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United Kingdom · From January 2007

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Happily married 🎉

26 of April of 2008

5881days 3hours


What do you think of this as an anniversary present?
bec84, 30 of August of 2010 at 17:36

First Anniversary is paper so I'm thinking of getting one of those photo-calendars made with loads of our pics - so in Jan I'll put his birthday pics, March I'll put our trip to Dublin pics (when we...

HavanaBaby, monday 30-Aug-10 4
just bought tickets for disney on ice
Mrs_M_2b, 28 of August of 2010 at 11:30

I am actually sooooooo excited. Now have to go buy G a new princess costume to wear

Mrs_M_2b, monday 30-Aug-10 4
Anyone else want to punch Makosi?
MellyMoo, 28 of August of 2010 at 21:15


looneytune, monday 30-Aug-10 13
what colour are your sofas?
thefuturemrsclarke, 29 of August of 2010 at 20:36

H2b doesnt like the blue 1 i posted earlier, whilst we were looking round shops today we didnt really see many we liked. we dont want leather, we want fabric, but they are all either black brown or...

FIONATS73, tuesday 31-Aug-10 23
Mrs Claus
Country Bumpkin types!
Mrs Claus, 25 of August of 2010 at 16:40

I think I'm turning into a 1950's housewife? Last week I picked 3lbs of blackberries which are currently in the freezer until I have enough jam jars to make a jam. Today I picked some elderberries.Now...

looneytune, monday 30-Aug-10 7
What colour are your lounge carpets?
MellyMoo, 30 of August of 2010 at 09:08

Following on from thefuturemrslord's post about colour of sofas, what colour is your carpet? I'm astounded at how many of my friends, even ones with children, have cream carpets. Even without children...

ebony_rose, wednesday 1-Sep-10 27
would u buy this sofa?
thefuturemrsclarke, 29 of August of 2010 at 09:53

Im trying to convince oh. his not to sure. opinons please?

looneytune, monday 30-Aug-10 11
Dr Doo.Little
When I was 18....
Dr Doo.Little, 28 of August of 2010 at 16:57

It was 1999. I shopped in Top Shop and Miss Selfridge, although if I managed to get together some extra cash I would stretch to Jane Norman, Miss Sixty and French Connection. My wardrobe consisted of...

ClaireG85, sunday 29-Aug-10 28
BB Final and Ultimate BB - Spoiler
Kellfi, 24 of August of 2010 at 11:23

Is it only me that is looking forward to it? But, why have it on a Tuesday night grrr? I am going to have to stay up late now ? I saw the list of Ultimate BB contestants, there could have been better...

digitalskittles, wednesday 25-Aug-10 18
'08 WPers......come out, come out wherever you are!
Mazzy-moo, 24 of August of 2010 at 19:33

I know you're out there! How are we all doing?

Mazzy-moo, tuesday 24-Aug-10 18
Leeds Kleek........
em-ster, 2 of August of 2009 at 13:57

...... just wondering if this actually exists as I've seen it mentioned a few times over recent weeks if so, who's in and what's the craic with meeting up etc could be fun to arrange something ? ...

Flump, friday 7-Aug-09 39
Flaming Nora
Annoying puzzle for bored Hitchers
Flaming Nora, 27 of July of 2009 at 15:35 Why did I even try ?

Oddbins, tuesday 28-Jul-09 47
ooh la la
ooh la la, 19 of July of 2009 at 22:19

We all love looking at photos, so please, pretty please, can you flash us some of your photos.... Without sounding too bossy, please can you flash... You in "the" dress, The venue / table layout, The...

Snow Patroller, friday 2-Oct-09 177
Pink Han-bag
Harry Potter-with Spoilers
Pink Han-bag, 15 of July of 2009 at 16:16

I've just got back from watching it, I was so excited ? Anyone else seen it yet? What did you think? I really enjoyed it apart from a whole fight scene missing which was a shame and I really didn't...

Pops, sunday 19-Jul-09 39
anyone good at googling or know inverness
kierenthecommunity, 6 of July of 2009 at 17:22

This is a really random request ? basically, i've booked for us to stay at a guest house/b&b in inverness next week. and i was going to phone them and ask their full postal address...but i've lost...

looneytune, monday 6-Jul-09 10
Who's watching the tennis?
NumbNuts, 5 of July of 2009 at 17:41

How long will it last...?

AnnaBanana, sunday 5-Jul-09 18
Treacle tart
My Sister's keeper - film - may be spoilers.
Treacle tart, 3 of July of 2009 at 23:29

I've just got back from seeing this and it was brilliant. It is very moving and my 1st cinema experience in ages was spoilt but someone behind me wailing. The whole cinema was in tears and the odd...

looneytune, saturday 4-Jul-09 3
Holiday help needed please - Scotland..!!
**excited**, 27 of June of 2009 at 20:36

Hello all. I am arranging a suprise weekend away for my husbands 30th in Scotland and need a little help if possible please as I am rubbish at planning...!! The Gleneagles golf championship is being...

Hoobygroovy, sunday 28-Jun-09 8
Take That last night
alison76, 27 of June of 2009 at 11:42

Wow! I have never seen a show like it - you just don't know where to look at anyone time there is so much going on. They play LOTS of the really old songs, including some of the ones that weren't big...

Loop, monday 29-Jun-09 12
recomend me your straighteners please
Irgalite, 27 of June of 2009 at 12:34

My trust GHD's just died on me so I need to get new straighteners. Ive had mine fore about 4 years so no idea whats good now. Any advice gratefully accepted. From a very fussy, wavey haired mrsJKN ...

Mal, sunday 28-Jun-09 14
Sorry Another Birkenstocks question!
looneytune, 26 of June of 2009 at 18:41

I am looking to go to meadowhall tomorrow, which shops stock Birkenstocks? I am heavily pregnant and do not fancy walking round every shop. So if you can point me in right direction, I would greatly...

Mrs S*, friday 26-Jun-09 3
Done before but... what are you reading?
Lillythepink, 5 of June of 2009 at 20:36

And what's on your "to read" pile? I have just finished "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas" and it made me feel sick. I bought "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies", but WTP had nicked off with it, so I'm...

whirlwind666, sunday 7-Jun-09 51
Recs for London - Restaurants
looneytune, 27 of May of 2009 at 12:18

My dad has arranged a trip to London for my mother back in December as a xmas present, they are going to see Take that! He was going to take her to the Ivy, but due to a number of problems he cant get...

giggs1434, sunday 11-Apr-10 32
Sorry - another london question!
looneytune, 27 of May of 2009 at 20:45

You were all so helpful before, i would really value your opinions again. We have scaled it down to two restaurants. Clos Maggiore in Covent Garden, reviews are looking good. . Rhodes 24 in Tower 24,...

looneytune, wednesday 27-May-09 245
fcu k it all ***Mini positive update***
Bowski, 8 of May of 2009 at 08:52

I didn't get on the GTP. I'm sat here crying my eyes out, I really want to teach but I can't get on anywhere. I keep being told I'll be an excellent teacher by the schools who support me it's just the...

looneytune, friday 8-May-09 24
monkey fingers
Anyone else watching the Martin Clunes programme?
monkey fingers, 3 of May of 2009 at 21:59

Some of these places are gorgeous! Is it peanut who lives on the Shetland's?

peanut, tuesday 5-May-09 7
A question for all you photographers!
looneytune, 20 of April of 2009 at 11:13

I want to get H a book about photography. He has a Canon Photoshot S5 IS and he has just got a wide angle and tele lens. Sorry if I am gettting stuff wrong I dont have a clue! I want a book that isnt...

looneytune, monday 20-Apr-09 232
HeidiHole, 2 of April of 2009 at 19:30

It's the wedding and it's all going to kick orrrrrfff! How long before Peggy shouts " gett oouuutttttaaa maaa pub"?

Hoobygroovy, friday 3-Apr-09 60
Anyone on Microgynon?
Sunset21, 23 of March of 2009 at 11:12

A friend once told me that they kill your libido, just wondered if anyone has found this whilst taking them?

looneytune, tuesday 24-Mar-09 12
monkey fingers
monkey fingers, 15 of March of 2009 at 19:21

How will girls aloud get off the ice?

Melancholie, sunday 15-Mar-09 10

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