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Beginner May 2011

Living at home

Storky, 12 July, 2011 at 11:56 Posted on Off Topic Posts 0 62

Do any of you still live at home? Why?

I moved out when I was in my teens and as much as I love my folks couldn't live with them again. I value my own space and independence to much. I once lived with a guy who'd lived at home until he was 30 and I was the first person other than his folks he lived with. It was really odd. He had no concept of fending for himself, budgeting, washing etc. He also used to behave oddly when people were over.

62 replies

Latest activity by ebony_rose, 13 July, 2011 at 12:25
  • Red Baroness
    Beginner July 2012
    Red Baroness ·
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    No we don't. As much as it stretched us financially it has done us the world of good. Both of our families and living at home was putting a huge strain on our relationship. We now have debt to work off because of it, but it is definitely worth it!

    ETA - I was 22, nearly 23, when Mr RB and I bought our first home.

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    H and I bought our first flat together when I was 22. I have only ever had 2 homes - the one I was born in (literally) and the home I'm in now.

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
    Spangler ·
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    I moved out in my mid twenties into a house Mr S & I purchased together. I couldn't imagine living with my Ma beyond my twenties. Would drive me mad (would save a fortune though).

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
    Spangler ·
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    Duplicate post.

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  • Flowmojo
    Flowmojo ·
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    When i came back from Uni i found living at home a NIGHTMARE, and me and mum were killing each other, shortly after that i tottered off to london.....and havnt been home since Smiley smile

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  • Naboo
    Naboo ·
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    I moved out at 18 when I went to uni, after uni I moved back in for a few months while me and H sorted out buying our house, bought that when I was 22 ad been there ever since.

    My cousin still lived at home until he was late 30s (37 I think!) he has since moved out got married and recently had a baby and the change in him is unreal, it is def not healthy living at home for that long

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  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
    Tray1980 ·
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    I was 18 when I first moved out - moved abroad for a year, came back got accidentally upduffed and ended up back at my mums when I was 20 until I was just gone 22 when I moved in with my OH

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  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
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    My OH's brother who is 34 still lives at home and his fiance who is 33 still lives with her parents. My MiL's brother who must be about 50 stayed at home until his mother died about 15 years ago - the house was left to him and MiL and he had to get a mortgage to give her her half of the inheritance as he didn't want to sell.

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    I moved in with my ex when I was 21 and moved back to my parents when I was 29. I was there for 11 months before moving in with my (now) husband. I have to say though, I absolutely loved being back at my parents. It was so lovely to come home from work to company (I had a very lonely time with my ex), a meal on the table and having LOADS of free time to just do nice things. My mum doesn't work so there was never any housework to do. I did used to spend between 2 and 4 nights a week at hubby's house though so I was never really there full time. It was nice to move in with hubby gradually too as he had been single for 6 years so was not used to the mess I made. ha ha.

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
    Panjita ·
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    VERY!! What if they live to be 100? Will they have the grandkids/great-grandkids living there too? Lol.

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  • lamby
    Beginner August 2010
    lamby ·
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    I moved out when I was 19. I tried to move back for a few months aged 24, to save after I'd been travelling to save, but I just couldn't hack it so found and rented a flat within 3 weeks!

    I then bought somewhere at 26.

    I know it makes sense to a lot of people not to rent, and to stay at home for a few years, etc, but as much as I'm close to my family I do need my own space, and felt as an adult, it was a bit weird to not have my own place / space / things how I like 'em, and all the freedom and choices it brings. Obviously everyone has different circumstance though and I haven't always been the most sensible with money / savings!

    This may be out of line, but when single, it used to really put me off men when I found out they still lived at home!

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  • Chidders
    Beginner June 2012
    Chidders ·
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    I was 25 when I moved out. OH had moved out a couple of years before we got together so he was nicely house trained!

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  • Twickers
    Beginner March 2011
    Twickers ·
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    I went to boarding school at 14, and have never really lived at home since! I used to go to friends during the summer holidays, home for the shorter ones though.

    Then went to uni a week after I turned 18. Since then lived in America, Jersey, Guernsey, Bermuda and just moved back to England a year ago. So only just back in the same country as my family (well most of them - my mum lives in France) let alone actually living with them! I love them dearly - but could never live with them - we're all too set in our ways!

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  • navychick
    Beginner August 2011
    navychick ·
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    I was 19 when I moved out, had to really, joined the Royal Navy. When I joined the cruise ships, I would come home for about 6 weeks on leave but was literally climbing the walls and couldn't wait to get back to sea - mum and dad drove me mad. Bought my own house whilst still at sea, when I was 30 and it was lovely walking in to a bit of peace and quiet and my own space. Loads of people thought I was made to buy when I spent more time on the ship than I did in my own house.... best decision I ever made.
    OH was at boarding school since the age of 11 (his dad was in the RAF in Berlin), OH then joined the RAF himself aged 17 so obv. moved out then. He's house trained.... to an extent.

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  • Tray1980
    Beginner July 2013
    Tray1980 ·
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    I think if I were to move back in with my mum, I'd end up killing her (or she'd end up killing me), we are just too alike and end up driving each other up the wall. We get on great when we talk every week and see each other a few times a year, any more than that and there would be blood ?

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
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    Very odd. And you're friends with these people? What do they do if they want friends over or have noisy sex? Ask their parents to foxtrot oscar?

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  • caweena
    caweena ·
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    I worked my way through my OU degree living at home with my parents and paying them a decent rent (roughly half of what we pay in rent now but of course we have bills on top of this now!) I continued paying this rent even when I was spending almost every night with H at his mum's

    Moved out last year when we got engaged 2 months before Hs 40th birthday. Yes, H lived at home until he was nearly 40! But he was totally independent from his mum, they were like flat mates rather than mother and son. He paid his share of all bills and cooked for her as often as she cooked for him, did his own laundry etc (although when she was bored she did come into his bedroom to 'tidy' - personally I think it was to nosey through our stuff as my things were always moved around, things I kept by the bed would be hidden at the back of cupboards etc)

    On a slightly different tangent my mums 2 brothers never moved out, my 63 year old uncle is now carer for his 64 year old brother (had a stroke which left him disabled 11 years ago and has since had to have a leg removed) and my 93 year old grandad.. Younger uncle I've always thought was probably gay but they were all raised in quite an old fashioned household so hard to come out? Older uncle I know had a few relationships but I think he liked his home comforts too much to be bothered moving out - weirdest thing about them though is my grandparents only ever had a 2 bedroom house (mum shared her parents bedroom until she moved out and got married at 19) so they've shared a room together for the last 60 years!

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  • Spangler
    Beginner September 2010
    Spangler ·
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    Flippin' eck! Sounds incredibly weird. Do they let you play with their teddies when you play in their room?! ?

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  • (Claire)
    Beginner July 2011
    (Claire) ·
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    I moved out when I was 26, a bit older than average but me and soon to be hubby had 200 miles between us, I moved in with him at 26 and we rented for the first 12 months which was definitely the sensible option and then soon after I turned 27 we bought our firts place, we are still there now and we love it. I dont think I could move back in with my rents as much as I love them to peices and I adore going home for the weekends and having mum and dad fuss over me, it would be to much to deal with day in day out.

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  • Mrs C
    Beginner March 2011
    Mrs C ·
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    Me too!

    My parents separated when I was 10, ended up permanently at my dad's from the age of 14... went away to college aged 19 and when I came back he had sold the house and was moving to Bournemouth!

    Moved in with mum (on a camp bed in the office) for 6 months while I sorted out renting with some friends, lived with them for a year, then back to mum's for a year while me and the ex waited for our new build flat to be finished, moved in with him, 2 weeks later realised he was a tw@t and we broke up and I moved back for the 3rd and final time for 2 years...

    Now I live with Mr C in our little tiny flat! We did talk about temporarily staying with his mum to save a bit of dosh before moving into a house but decided that I would actually kill her if we did!

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    I kind of live at home.

    I moved out of My moms when I was 15 and into Dads.

    Then at 18 I packed up my little room in Wolverhampton and went down to work in Milton Keynes alone. I soon met my (now) best friend and we rented together.

    She then relocated when I was 22, and I took an internal job to a department which is run from a manor house, so live there (high wycombe) from Sunday evening to Friday late afternoon. OH is in the army so is currently in unmarried quarters.

    This means we either go to mine/OH parents to see each other every weekend, and it's been like this since OH went to Afghan in Sept 2009. That said, we get our own place in 2 weeks and we cannot wait.

    I've not really found it difficult at all, as we don't see that much of them. By the time I get home on Friday i'm ready for food then bed, we get up and out every Saturday and get back to either change and go out for dinner etc, or to get a takeaway with the rest of the family who gravitate there - Brother, aunties and uncles etc.

    Sunday we get up, usually lounge in bed until 10ish, pop out, come back and have some lunch and then it's time for us to go back to work.

    The only way it really effects me is that is means I constantly live out of a suitcase and I don't cook much because there is none of "my" kitchen things/food around etc. But that's all do-able short term.

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  • judeclarke
    Beginner October 2011
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    I couldn't live with my mum - she is certifiable. I left to go to uni, and lasted 3 months when I got back - she told me I needed my independance and did I want help with a deposit - basically kicked me out. I moved in with my then BF (he became hubby, then ex-hubby). Even when I left ex-hubby I had to beg sofa space from my sister rather than live with my mum. And I nealry killed her a couple fo years ago when we were on holiday (2 weeks in Florida with Mum, sister, all the kids too!)

    My OH on the other hand lived with his parents until he was 36. It was a case of he'd never had reason to move out - until he met me!

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  • ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown
    Beginner January 2012
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    Christ on a bike, are you serious? No. Smiley smile Moved out at 18, never been back.

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  • *JLS*
    Beginner July 2012
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    I moved out when I was 18 and went to uni in Glasgow, I bought a house with OH in 2002 and when he moved down to Engerlandshire I moved in with the in laws - it was great and felt like I had my own space. I had to then move in with my parents when me and OH had a fallin gout and I hated it - had to keep checking in for dinner, let them know what time I would be in at and then get phone calls when I was late!!

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  • 1234ABC
    1234ABC ·
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    OH and I still live at home with my parents while we save for a place of our own, but with our Wedding 5 months away, i'm starting to climb the walls a bit. I want to be in my own place before we get married.

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  • Mellow_Yellow
    Beginner May 2012
    Mellow_Yellow ·
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    God no! As much as I love my mum, I couldn't live with her. I think moving out has actually made me closer to her as we're not under each others feet all the time.

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  • jojo2
    Beginner June 2012
    jojo2 ·
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    I moved out when I was 23 to work on Cruise Ships. I came back after 2 years but it was unbearable as I realised how much I needed my own space and to do what I want when I needed to without being questioned (nagged)! I moved to London with friends and eventually met and lived with my ex.

    I can understand how some people think it is good to be with parents as no bills, housework, cooking etc.. but I would rather be counting the pennies and have my independence than have extra cash and be driven stir crazy!!

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  • Cookie Galore
    Beginner November 2009
    Cookie Galore ·
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    I lived with my parents til I was 24, deliberately went to a uni within easy commuting distance so that I could. My parents always said they couldn't afford to give us a deposit for a house or a car for our 21st or stuff like that but they could afford to keep a roof over our heads rent free until we were set up on our own. My student loans went into a high interest bearing account and sat for the 5 years I was at uni, while I worked weekends and holidays for spending money. That meant that by the time I left uni and finished my professional training I had a good size deposit, a good start on a wedding fund and some healthy savings to fall back on. Did we fall out and get under each others feet? Absolutely but I will be eternally grateful to my parents for giving me the opportunity to build such a solid foundation.

    I only moved out really when I had a reason to (H!) and he was the same. That said I think even if I wasn't with H I would have been looking for somewhere of my own about the time we bought anyway, it was about the right time.

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  • C
    Beginner October 2011
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    I lived with my parents until I was 26! I moved in with OH then. To be honest if I hadn't met OH I could have quite easily stayed living with the parents!!

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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
    Storky ·
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    For those of you with children or who want them, what age would you expect your child(ren) to have moved out and be self sufficient?

    (Assuming that your child doesn't require specific care or additional assistance)

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  • Samantha2704
    Beginner July 2011
    Samantha2704 ·
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    I moved out when i was 20, into rented accommodation, OH had moved in to my parents house a year before that!

    We still rent now but hoping to save & get somewhere in the next 2 years x

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  • Panjita
    Beginner May 2011
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    I want kids and I think 24 is quite enough.

    I left home for 6 months to work in Greece when I was 18 and I have to admit it was extremely difficult to come back to my parents at 19 after having had a taste of independence but I knew when I left that I would be coming back, it was never a permanent thing.

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