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United Kingdom · From August 2013

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Happily married 🎉

6 August, 2014

3873days 14hours


What have your wedding disasters been?
Lizzywills, 7 August, 2014 at 17:43

With a week and a day to go I sometimes wonder how I've got through some of the nightmare things that have gone on. Disaster is an exaggeration but I'll list some of the things we've managed to...

soraneko, sunday 10-Aug-14 48
Big rant, fed up
MrsHD2015, 9 August, 2014 at 11:27

So i posted earlier about my mum and sister being a pain over the bm dresses. Well after a chat with my mum I am fed up and just wanna elope!! I've always dreamed of a church wedding, I was bought up...

MadamRed, sunday 10-Aug-14 8
Ideas please.... Want something different than a photo booth or candy cart
Manda&nick, 9 August, 2014 at 20:36

I'm looking for something different to have at my wedding instead/aswell as a candy cart etc. anyone got any ideas??? Thank you x

Manda&nick, sunday 10-Aug-14 9
Origami Birds
Suzie88, 25 March, 2014 at 15:19

So, I read about the Japanese tradition of the 1000 origami birds, and I thought it seemed like a really lovely (and pretty) idea. I'm 360 birds in (and boy to my fingers hurt!) Only another 640 to...

MariaH33, tuesday 5-Aug-14 6
Flower girl: maybe, maybe not.
Suzie88, 3 August, 2014 at 14:33

Argh! Our flower girl is my OH's great niece. She is 2 and beautiful! Flowergirl's mum has just messaged me on Facebook to say that she and FG might not be coming to our wedding. No reason, no...

bex_boo, monday 4-Aug-14 3 619
Flower girl: maybe, maybe not...
Suzie88, 3 August, 2014 at 14:31

Argh! Our flower girl is my OH's great niece. She is 2 and beautiful! Flowergirl's mum has just messaged me on Facebook to say that she and FG might not be coming to our wedding. No reason, no...

Suzie88, sunday 3-Aug-14 183
What are your first dance songs?
emabee, 30 July, 2014 at 13:14

We can't decide! We want something quirky and alternative, our perfect song would be something by the Arctic Monkeys, our favourite band but there isn't anything suitable really. Please help! x

MrsA2B2014, thursday 31-Jul-14 26
Small quiz: can anyone help?!
Suzie88, 30 July, 2014 at 12:19

Today's fun quiz: trying to sort out our requests for the DJ playlist. Mum's request: 'you know that guy that you have a CD of, from like the 90's or 00's and the CD is all colourful.' (Clue 1) Clue...

Suzie88, wednesday 30-Jul-14 4
Signing off as a Miss! Woooooohooooooo!
Hoddy, 30 July, 2014 at 07:16

So it is FINALLY here!!! ???????❤️❤️❤️ After all the last minute stress the venue and florist has given me recently I now have a lovely day ahead of me. Having my nails done this morning then off to...

pink & glitz, wednesday 30-Jul-14 25
Flowers: rant alert.
Suzie88, 30 July, 2014 at 09:35

One week today we get married, and last night I sat down and spoke to my florist about what I really wanted for flowers. Now, my florist, is my FSIL, and although she is good with flowers, I wasn't...

overtherainbow, wednesday 30-Jul-14 5 845
Table plan and dropouts….
Suzie88, 29 July, 2014 at 09:17

8 days to go, and 4 people have definitely dropped out, with a further 2 potentials. One couple, and 2 individuals (but the rest of their families are still coming) Typically, I printed out all of the...

alexandrawedding@hot, tuesday 29-Jul-14 2
Why do people find it impossible to pick their own outfit!!!
Mrslizziew2be, 28 July, 2014 at 19:52

Before we booked our wedding the only person who would come to me for fashion advise would be my best friend. Now the wedding is 32 days away for the last 2 weeks my phone hasn't stopped with pictures...

Mrslizziew2be, tuesday 29-Jul-14 8
Bridesmaid pjs, 29 July, 2014 at 09:02

I'm spending the night before wedding with my mom, daughter and sister and then my bridesmaids are coming at 7am in the morning to get ready! (Super early but mua said we've got a lot to do! Will...

Suzie88, tuesday 29-Jul-14 1
10 days to go....
HandyHan, 28 July, 2014 at 18:08

Hi, I'm getting married in 10 days time and so far have completely avoided being a Bridezilla. My attitude all the way along has been "as long as the people I love are there, and the registrar is...

Suzie88, monday 28-Jul-14 2
Afternoon Tea help please?!
Suzie88, 27 July, 2014 at 21:58

We are having afternoon tea for our wedding breakfast, and when we initially spoke to the venue, they said that they weren't sure if they had enough stands, they normally do big three course meals and...

k.j.w, monday 28-Jul-14 7
Feeling low - Rant ahead!
pinkypoo85, 28 July, 2014 at 09:42

So I am sorry in advance for this rant but I have to get it out as I have no one I can really say it to! I got engaged last year in May, 3 weeks later after much pestering and moaning at her BF my...

Erin8, tuesday 29-Jul-14 25
Finally feel like I am achieving something!
Suzie88, 26 July, 2014 at 18:38

After a slight melt down about time and things to do, I think I have now gotten my head back in to the game. Mum is making paper roses (approximately 100 since Friday am) Only another 150ish to...

alyj66, saturday 26-Jul-14 356
Bridesmaid and flower girl nightmare BT
titty, 25 July, 2014 at 13:52

New to the site an just wanted to let off some steam and get some advice. Basically I got engaged in May 2013. I asked my BFF to be bridesmaid straight away and her daughter ( my god daughter) to be...

casgup, tuesday 29-Jul-14 109
So excited that I might explode!
Suzie88, 25 July, 2014 at 13:30

Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! I just piced up my dress! So excited! On another note, wedding diet is going well... I had 3 biscuits for breakfast!!

jen-lou, friday 25-Jul-14 309
Trying to break my wedding shoes in FLASH
Hmcx, 24 July, 2014 at 11:20

I think it's a good look

MrsKHbutterfly, thursday 24-Jul-14 15
PP: Cutest comment ever?
Suzie88, 23 July, 2014 at 17:11

I teach in a primary school, and today was the last day of the year. So, in the leavers assembly, I was presented with flowers, cards and presents from the teachers to celebrate our upcoming wedding....

smccallum, wednesday 23-Jul-14 4 820
FMIL rant alert!
MrsToffee, 20 July, 2014 at 22:59

I've been trying to put this to the back of my mind and have mentioned it on here before but just need to rant now! When we first started talking about guests my FMIL asked if we could invite her...

MrsShep, wednesday 23-Jul-14 22
PP DIY/crafting. Why do I do this?
Suzie88, 20 July, 2014 at 14:26

I decided to make 1000 paper cranes (following the Japanese tradition) and on Friday, I finally completed making all of them! Huzzah! Now, I just have to work out how to string them all together…. And...

MadamRed, monday 21-Jul-14 8
Table plan idea with flash
Eskimo329, 20 July, 2014 at 14:06

I really want to make our table plan like this....what does everyone think? Any ideas where to find a box like this? Thanks all xxxx

Barnett2015, sunday 20-Jul-14 3
Wedding stress? Or friendship stress?
Suzie88, 18 July, 2014 at 17:41

I think that I have, for the first time, hit the point of stress. It has bubbled over due to a text from BM. Over something incredibly stupid, but I have spent most of the day sobbing over it. Its the...

.A.S., sunday 20-Jul-14 8
Just RSVP already!
Hisgirl, 15 July, 2014 at 21:58

<BRAT RANT> I don't care that the deadline is 2 months away, you have had you invite for 3 days at least (some of you for several months) and most of you haven't RSVP'd yet. Come on, get a move...

fayef, tuesday 22-Jul-14 24
Table Plan Etiquette
Suzie88, 9 July, 2014 at 18:29

Trying to sort my table plan out… I know, I'm doomed, it's 4 weeks before, so it's bound to change still! But, when you put the people on the board, and I'm putting them on the board in table...

bex_boo, thursday 10-Jul-14 2 3,933

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