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Wedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.



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Vikster79, 16 April, 2012 at 09:15

I am so mad this morning with a colleague who has been off since Wednesday with what apparently is "vertigo" ?, add that to the list of things that she has got wrong with her and im really at the end...

*Nursey*, monday 16-Apr-12 14 1,646 1
bra fitting stories
, 13 April, 2012 at 11:26

A friend and I were talking yesterday about our bra fitting experiences - she's had a pretty easy time of it, her favourite places are Calvin Klein and Debenhams, whereas I've had some truly...

spikeygoodness, friday 13-Apr-12 27 2,348
We're Skint. Frugal Meals?
Rod, 11 April, 2012 at 09:56

Hi all, H and I are totally skint. We had a pretty big weekend which was great fun but now we have no money. So, what can i make for dinners / lunches that wont break the bank but is still healthy?...

BumbleBrat, friday 13-Apr-12 48 3,225
Would you complain!?
Flowmojo, 10 April, 2012 at 10:29

If you were served this in a restuarant?! We went on Saturday evening to a local harvester for somethign quick to eat before we headed to a wedding wasnt busy as it was early so we were...

NewYearRose, tuesday 10-Apr-12 16 945
Bare Minerals Make up starter kits
, 7 April, 2012 at 23:16

Ok, so I have to confess that I was slightly disappointed with my hair and make-up at the wedding - to me, my hair looked from the front like it always does, and because I'm so pale I just didn't have...

looneysh, tuesday 10-Apr-12 16 6,502
Vanilla Pod
What does cx mean?
Vanilla Pod, 5 April, 2012 at 16:23

I am probably just being thick but my friend keeps signing off texts cx her names Abie so its not her initial? Who or what is c? Any ideas? Ive seen it a few times.

Vanilla Pod, saturday 7-Apr-12 19 11,058
Spiked drinks
cookiekat, 5 April, 2012 at 15:32

Https:// The comment on this story really annoyed me - "urban myth about people's drinks being spiked with 'date rape' drugs?!?" I have twice...

NewYearRose, thursday 5-Apr-12 8 1,319
Most Deluded Woman Ever?
Rizzo, 4 April, 2012 at 09:27 Well, I am so beautiful that I actually stopped traffic yesterday. It wasn't...

freckles87, thursday 5-Apr-12 82 4,162
Time limit paying cheques in?
Nutella, 31 March, 2012 at 16:53

Anyone know if cheques expire after a certain amount of time? Just been sorting through some old paperwork and found a letter from my solicitors when I bought my flat refunding part of my fee by...

Ice Queen, saturday 31-Mar-12 5 4,205
Your best mnemonic?
ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 28 March, 2012 at 11:38

Following on from the mnemonics used to remember how to spell "necessary"... My best mnemonic is Can I Kill Shakin' Stevens For Making Oxo. Unlimited credit to anyone who can guess what it's a...

Peter, saturday 31-Mar-12 45 4,417 1
Broken Finger?
Pompey, 28 March, 2012 at 09:48

How do I know if it's broken? It's swollen, a funny shape and is painful (not unbearable), but no bruising! Bent it back AND got a Netball on the end of it last night...

Pompey, wednesday 28-Mar-12 8 807
Quick Hen Do Question
*JLS*, 28 March, 2012 at 11:08

I have my hen do next week and I feel bad that everyone else has paid money to go there except me so I wanted to bring something up with me for them. Did any others do this? I was thinking about...

ATB, wednesday 28-Mar-12 5 2,361
Does anyone remember chocolate UFOs with yoghurt inside them?
*Ducky*, 28 March, 2012 at 10:48

I'm sure you used to get four little UFOs in a pack, with strawberry yoghurt inside. They were in the yogurt aisle in the shops. Another part of the range was a yogurt in a donut shape with an alien...

Flowmojo, wednesday 28-Mar-12 6 5,142
Vee Tee
Does anyone break the no flushing toilet paper rule abroad?
Vee Tee, 26 March, 2012 at 17:02

I don't really want to have a bin full of poopy paper sitting in our room toilet all day til the maid comes....but I don't want to break the rules or get questioned as to why I'm not pooping ?

Knees, tuesday 27-Mar-12 60 12,933
Backless AND frontless bra?!
smazzy_smoo, 24 March, 2012 at 22:49

Anyone know where I can get a bra that's backless and with a clear strap at the front?? I've got this dress...

smazzy_smoo, sunday 25-Mar-12 8 4,910
Nieces and Nephews
Rizzo, 21 March, 2012 at 16:21

Do you consider your OH's nieces and nephews to be yours as well? Do you feel the same for them as you do your sibling's children? My friend has nieces and nephew through marriage but she doesn't...

DaffyB, sunday 25-Mar-12 31 2,402
can you recommend me a dual voltage hairdryer with diffuser?? please :(
, 25 March, 2012 at 10:51

Hey girlies, i've not been on here for ages!! hope your all well Can you recommend me a dual voltage hairdryer with diffuser?? i'm going on holiday next week and i'm so unprepared. I forgot that my...

Pompey, sunday 25-Mar-12 1,893
My shoe porn!
Knees, 23 March, 2012 at 14:46

As we have all seen Flow's marvellous collection, I thought I'd flash some of the shoes that are lying around my office! Today's: Please excuse the unpainted toenails. The first day of peep-toe shoes...

Nutella, friday 23-Mar-12 10 1,134
Offended by ignorance
LoveSka, 21 March, 2012 at 20:15

My family had a very stressful day yesterday. A man attempted to abduct my 12 year old niece on her way to school (told her to get in the car because her mom had phoned him to take her straight home)....

LoveSka, thursday 22-Mar-12 30 2,551
Tues Shoe Porn..BB you will LOVE these!!!
Flowmojo, 20 March, 2012 at 10:06

So, todays calendar shoes are actual shoes from 2005, not clown shoes like they look. people bought and wore these.OH LORDY LORD Todays affair doning my footsies are what my male work colleagues call...

Pinky6, wednesday 21-Mar-12 8 1,377
Pets do the funniest Things
1234ABC, 20 March, 2012 at 12:43

I was sitting watching TV the other night when i heard this ripping noise. I looked about but couldn't see anything, so i went back to watching TV. 20 minutes later i heard the ripping noise again, so...

Missus S, tuesday 20-Mar-12 34 2,128
Shoe Porn Round Up!
Flowmojo, 19 March, 2012 at 12:07

Due to it being my birthday and then being poorly sick i lacked in last weeks shoe fest so here goes, from Monday to Monday!!

Flowmojo, tuesday 20-Mar-12 20 1,762
getting a mortgage after an iva...
*libby*, 19 March, 2012 at 14:07

H and I are saving for a deposit on a house. We cant apply for a mortgage yet as H has an IVA . My H thinks his bad credit disapears after the iva is complete but ive looked online and it says a year...

*libby*, monday 19-Mar-12 7 5,156
Flowmojo, 19 March, 2012 at 16:32

My boss is back from his exhibition in Texas. Peace and Tranquility is shattered, chaos has resumed. Hes been back 1 hour, yes, a whole 60minutes and already hes being a kn0b Pass my cake choclate...

AmnesiaCustard, monday 19-Mar-12 4 457
complaint letter - New look
Rod, 19 March, 2012 at 12:33

Can you please give me your opinion on this? Went so well last time i'm on a roll! Dear Sirs, I am writing to complain about the service I received on a recent visit to your store at XXXXXXXXXXXX...

Rod, monday 19-Mar-12 12 3,024
Strange Combinations of foods you like to eat
1234ABC, 15 March, 2012 at 12:46

I'm having lunch in work and a colleague just walked past me and gave me the strangest look because i'm having celery and greek yoghurt as part of my lunch. I also really like Carrots and Philly...

Mrs Whippy, saturday 17-Mar-12 57 3,194
Hen Do resentment: should I fess up?
, 14 March, 2012 at 11:01

Hello all, This is a bit of a funny situation, which I know would have been solved by being more upfront in the first place! But I feel past resentment might spill over into my friend's wedding :/ I...

Nubbin, wednesday 14-Mar-12 7 1,529
Chuff waxing Q-styles
, 19 February, 2012 at 08:30

I've just looked at the menu at a new beauty place near where I work, and they offer the following styles of chuff wax; regular, brazilian, bolivian, hollywood. Priced in that order. So what's...

cookiekat, tuesday 13-Mar-12 4 1,162
Moonpig Cards
(Claire), 13 March, 2012 at 14:48

What are your thoughts? I really dislike the cards, to me it says here is a card because I'm to lazy to go to a shop and choose one the old fashioned way. If ever H got me one I woud hit him over the...

Nutella, tuesday 13-Mar-12 46 3,302
2nd wedding anniversary gifts
Flowmojo, 13 March, 2012 at 12:23

My bestie is celebrating her second wedding anniversary VERY close to my wedding (24th may is hers, mines 26th) so, i want to think about getting her and hbby a little gift..any ideas?!

AmnesiaCustard, tuesday 13-Mar-12 2 830
Ryan Gosling Naked
Tash849, 12 March, 2012 at 13:48

Now that I have your attention. LADIES :-) - I need you. Could you please take literally two minutes of your time to fill in my survey on Hen Parties. It is for the possible launch of a Hen Do...

venart, tuesday 13-Mar-12 49 9,013
OM's - what did you do for your hen?
, 10 March, 2012 at 12:05

This is purely a nosey post! What did you do, where did you go? Just been looking at my pics of mine. 21 of us went to Cardiff for a weekend and I had the absolute time of my life. One of my favourite...

(Claire), monday 12-Mar-12 36 1,996

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