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Phased return to work after long period of sickness/leave
Specialkat, 11 September, 2008 at 16:44

Hiya everyone Has anyone been off work long term (6 months +) and then gone back phased to full time? I am planning my phased return including my annual leave and really don't know what to expect with...

Specialkat, thursday 11-Sep-08 9 5,447
jelly baby
How good is No More Nails ?
jelly baby, 11 September, 2008 at 14:05

I want to put a wooden venetian blind in the bathroom. When we had them put it two of the bedrooms it was a nightmare and the handyman ended up having to bodge it as couldn't drill into the lintel (I...

Duck no more, thursday 11-Sep-08 12 17,345
I can feel myself getting fatter
Chicken, 11 September, 2008 at 14:28

I've 'been good' recently but it's all gone to pot today. I'm moody and food is my friend when I'm moody. Until I've eaten that is. I've had a ham and cheese bagel, bag of crisps, rice and beef...

spinster chick, thursday 11-Sep-08 26 1,800
Smartie cookies
Gingey Wife, 11 September, 2008 at 16:48

I'm going to a birthday party at the weekend and thought i'd make these. Does anyone have the recipe to had (is it Keef's?)

Gingey Wife, thursday 11-Sep-08 6 648
Panto Characters
poochanna, 11 September, 2008 at 15:30

I'm helping to organise a charity ball for the "c-word" and the theme is Panto. I have to design each table around a character and my mind has gone blank. I have to potentially come up with 30, well...

poochanna, thursday 11-Sep-08 30 13,486
Present/survival kit for uni, help please.
elmo, 11 September, 2008 at 12:10

My little sister is off to uni next week and I wanted to do a bit of a survival kit type gift for her with some handy things in but some funny things too. [booze, matchsticks for eyes for when she has...

elmo, thursday 11-Sep-08 16 9,404
Clare _ M
Where can I get a big foam finger?
Clare _ M, 11 September, 2008 at 11:20

Do you know the ones I mean? I have a friend looking for one and I need to get it today! Doesn't matter about colour or branding but has to be in the West End area of London.

Clare _ M, thursday 11-Sep-08 4 1,209
noisy eaters and clicking jaws...
muffins, 11 September, 2008 at 10:06

I have always had real difficulties with noisy eaters? -I usually move away/make a cup of tea avoid sitting next to them? My husband shares this and whilst his eating habits are very good? his jaw...

Duck no more, thursday 11-Sep-08 8 2,282
The trend for wearing jeans under the bum
POD, 10 September, 2008 at 10:33

Does anybody know what is behind the current trend for teenage boys to belt their jeans halfway down or under their bum so you get an eyeful of (often manky) boxers? I feel like walking up behind them...

KJB, thursday 11-Sep-08 24 3,393
sugar and tommy
tea and toast, 10 September, 2008 at 19:42

Has anyone heard of this make of boots? Am looking for somewhere online that sells them, but they don't seem to be coming up in google searches! They're Fly London style boots, pretty much imitations...

tea and toast, wednesday 10-Sep-08 1,020
What colour is a five pound note?
DebbieD, 10 September, 2008 at 08:49

What colour do you think a five pound note is? H was taking my money this morning and he took a tenner and a fiver. I asked him to give me back the blue one and he looked blankly and then handed me...

voddy vixen, wednesday 10-Sep-08 24 21,043
Stone fallen out of wedding ring, grrrrrr
, 9 September, 2008 at 22:50

I've just noticed that a stone has fallen out of my wedding ring, I'm really annoyed. Considering I got married 21st June it's pretty crap! I'll take the ring into store ASAP (Ernest Jones), I just...

essexmum, wednesday 10-Sep-08 7 3,187
is nur nur nur nurrrr nur nur nur nurrrr 'the shining' music?
janeyh, 9 September, 2008 at 22:26

That made sense in my head you know what i mean

PhoebeBuffay, tuesday 9-Sep-08 5 1,207
Where can I get bootcut jeans that are not low rise?
Highlandgirl72, 8 September, 2008 at 20:04

Evening all, Does anyone know where I can get bootcut jeans that are not low rise? Thanks!

Highlandgirl72, tuesday 9-Sep-08 10 1,207
Apple Cruble Recipies
chids, 8 September, 2008 at 14:23

I've just been and picked some apples from the apple tree at work, and so tonight i'm going to make apple crumble. So if possible could i have your easiest apple crumble recipies because i aren't the...

chids, monday 8-Sep-08 6 1,540
Have you ever slapped someone around the face?
Chicken, 6 September, 2008 at 17:21

It's such a comedy/drama queen like move.

Peaches, monday 8-Sep-08 49 5,137
gift ideas for someone going travelling
AnnaBanana, 8 September, 2008 at 11:34

So my baby brother is going off to Australia for 6 months next week. I'd like to get him a little parting gift that would be useful to him, not too expensive but thoughful. Any ideas? im stumped!!

Peaches, monday 8-Sep-08 8 16,318
What colour shall I paint my hallway?
HeidiHole, 8 September, 2008 at 10:48

We've just decorated our sitting room and next weekend Mr Hole wants to do the hallway. I am all out of inspiration, looking at all the colour charts online has made me colour blind. It's quite a big...

HeidiHole, monday 8-Sep-08 14 27,716
Is Louis Walsh gay?
CountDuckula, 6 September, 2008 at 20:43

As above really....

Flaming Nora, sunday 7-Sep-08 14 58,241
Hanging striped wallpaper sideways!!
Specialkat, 6 September, 2008 at 01:51

I have finally picked the wallpaper for my bedroom and have picked a striped design. The problem is I want to hang it horizontally instead of vertically. Any ideas on how to do this making sure it is...

Specialkat, sunday 7-Sep-08 10 23,739
Any Colin Firth fans?
, 7 September, 2008 at 20:28

I went in the loft yesterday to dig out some old photos to scan and upload to Facebook, and I found my Colin Firth stash from when I was a teenager ? I wrote to him when I was 15 after seeing him as...

Jenbo, sunday 7-Sep-08 3 645
Any part-time teachers around?
jessica.rabbit, 30 August, 2008 at 09:44

How does your school treat inset days with Part time staff? If you attend an inset day on a day which you do not normally work, are you usually paid to attend that day, and do you have to fill a form...

jessica.rabbit, sunday 7-Sep-08 4 2,334
is it wrong to fancy Louis Theroux?
bobbly1, 6 September, 2008 at 22:27

They are running his "weird weekend" series on the Dave channel at the moment.

Old Nick Esq., sunday 7-Sep-08 19 4,199
Treacle tart
Ebay ponderings....knickers.
Treacle tart, 6 September, 2008 at 23:13

I have been on Ebay all night as i am selling quite a few things at the moment. I don't know how I came across the following as I wasn't particularly looking for Knickers. Anyhow, there are quite a...

flailing wildly, sunday 7-Sep-08 23 1,700
Bit taken back by this.
Mrs JMP, 6 September, 2008 at 14:38

I went out earlier to collect MrJMP's dry cleaning, as I do each Saturday. Local Dry cleaners who we have used since living here - 7 years. Run by two young muslim guys, one very devout & one more...

bettyb, saturday 6-Sep-08 8 1,218
Has anyone ever died from a hangover before?
Chicken, 6 September, 2008 at 09:04

Because I feel really bad. I can't remember much after my second glass of wine.

dinx, saturday 6-Sep-08 25 3,935
Hairdressers help! I've singed my hair
Moglie, 5 September, 2008 at 08:46

I've singed my hair (is that how you spell it?). I lit the massive oven at work this morning and it blew back and I've singed all one side of my hair. I've got a shortish, choppy, layered bob but I...

Moglie, friday 5-Sep-08 5 3,503
Peaches, 5 September, 2008 at 14:24

Anyone play? It's not difficult to learn, is it? I mean, I've played the odd game on my phone and it doesn't look like you need to be a rocket scientist to understand it. Or am I missing something?...

Lofty, friday 5-Sep-08 12 1,856
Went to "ladies only" swimming on Wednesday night
NumbNuts, 5 September, 2008 at 12:06

It seems at my local pool, this doesn't actually mean swim, but meander (breaststroke, head always above water type) up the lane 2 or 3 at a time having a chat, whilst giving evil looks to the rest of...

MarineGirl, friday 5-Sep-08 13 3,116
KJB, 5 September, 2008 at 08:52

As posted on another thread... There's no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothing so get yourself a sexy raincoat and live a little. Billy Connolly I need a sexy raincoat. Any ideas where I...

ruthy_wuthy, friday 5-Sep-08 11 918
Is my friend OTT, or AIBU? - UPDATE
Peaches, 28 August, 2008 at 22:03

I met a group of expat ladies from all over the world this time last year, and made a couple of really good friends out of the group. One of the ladies is American, but is married to a Brit, and has...

Peaches, thursday 4-Sep-08 18 1,805
Get Well Soon Vibes for my cat please???
loopyloo, 4 September, 2008 at 19:34

Hi Can everyone send their get well soon vibes for my cat? He came in today as usual, but when i picked him up i noticed his tummy was bleeding. He appears to have caught it on a fence or something....

HeidiHole, thursday 4-Sep-08 7 552

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