United Kingdom · From May 2008
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
1 August, 2009
My Wall

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Red Baroness
1697 days ago
I actually think the name Harper is quite cute, but Seven? Bit weird, no? I know it is David's lucky number and the baby was born in the 7th month at 7am and weight 7lbs something, but...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Arquard
1697 days ago
A fun game for a Monday afternoon! Very simple (for those who haven't played before): I name a famous person, the next person to post votes whether they'd 'Hump' or 'Dump' said person, then names one themselves, and so on, so forth. Pics welcome!...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Storky
1697 days ago
It hit us yesterday at the 'exactly 6 months to go' point that there is still loads to do. Aaarrrrggghhhhhhhhhhh. but... ? ? ? ?

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of
1697 days ago
I'll start! This is the first time I have ever flashed my wedding ring!

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of emmamac73
1697 days ago
As per the title...I'm struggling to choose favours. So...from your experience what is the best you've received? I'm going round in cirlces, starting with simple chocs/sweets in colour co-ordinated in bags. Then thought about something more...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Gillsy
1697 days ago
A bit OT but anybody care to flash a pic of their Xmas tree???? I'm putting mine up tonight so will take pics in the daylight tomorrow and flash. Who wants to go first??????

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of Broody_wife
1697 days ago
Both myself and my 2 BM's LOVE the dresses, however I have now changed from my orignal colour scheme of Coral, ivory and gold, to kind of Coffe/Caramel, gold and Ivory. haven't bought the dresses yet, as I want to see if I can get them elsewhere but...

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of The Sock Chicken
1697 days ago
Inspired by summer sparkles' thread, and to liven up a quiet hitched. Here's my tacky list Money poems, dove/butterfly releases, goldfish as centrepieces, chimney sweeps, willies on hen nights,

I uploaded a photo in the discussion of The Sock Chicken
1697 days ago
Ok, I know this has been done before.....and it was so much fun the first time around, plus we have lots of newbies since then.....so here we go............. (And remember its a bit of fun so dont be offended if someone lists something you are...

I joined in the discussion of Mrs C
4417 days ago
I joined in the discussion of Missus S
4488 days ago
I joined in the discussion of Nutella
4500 days ago
I joined in the discussion of Beez
4559 days ago
I created a discussion
4561 days agoGoodness, haven't been over here in a looooooong time. hope you don't mind me crashing in to ask a QQ. where do you go for for floristry and flower inspiration? if you have already booked your florist, who did you book and why? (and do you have a...

I joined in the discussion of HatTrick
4755 days ago
I created a discussion
4755 days agoWho *are* the mods? I know Sherrie is - surely she's not the only one? Surely if they are a mod and therefore a respected poster and member of the community, they'd have no trouble saying that they are, just so we're all clear ? (forgive the board...