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Blonde Viki
Virtual Party nibbles...
Blonde Viki, 7 July, 2012 at 09:54

Following on from Mrs Bass' thread about party nibbles...I thought it was such a good idea What would you take to a party if you had to bring good/nibbles that begin with the same letter as your name?...

Mellow_Yellow, monday 9-Jul-12 29 2,207
PPI Claims
, 22 June, 2012 at 14:10

Anyone had a successful claim? Mine is with Halifax and I've got two more weeks to go before the final decision comes through.

raincloud, saturday 7-Jul-12 40 4,155
Who's your current fitty?
, 29 June, 2012 at 14:42

Obviously we've all got the ones we'll always adore, Pitt and Depp etc, but I'm talking about recent flutters of the heart, guys that may have been around for a while but whom you've only just...

Arquard, thursday 5-Jul-12 89 11,290
Blonde Viki
Going braless...
Blonde Viki, 4 July, 2012 at 08:30

Do you do it? If so/not are your reasons age/size of boobage/style related? Can some people get away with it and other not?

Pompey, thursday 5-Jul-12 33 3,019
Who was your teenage fitty?
~Peanut~, 3 July, 2012 at 21:14

I went out for dinner tonight, and ended up sat next to Antony from Blue (I'd love to say I was somewhere more glamorous and sophisticated than TGI Fridays). I absolutely loved Blue as a teenager, and...

LeeLee :), wednesday 4-Jul-12 48 8,706
Teach me....
AmnesiaCustard, 2 July, 2012 at 12:37

...a new dialect word that you use. Please! Here's one for you (from Nottingham) "Pluthering" means raining very heavily.

Honky, tuesday 3-Jul-12 45 3,146
Good curry recipe?
, 3 July, 2012 at 14:15

I'm ashamed to say I have never made my own curry. I blame the delicious Indian restaurant that we visit once a month just down the road. SO who has a good recipe for me to try? Note - we prefer...

Beez, tuesday 3-Jul-12 17 1,099
50 greatest wedding shockers
Tizzie, 1 July, 2012 at 23:33

On just now on E4...oh dear. That is all. Is anyone watching this?!?!

Tizzie, monday 2-Jul-12 4 814
Sick of being skint!
celticgoddess, 30 June, 2012 at 18:37

Got paid two days ago and already I am skint! All the bills come out of my account and we live off H's wage, but this month there was a few extra things like birthdays to pay out for. He gets paid in...

Sparkles82, sunday 1-Jul-12 5 892
random question about liquid restrictions in hand luggage
sapphire_22, 28 June, 2012 at 12:07

Does body butter count as a liquid? My first thought would be no as its fairly solid and measured in grams, but last time they wouldn't let me through with lipbalm.

Mrs C, thursday 28-Jun-12 9 8,021
Friday Shoe porn
Flowmojo, 22 June, 2012 at 10:04

Todays calendar affair is ok..although i do not like the random furry strap across the ankle?! and today, i am wearing my evening wedding shoes which i was gutted that i didnt change into on the day!!...

Mrs Bass, friday 22-Jun-12 3 604
Taking Cerazette and amoxicillin
celticgoddess, 20 June, 2012 at 17:56

I'm currently on amoxicillin for my ear/throat infection and asked my gp if I was ok with my Cerazette as I know antibiotics can reduce the pill's effectiveness. She said that because Cerazette is...

quackers, wednesday 20-Jun-12 2 4,491
Red Baroness
Neighbours That Litter
Red Baroness, 19 June, 2012 at 15:13

Can anything be done about this?

Mrs C, wednesday 20-Jun-12 16 1,353
Experiences of hospital/general anaesthetic wisdom teeth extraction?
*Ducky*, 19 June, 2012 at 15:33

A couple of days ago, I noticed OH had really whiffy breath. I told him so in a not-so-subtle way and after a couple of days of this he also started getting toothache. I checked his teeth/tonsils for...

Little Pixie, wednesday 20-Jun-12 11 5,926
Ideas for hubby's 30th Birthday?
SuperSpud, 18 June, 2012 at 14:49

It's H's 30th Birthday next month, and I'm struggling. My original plan was to take him away for a the weekend after his birthday (the actual day is Tuesday) to London to this Jazz club he went to...

pandorasbox, monday 18-Jun-12 379
Basement Flats
*Mini*, 15 June, 2012 at 19:44

Ok so we have had a little rethink on our finances and what sort of property we want to buy and have come to the conclusion that we can scrape by on a 2 bed property, the theory being we can buy a 2...

*Funky*, saturday 16-Jun-12 6 1,117
Blonde Viki
Do you remember the first time you parped in front of your OH?
Blonde Viki, 11 June, 2012 at 18:54

And do you think he does? ? I only ask because the cat just farted so loud he scared himself out of the room... This led OH to say that he remembered the first time I parped in his presence. We were...

Enjayee, saturday 16-Jun-12 38 2,804
Blonde Viki
Washing your hair...
Blonde Viki, 10 June, 2012 at 14:15

How often do you wash your hair? Do you shampoo twice before conditioner or just once? (My hairdresser said to do it twice, first time takes off any dirt, second time actually cleans the hair - I...

jen_84, monday 11-Jun-12 35 2,401
Blonde Viki
St Tropez Gradual Tan
Blonde Viki, 7 June, 2012 at 22:07

I'm a fake tan virgin. However, I've decided that I'd like to have a bit of a glow for the wedding and I've heard it can also help to even up skin tone, so I've got a pile of the St Tropez Gradual...

spikeygoodness, friday 8-Jun-12 2 693
*Mini*, 1 June, 2012 at 15:04

Has ruined my day. I have taken 2 Claratin so I estimate I will be asleep in about 5 minutes but has anyone got any good tips for stopping my nose running like a tap?

Mrs C, wednesday 6-Jun-12 17 1,497
Sizing - lipsy anyone?
pandorasbox, 31 May, 2012 at 11:24

I am in love with a dress and bikini on Lipsy's website, but feel from the pics they may be for skinny minnies, not chubby 14/16s like me... does anyone know if they are skimpy on sizing? Don't want...

Storky, thursday 31-May-12 8 6,439
Legal eagles D36 to D37. Anyone know how long this may take?
freb2reh, 30 May, 2012 at 10:44

Ok, well finally my ex has submitted our D36 to the courts - it's onlt taken 4 years to get to this point! Do any of you legal eagles have any idea on the timescales involved before I get my D37? OH...

freb2reh, wednesday 30-May-12 4 2,669
just want a rant about something i feel is unfair!
firefairy, 29 May, 2012 at 19:27

I am currently a medical student and in a few months will have to apply for my job as a junior Doctor. To explain the system simply to those of you who may have no idea; you basically rank all the 24...

Saisi, wednesday 30-May-12 11 2,894
Flows Hitchy Hen Party
AmnesiaCustard, 23 May, 2012 at 09:25

?Right everybody - all in for Flow's last half day!!!

Cilla, thursday 24-May-12 242 9,286
Tell me about Pandora Bracelets please.
*Ducky*, 22 May, 2012 at 12:28

It's my little sister's 21st soon and I'm taking her out. My family will be in Newcastle for a funeral, her friends mostly live in Portsmouth and her boyfriend is on a tour of duty. So it's just us...

jojo2, wednesday 23-May-12 28 4,216
Teeth Veneers
shoegal01, 22 May, 2012 at 11:40

Has anyone had these done? I want 4 veneers done to make my smile nicer. I have heard good things and bad things about them. Has anyone had them done or similar?

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, tuesday 22-May-12 18 1,873
Mon & Tues Shoe Porn!
Flowmojo, 22 May, 2012 at 09:11

Missed yesterdays, sorry ladies...he is it is anyway (you wernt missing much!) And todays.....

*Eclair*, tuesday 22-May-12 1 489
Anyone brave enough to try this?
Rod, 17 May, 2012 at 14:03 ???

Ali_G, monday 21-May-12 26 1,940
Do you/Would you wee in front of your OH?
*Mini*, 18 May, 2012 at 20:26

As above.

leni-lw!, saturday 19-May-12 60 4,379
Militant rule enforcers
pandorasbox, 18 May, 2012 at 21:05

Just took my mum out for dinner, on the way I stopped for petrol. I went in to pay, leaving my mum in the passenger seat, and returned to find a woman at the opposite pump filling up and calling...

Aurora Borealis, saturday 19-May-12 14 1,134
Thongs or Knickers?
Mellow_Yellow, 18 May, 2012 at 10:01

Inspired by the cystitis thread where Mini blamed her thong wearing on being young. I wear thongs all the I the only one?

BlueBow, friday 18-May-12 87 7,288
How do you remove vocals from a song in GarageBand?
hsiyu1987, 18 May, 2012 at 09:14

My cousins wedding is in two days. His fiancé and I have been trying SO hard to remove the vocals from just a section of the song for a more dramatic effect for her entrance and are having no luck....

AmnesiaCustard, friday 18-May-12 13 1,548

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