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United Kingdom · From April 2011


For those with real usernames..
*Mini*, 9 February, 2012 at 17:34

Have you typed Hitched Forum into Google? I just did it to come on here and It brings me up with users names, ER and LMR were there and clicking on them took me direct to thier profiles... Its a...

3d jewellery, saturday 11-Feb-12 15
PPI - Friday good news!
Nubbin, 3 February, 2012 at 16:34

Just had to share - 3 weeks ago I sent the complaining questionnaire to MBNA regarding PPI I was mis-sold. This afternoon I got a letter stating they were refunding me 1300 quid! I just came out of...

*Bea*, monday 6-Feb-12 18
Random Name
Help me with a dress choice please
Random Name, 1 February, 2012 at 18:32

Hi all I have bought these shoes for my hen do Any suggestions on a style dress please? Am not whether to go for a black dress or a light colour. Extra kuddos if you manage to locate a dress from a...

Random Name, friday 3-Feb-12 12
****Weekly good/bad thread 3rd February 2012****
Spangler, 3 February, 2012 at 08:18

GOOD: Have now lost 10lbs, 4" from my hips, 2" from my waist & chest since 4th January. GOOD: Have started going to the gym regularly again & already feeling the benefit GOOD: Get to see my...

*Mini*, saturday 4-Feb-12 48
Hurrah for Mr F!
Flowmojo, 1 February, 2012 at 12:44

We were discussing whether or not we could afford to upgrade our flights for our honeymoon (10 / 11 hours on a plan, gah!) and i sensibly said no, we cant really...Ive just had an email from the...

Random Name, wednesday 1-Feb-12 33
First Choice/Thomson flight upgrades
Mellow_Yellow, 1 February, 2012 at 16:50

Spurred on by posts from Clairenumbers and Flow Have any of you upgraded with this airline on a long haul flight? How was it? Would you pay £250 - £300pp return for it? Selling points? Bad points - if...

HelDR, thursday 2-Feb-12 15
(Claire), 30 January, 2012 at 15:43

What nice things are happening to you this year? This year it's my sisters 30th June 14th and we are all going away for the weekend, 2 of my best friends are getting married dates are the 24th June...

Ixia, tuesday 31-Jan-12 34
so another beauty question....waxing or threading of eyebrows??
sr3693, 24 January, 2012 at 13:46

I've heard threading is better for your skin & gives a better shape but then I've also heard waxing is better....any ideas?

Spangler, tuesday 24-Jan-12 18
Random Name
New Manager- Pearls of wisdom
Random Name, 22 January, 2012 at 10:45

Hey all Need some words of wisdom please. I've just got a new position at work as a manager. I'm really looking forward to it but at the same time nervous as hell. A few woman in the team are real...

Chidders, monday 23-Jan-12 7
I'm back as as Mrs- with a little flash!!!
la1510, 22 January, 2012 at 15:57

Yesterday was the best day of my life-EVER!! I cried more than I ever thought possible, I have a small scar forming from my dress (Gypsy wedding eat your heart out!!)- word of advice-, those of you...

hopefulmum2b, sunday 22-Jan-12 15
do you include yourself in numbers?
mummymrs2b, 22 January, 2012 at 16:16

Probably a silly question but do you include yourself (the bride and groom) in numbers for venue, wedding breakfast, reception buffet, etc? x

Random Name, sunday 22-Jan-12 4
Opinions on Potential Invitation please *Flash*
Alipops1986, 22 January, 2012 at 13:09

OH and I have been having a browse on Vistaprint. Suprisingly, we really like this invitation style - even the family we've asked agree they like it too! Opinions please.......

soon2bmrsRB, sunday 22-Jan-12 14
Help - Pregnant Bridesmaid!
bluebell16, 20 January, 2012 at 22:42

Hi guys, i dont post often but i'm really struggling as what to do. my cbm has found out she is pregnant and her due date is only 3 weeks before the wedding. she's my cousin but we are more like...

pezgirl, sunday 22-Jan-12 12
Your ditziest moment?
HatTrick, 20 January, 2012 at 16:49

As you may have guessed, this thread is inspired by myself. And surprisingly, I do have a few gems to share with you. My favourite is... When I was 18 one of my school friends had had a baby. I was...

SuperSpud, sunday 22-Jan-12 49
Introduce Yourselves
Panjita, 18 January, 2012 at 09:34

THought with the influx of newbies we could all introduce ourselves, newbies and old farts. Pick the bits you want to share and delete the rest! I'll start: Name: Flange Hometown: Live in Redditch but...

*BigBird*, sunday 22-Jan-12 217
Getting to know you!
Chidders, 12 January, 2012 at 12:31

Seen as there are a lot of new hitchers joining us, let's have a thread of 'getting to know you'. So, When did you get engaged? When are you getting married? How old are you? What do you do for a...

spaceman spiff, friday 20-Jan-12 114
50's pin up bride
Anyone going double-barrelled?
50's pin up bride, 17 January, 2012 at 22:26

Just a nosy post really, I have a very boring, common surname. OH has a very unusual surname and I don't like it very much ? I've never really questioned the fact I would take his surname (even though...

50's pin up bride, friday 20-Jan-12 38
Hello from a newbie and a question about church weddings
happyalice, 18 January, 2012 at 16:25

Hi everyone. I'm Alice and I got engaged over Christmas and thought I would join to talk to other brides, I'm very excited and don't want to bore my friends with too much wedding talk. We are hoping...

happyalice, wednesday 18-Jan-12 13
Flowers in the church
helenparki, 17 January, 2012 at 11:17

We’re getting married in a church but we can’t afford to have flower displays. We’re decorating the pews with turquoise bows and having 2 topiary trees in the entrance of the church. The vicar keeps...

Random Name, wednesday 18-Jan-12 22
2012 In 2012: The List *Updated 28/03 - 189 Books Read*
Rizzo, 2 January, 2012 at 10:26

This thread is just for the list, for any questions or discussions please use this thread: The Rules - Every book must be started and...

kasha.b, tuesday 22-Jan-13 250
VOG license
*Nursey*, 14 January, 2012 at 21:50

Sorry for a repeat of a recent post but I can't seem to get the search facility to work The vicar says we need a license for music copyright, so I emailed my VOG who says that we get that through the...

Peter, monday 9-Apr-12 18
Blonde Viki
RedBaroness, Sammi23, Nicadele!! *6 months to go*
Blonde Viki, 14 January, 2012 at 15:10

Where is the time going?! 6 months today we'll be sat with our girls/mums being pampered, getting into our dress, sneaky glass of champers, hugs & smiles and pretty things! 6 months today we'll...

SuperSpud, tuesday 17-Jan-12 34
Vee Tee
bounce bounce bounce...3 months!
Vee Tee, 14 January, 2012 at 11:35

Woo its 3 months today! just round the corner! indulge me please?!

avintagebride, sunday 15-Jan-12 49
Mrs C
Shopping... share your finds!
Mrs C, 11 January, 2012 at 11:12

Well, I have been mooching online today for some events I have this year.... flash your pretty finds and inspire my shopping! I have just found these Ted Baker shoes reduced from £95 to £45-£60... but...

jen_84, sunday 15-Jan-12 28
Vee Tee
you know you're converted to OT when....
Vee Tee, 14 January, 2012 at 18:28 don't know anyone in WP anymore and they won't bounce with you for your 3 month day ?

Hunry, wednesday 18-Jan-12 142
wedding dresses...anybody wanna share what there having?
emmanholmes84, 13 January, 2012 at 15:46

Im having a maggie sottero dress its call ELYA and its utterley amazing lol

Mellow_Yellow, tuesday 17-Jan-12 78
Dinner tonight
Storky, 11 January, 2012 at 15:51

Inspire me please. I will need to go to the shop as all I have left now is half a little gem lettuce and a few carrots. I'd prefer to stay away from anything too carb heavy as I've had both toast and...

Mrs C, wednesday 11-Jan-12 61
Do you ever enter competitions?
Panjita, 10 January, 2012 at 15:48

And have you ever won anything? I don't enter many but once, I won is a holiday in Majorca (when i was 17!). I've just been on the Daybreak website and entered a competition on there and it just got...

Canary, wednesday 11-Jan-12 37
Spending in 2012
Storky, 10 January, 2012 at 17:09

Compared to the last year or two, will this year see you a) spend more? b) spend less? c) spend a similar amount? What factors are influencing your decision? For us it'll be option b. Last year was...

Panjita, wednesday 11-Jan-12 21
Random Name
Dying hair!
Random Name, 10 January, 2012 at 17:59

Hi lovely ladies. I have bought some purple hair dye (xxl live cyber purple) 'y hair is almost jet black but I've dyed it red before so there so still touches of that. How long do you think I should...

Little Pixie, wednesday 11-Jan-12 13

General groups

Hitched article topics