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United Kingdom · From October 2010

  • Beginner


Camera Help
WhiteSparkles, 7 February, 2013 at 04:58

I think I'm going to ask H for a lovely camera for my 30th birthday as I can't think of anything else I want. Anyone in the know about cameras- what should I look for as a first DSLR? I'm a camera...

mariannechuaphotogra, thursday 14-Feb-13 8
I need honest and brutal advice UPDATE
OB, 5 February, 2013 at 17:26

I don't know if I can cope with Aurora. I have made some enquiries today with a few proper registered breeders and have found out that this screaming and howling is not likely to go away quickly. It...

Mellow_Yellow, thursday 7-Feb-13 132
Who lives by the sea and who wishes they did?
Vikster79, 4 February, 2013 at 11:13

Im having an awfully daydreamy day. I have always lived in a big city, but for the first time on Saturday we went shopping and i found there was too many people and crowds. This may be because i was...

Gillsy, monday 4-Feb-13 42
OT'ers on MD
MummyMoo82, 1 February, 2013 at 19:20

Maybe it's because I don't have a newborn, or I'm not an over-protective/fussy parent, but quite often the MD forum does my head in. I do try and go on there a bit, but find myself constantly biting...

WhiteSparkles, monday 4-Feb-13 59
Vibes for Missus S & baby H
Beez, 1 February, 2013 at 23:07

I can't log in to Md I've been trying since I read your thread. Are you here sweetheart? Can I do this thread for you? I'll delete if you tell me to x

Holey, monday 4-Feb-13 34
Missus S
Best thing about being married... Ask your H
Missus S, 27 November, 2012 at 08:11

From your husbands perspective. I asked my H last night after the other thread. His response: ' I don't know really, nothing's much changed for me. We had the best day though' Doh. Romance eh?

catarina, wednesday 28-Nov-12 47
Eye Creams
MrsB2013, 27 November, 2012 at 16:00

Right I have just noticed that I am really starting to get lines under my eyes (I mean ive even had bags under my eyes as a child - curse of my mothers side!) So does anyone have any recommendations...

KatSlater, wednesday 28-Nov-12 11
Okay what were you doing ten years ago?
Pittabre, 27 November, 2012 at 15:45

I can barely remember but I was planning my first Christmas as an OM. Ooo actually I can remember I had staretd a teacher trainign course and was travelling two hours each way to my first placement...

*Eclair*, thursday 29-Nov-12 83
So ten years time...
Pittabre, 27 November, 2012 at 15:16

Where do you see yourself? Dream world: won the lottery and have built my dream home and live there with my children plus my foster/adopted children. Expected reality: living somewhere with my...

Ixia, thursday 29-Nov-12 50
Feeling a bit fed up.....
(Claire), 27 November, 2012 at 12:10

Hi Guys, Please cheer me up. I'm feeling very woe is me at the moment. Our journey to TTC is not getting any easier, H is working away, I'm feeling very tired, quite run down, I miss home which...

Missus S, tuesday 27-Nov-12 30
It's started...
Beez, 27 November, 2012 at 09:22

,*, *@* *@*@* """"U"""" Hope that I'm the first person to put a christmas tree on your phone If luck is a raindrop i'd send you a shower, if hope is a minute i'd send you an hour, if happiness is a...

Vanilla Pod, tuesday 27-Nov-12 18
Wearing a onsie in public
Flowmojo, 21 November, 2012 at 14:26

Now, onsies I am ok with if worn at home chiling out..i have yet oto find one that fits my pregnant tum so am hoping to get one for christmas so me and baby can spend winter days in the house both in...

MrsMeldrew, thursday 22-Nov-12 88
My Husband has decided...
Pompey, 14 November, 2012 at 09:35

..that our marriage is doomed and he's going to leave me at the weekend.

Vanilla Pod, thursday 15-Nov-12 131
I found out who wrote the note on my car.
Beez, 6 November, 2012 at 11:17

Background if you missed original 'fred. Had a note left on my car at school that in summary stated I was too fat to wear jeans and my children would be bullied because of it. Totally randomly a...

Vanilla Pod, tuesday 6-Nov-12 32
Do you speak to your other half throughout the day?
Flowmojo, 24 October, 2012 at 14:59

A conversation we have just been having at work got me thinking..the guy i sit with is the same age as me, his long term girlfriend contacts him 4 or 5 times a day during working hours, not on...

Blondilocks, friday 26-Oct-12 68
For those of you on my facebook..
Flowmojo, 12 October, 2012 at 14:45

I need one more like to get the Flows Bakery page to 100 likers, the lovley MY has been assisting me today! If you are a friend of mine and havnt liked, search for it via my page and like!

unexpectedpenny, friday 12-Oct-12 10
Cruel Cruel World
sal.san, 1 October, 2012 at 14:21

WhiteSparkles, tuesday 2-Oct-12 5
Mrs C
House vibes pretty please...
Mrs C, 26 September, 2012 at 12:12

Accepted an offer on our flat (again!)... am really worried about them pulling out again and wanted to ask pretty please for some vibes that we complete quickly and are in our new house for...

FaeBelle13, thursday 27-Sep-12 30
What do you really need/want right now?
Flowmojo, 26 September, 2012 at 12:17

I need new bathroom products, shower gels, lotions and potions and stuff, i get a haul at Christmas but have seemingly been using lots more lately then usual!! What currently do you really need or...

tortoise, thursday 4-Oct-12 55
Simple pleasures in life.
Storky, 25 September, 2012 at 16:39

I've just had a slice of toast with butter on it. Delicious. Anything really simple that makes you happy?

Rod, wednesday 26-Sep-12 50
Wages being paid late?
HatTrick, 24 September, 2012 at 17:48

H does a lot of overtime in his job, sometimes more than doubles his basic salary per month. Last Month he did 70-odd hours of overtime, he was told today that they had him down as working 30. He made...

GeordieBarbie, tuesday 25-Sep-12 16
Thinking of OB
Cilla, 24 September, 2012 at 09:13

If you're on here, just want you to know we're thinking of you today ?

Rusty the Clown, tuesday 25-Sep-12 72
Whats going on your chrimbo list?
ashlil, 18 September, 2012 at 13:35

I'm already thinking about it and struggling for ideas, apart from a kindle upgrade I'm struggling, whats on yours??

RebTheEck, tuesday 18-Sep-12 28
Our receptionist thinks I'm mental....
ATB, 18 September, 2012 at 13:34

.....because another big box of Christmas shopping arrived for me today! I like to be organised!

Vanilla Pod, tuesday 18-Sep-12 17
Is there any need for this?
Beez, 18 September, 2012 at 09:05

Deleted, thank you all again for your responses.

AlsiT, tuesday 18-Sep-12 82
Ooooooooo I just won something!
Flowmojo, 13 September, 2012 at 15:42

I entered a competition on my faceyb with my salon and have (along with my SIL haha) won 50% off a set of gelish nails!! thats £13 insteada £26!! Im excited, which is sad in itself i know, ive never...

AmnesiaCustard, monday 17-Sep-12 13
Home pedicure error
Beez, 11 September, 2012 at 09:36

Can anyone successfully give themselves a good pedicure? I cannot paint my toenails (odd shapes) and last night I used one of those blades where you shave the dead skin off. Oh em gee, I have gone...

*Mini*, tuesday 11-Sep-12 15
Those with cleaners - questions
ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 7 September, 2012 at 12:43

How often for how long? Do you have a list of basic jobs and then add less obvious ones (windows, oven, etc) as and when? Do you leave them to their own judgement?

*Mini*, friday 7-Sep-12 24
Sudocream (not really BT related!)
Flowmojo, 6 September, 2012 at 11:26

So Sudocream is the cream used for babys bums for rashes and stuff (im right right?!) however ive been advised to use it on sensitive skin to clear up outbreaks..anyone else hear this? my skins been...

AmnesiaCustard, friday 7-Sep-12 30
marriage followed by babies
Zoomo13, 6 September, 2012 at 14:45

Out of interest when did all the OM's start to have a family, did you try to plan it after the wedding etc. was it straight after getting married or did you try to leave it a few months.

Mrs C, sunday 9-Sep-12 44
Could you chuck a few vibes my way please? Update on OP
Sparkles82, 24 August, 2012 at 12:47

My boy is in hospital :-( I am lost without him, rattling about on my own like a spare part. He got sicky on Monday morning, I thought it was a hangover and berated him muchly for getting sent home...

Fergo, thursday 6-Sep-12 166

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