United Kingdom · From January 2011
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
25 June, 2012
After popping back yesterday (the day before?), I noticed a distinct lack of Otters here. Despite knowing them all on Facebook, I am now testing them to see how many of them swing by here still.... ?...

MrJ9 was offered a job today! It's not the one I was asking for vibes for (that one he's had a second interview and should find out any day now) but he's been offered one he went for an interview for...

Just wondering how long it takes everyone to get to work? We're house hunting at the moment and only have a small budget but if we move a little further away we can get so much more for our money...

As some of you know one of OH's Grandad passed away in September. He meant a lot to us and we put our wedding forward for him and OH's other Grandad hoping both could make it. Been told today that...

Hi P, just wondered how the big move went? SSmoothly I hope ?

Please advise/reassure me stylish otters. Going to a sort of legendary hen place next weekend for a meal but am struggling with various issues to get a nice outfit. (Thai in Didsbury for anyone who...

I am completely free of my ex-b***ard!! Due to him, I was left in thousands of pounds worth of debt. Today I received a phonecall to say that it is finally all paid off and I'm even due a refund!! I...

It's so quiet around here! Back in the day I used to check on here on the way home from work (always an evening hitcher) and there would be loads of threads and discussions. Now, bugger all! Is...

So...Otters, new and old...lurkers and active posters...roll up roll up for the getting to know you thread... A lot of us know eachother from our WP days...but with an influx of new faces on Hitched I...

After just over a very emotional year through a few highs and some very dark lows, we are finally going to Matching Panel to be approved for our 9 month old baby boy. I just so wish my adorable pops...

How much do they normally charge? We've had quotes between 1.25% and 2%. And how do you choose which one?! There's one that we think we will probably go with, but never having done this before, we're...

Where can i sell my engagement/wedding ring or would you keep it for some reason? They have been sat in a draw for several months and i think i would just like to get rid really as they dont hold any...

"I’m sad to share the very upsetting news that Twiga passed away on Saturday morning following a two and a half year battle with cancer. She was with the people she loved most in the world: her...

Hello lovely otters Ok I've only been AWOL for a week but what have I missed? Massive hugs to everyone for all the support last week. Love RK (back with a vengence) xxx

Hey otters, i had a call this morning from the home that Mr RK had stopped swallowing and the nurses were struggling to wake him. I rushed over (with a cracking hangover from too much wine after...

Pointless and trivial post but I've just spotted it's one year since I joined hitched. I don't think I started posting on ot until a couple of months later but 2000 odd posts later and I'm very glad...

I'm way behind many August brides: but since it was my 6 month mark yesterday here's what I've got so far: Venue: Dress Hair (courtesy of the lovely Kjay) and Accessories Flower Inspiration:...

It gives me great pleasure to introduce Theodore Thomas! Born last night via emergency C Section at 10.11pm weighing 7lbs 8oz. Mum and baby are both doing well. OB is absolutely knackered after first...

Who will be watching?! I for one will be, i bloody love it!!! I am always in awe of how brave (stupid?!) some of the competitors are seeing their events...i mean who wants to shoot down an icy hill on...

Just "fell" into my shopping basket and I just had to eat it! Ruddy lush as well!
Boring post what vacuum cleaner do you have? We don't have a massive budget but looking online there's to much choice. The house is quiet big so needs to have stamina and we eventually want a dog so...

Massive con or do you embrace the romance? I'll be getting H a card but that's it. After his terrible effort at Christmas I will not be splashing out on any gifts for him for a long time!

I've seen this used a few times in the last week, to describe things that are a bit daft or crap or whatever...'that's so gay' 'how gay was that' etc. It never fails to piss me off. How is it that...

Just wondering, exactly that really whether it's your local curry / Chinese / Thai / Fish and chips / Pizza / Indian or whether you prefer more of a 'national chain' ie MaccyDs, KFC, Pizzahut, Dominos...

OH's grandfather has been in ill health for a while and yesterday he sadly passed away. OH is down with his family now and I've been informed that at the funeral on Saturday his granny wants us to...

Probably the most boring question in hitched history. I mean with meat products. I have some chicken which was fresh but I froze it and it was out of date end of November. Safe to defrost and eat or...

Just wondered what everyone had for dinner tonight, we probably only have about 7-8 different meals over a couple of weeks rather than a different thing day to day to day, and so as much as anything...

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2545081/I-dress-new-man-girlfriends-LIVID.html I freely admit that I often wonder whether H will like something I'm wearing and I will consider his opinion...

Yoo hoo Anybody out there? Just looked down the list of posts and I know hardly anyone...what happened? where has everyone gone? Has everyone changed usernames?
Hi all, I am a regular hitcher but am in need of some anonymous business advice if you may? I am miserable in my job. I hate it, its going no where and I am at the end of my tether with it. I have...
I'm having a recurring issue at the moment with my engagement ring and really not quite sure what to do etc. OH brought it from a well known High St shop 18mths ago and all was fine until it went in...