United Kingdom · From January 2003
- Expert
- 2,375 points
Happily married 🎉
1 January, 2018
I nee to get rid of my 2 sofas but they don't have fire labels attached, so none of the charities are willing to take them. I have read of bad experiences on Freecycle and Gumtree when it comes to...

Has anyone got these? Do they look odd when extended, or is the thinner part hidden by the curtain?

Does anyone have any experience of this? I've been wearing my watch for 3 years and in the last month I seem to have become allergic to it. My wrist was in a right mess, where the back of the case...

Apparently he slashed his wrists? /tvandshowbiz/ He became upset after watching an episode of BB. I could easily crack a joke there but I won't......... Anyway, do you think he was upset over Norin?...

I was wondering if anyone has stayed at any of these hotels? https://www.draytonmanor.co.uk/useful-info It is for 2 adults and a 2 year old (he will be by the time we go) It needn't be fancy but must...

I have a Spa voucher to use and one of the options is a St tropez tan. I am going to a wedding next month and thought it would be nice to treat myself to it. I was just wondering a) how long it takes...

According to Perez Hilton, the wee boy who sang the Jackson song in Britain's Got talent will be participating? Shaheen Jafargholi....

1) Do gold and silver clash? I got a new top today (gold) and all the accessories I have are silver. Still, an excuse to buy more but from what I saw today, I really don't like gold things... 2) Do...

I have only one comfy bra, I can barely feel it when it's on. The other ones just kill me (they are the correct size too) I find that I need a strapless one for underneath summery tops. The comfy one...

My back has got really bad again and I feel that I need someone to take a look at it. I used to see a chiro and it cost me a fortune but sorted my back. Not completely, but at least I could walk short...

I went to a concert last night. Went to buy two bottles of water from the stand just inside the venue. The guy took off the tops and passed the bottles over to me. I asked for the tops, I was buying a...

I just don't like it. It looks too big and out of place, and it isn't comfy. It is very padded, how long before it flattens out a bit and becomes as comfy as the one in the shop? ?

<squeals> I am going tomorrow <squeals> and just wanted to check what time they come on. I found this Approximate running times: Doors Open - 6pm Support Act 1 - 7.30pm (Julian Perretta)...

I am trying to get 2 tickets for any of the May dates. If anyone knows of anyone who is selling them (face value only) could you let me know? ? Mal x

I have nothing nice in (I really want a cake or something) so I ate some icing sugar straight from the box. That didn't sort me out so I found a packet of custard creams but I had one and it wasn't...

I tried to do situps last month to get in shape for the summer and while I found them easy, I seem to have injured my back again. I am looking for some way of getting toned up but gently. Do you think...

Following on from who do you look like.....who would you look like if you could just press a button and be someone else? I would be Heidi Klum, I think she is gorgeous.

I have a new laptop and I am still trying to get to grips with Windows Vista, my last one had XP. I had an absolute nightmare trying to view anything on here with IE, and posting was impossible. So I...

I don't get this...can someone explain? "The best thing for a hangover is something one straight man can't do for another straight man." – Ben Affleck, offering covert advice on how to get over a...

I googled for a photo of the sofa I have ordered from them as it's no longer on their site, and have found a load of nightmare stories about them, mainly about poor quality. Have I made a massive...

I feel that I am in need of one. For years my hair has been pretty much the same, I have changed colour and had it a wee bit longer or shorter but basically it's always the same. Long at the back and...

...and to anyone else who helped, but I remember NickJ as he was pissed at the time ? Anyway, after arguing with Debenhams since last October, my Mum finally got them to take her suite away and got a...

I have 2 recurring dreams which both appeared last night, was very strange. The first one is rollercoasters. I love them, but sometimes in the dream they're scary and other times they are fun. Last...

If your car is black but they write on the ticket that it's blue, can you get out of paying it on a technicality? I am sure I heard ages ago that if the specifics are wrong, you can.

We were given a very low valuation for our car, but on looking at Autotrader there are lots of similar cars and the sellers (all trade) are looking for at the very least £1,000 more. I have phoned 2...

My neighbours have returned from a 6 week holiday and the noise has been unbearable since they got back. They are both well into their 80s so we have them shouting loudly at each other, blaring TV and...

My next door neighbours (old, and very hard of hearing) have just returned from their 6 week holiday. Within a minute of getting through the door, their telly is blaring already. And I can hear them...

Some words just came up on the screen before the break, she was hugging the older guy with grey hair. What did it say? I looked away and missed it.

Https://freakybestmanspeech.com/ Well worth it!

I have been browsing on there and have noticed a few ads which say "don't call me, contact me by email only, here is the address" They are usually cars which come out too as a really good buy in terms...

I can't find what I'm looking for on the BBC site. I just want to know what the roads are like and if it is adviseable to go out today. I had about 5 places I was going to go to today but none are...

I can't wait until Todd comes on ? and even better he is way down the lineup so I have time to go for a bath and get into my jammies first!