OMG Twinny, I can't believe am sat here writing your Good Luck thread, how has it come up sooo soon!!!! (ok, am actually writing this a little on the early side so that I could start it! he he).
Well where do I start!!! It's been great swapping ideas and bashing around different ideas of weddings on here with you and totally fab getting to know you IRL and am glad to say we have become firm friends that am sure will carry on well after our weddings!
Your wedding is going to be the BEST, everything you have planned is gorgeous, classical and very classy, your going to look stunning and blow Chris away!
So all that's left for me to say is, ALL the very best for your wedding day, have the most fantastic day, looking forward to seeing your pictures and i'll give you a cheeky txt in the morning, since am just before you!
Cheers Twinny! ? xxx