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Emsy Truff
Has anyone played pub golf?
Emsy Truff, 6 October, 2008 at 15:19

Disclaimer **I understand the dangers of binge drinking and am not recommending this as a good idea to anyone and will almost certianly regret my stupidness the morning after this event**disclaimer...

Old Nick Esq., monday 6-Oct-08 29 7,039
can you break the hand brake by putting it on too tight?
Ginger, 6 October, 2008 at 17:24

Is that a silly question? I couldn't get my handbrake off this morning after a man had put it on. He says i don't put it on properly, i say he is going to yank it off with his obsession with it? well?...

boof, monday 6-Oct-08 5 2,215
Stereophonics - what song is this?
Gingey Wife, 6 October, 2008 at 11:53

I've got a song in my head and because I dont even know the words it's stuck. Its recent, quite fast and I think has a line in it that is "makes lots of money" Help.

Kazmerelda, monday 6-Oct-08 3 1,493
If you were invited out for a meal..
AllyD, 4 October, 2008 at 19:20

For someone's birthday, would you expect them to pay? It's H's 30th birthday in January and we don't really know enough people to have a party but thought about asking his parents and brothers to come...

RachelHS, monday 6-Oct-08 28 2,475
WWYD re work/birthdays situ
Roobarb, 4 October, 2008 at 10:36

Where I work we do collections for birthday presents for others in the team (about 10 - 12 of us per team). If I had my way we wouldn't bother tbh or if we must do something I don't see what's wrong...

Hickory, sunday 5-Oct-08 24 1,847
Lush - facial cleansers
lambchop, 5 October, 2008 at 20:23

Im a big fan of lush but i havnt bought anything new for ages.I need a cleanser which will help to control the mess that is my face. I have pcos so am prone to very bad skin, i have tried their fresh...

LittleStar, sunday 5-Oct-08 4 699
Giles Coren on his ideal woman
Rache, 5 October, 2008 at 09:09 ---------------------------------------- GILES COREN Once upon a time, a man on the hunt for a wife would set great store by...

Carrot, sunday 5-Oct-08 7 950
Big Tomato mugs- Where?
francesca, 28 September, 2008 at 22:08

I'm looking for a Big Tomato mug, this one to be exact. JL don't seem to stock the giddy aunt one and everywhere online seems to want £4.95 delivery or be out of stock. I need it as I really can't...

francesca, friday 3-Oct-08 2 732
Mrs Magic
Pink food
Mrs Magic, 3 October, 2008 at 22:08

I've convinced a friend to have a 'Pink Your Party' for Breakthrough Breast Cancer in her house (I don't have room) by telling her I'll do the food. It'll be a Friday or Saturday night in late October...

Mrs Magic, friday 3-Oct-08 11 7,354
TK Maxx were selling jackets with a concealed knife
kizmyasnow, 3 October, 2008 at 12:58 ?

kezzybabe, friday 3-Oct-08 10 1,364
So excited... The Hills starts again on Sunday!!!
Minx Sauce, 1 October, 2008 at 12:30

Don't forget that Season 4 starts this Sunday on MTV. Can't wait!!!

Minx Sauce, friday 3-Oct-08 11 560
Thank you - chorizo, potato & chickpea stew
sarahjl, 2 October, 2008 at 17:19

No idea who posted the recipe on here ages ago, but I saved the recipe, and made it the other night - it was yummy. Many thanks

GMT, friday 3-Oct-08 5 1,989
Baby Buns
Dana: 8 year old anorexic
Baby Buns, 2 October, 2008 at 21:29

This is really quite sad.

Kazmerelda, thursday 2-Oct-08 9 1,770
Hugo Brambles
What do you do with empty Body Shop containers?
Hugo Brambles, 2 October, 2008 at 18:48

Can you send them back to BS for recycling or anything? I think you used to be able to take them back to the shop but I shop on line and don't go near an actual shop.

Hugo Brambles, thursday 2-Oct-08 2 4,448
what is the secret of a gooey, chewy flapjack?
janeyh, 2 October, 2008 at 10:59

I know the secret of toothbreaking dry ones - i can turn them out no problemo someone must know ?

knickers_twickers, thursday 2-Oct-08 12 4,844
Cooker help: get an Aga or not?
Popcorn1, 2 October, 2008 at 13:25

I have posted for advice on a range style cooker before, but now we're seriously considering getting a 3 oven gas Aga. I love cooking BUT I have never cooked on an Aga before and that makes me...

MrsB, thursday 2-Oct-08 23 2,850
Bombay Mix
What do you do when your favourite hairdresser leaves?
Bombay Mix, 2 October, 2008 at 13:49

? More of a rhetorical question really. I guess the salon won't tell me where he's gone will he? I've booked with another stylist in the same place but all nervous about it. He was the first one I...

Bombay Mix, thursday 2-Oct-08 7 473
Does anyone have this Sony LCD - KDL-40V4000?
, 2 October, 2008 at 13:44

Help! I ordered this TV online after reading rave reviews about it, and it arrives tomorrow. My friend has just told me that she bought this TV not so long ago and she's really not happy with the...

KJB, thursday 2-Oct-08 7 1,343
Yo Sushi offer.
Pint&APie, 2 October, 2008 at 09:17


hazel, thursday 2-Oct-08 6 691
Sorry, again, I know - sausage/lentil/cranberry casserole recipe anyone?
JK, 1 October, 2008 at 19:10

Mine's disappeared and I have Cretan sausages crying out to find their way into one ? TIA ?

Puss, wednesday 1-Oct-08 2 1,710
Can someone explain storage heaters to me?
Headless Lois, 1 October, 2008 at 11:32

I have Dimplex ones. They have two knobs - an input one (I have set it to 6 as it suggests this for 'cold') and also a room temp boost button. This has settings 1-9 and says 1-no boost, 2- late boost,...

bookgirl, wednesday 1-Oct-08 4 10,008
Clare _ M
The word LITTLE
Clare _ M, 30 September, 2008 at 22:04

Is it an accent thing that makes people pronounce it LICKLE?

Nichola80, wednesday 1-Oct-08 17 2,115
Sofas, anyone bought from SCS?
Sunset21, 30 September, 2008 at 14:21

We still haven't managed to find a sofa we like and really want before Christmas. We want a corner sofa that's really comfy and cosy. We've been to lots of places locally and i'm amazed at some of the...

Oak, tuesday 30-Sep-08 10 4,081
hrml - iron/sugar anniversary present
, 29 September, 2008 at 11:33

Am a bit scared to post this after seeing knownowt's thread - also I just typed a huge post & then managed to delete rather than post it, curses. So - I need an anniversary gift If I were Anglina...

SophieM, monday 29-Sep-08 5 3,229
question for the scuba divers here
NeoShoegal, 29 September, 2008 at 13:06

We are planning on taking lessons on our next vacation and we've heard that it is probably a good idea to buy our own mask. I've had a look on the Decathlon website and there are maks that say...

Tauster, monday 29-Sep-08 16 702
Bedtime for a 14 year old?
HeidiHole, 29 September, 2008 at 11:34

What would you say was an appropriate bedtime for a 14 year old boy on a school night? We're having the bedtime discussion at the moment and are all suggesting different times. G is super grumpy if he...

crafty em, monday 29-Sep-08 25 6,125
Help! Anyone got a Kitchen Aid mixer?
Roobarb, 28 September, 2008 at 16:48

Mr R has been on and on at me for months to start using his Kitchen Aid mixer so I'm making him a cake this afternoon. However I don't know how it works and he's too busy at work to speak to me, and I...

Roobarb, sunday 28-Sep-08 3 401
monkey fingers
A glass of wine and Nytol
monkey fingers, 27 September, 2008 at 22:07

Are they a very bad idea together? I really need to sleep but my mind is in overdrive! I use to take quite a cocktail of drugs and continue to drink, but not anymore and drink effects me a lot more...

Zo�, saturday 27-Sep-08 6 4,551
Legal OPINION - Deputyship / Appointeeship + tenancy agreements
KJX, 26 September, 2008 at 22:10

Apologies for using Hitched as a legal sounding board, but it is a matter of personal interest as well as something I am dealing with at work (I will do a shameless bounce during daytimes - sorry but...

KJX, saturday 27-Sep-08 7 2,332
monkey fingers
westishon puppies
monkey fingers, 27 September, 2008 at 20:33

Anyone here know what type of cross breed these are, I assume westies but what is the 'shon' part? ( I am not getting one, I am just looking at different dogs available and saw these and googled but...

monkey fingers, saturday 27-Sep-08 4 4,608
Sing-a-long-a-Hairspray Costume Help!
Nichola80, 26 September, 2008 at 12:52

In a couple of weeks time I'm going to see Sing-a-long-a-Hairspray with some friends from work (5 of us going, 2nd row seats) and I want to dress up. I went to the Sound of Music version a few months...

Nichola80, saturday 27-Sep-08 7 4,741
Best treatment for thrush?
LizBjk, 26 September, 2008 at 22:35

Not a pleasant topic I know. I have this for the first time. Can anyone recommend anything please?Thanks.

whirlwind666, friday 26-Sep-08 10 783

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