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cooking Lasagne for 20 people
leb1976, 24 October, 2008 at 15:46

Help is needed. I have been given the task of cooking lasagne for 20 people for a hen weekend!!!!! I like to get things organised and prepared in plenty of time. Do you think a lasagne will be ok if...

SophieM, friday 24-Oct-08 11 14,383
Do slugs come into your house? Updated with video p4
hazel, 23 October, 2008 at 10:02

We get slugs coming in overnight - we come downstairs to find slug trails on the carpet. MrH takes it as an invasion of his privacy and doesn't believe that normal people have slugs coming into their...

Wicket, friday 24-Oct-08 91 16,049
Stinky cheese fridge - any ideas?
baublegirl, 24 October, 2008 at 12:47

My H in his wisdom bought a heyooge piece of stilton last weekend and has been nibbling it all week. Consequently our fridge now smells as if something has died in it - moreso for me because I'm pg...

nutfluff, friday 24-Oct-08 6 619
Walter Pobjoy/Percy Gherkin (xposted sorry)
Saphira, 24 October, 2008 at 11:16

Anyone got any idea where these names are from? It's something from my childhood (I'm 31, born in 1976). My Mum came out with the first and I responded with the second but where on earth have we got...

Saphira, friday 24-Oct-08 1 924
Redundancy help/advice
Starry25, 23 October, 2008 at 18:52

Hi all, I was wondering if you could offer me some advice concerning my husband. He has worked for a air conditioning business as an employee since March 2007, since he has worked for this company...

Starry25, thursday 23-Oct-08 5 731
Furious at MBNA and can they get away with this?
Violet1, 23 October, 2008 at 14:24

Hi All. I got into a little financial difficulty earlier on in the year. I basically ran up my credit card. So I upped my payments so rather than paying off the minimum amount each month I was paying...

cjb, thursday 23-Oct-08 29 5,165
Thick Qu - Tesco vouchers
R-A, 23 October, 2008 at 10:51

OK so I am clearly reall thick, but I don't get how these work. I've had a club card for over a year but not got myself together to redeem my 'points' properly. All other reward cards I have had...

Cheesecake Factory, thursday 23-Oct-08 17 1,646
Need fancy dress help - Barbara Cartland!
Sparkley, 23 October, 2008 at 10:39

All my friends think I am going to turn into Barbara Cartland when I get old ? I am going to a fancy dress party next week and I really want to go as her ? I have won every year so far, and I can't...

Sparkley, thursday 23-Oct-08 11 2,843
Pina Colada
Having a Virgin Vie party - what products do you swear by?
Pina Colada, 21 October, 2008 at 21:22

Totally uninspired by catalogue as used to do Body Shop parties so am hugely stocked for products/makeup! Am keen on the Custom Eyes clear eye liner you can use to transform any eye shadow into eye...

Doughnut, wednesday 22-Oct-08 19 2,659
Help dress me for a winter Christening
Iris, 22 October, 2008 at 10:00

Morning. I have a christening to go to in late December so it's a great excuse for new clothes. It's OK to be quite dressy although I'm not going as far as having a hat. Budget is tight, I love Coast...

Iris, wednesday 22-Oct-08 11 12,771
Today's Porn Spam
HeidiHole, 22 October, 2008 at 08:38

"Check Her Tiny Hole" ?

Flowery the Grouch, wednesday 22-Oct-08 1 668
I love shoes
AIBU?? Landlady related (again..)
I love shoes, 21 October, 2008 at 19:17

After my post of the other night about my obsessive landlady (or moronic and moaning depending on how you look at it) She has just made me feel really guilty without evening saying anything The other...

I love shoes, wednesday 22-Oct-08 10 1,269
Manner neapolitaner wafers
Sunflower, 22 October, 2008 at 08:42

I used to buy these from Julian Graves but they have stopped stocking them - anyone know of any UK sites or shops that stock them? Thanks

Sunflower, wednesday 22-Oct-08 325
Lili Donkey
If you live in a flat or have problems drying washing...
Lili Donkey, 21 October, 2008 at 20:37

...I know it looks absolutely ridiculous but you NEED one of these; Forget the Ped Egg, the Dri Buddi is what you need ? I know I'm very sad and get very excited about all manner of pointless...

Lili Donkey, tuesday 21-Oct-08 11 1,688
Grazia Magazine
spinster chick, 21 October, 2008 at 16:32

OK I have a subscription to Eve magazine which is obviously deadly dull as they are stopping publishing it! They have offered me Grazia magazine instead I only read this in waiting rooms or if someone...

Darla, tuesday 21-Oct-08 8 978
Finding a postcode
Gingey Wife, 21 October, 2008 at 14:55

Has anyone got any other fancy methods apart from the Post Office? The street isnt even showing up on there.

Gingey Wife, tuesday 21-Oct-08 7 409
Does anyone have a good recipe for Fish Pie/dessert suggestions?
Katchoo, 21 October, 2008 at 17:42

I've got friends coming to dinner on Saturday. I am planning to do a fish pie with various veg on the side (prob spinach, glazed baby carrots and green beans). Does anyone have a good tried and tested...

Katchoo, tuesday 21-Oct-08 5 5,235
Gastroscopy (Endoscopy) Anyone had one?
Funky Munky, 21 October, 2008 at 10:08

My H is having this procedure tomorrow and stupidly I am the one overly anxious about it (not that i'm showing my anxiety to him of course). Just looking for some reassurance/advice really. He's been...

Lady Lucan, tuesday 21-Oct-08 6 1,294
Which breeds of dogs have wool coats?
Janna, 20 October, 2008 at 20:48

We are at the very beginning of considering having a dog (won't actually get one for a couple of years) but I have an allergy to some dog hair. I do know that some breeds some a wool coat, rather than...

Janna, tuesday 21-Oct-08 8 17,086
Shift Allowance and Overtime Query
leni, 20 October, 2008 at 22:27

OH just showed me his pay slip- I queried the overtime rate as I think he's down by £3.00 per overtime hour. He's paid a shift allowance of about £5,000 a year, will his overtime rate include this or...

leni, tuesday 21-Oct-08 2 594
my sleeping pills are rubbish
, 20 October, 2008 at 22:18

Ive been so stressed out recently and havnt had a decent nights sleep in weeks. i was given zolpidem sleeping pills from the doc and they are rubbish, im still awake all night, my h2b took one and was...

Clairy, monday 20-Oct-08 7 421
Torn cartlidge in knee, what exercises should i be avoiding and what can i do?
mrsmagoo, 20 October, 2008 at 20:58

Hi Iv just discovered that i have torn cartlidge in my knee (sob) which is going to need surgery. I have recently got back into the gym and was loving running. I have been told by the consultant that...

Little.Miss-Scatterb, monday 20-Oct-08 4 1,572
So what is the difference between butter and margarine?
Petal, 20 October, 2008 at 20:08

I was asked this last week and thought that the oracle, which is Hitched, would be able to enlighten me? I really have no idea other than one is supposedly healthier than the other? Although I have a...

Knownowt, monday 20-Oct-08 10 921
Girlie calendars in the workplace AIBU
Carrot, 20 October, 2008 at 21:00

I spotted 2 topless calendars in the workshop today- one from 2007 so obviously just kept for the pretty pictures. Now I personally couldn't care less about seeing page 3 models or whatever, plus the...

DaisyDaisy, monday 20-Oct-08 8 1,663
What time is too early and too late to hoover?
sherry, 20 October, 2008 at 18:53

When you are in a semi /terrace/flat etc and you can hear the hoover through the walls?

sherry, monday 20-Oct-08 7 11,752
where to buy Crocs in meadowhall S.C, Sheffield
maisie39, 20 October, 2008 at 13:43

Hi All, Will be passing through Meadowhall next week and was wondering if anyone knows by any chance where Icould pick up a pair of Crocs? Tks M

Evil Yoda, monday 20-Oct-08 3 5,274
Seeing someone you know on TV
bettyb, 18 October, 2008 at 23:02

I used to work with a women who plotted her husbands murder. Tommorow night there is a documentary on tv about the whole thing. It feels weird knowing someone who has done this and now they are making...

Janna, monday 20-Oct-08 18 1,849
Boden clearance events?
KJB, 19 October, 2008 at 21:30

At the Town Hall in Cheltenham today, I noticed that they are holding a Boden clearance event in November (21/22) I was just wondering if anyone had been to one of these events before, and if so, what...

KJB, sunday 19-Oct-08 1 609
Moonwalkers in here!
seraphina, 16 October, 2008 at 08:51

I've just submitted my application - can't wait!!! Anyone else got through yet??

Tiger Style, sunday 19-Oct-08 44 3,723
Thai green curry - fool proof recipe required
Rosencrantz, 19 October, 2008 at 10:33

Morning all, On Friday I am cooking for 10 people and the general concensus is that my guests would like to eat Thai. Each of the people coming will be bringing a dish and so far on the menu we...

Old Nick Esq., sunday 19-Oct-08 5 2,157
Anyone know anything about ulcerative cholitis?
Clairebecky, 18 October, 2008 at 21:54

I found out today that a member of my family (who I haven't seen for a while) has been really seriously ill with this and has ended up having most of his large intestine removed & a colostomy! I...

monkey fingers, sunday 19-Oct-08 8 916
Help settle an argument! - Car sharing costs
shooting star, 16 October, 2008 at 18:48

Help settle an argument! How much is reasonable to pay in a car share to work for an 11 mile journey. (110 miles total per week). Assuming petrol is about £1.05 a litre and you decide to pay half...

kezzybabe, saturday 18-Oct-08 27 2,256

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