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Beginner February 2014

Wedding hates and dislikes

Wifeytobe88, 4 September, 2013 at 16:51

Posted on Planning 312

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going! What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much? personally I really don't like it...

Sorry if this has been done before - I'm sure it has - but I haven't seen a similar topic since I've been a member, so I thought I would get a light hearted discussion going!

What things do you REALLY dislike at weddings, and what do you just not like very much?

personally I really don't like it when the bride and groom does a 'funny' first dance. I'm sure some people like it and find it funny, but I just find it super cringe and naff.

This might be a bit controversial, but I also really don't like vintage / birdcage themes anymore. They were lovely when they first started, but after seeing them at every other wedding, I think they've just gotten a bit meh. Again though I'm fully open to other people's tastes and if the bride or groom loves this look, then I still believe they should have what they want without caring what others think.

312 replies

  • tayto
    Beginner May 2013
    tayto ·
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    Impressive! 12 pages and we're all still friends... another 26 to go, eh?! ?

    My list:

    Bouquet/garter toss

    Bad food/drink

    Long photoshoots & the couple not spending time with their guests

    Guest books

    Massive bridal parties - 10 BM's, really?!

    Too much pink & marshmallow stuff going on!

    Awkward embarassing speeches

    Vintage/birdcage themes

    Long thank you's where the couple bring about half the guests up to present them with something or other!

    Empty dance floors & bad dj's/music choices

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  • snow bride
    Beginner June 2016
    snow bride ·
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    Hehe we're having a HUGE bridal party! At the moment it's 6 Bridesmaids and 4 Groomsmen plus 3 brothers and my dad in a suit, lol.

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  • slou90
    Beginner April 2014
    slou90 ·
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    Great tip!!!!!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
    Elixia ·
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    Tayto, i totally agree with everything in your list Smiley tongue i pray for small speeches.

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  • J
    Beginner April 2014
    JMarieS ·
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    I hate:

    • Crystals on things
    • Bride and groom having a picture taken beside every tree in a 2 mile radius.
    • Venues having ugly chairs so you need to cover them
    • Venues expecting you to pay for "extras" which are basic services - I've seen one that asked you to pay to rent the dance floor! Surely floors come as standard. For gods sake the floor is there already - why should I pay for it?! Are they going to come and barrier it off if I dont pay!! Also they are your tables- surely you already have table cloths for them!
    • Everyone telling me about every wedding they have been too along the lines of "X and Y had such an amazing wedding! It was so different from everyone else they had this and that bla bla bla". I dont care that your distant cousins friend had a cake made of cheese and youd never seen anything like it!!
    • The constant decision making! And the constant second guessing of all the decisions you make when you tell them to family/bridemaids and you get that "why on earth have you decided to do that" look back.
    • Things to do with weddings being trends - why cant we all just have what we want and not feel swayed by pinterest and wedding magazines (I'm as guilty as everyone). Then if what you want is what everyone wants it makes you want want to want something else (e.g. vintage, birdcage, teacups, sweet stalls)
    • How expensive it all is and how you have to save for years so that the planning, anticipation and excitement intensifies at the wrong point and then wears off before it happens.
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  • ~Curley~
    Beginner August 2014
    ~Curley~ ·
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    A little bit off the topic and maybe a little mean ? but I am also starting to hate food intolerance's (obvs not the guests fault but you know, a pain in my backside!), picky eaters and people who ask if theres another menu to pick of because 'they dont like the sound of that'! No there bloody isn't you cheeky sod! Oh and people who ask if I have considered this starter or that main because they had it when they went out for dinner the other night and it was lovely and they would love to have it again. Well go out for dinner and have it again then!

    Bit of a rant, sorry

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  • michonne
    Beginner August 2014
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    I know I am being a little bit mean here but l've thought of another one brides wearing glasses on then big day. What's wrong with contact lenses? for some reason this really bugs me.

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  • Kriek
    Beginner December 2012
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    I love the colour red but I have an irrational hatred for this dress.

    Also with ER on women referring to themselves as princesses.

    Others - speeches with lots of sex jokes when the poor bride is sitting next to her parents/grandparents, weddings held 100 miles away from the couple's hometown and everyone has to pay a fortune to get there and stay overnight, overly-sexy dresses in a church and spot colour photographs.

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
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    I know this is a light-hearted thread so I'm not going to say much on this but just wanted to highlight to you - not everyone who wears glasses is suitable for contacts lenses so people don't always have a choice. I'm yet to see a bride wear glasses on her wedding day as a fashion statement or to go with her theme, it's usually because she needs them to see.

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  • S
    Beginner December 2014
    Soontobe_mrsG ·
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    I wear glasses, I cant see without them, and I cant wear contact lenses(and yes i have tried different types over the years)

    I get a thread about likes and dislikes, but some people need things, its not a choice

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  • PinkButterfly
    Beginner June 2014
    PinkButterfly ·
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    Gosh I agree so much with the princess thing!

    Why be princess for the day!!!

    I'm Queen of my Castle everyday! *wink* lol

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  • Trish2014
    Beginner June 2014
    Trish2014 ·
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    Absolutely! Plus:

    Cadbury purple - I think purple is just a love/hate colour and I don't love it


    Expanses of plain shiny satin

    Two tone weddings - where it's just white plus an exact shade of pink/blue/red/whatever

    Bouquets of just one or two long stem flowers

    Cupcake towers (although I loved them when I first started looking)

    Receiving lines

    Foil confetti scattered on the tables

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  • H
    Beginner May 2014
    Helybel ·
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    As a B2B I dislike:

    - as someone else said, all the venue add ons that are chargeable and really shouldn't be. If they have minging tatty chairs, why should I pay to cover them up!(I'm having to do this despite not being a fan of spandex chair covers at all)

    - they're just trying to help, but friends mothers who you've met only twice offering to make the wedding cake as it's her hobby. The cake may be lovely, but may also be vile. Now in the slightly awkward position of will friend be offended if I say no and buy a waitrose cake instead.

    - Guests wanting to bring extras. OH's brother wants a +1 (probably some temporary date who'll he'll never see again 2 weeks after the wedding), AND his ex girlfriend who he has remained mates with and his parents seem to love despite her just sponging free trips/hospitality and wedding invites at every opportunity. This is non negotiable. He gets a + 1 who will not be included in any official photos regardless of who it is except the 'everybody' shot.

    - Family interfering, nuff said

    - OH bizarrely thinking his dad should also be making some sort of speech. I don't quite understand this one, I have no real grounds for objection as my parents aren't funding the wedding, we are so each family is equal in wedding importance. I just have never heard of it! Anyone else seen this done?

    As a guest I dislike:

    - Long periods standing around or a wedding breakfast that goes on forever. Especially when the seating plan is poor!

    - The fact that I'm never hungry for the evening buffet because the wedding breakfast was served at 5pm

    - When nobody knows what time anything is happening. I'm seriously thinking about giving the guests a printed outline for the day when we get married so they know what's happening and when. We went to a wedding and wanted to stay for the first dance then leave as we had to drive 2 1/2 hours to get home. At 10pm they still hadn't had their first dance. Didn't really matter as it was lovely to catch up with some old friends and we were busy nattering, but we just didn't know the evening would be kicking off so late. I think it was because the evening bbq was being served in the disco area and that had to go out first.

    - Drunk guests who take the p*** out of the free bar/complimentary reception drinks and get as plastered as they can as quick as they can then can barely stand up the rest of the day. Have you never been out before?

    - Guests being verbally critical at the meal about the food. You're a guest, you'e not paying for it. Have some grace.

    - Erm, yeah I'm not too sure about the dresses with coloured panels either.

    I do like red and burgundy though Smiley smile

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  • H
    Beginner May 2014
    Helybel ·
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    ...Oh, and I know it's very popular so don't all shout but I don't like wedding photographs with too many gimmicks. Soft focus edges, too much arty-f@*rtiness, black and white photos with random coloured bits (I will say I have seen this done well with a confetti shot but the worst I've seen was a black and white picture where the groomsmen were having a pre-wedding pint- nothing wrong with that at all but the photographer had chosen just their pints to colour in.. just looked very odd)

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  • Helenia
    Beginner September 2011
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    Ooooh, this! I like to know when stuff is happening, especially how long the drinks reception is going to be and when the food will appear. It's not hard to include a timetable for the day in your OoS, or at least have it all on a board at the venue.

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  • Kentish Gal
    Beginner July 2013
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    I thought some of the parents might be going crazy if they didn't know so we put it on the wedding website from the off, and had an Order of the Day instead of Order of Service with all the plans on. Have no clue if anyone found it useful, it was never mentioned.

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    Oh jeez, getting dress wobbles. It'll pass, it'll pass (or ill get a new one! Smiley laugh ) total reaffirmed the idea of a schedule for the day! I remember feeling bored waiting around for ages for the wedding breakfast at one last year. Lenghy photo shoots drive me barmy! I hope to make it as short as possible.

    Also, using a photo on the forum is painful!

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  • Bookish
    Beginner August 2014
    Bookish ·
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    I think your dress fits your theme perfectly Elixia. Very Princess Zelda!

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  • Elixia
    Beginner March 2014
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    My wobbles stem from the 101 othr dresses I also want! But thank you Bookish

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  • michonne
    Beginner August 2014
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    I wear glasses too, but i'd rather go without my glasses for the day with or without contact lenses. I just don't like how it looks, but I suppose if you need glasses to see than you don't have a choice.

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  • lilmis
    Beginner May 2015
    lilmis ·
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    That old thread is amazing, I do love a troll incident every now & again (I used to be a mod on another forum).

    my dislikes;

    Hats, any variety, for both men & Women. My mum & mil2b are not hat people so will not be wearing them, however I can guarantee that my aunt will wear her usual satellite dish type hat - not a good look on a woman who is 5"2!

    Feathers in bouquets/wands/buttons holes. My cat has toys with feathers on, that is where they should stay.

    birdcage centre pieces, lovely as they can be its just not for me.

    crystal tree centrepieces, odd looking & blocks the view just a bit.

    swirly waistcoats, pale pink waistcoats, groom's waistcoat matching rest of the guys waistcoats.

    Badly done cravats.

    balloons, specifically balloon arches.

    Waiting hours between arrival drinks and the wedding breakfast so the bride & groom can disappear for hours to have three million photos taken.

    magicans & photo booths.

    Butterfly release - I do not understand the point of this inhumane act.

    "I Do" stickers on shoes

    Stretchy chair covers

    Fake gems as table confetti/foil table confetti

    Cupcakes. But this is a general aversion to them. I made 160 for a friend's wedding, I couldn't bear to eat one & still have nightmares now 3 years on!

    Inadequate food portions, I like my food and I want a proper meal not a snack.

    I think that's all for now

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  • Carpe Diem
    Carpe Diem ·
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    This is hilarious! I am also guilty of having some of these at our wedding!

    Things I would personally not choose.....

    Balloons in any form at all

    Waistcoats and cravats

    Any animals, particularly doves!

    Recieving Line

    Those little organza favour bags

    awful patterned old fashioned carpets and curtains (and yes I did veto some venues just because of this!)

    Sitting with a table full of people you don't know, is just awkward!

    Hours of waiting around with nothing to do whilst photos are being taken

    Engagement shoots - they just look awkward?

    shop bought invitations where you just fill in the details with a pen

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  • Polka Dot Penguin
    Polka Dot Penguin ·
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  • O
    Beginner September 2013
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  • goldpants
    Beginner May 2014
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    Right, firstly, how did I miss the other thread!? Just caught up on all 35 pages - devastated I missed out on my two pence.

    So things 'not to my taste' (see how cautious i was there?!)

    * Tiaras

    * Toastmasters

    * Religious ceremonies (especially catholic ones that are an hour and a half long)

    * Brides who don't smile when they walk down the aisle

    * Babies at ceremonies

    * Brides seen late in the evening sat on the floor in their wedding dress doing oops up aside your head.

    * Feathers

    * Brides with a fag in their hand

    * Venue with carpet

    * Fruitcake

    * 'Mixing guests' on tables for wedding breakfast so everyone can get to know one another

    * Having someone there on your wedding day you have never met in your life

    * Not receiving a thank you card when having attented a wedding as a guest and giving a gift - but seeing a 'Thanks for all the generous gifts' generic facebook status

    Think I'm done... I only had three when I started typing but they just kept coming to me!

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  • ShropshireLass
    Beginner April 2014
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    Loved the other thread!! It made for very entertaining reading on an otherwise boring Sunday afternoon!!

    There's not much I don't like about weddings really...I don't think I've ever thought "ooooh, I really don't like that" at weddings I've been too.

    However, personally I wouldn't/won't be having:

    A big princess style dress, cupcakes (I make these ALL the time for people's bdays, christenings etc...def NOT having them at my wedding!! Sick of the damn things!), horse & cart, pumpkin style carriage (Jordan esque), ott up do, single stem bouquet, reeeeeeaaaallllly long boring speeches (went to a wedding once where the brides step dad droned on for an hour!! It wasn't even a humorous speech & was mostly about could see the bride just cringing behind him!), themed wedding (like the silly men in black alien theme on DTTB recently)...

    Of all the things I won't be having, I'm still having trouble deciding what I will be having!!

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  • icklesal
    Beginner April 2015
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    This!!!! Another song banned from my wedding. I say this because I know that after a few drinks I will be dragging everyone down to dance to it! Cringe!!!

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  • *MM3*
    Beginner June 2014
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    LMAO! I've seen this so many times on four weddings and think it looks ridiculous..fair enough if they have a laugh but it looks so daft to the sober spectator Smiley laugh

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  • Siobhan200286
    Beginner August 2015
    Siobhan200286 ·
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    LOVE this idea for a thread!! I thought it was just me that had 'hates' but clearly not. I haven't read all the replies yet so mine might even have been said already. My biggest hate (and OH luckily shares this) is.....CHAIR COVERS! I just absolutely 100% detest them! Apologies to anyone who is having them but I just cannot bear white linen chair covers with a coloured bow wrapped round them. I don't like the look of them, and as a wedding guest I really hate sitting on them. They always end up shuffling about, the bows get knocked wonky, etc. and I just hate them.

    A big big big selling point for us on our venue was that the chairs don't 'need' the covers because the ceremony room chairs are perfectly fine, and the reception room chairs are gorgeous bespoke oak chairs which would only be ruined by covers.

    Haha I love that I've had an opportunity to rant about this somewhere!

    I don't think I have any other 'hates'...there are things I'm not keen on but I don't feel as strongly about those things as I do chair covers.


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  • kharding2014
    Beginner October 2014
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    With bridesmaids in Burgundy satin tea length dresses

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  • Ohwhatatuesday
    Beginner May 2014
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    I'm pretty sure this might be me ? and I probably wouldn't need a drink to do it either...I get a bit carried away in a party atmosphere!

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  • goldpants
    Beginner May 2014
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    Don't worry dreamcatchme! I am the first guest to get down and oops up aside my head at a wedding after a few drinks.... I just can't imagine my beautiful dress all over the dirty floor.... but OH has a very strict list of music for our evening, no cheese allowed! *groomzilla alert* haha!!

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