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Join GroupWedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.


Does anyone else have a cat that has worked out how to open the cat flap? Tonight I witnessed one of my little terrors darlings claw and bite her way through 2 layers of duct tape and then open the...

I have seen these in this months Avon brochure. Has any body got one or had anything similar? I know I have seen something like it on lots of the BM threads. I just wanted something inexpensive for my...

Yes I spend too much time thinking but this one stumped me when I was thinking during the night the other night. Anyone got any idea? I remember a skit Russell Brand did about using a colour chart and...
Am trying to get back in to both, but have absolutely no idea of who anyone is! Can anyone help?!

I'm wearing new shoes today - FAIL. They're slingbacks and they're rubbing. They've taken off some of the skin on my heel. What do I do? I don't have any plasters, but I do have vaseline - will that...

Hello all just thought I'd flash some photos. Excuse the stupid faces and lack of make up. it was also a very cold day This is Troy the Tawny Owl - whos very afraid of heights This is cinammon whos an...

Hi otters! I've been here on OT before but fell off the radar for a while when I was getting close to the big day. Now I'm out the other side, I have a question I'm hoping you guys can help me with!...

There is a lady at work that smells of this all the time. I mentioned it to OH today just in conversation and he said that there used to be a girl at his uni that used it to wash with and the she...

So that dreaded time of year has come again and its come with vengeance my hayfever has never been this bad! Can anyone suggest what i could take? Here is what i have already tried: - Clarityn -... wtf? (Copy and paste as I can't to links on iPad)

Watching Die Hard and I have a huge pervy-crush on Bruce Willis. Who's your shouldn't but would?
We haven't had any of the above for a while, so thought I'd get the ball rolling. My lottery house popped up on the devil's own website this morning - it's in the most fantastic location and is...

Hi everyone - so very long story short as poss! Gt a bill from E.ON that looked a bit big. Saw the last two bills were estimated so though I would give them new readings. When I phoned up was told to...

Just got back from the hospital. After the last couple of years of abnormal smears, biopsies, laser treatment, cold coagulation, post-coital and breakthrough bleeding and so on I have still been...

A ROMP!!! (or a bevy or a family or a raft) but I love the idea of being a romp of otters! I can see some of you may prefer a bevy.

Its FIL's birthday today and we're over there tomorrow evening. I want to make him a cake / cheesecake or something. nothing too fancy but nothing too plain either... any ideas?!

As above. I'm thinking of making this. Who's made it before, is it easy and what's your recipe?? thanx
Hi me and hubby are going to be buyinig a house in hitchin I just wondered if anyone was aware how long rougly the commute would take from hitchin to borehamwood. apparently traffic is heavy around...
We are looking to get an inflatable hot tub the lay-z spa (chavvy I know!) Does anyone have one of these or any hot tub and what do you think of it, do you use it often? I think we will as we love...

Who thought carrier bags could spawn 2 threads? when you were at school and you had to take stuff in that wouldn't fit in your bag, would you use any old carrier bag, or was it uncool? In my day, the...

I went for an eye test yesterday and my prescription has changed yet again, to -8.00 in both eyes. I wear my contacts from the minute I get up to the minute I go to sleep. I don't feel comfortable in...
I am thinking about doing an Open University course, has anyone else done this? Did you finish it before you were suppose to etc?

No not a fabulous sequal to snakes on a plane...... Is it safe to transport champagne in checked in hold luggage? (Thinking ahead to honeymoon we have lots at home we could take with us rather than...

So.. first of all I need to add that im 12 weeks pregnant. Was going to wait for scan to announce but I need some advice. H and I haven't had the easiest time of late. Financially we have been...

Cmon Cmon, roll up roll up, shows us your Friday flashes..whats happening in the Otters worlds today!?

Has anyone on here used these? My Manager has lost loads of weight on them and I seriously need to do something to shift this fat gut ive got, I never really lost weight after having my op in November...

Any tips on how to make these taste nice without the massive clots of size-10-jean-busting butter I usually add?

Firstly can I say that I do get the irony of this post, going on an online forum. I feel like a cyber widow and I'm not even married yet. My bf spends all his time on his laptop. He's not up to...

After months of waiting for OH to come home and agree on the design, the foundations were started yesterday and the bricks have arrived; this is the start and should finish off something like this and...

Bear with me... So about a year ago, I took a job which requires me to commute from west london to north hampshire, it's about an 1/1.5hrs each way and involves a painful section of the M25. This...