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United Kingdom · From August 2005

  • Beginner

Happily married 🎉

7 May, 2005

7250days 22hours


How do you go about actually leaving someone?
josie, 5 December, 2009 at 13:16

My marrieage is in trouble, has been for a while now. I just feel he is having a go at me and the kids all the time, whatever we do we are wrong. Its really getting me down and its not fair on the...

videogal, tuesday 12-Jan-10 8
My friend got robbed in Morrisons
smcv, 6 November, 2009 at 11:47

Hi all My poor friend got robbed in Morrisons a couple of days ago. She went to Lloyds TSB and withdrew £1500.00. The cashier put the money in an envelope and gave it to her with her bank card. She...

emm, tuesday 10-Nov-09 7
Dinner Party help please!
Chelsea Dagger, 26 October, 2009 at 12:25

Hello, It's been ages since I've visited this lovely purple place but I do seem to remember from my "previous life" as a regular hitcher that there were lots of extremely good chefs / domestic...

Pint&APie, monday 26-Oct-09
wedding bands your thoughts are much appreciated.
MJS84, 20 October, 2009 at 22:24

Hello! Im stuck at the mo on wedding bands - we have a £300 maximum budget for both Would like your thoughts on the thickness of male and female bands? Also the design i would like is white gold on...

littleredhead, friday 23-Oct-09 8
Phrase 'eating is cheating'
Steph73, 11 September, 2009 at 20:48

Am being dim, what does this mean? ? Steph

Mrs Space Cadet, thursday 24-Sep-09 18
Is everybody still flouncing?
Randy, 10 September, 2009 at 18:26

Or may I not mention it? I don't get on here much anymore! ?

MrsMcB2B, sunday 13-Sep-09 18
Annoying comments from my inlaws re my college course
Highlandgirl72, 6 September, 2009 at 21:39

Hi everyone, Not been on here for a while but hope everyone is ok! I have this week started a college course in pharmacy as I have been unemployed since January and pharmacy is a subject I have been...

Pint&APie, thursday 10-Sep-09 13
anyone got a Prius or views on them?
moog, 1 September, 2009 at 14:47

Pretty much what it says in the title but not a new one - Im looking at **** really, has anyone had experience, good or bad? To do daily short journeys mainly. Many thanks. I can't find a car I like...

JenB, saturday 5-Sep-09 15
If men can marry Thai, Russian etc. ladies...
tahdah, 2 September, 2009 at 16:36

Have we ever heard of something similar for women? Men go on week long vacations to Russia etc. to find themselves a wife, but I've never heard of the same thing occuring for 'lonely' women. Just a...

glider12000, sunday 6-Sep-09 10
Oh dear....
Platty, 2 September, 2009 at 10:00

As some of you may or may not know I am off to uni in a few weeks and I have signed up to this social online thing called "yougo". Its a kind of facebook thing that UCAS have set up and I've had 1 or...

Spamboule, wednesday 2-Sep-09 15
Chicken: Carling Cup ?
Pint&APie, 1 September, 2009 at 12:52

As if it could have been any other way ! ?

Chicken, tuesday 1-Sep-09 6
Do we need a recruitment drive?
Iris, 1 September, 2009 at 12:54

So many people have gone to the other place that we seem a bit thin on the ground. Know any would be OT'ers? Invite them to an open day. Go on any other forums? Place an advert, "wanted,...

emma numbers, wednesday 2-Sep-09 24
I'm not rude, honest!
LizBjk, 28 August, 2009 at 14:10

I started a thread a few weeks back and never replied to it. I couldn't. I'm really glad to see that now I can post again without waiting for the page to take 10 minutes to load. So here I am, back at...

Purple Pixie, friday 28-Aug-09 4
Chicken, 28 August, 2009 at 09:25

Jay Simpson? Step in the right direction. Haven't really read the comments about the Accrington Stanley game as I was away but got the general gist. We need to buck up our ideas. Do you remember...

Chicken, friday 28-Aug-09 1
Darren @ Hitched
Darren @ Hitched, 27 August, 2009 at 21:02

Just thought I should make an apology... I am sorry for a couple of things... Firstly, let me say sorry for the speed of the forums. The servers that we have which are based in the USA can sometimes...

Chicken, friday 28-Aug-09 17
NumbNuts, 27 August, 2009 at 15:05

So, H's op has been postponed again. This time because one of his surgeons is on compassionate leave. Fortunately (or unfortunately) it's only postponed by 2 weeks. Unfortunately, because work wise, I...

NumbNuts, friday 28-Aug-09 11
Darren @ Hitched
please read this. It is very important...
Darren @ Hitched, 26 August, 2009 at 11:11

We have had a number of complaints from members and outside organisations about swearing on the forums. It is something that is totally unacceptable. With immediate effect, anyone...

hazel, thursday 27-Aug-09 73
Boxof BaldKittens
Slow Hitched
Boxof BaldKittens, 26 August, 2009 at 09:19

Amazing that Hitched is even slower than before. It took me 10 mins to get on the site and then another 5 to log in. Sometimes wonder if its worth the bother when other sites are faster; I wonder if...

Tilly Floss, wednesday 26-Aug-09 14
Medics/Science bods - passive cannabis inhalation? Also housing/ASBO experts
macca, 26 August, 2009 at 00:10

We've lived in our current flat for almost 3 years. Its a Housing Association property, and our downstairs neighbours are tenants of the same HA. We noticed the odd weed smell very occasionally since...

Shiny, thursday 27-Aug-09 12
Flowery the Grouch
Wot? No strictly thread?
Flowery the Grouch, 25 August, 2009 at 13:04

Line up revealed:

Flowery the Grouch, tuesday 25-Aug-09 24
Time Management skills
Hyacinth, 25 August, 2009 at 13:00

I am feeling really unfocused at the moment so wonder if anyone could offer some tips. I've not had any idea how to go about this for some time, and I have just found a file full of hitched tips-...

Hyacinth, tuesday 25-Aug-09 7
Present for someone going round the world?
Croyde, 25 August, 2009 at 09:54

Hi all, My assistant is off round the world for 18 months next month and as normal there will be a leaving card and collection, but I am stumpted at what to get her as a present. The fund will be...

Hepburn, tuesday 25-Aug-09 14
Do you and your OH have much in common?
shoegal01, 24 August, 2009 at 16:45

I was thinking about this at the weekend and have come to the conclusion that we dont really have that much in common but our relationship works regardless of this. We are most certainly a case of...

Toriajayne, tuesday 25-Aug-09 20
Which budet camcorder?
leni, 24 August, 2009 at 15:38

Tomorrow I need to buy a camcorder for our youth project - the budget is £150 (i know not much but the stance is, if it get broken we haven't lost too much money) The camcorder will be used for young...

Pint&APie, monday 24-Aug-09 1
Your favourite bean/pulses/grains recipes?
KJB, 24 August, 2009 at 12:33

Hi all I'm trying to eat more beans/pulses/grains, cos they're good for you. I've also started sprouting things (deliberately, rather than things just growing roots etc cos they've been in the...

Lumpy Golightly, monday 24-Aug-09 7
Fish and Chips
Oddbins, 21 August, 2009 at 14:35

How much are they in your area? I have a friend visiting and we called for chips on the way home yesterday and she was stunned at how cheap they were here - £3 for cod and chips so I thought I'd ask...

alison76, friday 21-Aug-09 27
BB: Sophie
bobbi, 21 August, 2009 at 15:52

Http:// looks likes shes dumped him, but will she change her mind when she comes out and his waiting for her!

bobbi, friday 21-Aug-09 1
The Beast
Terribly ill-informed & lazy journalism on display at the Telegraph
The Beast, 21 August, 2009 at 11:50

This has given me the rage...

Flowery the Grouch, friday 21-Aug-09 14
Moisturiser rip-off continues
Pint&APie, 20 August, 2009 at 13:21

Just thought I'd share the latest Which? survey with you, as it hasn't come up for a while . . . Simple replenishing rich moisturiser (£3.20, 125 ml) outperformed both ROC retin-ox intensive (£19.95,...

poochanna, friday 21-Aug-09 34
Woman athlete that could be a man??
claires, 20 August, 2009 at 09:53

I dont get it... are they saying that the South Africans know she is a man and were hiding it, or that there is some medical reason why she has been brought up as a woman, but actually is male??

lmsunshine99, thursday 20-Aug-09 14

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