 2 kids (one of whom was born critically ill and the experience really showed us that we just fit together) and the whole subject of marriage was always a touchy one. I desperately wanted it for years and years, and just got to a point where I thought it was never going to happen, trying to make my peace with always being a Miss. I'd hinted, asked outright, cried buckets of tears over it, and still no proposal, I just figured there was no point mentioning it any more.

    For his anniversary present this year I paid for us to have a weekend away by ourselves for the first time since having the kids, and we went to Dublin. The plan was for him to buy my present while we were there (he hates choosing gifts, always has and always will!). I stopped at the jewellers, picked out a ring I liked and told him that was what I wanted. I have done this a million times before over the years, and expected to get the usual answer of "pick something else!", but instead he just said "ok, let's go in and get it!". I said, "omg, are you joking?!". All very romantic! So we went in, bought the ring, and it went away in the bags beside all the other shopping. Later, in the hotel room before we went out for dinner, he did the whole proper, down on one knee official proposal. It was very sweet Smiley smile

    Still a little bit in shock that it's really happening! I had us viewing venues within a week, just to make sure it was real Smiley smile

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  • V
    Beginner August 2013
    Victoria030384 ·
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    I loved reading these, some have really made me laugh! Our story was definately something that was very unexpected. I had been away for a week on a residential trip with work and during that time my OH managed to crash and write off his car and our house was broken into and all our new things for our holiday stolen! We were both a little stressed to be honest with him left to sort it all out and me in the middle of North Wales feeling useless. So when I came home we were both a bit fed up and fragile and the following morning got up thinking about doing something nice to cheer us up. As we were getting ready to go out he came up to me and gave me the biggest hug and told me I wasn't allowed to go away again because he clearly couldn't cope without me and missed me far too much. Then suddenly just blurted out ' Marry me!' to which I laughed and said that we were far too busy with a nice day now planned. It was only when he then got down on one knee and said it again that I realised he was actually serious! So despite him then saying he would more than understand if I said no and told him to do it properly and in a much more romantic way i accepted! It may not have been the most romantic of proposals but it was genuine and from the heart and after everything that had happened I realised just how much I loved him and wanted to be with him forever. He later told me he had been thinking of proposing while we were away on holiday at the Grand Canyon but he couldn't wait! So thats the story really.

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  • freckles87
    Beginner May 2013
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    Me and OH's birthdays are only a day apart, so in January this year we went away with 9 friends to Krakow for a few days to celebrate both of our birthdays. On the first night, we were in a restaurant having a meal and I whispered to him asking if he had brought my birthday present away with us, as I hadn't and I was feeling really guilty! He said he hadn't, but he wanted to buy me a ring whilst we were away. I asked him what sort of ring (everyone had been saying we'd come back from the trip engaged, so I sort of guessed where it was going!) and he said an engagement ring. He never really asked me to marry him, and we didn't really mention it for the rest of the night. Then in the morning, he was sat in the living room of the apartment and hugged me and asked if I still wanted to be his wife, I of course said yes! He wanted to keep it a secret until he could announce it properly, but I ended up telling 2 of the people we were away with! On the last night, we were having a meal and someone did a toast to a fantastic weekend away, so my OH did a little speech of his own announcing our engagement. A lot of champagne was consumed on that trip away!

    We're going back to Krakow next week with the same group of friends, so wondering what will get announced this time ?

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  • sal.san
    Beginner December 2011
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    Yes, we are a very close family indeedy xxx

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  • saspip
    Beginner May 2012
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    I love reading all these stories - who knew men could be so thoughtful.

    We got engaged on my bday last year. By that time we'd been together nearly 8 years, bought a house etc and I was starting to feel a little frustrated that we weren't getting married! But we'd just come back from a holiday of a lifetime road trip across America so I figured an engagement was off the cards for a while as we'd blown all our money on the hol and I hadn't noticed him sneaking out to make any unexplained purchases...

    So my bday was low key. I went to work and when I left chambers there was a parcel for me with a note from OH saying "DO NOT PEEK - to be opened later." I lugged this parcel all the way home and was pretty annoyed because it was bulky and I had to get it on the tube along with my work trolley. So got home, put the parcel away and played with my two new kittens that I had been told were my bday pressie. At about 5pm there was a knock at the door and a bunch of flowers was delivered. A dozen pink roses - the note read "do you remember these were the first flowers I ever bought you?" Of course I remembered! Valentines day 2003, a dozen pink roses were left outside my door at uni! I started to cry because I had an idea what was coming then...

    OH comes in at 6pm with a huge box full of food from my favourite Thai restaurant which doesn't do take aways but which he persuaded to make up a meal for him to bring home to reheat for me! He also had a bottle of Cristal champagne for me. I've had one bottle of that before on the day I qualified so it's a pretty special brand for me. He kept jumping around saying "look at the year, look at the year" It was a bottle from 2002, the year we got together.

    We had our lovely dinner and then he asked if I wanted my parcel. He brought it out then said he would take a picture of me opening it (he never takes pictures of me, it was just an excuse to get down on one knee) I opened it and it was a box of cupcakes that were supposed to spell out "will you marry me?" but whoever delivered it had turned the box upside down and the letters were mushed up so he had to ask me himself instead!! I have to admit I was numb. I'm usually a crier but I just felt really spaced out. The ring was beautiful, exactly what I wanted. He'd been meeting up with my best friend for weeks after work to design it etc.

    I found out later we were supposed to go to some plush hotel for the night but I insisted I wanted my kittens by my actual bday so he had to change his plans. It was perfect as it was in our own little house with our little kittens!

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  • Mrs Whippy
    Beginner September 2012
    Mrs Whippy ·
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    OH and I had been together a few years and talked about marriage. He's been married twice before, and it's never been something I was 'desperate' to do - we knew we were together for the forseeble, so I didn't think either of us were that bothered. Anyway, after we'd been to Zante in 2010, a wedding took place at the hotel we were staying at and it was stunning. I told him, if we ever decided to do it, we had to do it there.
    So it was coming up to christmas, and we started talking about marriage and weddings. I always told him that getting engaged on christmas day is a total cop-out, and you'd only do it if you couldn't think of anything else to buy ? (btw I have since changed my mind about this!)
    Anyway, I'm ridiculously close to my twin sister, and her OH told me a few months before that he was planning to propose on christmas day, and showed me the ring he'd chosen. I swallowed my words and told him it was really romantic and I was so excited. I told my OH and he was excited too, but told me later that he'd been planning to propose on my birthday (27th December) but didn't want to steal their thunder. Anyway, christmas day comes, twinny gets engaged and everyone is thrilled!
    We start looking at rings a few weeks later (me being a snob, and not liking some of them he showed me and refusing an Argos one - sadly he said no to the £33,000 Tiffany's one).
    In February, one of the girls I work with gets engaged too (again, no thunder stealing). Cue valentines day, and ANOTHER friend gets engaged. Bit of a recurring theme here.
    Anyway, my nephew (twin sister's oldest, and again, seriously close to him - I was with her when he was born and OH is his Godfather) came to stay overnight. We had some shopping to do, so the 3 of us trapsed into Argos, to the jewellery section, and OH tells me to choose a ring. And I fell in love with one, under budget, and very sparkly! Ordered it and had to tear nephew away from the Toy Story Lego!
    So, Argos took aaaages to to let us know that my ring had arrived, so we pop in one day and it's there, they just didn't phone.
    So off we go home with THE ring. We go out for a few drinks that night, and he says he's gonna do it there and then in our local pub with everyone watching. I tell him if he does that, I'll say no and he can take the bloody thing back to the shop! Ha!
    Next weekend, I'm getting ready to go out and having a 'fat day'. OH comes in to the room, me moaning and saying "I've got nothing to wear". He gives me this big dopey grin, says "why don't you wear your new ring?" and gets down on one knee. My answer "Errrrm...I've only got one shoe on" (Obviously I said yes!)

    Oooh sorry, that was longer than I thought!

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  • becomingmrsevans
    Beginner August 2012
    becomingmrsevans ·
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    I love all of these stories!

    So, our engagement - we're both teachers and in Easter holiday had plans to do the rounds and visit both our families, we usually do this so nothing out of the ordinary there and my mum (who we were visiting first) was even talking about what we'd do for dinner etc when we got to hers on said day.

    Anyway, OH suggested we had one of our 'Dates' on the way to my mums and we'd have a pudding! I had no idea where we were off to, until we neared Minster Lovell, gorgeous ruins of an old hall that we go to for picnics and walks around the village there. So, while we there had a sit down on the ruins by the river just having a normal chat, when I got cold so he gave me his hoodie.. Next thing I know I can feel something in the pocket and he's fetching it while talking about spending the rest of his life with me - I'm not 100% sure what he said after that as I had burst into tears and his arms as soon at that point! We went to the gorgeous hotel/pub nearby for a drink to celebrate when I discovered that my mum and everyone were involved in the surprise and it wasn't over - he'd booked us into the hotel for the night and waiting in the room was a bottle of champagne and box of chocolates - so I got engaged and my pudding too!

    Even now I'm so impressed with the effort he went to, and arranging all of it while I was on a week long school trip, he had bought the ring and had it hidden at home for several weeks and he'd even gone to ask my mum for permission one afternoon after school - a 3hour drive round trip! Oh and the next day we then went to visit friends and family as planned, but I had my perfect sparkly ring to show off instead! ?

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