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United Kingdom · From August 2013

Happily married 🎉

11 September, 2021

1281days 10hours
Newly engaged - second time bride
Meltdown, 25 October, 2020 at 22:21

Hey everyone. Second time bride here. I used hitched when I got married the first time round about 11/12 years ago (got divorced a year later!) and now I'm back for my new wedding. This time round I...

Meltdown, sunday 25-Oct-20 78
Guests outstaying their welcome (RANT)
Meltdown, 15 September, 2014 at 21:14

OH has a friend J who comes over most Mondays to go play badminton for an hour, our house is on his way home from work so he is here when I get home from work at 5.15, (he has his own key) The boys go...

Chucklevision, thursday 18-Sep-14 50
Ideas needed for packed food for a coeliac disease sufferer!
Pittabre, 9 September, 2014 at 08:12

My son is going away with Beavers (mini Scouts) from Friday night to Saturday late afternoon. I have requested a list of the food they are having and every meal is entirely out for him so I need to...

Pittabre, thursday 11-Sep-14 9
Argh! Bloomin' Argos!
Holey, 11 July, 2014 at 15:38

I wanted to order a blind from Argos for our downstairs toilet, it's £7.99 so you can imagine it's a small one. 2 problems with this: 1. It's only available for home delivery 2. Delivery is £8.95...

Meltdown, friday 11-Jul-14 6
What to wear to a Ceilidh party/wedding reception?!
MrsACF, 30 June, 2014 at 14:34

Help! Going to an evening do next month - it's a huge Ceilidh to celebrate a friends wedding. Dress code is "Relaxed with a hint of tartan". No idea what to wear! Was thinking a dress, not too long or...

ATB, tuesday 1-Jul-14 2
Adoption rejection - *BT*
Gracey, 23 May, 2014 at 19:51

Sorry if this is in the wrong place but I just wondered if I could have some advice and I'm sure people here will be able to help! In very short, we are hoping to think about adoption but because we...

Chippet, sunday 25-May-14 10
Suit argument with the OH...**RANT!**
MrsB2015, 2 April, 2014 at 22:21

Sorry just need a bit of a rant! My OH has been married before and when we started planning the wedding he asked if he could be involved as last time his ex took over and he had no say. So since...

tiptopbride, thursday 3-Apr-14 19
Mrs Bass
Anyone climbed the harbour bridge in Sydney?
Mrs Bass, 24 March, 2014 at 13:16

It's my BFF's 30th next month and I want to get her something special. Her and her fiance went to Australia a couple of years ago and loved it so they are returning for their honeymoon in September. I...

tayto, friday 28-Mar-14 9
Sunday Roast / What is for tea?
Kjay, 9 February, 2014 at 17:44

As it is just boyo and I we rarely have a proper roast dinner at home as in the past we always make far too much ( I say we I mean him, all I do is peel and chop as instructed) So as a sort of...

Muppet, tuesday 11-Feb-14 31
Random boring question
Meltdown, 16 January, 2014 at 19:51

Does your front or back door open into the house or out? Our back door is the main entrance to the house and opens into the kitchen. When it have been raining it drips water all over the floor in the...

Meltdown, friday 17-Jan-14 27
Cat In A Teacup
Off the back of the TV rant thread...
Cat In A Teacup, 12 January, 2014 at 15:03

To what extent do you and you OH/H conform to traditional gender stereotypes? With us I am the one who deals with all of the accounts and bills, changing utilities suppliers, DIY, gardening. OH will...

Helenia, tuesday 14-Jan-14 24
Hair dye
mooshy, 11 January, 2014 at 15:40

I've been dying my hair for years and tried about every colour under the sun. I desperately need to dye my hair after my terrible ombre experiment a few months back has now gone all brassy and just...

Erin8, sunday 12-Jan-14 11
Any new year vibes going? update in OP. Second update page 3.
Meltdown, 2 January, 2014 at 20:13

I have been out of work since the end of November and there is very little work going in my area (both geographically and sector!)This is the second time in 4 months i have been in this situation, and...

SuperSpud, wednesday 8-Jan-14 50
Driving to France
Pompey, 7 January, 2014 at 11:24

So MF and I are off to Disneyland in November next year, and I decided that as I now have a bigger, more reliable car and that it's £400 cheaper than the Eurostar/flying, I should drive! Anyone else...

Pompey, wednesday 8-Jan-14 25
YAWN - measuring for stair carpets
kharv, 5 January, 2014 at 22:29

If I was to have one continuous piece of carpet all the way from the top of the landing to the bottom of the stairs - I need 10m of length. However, I only need 1.3m of width. Most carpets come in...

leni-lw!, monday 6-Jan-14 12
Another house post - flash your bathrooms please...
*gnashers*, 5 January, 2014 at 18:48

Now Christmas is out of the way, we are working on getting our bathroom sorted. We have a very small bathroom, so can't do anything too extravagant. This is it now (sorry for the rotation, this is...

Hoddy, thursday 9-Jan-14 28
Mrs Monkey
Flash me your kitchens please
Mrs Monkey, 4 January, 2014 at 19:02

When we got married we asked for money towards a new kitchen and now Christmas is over I'm starting to think a bit more seriously about it. I'm not 100% sure what I want though. I'd love you all to...

Mrs Monkey, wednesday 8-Jan-14 39
Your best moment of 2013?
pandorasbox, 2 January, 2014 at 15:49

I was trying to think what I will remember 2013 for but am struggling! I can't really remember anything hilarious/amazing/unforgettable. I turned 30 and had a good time at my party but it wasn't...

Pompey, friday 3-Jan-14 32
**2013 Good/Bad/Resolution Thread**
Tizzie, 30 December, 2013 at 23:06

I did this last year and it was quite a nice way to look back on/say good riddance to the year. List your goods and bads (trying to be positive!) and any hopes/resolutions or things you are looking...

Meltdown, thursday 2-Jan-14 46
Who's around this evening?
Ohwhatatuesday, 31 December, 2013 at 20:22

Following on from Funky's thread, I thought I'd start a Hitched party thread. Who's around and what are you bringing to the party? This sums up our night

*Pugsley*, wednesday 1-Jan-14 24
*Funky*, 30 December, 2013 at 20:12

So what's everyones plans? Will we have an otter party like last year? I'm going to see Wicked after work and shall get home just in...

tayto, tuesday 31-Dec-13 39
Lemon Cheesecake
Meltdown, 22 December, 2013 at 19:40

Has anyone got a tried and tested recipe? I have promised OH that I will make one foe christmas and every recipe I have found is different. I think i have all the key ingredients but not sure which...

ATB, sunday 29-Dec-13 8
Anyone else still at work?
AmnesiaCustard, 23 December, 2013 at 11:21

Today and tomorrow? Or just me? Hoping the storm stays away long enough for me to get home tonight! London is very quiet today.

Tizzie, tuesday 24-Dec-13 32
Otter Christmas Poem 2013
*Funky*, 22 December, 2013 at 20:30

‘Twas the night before Christmas and among all the stars, Was a gathering of otters they filled all the bars, The hour was late they should all be asleep But happy hour at the Slug and Lettuce meant...

Faruk, sunday 20-Mar-22 38
Weekly Good/Bad Thread
Pompey, 20 December, 2013 at 11:06

Good - Last day at work until 2nd January (sorry Funky) Good - Impromptu night out with work lot last night and 2nd place in the quiz Bad - Hanging today. Mcdonald's breakfast part way to sorting me...

Erin8, sunday 22-Dec-13 38
Internet Shopping Moral Dilemma
MrsToffee, 22 December, 2013 at 00:03

Hi all! I'm new to this particular part of the site but have been over in Wedding Planning for a little while. I'm after some moral guidance really; I ordered my H2B a tshirt for Christmas off the...

PinkButterfly, monday 30-Dec-13 20
xmas engagements (wp?)
MummyMoo82, 21 December, 2013 at 17:30

Do you approve/not approve? Got my money on one couple to get engaged but don't think there is anyone else I know who might get engaged. Will have to wait and see...

Ohwhatatuesday, sunday 22-Dec-13 28
Missus S
How do you cook your..
Missus S, 19 December, 2013 at 21:00

Veg on Christmas Day. Or any roast dinner in fact. And what do you have? (Vegetables)

Erin8, saturday 21-Dec-13 22

General groups

Hitched article topics