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Beginner May 2012

Slightly o/t....what pill do you recommend?

sr3693, 14 April, 2011 at 13:28

Posted on Planning 62

Umm i've been thinking about this the last couple of months bevuase my monthlys have been a bit messed up and my skin has been terrible! I have tried microgynon, i was on it for 6 years, had a break for 6 months then went back on it and it just did not like me! moods were horrendous! I have a couple...

Umm i've been thinking about this the last couple of months bevuase my monthlys have been a bit messed up and my skin has been terrible!

I have tried microgynon, i was on it for 6 years, had a break for 6 months then went back on it and it just did not like me! moods were horrendous!

I have a couple since which didnt help either now I am trying marvelon...only first month so we will see how it goes?

Any recommendations? I want to be able to control things for the wedding and im hoping the pill will help my skin!

Thanks Smiley smile

62 replies

  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
    Saisi ·
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    I got the Implanon a year and a half ago and it was the worst decision I ever made. Bleeding almost constantly... like 3 weeks on, 1 week off! The nurses kept putting me back on the pill (Cilest) to try and regulate my body but it just hasn't worked. I don't want to take it out now so close to the wedding because you currently can't really see it and I'm worried that I might bruise or something where they take it out and a) it'll show in the photos and b) nosy relatives might ask about it! But I'm definitely taking it out after the wedding and until then am just taking Cilest as well.

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  • LuLu_x
    Beginner May 2012
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    I got mine took out after 6 mths and honestly there is no mark or bruise where they took its out didnt even need a plaster! I was the same on that tho constant period!

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  • Houdini
    Beginner August 2010
    Houdini ·
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    As you can see, different things work for different people so it's trial and error I'm afraid.

    FWIW, I was on Microgynon for 6 months, hideous, another one for 4 years or so and am now on Femodette which is a low dose one.

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  • Saisi
    Beginner June 2011
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    Okay, fine, really I'm a massive wuss and am putting off getting it taken out! Smiley winking

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  • LuLu_x
    Beginner May 2012
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    haha love it Smiley winking ill hold ur hand x

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    I took Microgynon for 10 years (ish) with no break other than the alloted 1 week off it per month, and loved it.

    My skin was bad, but I don't ever remember a time when it wasn't, as I went on the pill at 15 and had normal teenage spotty skin before then!

    However, quite randomly I started getting severe headaches on the day I stopped taking the pill and then again on the day I took it after my break. I had these for 2 months running and on the second month my period was 2 days late, which never, ever happened before - I could have predicted it to the hour before that! So it just suddenly stopped suiting me.

    So I popped back to family planning and they've put me onto Marvelon - not noticed anything different TBH, it's just exactly how I used to be with Microgynon (before I stopped suiting it) - my skin is loads clearer, but that's more to do with the fortune I am spending on Liz earle I believe!

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  • B
    Baroness ·
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    I take Cerazette and I get on with it really well. I do still get a bit emotional the week before I would be due on but I don't get any bleeding, that said for 9 months I did get a little light bleeding quite often (at least 4 times a week) but I have to wear panty liners anyway due to a gynae issue (I won't go there, sorry if TMI) so it wasn't a big deal.

    My friend had implanon and has put on 4 stone with no change in diet. She is not a fan.

    I took Dianette which wasn't licenced as a contraceptive at that point, that was fine. I've been fine on Cilest too. But I can only have mini pills now, as I am too fat for oestrogen.

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  • *JLS*
    Beginner July 2012
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    I am another Cilest girlie and have not had any problems in over 15 years. I did try the patch for a while as I liked the idea of one patch per week and not having to remember to take the pill (somehow I still seem to forget after all this time), but it kept sticking to my pants as it is similar texture to a plaster.

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  • Little Madam
    Little Madam ·
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    It's so useful to read everyone's different experiences - I have been fairly lucky really.

    My friend at work broke off her engagement and blames it on having the implant, not sure how long it had been in but she said that looking back it made her into a completely different person. She didn't want to go anywhere / do anything and was completely different. She also bled heavily all of the time, no break inbetween. She was so desperate to have it out that she drove 50 miles to an out of hours FP clinic.

    She is now back on the pill (not sure which one) and getting on fine.

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  • Peaseblossom
    Beginner March 2013
    Peaseblossom ·
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    I have gone from Dianette for my skin, to Microgynon which was vile, to Cilest which was great but I am pretty forgetful so now I am on the Depo Provera injection which I love, just a needle in the bum every 12 weeks. No weight gain although my sex drive has gone down a lot☹️ (sorry if that's tmi).

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  • L
    Beginner August 2012
    Lillibet ·
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    I was on Microgynon for 3 years with no problems at all, in fact it was perfect, and then all of a sudden it sent my cycle doolally!

    Since been on Femodene for about 2 years with no ill effects, cycle is like clockwork and minimal pain (before the pill I had really bad period pain so minimal is good!), no weight gain and skin is ok. Only thing is it doesn't seem to control PMT like Microgynon did, and hasn't reduced the length or heaviness of periods, but I can't really be bothered to change again at the mo.

    I think I read somewhere that your body gets used to a certain pill every 3-4 years so its good to change around when you've been on one for that long, and thats why they can all of a sudden affect you differently...

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  • Wedding Photographer
    Wedding Photographer ·
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    Speak to your GP, not a forum. Your GP knows you, your history, your alergies, your other medications etc..

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  • ajdown
    VIP September 2011
    ajdown ·
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    My recommendation?


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  • Storky
    Beginner May 2011
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    You're best bet is to have a chat with your GP. They'll be able to steer you towards something that's the correct dosage for you and will fit in around your lifestyle in terms of when you take them.

    FWIW, I was on Cilest for a long time and when I changed Drs they put me onto Microgynon as it was a lower dosage. Have not had problems with either.

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  • MrsB_2_be
    Beginner August 2011
    MrsB_2_be ·
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    I recommend Yasmin- it made my boobs go up a cup size! ?

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  • *Nursey*
    Beginner May 2012
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    Exactly WSS! Hormones affect everyone differently so there's really no use listening to other people's experiences (no offence!)

    I had to go through loads of different Pills to find one that suited me, and even that has its' problems. The best solution I found was to come off the Pill entirely! Although I can't do that until after the wedding...

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  • *Mini*
    Beginner January 2012
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    I was on Ovranette which made me go a bit mental [think its the same as Microgynon]

    Cilest made me hoooooj and ive lost so much weigh recently dont want to put any more on.

    Am going to try Yasmin now though after what you ladies have said about it being good for skin as mine is akin to a 14 year old boys atm!

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  • Samantha2704
    Beginner July 2011
    Samantha2704 ·
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    I've been on Yasmin for a few years now.

    I've been on a lot of pills, non seemed to work. I tried Yasmin when i was younger & i just gained weight & was so moody! It's all down to change in hormones. Second time around im fine....

    Although, i take Yasmin for 9 weeks then have a 7 day break because my doctor suspects i have the symptoms of endometriosis the same as my mum.

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  • Arquard
    Beginner May 2011
    Arquard ·
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    Microgynon - I got pregnant

    Depo injection - turned me into a chubby, spotty psychopath

    Implant - considering but am utterly freaked by the idea!

    At the moment I'm in between options and all of a flap about it. My skin has been awful since I fell pregnant with my daughter and it's really bugging me now. I need to do SOMETHING, so think I might go to my dr and ask about this yasmin pill....

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  • spikeygoodness
    spikeygoodness ·
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    I heard, though I have no idea if this is true or not, that Microgynon is the cheapest, so although it suits far fewer people than many of the newer pills, the docs will almost always put you on that one first.

    I'm on Femodene, and would normally be fairly positive about it, but I'm currently getting breakthrough bleeding, which is really annoying. I'm only on it till after the wedding though, so there would be little point in changing anything up at this stage.

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  • septemberbride2011
    Beginner August 2011
    septemberbride2011 ·
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    I was on Mercilon for years up until I had the baby in August (I caught as I took st johns wort and didn't realised it messed up the pill!) I went back on it after the baby was about a month old and kept getting headaches a few days before I was due on, stuck with it as thought maybe my hormones were all over the place but couldn't cope after 4 months as the headaches lasted 3 or 4 days and with 3 kids I wasn't coping too well!

    Went on the mini pill (cerazette) but kept bleeding and was eating everything and anything in sight (no good when you need to lose the baby weight AND fit into a size 10 wedding dress in 4 months time!) so went back to family planning yesterday and dr suggested I go back on Mercilon and don't have the week free as my body was craving oestrogen which was causing the headaches. So fingers crossed lets hope it works as it was great before I had the baby.

    I had the deprovera injection but I bled constantly too (the whole 3 months) at least with the pill you can change over rather than wait for it to run its course with the injections xx

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  • M
    Beginner August 2011
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    I am on Femodene (have been for about 8 years now) and I had bleeding halfway through the month - thought it may have been the pill but went to see a gyno (for a coposcopy) and she said I had an erosion of the cervix and this made me bleed during smears and through my cycle so she cortorised me and had nothing since - sorry if TMI but it may be that you have the same, or it may just be a coincidence and it's the pill affecting you?! Just thought I would share ?

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  • spikeygoodness
    spikeygoodness ·
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    I've had that happen before too. I'll keep an eye on it - if it's just this month it's probably an anomoly, if it continues will definitely go see a doctor!

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  • nicnol
    Beginner October 2011
    nicnol ·
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    This post has answered my question of why I seem to be getting spotty recently! I went back on microgynon about 4 mths ago after I thought yasmin was making me a little depressive! That could have just been me though! So now I think the microgynon is the one giving me the spots will be going back to Dr's to try another one!!! Maybe Marvelon?!

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  • S
    Beginner May 2012
    sr3693 ·
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    Woooww, lots of responses and all very interesting! Thanks Girlies! Smiley smile

    Hope we all get things sorted & not just for the big day!

    Marvelon & Yasmin seem quite popular...obviously dr knows best and will advise but it's good

    to read the different experiences/opinions!

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  • pandorasbox
    Beginner August 2012
    pandorasbox ·
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    Microgyn is making me crazy, I am certain it is the pill, it has been happening for about a year now so I know nothing to do with wedding planning or work etc.

    I have been asking my nurse to change for a while now, but every time she just wants me to have some kind of injection which I really don't want, or the implant thing.

    I keep saying I want to stick to a type of pill, one that won't make me a mental b*tch 2 weeks out of 4, and its like she is a broken record. I am going to see a different nurse at the GPs next week and hopefully she will sort it out.

    My skin has not been a problem so I am worried changing pills will give me break outs or make me put on weight. (this is what the nurse told me when I first asked, and insisted I have the jab or implant instead, which I refused, so she basically said there was nothing else so stay on microgyn)

    I like the sound of Yasmin boosting booby size though!

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  • Knees
    VIP August 2012
    Knees ·
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    It's quite clear from reading the responses that what works for one person won't work for another, so you'll definitely need to ask your doctor's advice, and perhaps try a few to see what suits you.

    I went on the pill at age 16 (now 28) and the family planning clinic recommended Loestrin 20, which they said was good for young girls as it was a low dose. I queried this a few years ago and they said that it was still fine for me, but it wouldn't work for larger ladies.

    A couple of months ago, I had my cholesterol checked and, as I was slightly higher than normal, the doctor I saw recommended I change to the mini-pill and she put me on Cerazette. OMG - I was moody, tired and just horrible! After two packs I went back to a different doctor who said that I was only slightly above normal cholesterol and there was no reason for me to change, so she put me back on Loestrin 20.

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