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Wedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.



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Following on from the drinking thread
Clairy, 3 March, 2009 at 10:34

Those of you that abstain (regularly) - what non alcoholic drinks do you have instead? Day 1 of abstainance in the Big Clairy House and I had apple juice and decaff tea ?. Both were as nice as alcohol...

vicbic, tuesday 3-Mar-09 23 2,148
Fixtures & fittings - is it the done thing to haggle?
allymc, 3 March, 2009 at 13:34

We're in the process of buying a house and we asked the vendor to give us an idea of how much they would be looking for to leave behind cutains, curtain poles, window blinds, stairgates and a...

MrsB, tuesday 3-Mar-09 7 452
How much alcohol do you drink?
Clairy, 2 March, 2009 at 14:32

I know we've done this several times before, but up until then I've been in denial and not willing to confront the amount I actually do drink. I don't think I have a *problem* but I know I drink way...

~~~liz~~~, tuesday 3-Mar-09 76 6,241
cornflake girl
Parents evening at primary school
cornflake girl, 2 March, 2009 at 20:04

We've had parents evening tonight - our second of the year (we have one each term). Each parent gets a 5 minute appointment and they're given a slot in which to attend. We also give reports out each...

swampytiggaa, tuesday 3-Mar-09 23 3,317
Does London Pride go in the fridge?
Knownowt, 3 March, 2009 at 11:48

If someone's darling wife bought her husband some London Pride beer, would said darling wife be correct to put it in the fridge or the cupboard?

barongreenback, tuesday 3-Mar-09 5 7,246
Has anyone made a wedding cake? (simple one)
Nefertiti, 2 March, 2009 at 19:44

H has kindly volunteered me to make a wedding cake for his colleague who is getting married in 2 months time and has a very limited budget. In his defence I have made some pretty impressive cakes for...

spacecadet_99, tuesday 3-Mar-09 11 5,461
Legal advice - who is at fault - bike vs car accident?
Loopy, 1 March, 2009 at 13:36

I need a bit of advice, this is stressing me out so much. Last week Jordan my 12 year old hit a car whilst he was on a bike (not his). He said the car swerved round him (to get past him) then stopped...

Loopy, sunday 1-Mar-09 14 3,396
What oil or fat do you use to make roast potatoes?
LizBjk, 1 March, 2009 at 09:52

I'm making a dinner today. My H's grandfather is coming. Pressure ?. I always make a dinner anyway, he's just never had one of mine. I want to make gorgeous roasts. I normally just use oil and the...

LizBjk, sunday 1-Mar-09 8 1,393
How can I find out how much a house was bought for and when?
Doughnut, 1 March, 2009 at 12:53

I have tried Zoopla and houseprices, and Google. Any ideas?

amandam, sunday 1-Mar-09 13 4,741
QQ & Possibly a bit TMI - Does anyone here use voltarol pain killers?
KJX, 27 February, 2009 at 22:14

Do voltarol make you constipated? Sorry - bit of a random question!

KJX, saturday 28-Feb-09 7 1,184
my husband hasn't eaten for nearly a week - update.
swampytiggaa, 25 February, 2009 at 10:11

This isn't good is it? He came home from work last thursday ill - really sore throat - and hasn't eaten anything at all since last thursday morning which would have been 3 weetabix. He doesn't work...

swampytiggaa, saturday 28-Feb-09 10 1,495
antibiotics and the pill injection
SabrinaSpellman, 27 February, 2009 at 23:11

Hi can you tell me...ive had 3 courses of antibiotics in the last 2 month or so (chest infection then teeth abcess)...finished last lot about 2weeks you think they may ahve affected my pill...

Hyacinth, saturday 28-Feb-09 11 1,079
Charlie Brooker on Heston Blumenthal
Mr JK, 28 February, 2009 at 08:25

[quote] Without doubt the most mental cookery programme you'll ever see, unless you're in the habit of necking six LSD tabs on a weekend morning and staring at Saturday Kitchen until James Martin's...

Melancholie, saturday 28-Feb-09 5 878
Anyone help with ideas for 30th wedding anniversary gift please?
lyni, 27 February, 2009 at 15:42

My parents are celebrating their's in a couple of weeks, and I'd like to get a gift. The only thing I can think of remotely related this is getting them a bottle of wine from 1979, is this really twee...

Nichola80, friday 27-Feb-09 8 833
Mizz Pink
Pub Quiz team name........suggestions pls
Mizz Pink, 27 February, 2009 at 15:14

As the title says ?

Missus Jolly, friday 27-Feb-09 13 4,861
WWYD? Sofa Palava with SCS, help please
MichelleK, 27 February, 2009 at 10:21

Morning All I'll give you the whole story so you know what is going on, but I just wanted some opinions on the best way to deal with this. We are currently building an extension on our house which...

MichelleK, friday 27-Feb-09 21 1,533
Informal college interview - what to wear
Highlandgirl72, 26 February, 2009 at 14:47

Afternoon ladies, I have applied to do Pharmaceutical Sciences at my local college (I will be a mature student at the age of 36!) - and I have been invited to attend an informal interview tomorrow...

whirlwind666, thursday 26-Feb-09 6 2,122
Fiat Multipla
MrsSW, 26 February, 2009 at 11:42

I'm buying a Fiat Multipla at the weekend - ugly, quirky but practical (a bit like me...). Will anyone else dare to own up that they have one/ like them? and if so, what experiences have you had of...

Moose in the Garage, thursday 26-Feb-09 6 959
Mrs Vineweevil
cake making / icing questions?
Mrs Vineweevil, 25 February, 2009 at 13:29

I am a bit over ambitious at the best of times so true to form I have decided to make my son a 3D tractor cake for his 3rd birthday. (EEEEK). I am going to have some test runs at making a madeira cake...

Purple Pixie, thursday 26-Feb-09 8 14,239
Cat spayed today - hates her collar - help!
badkitti*, 25 February, 2009 at 17:36

Can anyone give advice - she is coming slowly round from the anesthetic but hates the collar and is trying to leap around to scratch it off. Will she adjust or should i take it off, and then she won't...

GMT, thursday 26-Feb-09 10 2,869
Thieving rob dogs
CountDuckula, 26 February, 2009 at 09:43

I want to replace the windows in my flat with uPVC double glazed. As it's leasehold, I phoned to leasholders to get permission. I need to send them £170 for a license giving me permission. One hundred...

MrsSW, thursday 26-Feb-09 6 491
Gaaahhhhh, what was this chocolate bar called?
, 25 February, 2009 at 14:22

Does anyone remember a choc bar with runny caramel in and nuts, covered in a dark brown see-through cellophane wrapper? It's driving me nuts ?

Flump, wednesday 25-Feb-09 14 1,659
Clarins - is it really any good?
alleroo, 24 February, 2009 at 18:46

My skin is crap,and I'm fed up with it the stuff my gp has been giving me for my ezcema doesn't seem to do any good anymore, and I don't want to use anything stronger as he was a bit reluctant to give...

alleroo, wednesday 25-Feb-09 13 15,193
Pedicure or chiropodist?
Kazmerelda, 25 February, 2009 at 13:53

Just a quickie question, I have what I would call winter feet (abit dry) and slightly yellowy tonenails (the big ones) and my little toenails don;t grow normally but are thick and grow up (I paint an...

MrsSW, wednesday 25-Feb-09 6 1,327
Ironing knickers
Spamboule, 24 February, 2009 at 10:16

Seriously, does anyone do this? I was hanging out the washing yesterday & caught sight of the washing label in a pair of my knickers which said to iron them on a low heat. As if I don't have...

Lizbeth, wednesday 25-Feb-09 33 3,483
Mrs Cee
80 days around the world with Willy Fog
Mrs Cee, 24 February, 2009 at 20:27

Was just looking on you tube at the maid marian clips and came across the 80 days around the world with Willy Fog theme tune and this clip. I remember sending off my sae for a copy of the words to...

flissy666, tuesday 24-Feb-09 2 455
Student Loan Question - for those who graduated late 90's!
penguin1977, 24 February, 2009 at 09:30

I graduated 10 years ago this year (to my horror!) and I STILL haven't had to start paying my student loan off yet as I haven't reached the threshold just yet in terms of gross monthly pay! (begs the...

Knownowt, tuesday 24-Feb-09 24 2,087
Vauxhall Astra, exhaust emissions light?
Toriaplum, 24 February, 2009 at 13:42

Hi driving today and I noticed on the dashboard the light was on, looked it up in the book and it is the exhaust emissions warning light. Book does the scare bit phone vauxhall dealer immediatly etc....

loopyloo, tuesday 24-Feb-09 5 10,053
It's Pancake Day (in the style of Maid Marian and Her Merry Men)
penguin1977, 24 February, 2009 at 11:36

For those that remember This show rocked! And I completely forgot that Cat from Red Dwarf was in it!

Braw Wee Chanter, tuesday 24-Feb-09 8 1,470
Anyone use Soap & Glory?
Lillythepink, 22 February, 2009 at 22:30

I saw this range in Boots today for the first time and I adore their packaging (shallow? moi?) ? So does anyone use it, and what do you use? Any skincare stuff any good? Cheers m'dears xx

Flump, tuesday 24-Feb-09 22 1,921
Anyone put on weight with Depo-provera injenctions?
DaisyDaisy, 22 February, 2009 at 11:45

Or is iit all in my head and just an excuse?

emmali, monday 23-Feb-09 18 1,744
Mrs Jellybaby1977
Asthma - Gone away without inhalers.
Mrs Jellybaby1977, 21 February, 2009 at 22:32

I am such a muppet. I have come away without my inhalers. My breathing is quite bad at the moment so am even more of a muppett for not realising I did not have them. I'm working away and I'm 4 hours...

Mrs Jellybaby1977, monday 23-Feb-09 15 2,064

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