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Vicars being made redundant ?
bettyb, 4 April, 2008 at 21:00

Just another random pondering from me tonight ?. Have you ever heard of anyone such as a vicar/priest/nun ever being made redundant. I was just thinking about this when reading the local paper and the...

Ms. Scarlett, saturday 5-Apr-08 19 1,041
How bizarre....Neil Buchanan, Art Attack - Dead?
catwoman, 5 April, 2008 at 09:07

There's a Facebook Group here - with over 20k members, suggesting he died of colon cancer on the 21st March, aged just 46. However, Wikipedia and...

catwoman, saturday 5-Apr-08 10 1,157
Man flu-esque behaviour
, 4 April, 2008 at 21:30

Mr H has indigestion apparently, he's sitting here huffing and puffing and making such a fuss! For gawds sake [V] If he huffs and puffs any more he's going to blow all the houses down ?

babygreenuk, friday 4-Apr-08 1 287
Rigid Sigmoidoscopy
Ann-Louise, 4 April, 2008 at 07:49

Has anyone had one of these done? If so, how painful or uncomfortable was it? Also, did they give you any kind of anaesthetic? Thanks.

Ann-Louise, friday 4-Apr-08 8 715
St. Knickerless
Am I a "scab"?
St. Knickerless, 2 April, 2008 at 18:10

My union (National Union of Teachers or NUT) has voted in favour of a one day walk out on 24th April. I voted against the strike, dont want to participate as I think it is fruitless - what can the...

Lumpy Golightly, friday 4-Apr-08 58 783
Chicken Curry Recipes
POD, 3 April, 2008 at 11:59

Could anybody recommend a T&T (tomato based) curry recipe. I have one I normally but would like to try something different tonight. Thanks

goonergirl, friday 4-Apr-08 6 363
I just read my husband's internet history
Doughnut, 3 April, 2008 at 19:52

And he has looked at 2 baby names websites ? We don't have baby. Should I be worried? ?

spacecadet_99, thursday 3-Apr-08 8 204
Liver tumor & surgery (piece of string)
Lurker, 3 April, 2008 at 18:00

I was diagnosed with a hemangioma (8x6cm)in 2006 and have recently had to have a follow up ultrasound and it has grown (11x9cm and takes up almost the whole of my right lobe) however it is unusual for...

Lurker, thursday 3-Apr-08 14 1,583
Overpaying on mortgages
Julia., 3 April, 2008 at 14:22

If you have a repayment mortgage of £45000, you were allowed to pay up to £500 extra a month without penalty, how would this affect the mortgage? Does the £500 extra a month go towards decreasing the...

*CJ*, thursday 3-Apr-08 6 194
Okay. Tell me about interest only mortgages.
Ruby 2, 3 April, 2008 at 11:58

Well, having found out how much more we're going to have to pay when we remortgage thanks to higher rates, it looks like we're going to have to pay interest only on a mortgage for a while....

Ruby 2, thursday 3-Apr-08 10 150
Anyone been to Peru?
Emma217, 3 April, 2008 at 11:14

We're going to Machu Picchu next Easter. As the flights will be available soon, we're starting to plan our trip. Apart from a trip into the Amazon, MP, Lima and Cusco which we want to do, we have no...

Emma217, thursday 3-Apr-08 6 152
Driving and un-MOTd car to it's MOT
fiorelli, 3 April, 2008 at 08:14

Am I right in thinking that it is ok to drive an un-MOTd car to a pre-booked MOT? We have lost our last MOT, so don't know the exact date it ran out. A call to the place we bought the car last year...

fiorelli, thursday 3-Apr-08 9 702
Happy Cheese Weasel Day
Pint&APie, 3 April, 2008 at 09:51

"Who brings the cheese on April 3rd? The Cheese Weasel He's not a silly bunny or a raindeer or a bird, He's the Cheese Weasel He's got a cute black tail And tiny buck teeth He doesn't bring fish, and...

tahdah, thursday 3-Apr-08 6 244
Do you always wear a seat belt?
Spamboule, 2 April, 2008 at 18:58

I regularly drive up and down the M4 going to meetings as well as driving through London and it never fails to amaze me just how many people don't wear a seat belt. What really worries me is when I...

Blond Tart, thursday 3-Apr-08 68 1,244
Treacle tart
Do you believe?
Treacle tart, 1 April, 2008 at 20:35

I went to see a psychic a few years ago and then just before I got wed. I was quite sceptical and didnt know what to expect. It was all very weird. The first time was all about my mother - she passed...

HeidiHole, wednesday 2-Apr-08 332 5,375
compeed blister plasters
alleroo, 2 April, 2008 at 20:17

Has anyone used these recently and had a reaction to them? I've never had any problems with them, until I bought a new pack within about 20 minutes of putting them my skin under and around them became...

alleroo, wednesday 2-Apr-08 511
how to unblock my ear?
tea and toast, 2 April, 2008 at 18:06

My left ear is really blocked and when I touch my ear it actually feels numb. Typical for this to happen after the doctors and chemists close. Anyone have any top tips to unblock your ear... using...

tea and toast, wednesday 2-Apr-08 14 12,194
Benidorm - the TV show and other english comedies?
pans, 1 April, 2008 at 22:53

I have jsut been talking to my mother and she told me about this programme and said its hilarious. She is going to try and record it for me and bring it over because we miss english comedies. Before...

Maxi, wednesday 2-Apr-08 36 1,237
Mrs Winkle
Aaaaaargh. Fcuking, fcuking hell.
Mrs Winkle, 1 April, 2008 at 20:32

Fcuking Virgin Holidays customer service is shit. Tonight I had to ring for the fourth time to ask for confirmation of the £1,344.50 I paid on 10th March. Four fcuking times. And each time no one...

marmalade atkins, tuesday 1-Apr-08 17 365
Is there a hitched chatroom?
kylieanne, 1 April, 2008 at 15:01

I have only ever used forums before, but was wondering if there is a live chatroom that hitchers use? If so, which one?

kylieanne, tuesday 1-Apr-08 15 257
60 minute makeover rant
hay, 1 April, 2008 at 14:06

It has been on for about 20 seconds and already I want to throw something at the tv. Terri Dyer pronouncing triplets as tripperlets.

Chicken, tuesday 1-Apr-08 25 2,953
Panic attacks/hysterics/screaming heeby jeebies
SophieM, 31 March, 2008 at 22:14

Tonight for the first time in my life I experienced this. Back story: for a while I've had an annoying pigeon couple nesting right outside my kitchen window and I've had to chase them out of the...

cariad, tuesday 1-Apr-08 37 532
Driclor or alternatives?
Nooniepie, 31 March, 2008 at 17:48

? I started using this about a month ago, having read the instructions I expected it to sting and for the first few nights it was bearable then the next few nights I was waking up in the night and...

Flaming Nora, monday 31-Mar-08 5 5,017
Veet 'Ready to Use Wax Strip' users
scholt, 31 March, 2008 at 16:06

Sorry bit of a long shot but has anyone who uses these found an alternative to the 'perfect finish wipes' which is what you get the excess wax off with? I have loads of wax strips but always end up...

scholt, monday 31-Mar-08 1 2,224
Sirloin steak for dinner - what to serve with?
alison76, 31 March, 2008 at 14:50

My H went shopping at the weekend and bought us some sirloin steaks for tea tonight. I wouldn't normally buy steak myself and have never actually cooked them before. I've found what looks like a...

Mrs T, monday 31-Mar-08 14 9,413
Ms. SA
Crockpot guinea fowl (stupid Q)
Ms. SA, 31 March, 2008 at 12:13

OK so I promised H a guinea fowl done in the crockpot for this evening's meal to make up for the 1001 casseroles he's been served when I cook lately... So, I have recipes online that I've found......

Ms. SA, monday 31-Mar-08 291
Was Hitched hacked yesterday evening?
haagweg, 31 March, 2008 at 11:22

I opened it late evening and it went to a page saying it was hacked by something Turkish I think. I closed it down after that. Was it just me or my imagination? I thought there might be a thread on it...

haagweg, monday 31-Mar-08 5 351
Anyone been on holiday to Santander or Bilbao?
Smiley, 30 March, 2008 at 16:51

I am looking to book a holiday for myself, MrS and our LO. Now I am terrified of flying, I usually go on holiday to Spain by coach [:I] but I dont think it is good idea dragging a 1 year old on a 36...

Bag of Bones, monday 31-Mar-08 16 862
Does anyone have or know about Psoriasis?
Kaz_76, 28 March, 2008 at 18:12

I've had what I assumed was dandruff for a few weeks now, if not more. Went to hairdresser today and she said I have Psoriasis. I don't know much about it apart from heard it can be...

Kaz_76, sunday 30-Mar-08 13 424
cooking times for spatchcock chicken
AnnaBanana, 30 March, 2008 at 14:30

I bought a 2kg happy chicken today and am going to spatchcock it - which ive never done before. it will obviously cook quicker but how much quicker? usually 2kg takes about 2 hours, so would you say...

Secret Lemonade Drin, sunday 30-Mar-08 11 2,545
Sky Newsreader spoonerism: Seal Cull Hunt...
HaloHoney, 29 March, 2008 at 19:36

You can guess what's coming. ?

Mr JK, saturday 29-Mar-08 8 545
Gone With The Whinge
guinea fowl - tastes different to chicken?
Gone With The Whinge, 28 March, 2008 at 18:02

We've moved to an Ocado area, oopsie. Browsing the poultry & game section now. Does guinea fowl taste a fat lot different to chicken? I remember having poussin and being distinctly underwhelmed....

Gone With The Whinge, friday 28-Mar-08 4 584

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