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United Kingdom · From February 2005

  • Beginner


Having laminate flooring in a new build?
SAM83, 3 September, 2009 at 11:30

I am having a new house built and have been told by Persimmon who are building it that we cannot have laminate flooring as its a new house. We went to a carpet shop yesterday to arrange to get a quote...

Vikas, friday 7-Feb-25 21 1
Hitcher's OHs
Luthien, 28 August, 2009 at 21:32

Forget how we picture each other - how do we picture all the Mr Hitchers? Oddly, I picture both HH and Chook's OHs to be Ronan Keating Swetty's OH would look like Andrew Lincoln Mrs Nick - Terri...

Hecate, sunday 30-Aug-09 53
A pondering about friendship
jaz, 24 August, 2009 at 10:41

I have very few people I would count as close friends. After some massively failed friendships in the past I am much more careful about who I let myself become close to/trust and often find myself...

Mal, tuesday 25-Aug-09 47
What's actually worth watching on telly these days?
Flump, 17 August, 2009 at 18:29

I am so out of the loop with telly-watching these days. Soaps take up too much time, but apart from that I don't know what good series there are at the moment? I'm not a 24 or Lost kind of person, I...

Stazzle, wednesday 19-Aug-09 40
Where to buy GHD straighteners from?
SAM83, 11 August, 2009 at 17:33

I have decided I want to have GHD's after years of wasting money on ones that arent working. I dont want to get ripped off although I do love a bargain (if possible). Can someone point me in the right...

Balckburn, monday 11-Jan-21 14
Fantasy Football 2009
Pint&APie, 5 August, 2009 at 14:46

I know a few of you were interested, so I've set up a league on the free Metro game - it seems to be working much better this year. Register at - be warned, your...

claires, friday 14-Aug-09 12
ooh la la
How often do you have sex?
ooh la la, 14 August, 2009 at 09:50

Realistically? And I'm only talking about penetration.

Lady Falafel, tuesday 18-Aug-09 89
princess layabout
House movers and/or shakers - a question
princess layabout, 13 August, 2009 at 17:05

Don't know what to think - this is driving me demented! People who viewed our house on Wednesday made us an offer, which we turned down. They came back with a revised offer which we've accepted. As...

princess layabout, thursday 13-Aug-09 5
Inglorious Basterds...
flissy666, 12 August, 2009 at 22:11 going to be the feature film of 'Allo 'Allo that was never made. Oui ou non?

Hecate, thursday 13-Aug-09 5
Q about part exing for new build
WelshTotty, 12 August, 2009 at 14:34

Piece of string Q probably but what % do developers offer if youre looking to part ex your house for one of their new builds? I was thinking around 80% but that was just plucked from the air!

WelshTotty, wednesday 12-Aug-09 28
House movers and shakers how's it going?
HaloHoney, 11 August, 2009 at 12:42

We've had an offer - not nearly enough so we told them to go back to the drawing board, they came up with another 5k, but it was still too low and will seriously affect what we can afford for our next...

Sunset21, wednesday 12-Aug-09 33
Mrs Magic
Share your weird and wonderful food combinations
Mrs Magic, 11 August, 2009 at 11:54

I mentioned this on legless' dinner thread but it's still making me chuckle so thought I would ask for any weird and wonderful things/combinations you have eaten recently. Mum and I were at my...

babygreenuk, wednesday 12-Aug-09 77
Tell me what you are reading at the moment please.
Herringston, 11 August, 2009 at 06:55

I am going camping in a few weeks, it will probably rain all week and we are going somewhere that is more about the walks and scenery than going out and about spending money so I would like to take a...

Herringston, wednesday 12-Aug-09 25
Anyone know York/Scarborough? Travel question.
Daydreamer, 10 August, 2009 at 09:04

Me and H booked a cottage for next week, stupidly thought it was near York city centre and it isn't. Apparently we're nearer to Scarborough. Does anyone know if there are any buses to York from...

Daydreamer, monday 10-Aug-09 13
Phobias (admittedly stolen from BT)
LizBjk, 8 August, 2009 at 19:52

Do you have any? I have many. I am a wuss. Spiders. Not the skinny ones, but the proper spiders. Black ones. I can't do anything with them. Not even suck them up in the hoover. <shudder> The...

teenybash, monday 10-Aug-09 36
Pink Han-bag
Pink Han-bag, 7 August, 2009 at 14:13

Anyone else watching the shower of shite?

Hecate, friday 7-Aug-09 4
Does anyone remember Point Horror books?
KB3, 7 August, 2009 at 10:08

As a young teenager I absolutely loved reading Point Horror books. My girlfriends and I would swap books with each other once we'd finished. They were so gripping and scary and I felt really old and...

Herringston, monday 10-Aug-09 47
How much do you love this?
Knownowt, 6 August, 2009 at 16:21 Me, I love it a lot.

hazel, thursday 6-Aug-09 9
Boarding School - Discuss
shoegal01, 6 August, 2009 at 12:42

TOday at work we have been talking about Boarding Schools 2 of my collegues both attended boarding school frrom the age of 8 and one of them has 3 kids and all 3 kids go to boarding school. the other...

Tillybean, sunday 15-Aug-10 33
Flowery the Grouch
Some Harry Potter questions
Flowery the Grouch, 4 August, 2009 at 18:11

I know there are some HP geeks enthusiasts around ? so, following the last film I went back and reread OotP, HBP and DH, and now have a few questions. If Harry saw his parents being killed, why...

Hecate, wednesday 5-Aug-09 12
60 best books of the last 60 years
SophieM, 4 August, 2009 at 13:04

Http:// Hmmmm. There are some absolute stinkers in that list imo. The Time Traveller's Wife? Twilight? TWILIGHT???...

Flowery the Grouch, wednesday 5-Aug-09 37
Mrs Magic
What makes you happy?
Mrs Magic, 31 July, 2009 at 20:57

Over the next while, I'm identifying and taking photos of 30 things which make me happy. Some will be deep, others will be flippant and not in any particular order. I've only got two so far as I've...

Lucky Moonshine, tuesday 4-Aug-09 64
Misconceptions about where you live
Pint&APie, 30 July, 2009 at 10:32

R-A's earlier comment "I see the parks and my Lido and the fab diversity and sense of community where other people see the gun crime and used syringes" got me thinking about how certain areas develop...

Abdul, thursday 6-Mar-25 173
Finding a tattoo artist
Knownowt, 2 August, 2009 at 18:57

How does one go about finding a good tattoo artist? Is there a body they should be accredited to? Can anyoen recommend someone in London?

memyselfandi, monday 3-Aug-09 12
Leeds Kleek........
em-ster, 2 August, 2009 at 13:57

...... just wondering if this actually exists as I've seen it mentioned a few times over recent weeks if so, who's in and what's the craic with meeting up etc could be fun to arrange something ? ...

Flump, friday 7-Aug-09 39
My Dad has prostate cancer :(
Bowski, 1 August, 2009 at 19:37

He was told yesterday. My mum has convinced herself he's going to die. I'm still being used as light relif and having to go and take their mind off things which I'm finding really hard to do. I don't...

louised, saturday 8-Aug-09 16
House Movers Kleek... Viewings feedback?
HaloHoney, 29 July, 2009 at 16:39

Just had some feedback from a viewing... Apparently my house needs "too much work" doing to it. I paused for a second and asked the agent to repeat that, and he said that he found it just as...

HaloHoney, saturday 1-Aug-09 26
What's your average spend on food in a month?
ashke_again, 30 July, 2009 at 18:00

Just trying to work out budgets and looking at the last few months we're probably spending nearly £260 (on average) on food for 2 of us. That's a bit much isn't it? Caught the start of the article on...

PoppetK, saturday 1-Aug-09 64
Sir Bobby Robson RIP
spacecadet_99, 31 July, 2009 at 10:20

Breaking news now on Sky Sports News. He has finally succumbed to the cancer. So very sad, one of the greatest men in football. RIP Sir Bobby ****, you will be missed.

BONONE, friday 31-Jul-09 16
Last Post- Carol Ann Duffy
Knownowt, 30 July, 2009 at 08:39

Lumpy Golightly, thursday 30-Jul-09 16
Purple Pixie
Anybody know about ear piercing?
Purple Pixie, 24 July, 2009 at 09:11

I had my ears pierced when I was about 10. I had to leave my earrings out for long periods of time thanks to stage class and they eventually closed up. I had them pierced again about 3 years later....

Purple Pixie, friday 24-Jul-09 3
*ginni of the lamp*
Sports (to watch or play) - likes/dislikes?
*ginni of the lamp*, 23 July, 2009 at 20:52

What do you love and loathe? To do, I love swimming. I don't hate any per se, though I wouldn;t choose, say, cross country. To watch, cricket, tennis, athletics and gymnastics. I don;t much like...

Old Nick Esq., thursday 23-Jul-09 1

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