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Tulip O`Hare
Tulip O`Hare

United Kingdom · From February 2007

  • Beginner


Reasons why I feel sorry for myself
Chicken, 31 August, 2009 at 18:07

I'm STILL staying at my mum's due to building stuff being done at my house My house is an utter tip. Dust everywhere I have a cold I should be on my way to BMF but can't fo because I'm struggling to...

Sunset21, tuesday 1-Sep-09 5
Boxof BaldKittens
Off to Mels Forum
Boxof BaldKittens, 27 August, 2009 at 11:03

Http:// [View:]

AliLindsey, sunday 30-Aug-09 41
Boxof BaldKittens
We Are Klang
Boxof BaldKittens, 22 August, 2009 at 00:24

Im trying to get it, I really am but...... bring back the Boosh!

Koobie, saturday 22-Aug-09 5
Anyone live near Tamworth?
muffins, 21 August, 2009 at 20:30

Hi, My daughter has been invited to a party at the snow dome in Tamworth on Sunday, It is over 4 and a half hours long! So I will be heading off to the shops but I have no idea what Tamworth is like...

Elise, friday 21-Aug-09 4
Hong Kong Recs?
misseatalot, 21 August, 2009 at 14:06

Afternoon all, was wondering if anyone here could advise me on HK? I've decided that I (we) want to go this November. I 'm after an idea of where to stay. I love being in the hustle and bustle of city...

waterbaby, sunday 23-Aug-09 11
Cornwall SC Accommodation ??
Croyde, 21 August, 2009 at 19:58

Wondered if anyone can help? I am after some recommendations of self catering cottages in cornwall that are near the sea, plenty to do, fairly modern inside budget for a week next June about £700...

Melawen, friday 21-Aug-09 2
The post with no title
Clairy, 21 August, 2009 at 12:52

Sorry for the crap title, I have been umming and ahhing about whether to put this on here for ages. However, I know you all quite well and have been here for 5 years +, so I thought a little honesty...

JK, friday 21-Aug-09 22
Gone With The Whinge
what to do with a glut of peppers?
Gone With The Whinge, 20 August, 2009 at 20:32

I have loads of peppers from the farmers' market; was going to make soup but my blender has gone kaput. Any bright ideas on what I can do with them?

Tulip O`Hare, thursday 20-Aug-09 6
Drama Queen
This is grounds for divorce surely? [laugh]
Drama Queen, 20 August, 2009 at 19:55

My h is working late tonight so when he went to the shops this morning I asked him to get me a delicious homemade mini steak and cheddar pie from the butchers. I asked him to get steak and ale if they...

Doughnut, thursday 20-Aug-09 3
Stupid facebook updates
magicool, 20 August, 2009 at 19:45

There is a whole website dedicated to stupids. Its hilarious! ?

Lumpy Golightly, thursday 20-Aug-09 5
Canary Islands - resort recommendations
IWantOne, 19 August, 2009 at 21:17

We are possibly planning a trip to the Canaries in Oct/Nov. I don't know the Islands very well at all (only been once, to Lanzarote) so I would like to hear resort recommendations. Criteria is as...

IWantOne, thursday 20-Aug-09 5
Life Assurance with history of depression?
hazel, 19 August, 2009 at 21:07

Anyone got any experience of getting life/critical illness cover with a history of depression? At one point I know that I got quoted an outrageous price for it because I'd had depression, even though...

titchbunny, wednesday 19-Aug-09 2
Weather Girl
Weather Girl, 19 August, 2009 at 11:02

How many of you read the reviews on Tripadvisor before booking a holiday and, if so, how much do the reviews affect your decision? I tend to have a shortlist of hotels I like and then look them up on...

Champagne, thursday 20-Aug-09 16
Yoga people
wodger_woo, 15 August, 2009 at 22:29

Well due to getting myself totally stressed in this new pregnancy (justified I might add not *just* because I'm a mentalist ?) midwife suggested jokingly that I tried yoga. I actually thought it was a...

wodger_woo, sunday 16-Aug-09 9
princess layabout
missing cat - what to do?
princess layabout, 16 August, 2009 at 10:13

My parents kindly offered to take one of the cats we need to rehome, and took him to London on Friday. Unfortunately, someone left a door open by mistake and he escaped out of the cat door sometime...

WifeyLind, sunday 16-Aug-09 4
camp site/camp site website recs
donnaj36, 15 August, 2009 at 11:03

Can anyone recommend a website to find camp sites? I used one a while back, it was some cool funky named thing but I cant for the life of me remember what it was. also if anyone has any recs for sites...

Zebedee, saturday 15-Aug-09 4
Places to eat near Birmingham NIA
Jools73, 15 August, 2009 at 11:48

I'm taking my children to see Walking with Dinosaurs tonight, but I've no idea waht's near there! Any one know? Thanks.

Tulip O`Hare, saturday 15-Aug-09 1
SIL2B...had enough - UPDATED!
summer_sparkles, 6 August, 2009 at 10:51

I'm furious with my future SIL, but I can't confront her for reasons I'll say in a minute so I thought I would vent on here before I explode and make the situation worse. Background: Some people may...

shooting star, friday 7-Aug-09 21
OU results!!!
spacecadet_99, 6 August, 2009 at 09:42

I got a distinction!!!! My exam result was 84% which is one mark below the threshold for a distinction but I think due to my higher assignment marks they pushed it up a bit for me ?. I feel the need...

legless, thursday 6-Aug-09 31
Mrs Magic
What makes you happy?
Mrs Magic, 31 July, 2009 at 20:57

Over the next while, I'm identifying and taking photos of 30 things which make me happy. Some will be deep, others will be flippant and not in any particular order. I've only got two so far as I've...

Lucky Moonshine, tuesday 4-Aug-09 64
holiday destination help
Sah, 30 July, 2009 at 21:07

I know it's a bit of a 'piece of string' question... but H and I are really struggling with our holiday this year. We haven't been able to book anything until now because we had to wait to confirm...

chids, friday 31-Jul-09 1
Misconceptions about where you live
Pint&APie, 30 July, 2009 at 10:32

R-A's earlier comment "I see the parks and my Lido and the fab diversity and sense of community where other people see the gun crime and used syringes" got me thinking about how certain areas develop...

Abdul, thursday 6-Mar-25 173
What was your first "grown up" holiday?
Ladelley, 27 July, 2009 at 16:46

As in with no adult/parental supervision? A friend has just put up pictures of the holiday we went on when we finished high school. We were all 17, apart from one girl who was 18 and bought all the...

Sparkley, tuesday 28-Jul-09 39
What do you and our OH argue about?
shoegal01, 27 July, 2009 at 10:23

Mostly our arguements are about - 1) who gets to watch what on TV 2) How LAZY he is 3) Decorating - whenever we are decorating we ALWAYS argue!! This weekend we were decorating and all we did was...

cheska, monday 27-Jul-09 42
Grand Prix thread
spacecadet_99, 26 July, 2009 at 12:40

For once we're watching the race live, that is providing our Sky+ box doesn't give up the ghost - it just crashed twice in a row! Seems to be working now though so fingers crossed. Anyone else...

NightOwl, sunday 26-Jul-09 8
what can I do with left over condensed milk?
ellie1, 25 July, 2009 at 16:37

I made some delicious icing for my chocolate tray bake with half a tin, and now I have half left. What can I do with it? Caramel shortbread use a whole tin... seems a shame to only make half a batch...

HaloHoney, saturday 25-Jul-09 4
Can anyone offer advice? Re being unable to move on.
JK, 23 July, 2009 at 20:57

Those of you who know my friend, please don't mention this should you ever see her. I'm so worried about her. She's suicidal tonight (though I've made her promise not to do anything without calling...

Zebra, friday 24-Jul-09 19
Lady Vixen
So, what's changed?
Lady Vixen, 23 July, 2009 at 16:17

I remember when I first started hitching OT was really buzzy with new posts coming up all the time and loads going on. It's more sedate now and posts can stay of the front page all day. What caused...

Dr Doo.Little, saturday 25-Jul-09 185
engagement party
may2011, 22 July, 2009 at 22:32

Phill and I are having our engagement party on Saturday. I know people dont tend to have engagement parties now (worked this out just by finding it impossible to find decorations for the room!) but we...

Missus Jolly, thursday 23-Jul-09 13 1
The Beast
We haven't done this for a while...
The Beast, 22 July, 2009 at 21:43

...but I always find it interesting. First 10 songs on your iPod/iTunes shuffle? Mine are: I Got Love - The King Blues Sex On Fire - Kings of Leon Hold Up A Light - Take That Everytime - Britney...

Melawen, thursday 23-Jul-09 39
Interesting story re breastfeeding
SophieM, 20 July, 2009 at 13:39

Http:// I suppose I should have posted this over there -------------> but it all seems to kick off a bit when this kind...

hazel, wednesday 22-Jul-09 107
A Saturday WWYD - 'Friend' related
MBK, 18 July, 2009 at 09:52

So A friend I have has been wanting to get together for some time but I have had so much on there just hasn't been time. We are meant to be getting together tonight. However last night I sent her a...

MBK, monday 20-Jul-09 15

General groups

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