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United Kingdom · From March 2007

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Happily married 🎉

6 July, 2008

6094days 22hours


**excited**, 6 September, 2009 at 20:32

Hello all. I am having a real think about my life at the moment and thinking that it is too short to not be happy. I have always wanted to be a midwife, but never done anything about, well now is the...

**excited**, monday 14-Sep-09 9
Is everybody still flouncing?
Randy, 10 September, 2009 at 18:26

Or may I not mention it? I don't get on here much anymore! ?

MrsMcB2B, sunday 13-Sep-09 18
Darren @ Hitched
Any feedback?...
Darren @ Hitched, 7 September, 2009 at 11:03

... Just thought I'd ask you for some feedback. As you probably know, we had some system problems a couple of weeks ago that meant the site stalling and sometimes grinding to a halt. We made some big...

Jenbo, wednesday 9-Sep-09 35
Hugo Brambles
Has anyone divorced and kept their married name?
Hugo Brambles, 25 August, 2009 at 07:52

As per title really, I'm just curious if anyones divorced and kept their married name. If so did you still keep the 'Mrs' too? Found out yesterday that as I did keep my OH's name when we divorced, I...

Diefenbaker, thursday 27-Aug-09 53
Darren @ Hitched
please read this. It is very important...
Darren @ Hitched, 26 August, 2009 at 11:11

We have had a number of complaints from members and outside organisations about swearing on the forums. It is something that is totally unacceptable. With immediate effect, anyone...

hazel, thursday 27-Aug-09 73
Oddbins, 24 August, 2009 at 09:23

How many of you actually liked eating meat before you gave it up? Or have you never eaten it? The reason I am asking is because the vast majority of my friends that are vegetarian have never really...

barongreenback, sunday 30-Aug-09 29
Does anyone find using Facebook unsettling?
MistyM, 25 August, 2009 at 10:40

I have finally given in and got a facebook account and am intending to just limit it to people I actually know/want to keep in touch with rather than random people I knew at school/uni etc that I have...

jaz, tuesday 25-Aug-09 18
How do you store your plastic bags?
LittlePeanut, 25 August, 2009 at 10:40

As per title ? Also, does anyone use those vacuum storage bags to store duvets, etc? Do they work well?

pinkjay, saturday 29-Aug-09 17
Do you and your OH have much in common?
shoegal01, 24 August, 2009 at 16:45

I was thinking about this at the weekend and have come to the conclusion that we dont really have that much in common but our relationship works regardless of this. We are most certainly a case of...

Toriajayne, tuesday 25-Aug-09 20
"Most mental recipe in the world, ever" competition
SophieM, 24 August, 2009 at 14:34

I'm having great fun today reading the Pioneer Woman blog - she's a fab writer and takes great pics of food. But many of her recipes are just insane - if all Americans cook like that, it's no wonder...

RubyBlue, monday 24-Aug-09 15
Your favourite bean/pulses/grains recipes?
KJB, 24 August, 2009 at 12:33

Hi all I'm trying to eat more beans/pulses/grains, cos they're good for you. I've also started sprouting things (deliberately, rather than things just growing roots etc cos they've been in the...

Lumpy Golightly, monday 24-Aug-09 7
Scooby Doo
Scooby Doo, 8 August, 2009 at 15:00

Right I have taken over the list temporarily have just copied and pasted from the July list so as below... If you want to be removed, let me know, If you want to be added, please give me your total...

SJGemini, tuesday 1-Sep-09 28
WW and canderel
Dot., 24 August, 2009 at 10:52

Are sweetners pointed? If so, how much? thank you

Dot., monday 24-Aug-09 1
Aspergers in adults?
*CJ*, 23 August, 2009 at 20:38

Before I get lost in the powers of google can anyone help recommend any informative websites regarding Aspergers please? And particularly in adults. Or is there anyone here who has any experience of...

Giraffe Wife, saturday 29-Aug-09 27
what is/was for tea?
kierenthecommunity, 23 August, 2009 at 18:49

We're having tandori salmon kebabs with peppers and red onion, rice and salad ? no booze though, as i'm supposed to be on a health kick, and yesterday had a burger, pizza and numerous glasses of red...

SnowflakeMum, sunday 23-Aug-09 18
On Line Photo Album Creators
**excited**, 23 August, 2009 at 15:55

Hello all. I did the photography for my mothers in laws wedding yesterday and whilst she is away on her honemoon, I want to put her an album together. Does anyone know any good sites where I can...

elf, sunday 23-Aug-09 4
Atkins- can anyone explain?
Knownowt, 21 August, 2009 at 22:25

I've always loved the idea of the Atkins diet- I love meat, cream, butter etc but can take or leave carbs. I've never tried it though as I don;t really believe in it- I think that people lose weight...

Gryfon, friday 11-Sep-09 5
Move more challenge - August
SophieM, 1 August, 2009 at 16:33

? MMers. Let's see how we all get on this month. I am officially in week 2 of a half-marathon training programme but my knee's gone dodgy so I will be making do with substituting walknig and...

ScatterCrystals, tuesday 25-Aug-09 18
ooh la la
Is this odd, or have I lived a sheltered life? (poss sens)...
ooh la la, 22 August, 2009 at 14:22

We have just returned from the Supermarket, and I have been thinking about it the whole way home.... There was a couple holding hands in the entrance to the Supermarket and the female was about my age...

Chocolate Button, sunday 23-Aug-09 41
What colour Aga should we get (with pics)
Becca, 22 August, 2009 at 21:39

We need to replace our 1930s Aga, which is becoming less and less eficcient, and it seems after getting several quotes we will be better off replacing it. Our current one is cream, and it is what H...

lizziej, monday 24-Aug-09 20
Mushy banana recipe
Gingey Wife, 22 August, 2009 at 15:54

I've got 4 very ripe (practically liiquid!) bananas. Anyone got a good recipe for banana bread or something?

Gingey Wife, saturday 22-Aug-09 10
Fenella Fudge
I wish I could be happy with my size
Fenella Fudge, 21 August, 2009 at 19:18

Anyone else feel like this? I just wish I could relax and not think about food and weight and dieting all the time. I gained about 45lbs in about 4 months after my wedding (probably in less time). We...

Jenbo, saturday 22-Aug-09 19
Probably done before but made me laugh
R-A, 22 August, 2009 at 16:08

Http:// Mr R-A laughed for a long time, and asked if someone's been spying on our house ?

flissy666, saturday 22-Aug-09 1 776
Tell me what's good about SW / WW meetings or online
Becca, 21 August, 2009 at 20:46

I would really struggle to get to a class each week - they all seem to be when I'm at work or should be putting the babe to bed near me, plus if I was going to the trouble of leaving the house I prob...

GMT, thursday 3-Sep-09 3
Contraception v sterilisation/vasectomies
Headless Lois, 17 August, 2009 at 17:44

I don't know much about having tubes tied, but worry this would give me heavy periods - anyone any experience of this? H will not talk about vasectomies, I guess because he wanted kids before he met...

Rache, saturday 22-Aug-09 76
Flaming Nora
The contraceptive implant
Flaming Nora, 21 August, 2009 at 15:58

I feel queasy just thinking about it but the Dr has advised that this is the answer to all my problems. I faint every time I have an injection so the thought of this is really turning my tummy. Can...

Flaming Nora, friday 21-Aug-09 10
Fish and Chips
Oddbins, 21 August, 2009 at 14:35

How much are they in your area? I have a friend visiting and we called for chips on the way home yesterday and she was stunned at how cheap they were here - £3 for cod and chips so I thought I'd ask...

alison76, friday 21-Aug-09 27
Moving away from family
Buttons, 21 August, 2009 at 14:18

My H has applied for a job, which if he gets it has good prospects for him. The money is better than what he is on at the moment, with the possibility of getting even better if he stays with the...

*CJ*, sunday 23-Aug-09 13
Please inspire me - dull veg box selection
jerseymonkey, 21 August, 2009 at 12:48

My veg box selection is boring me this week - all suggestions for tasty meals appreciated. Preferably using the veg in things mostly rather than as side dishes as the child won't eat veg by itself...

Spamboule, friday 21-Aug-09 11
Urgh! Pathetic rant about ex-Mrs WTP. Again.
Lillythepink, 21 August, 2009 at 11:53

So the other week, there was a bit of text message ding dong re: AJ's clothing - she dresses him appallingly - joggers because then he doesn't outgrow them too fast when she feeds him lard all the...

whirlwind666, saturday 22-Aug-09 35
Can I have some vibes for my mum please? Long and poss sens, sorry
spacecadet_99, 21 August, 2009 at 08:13

I found out last night that my granddad died on Monday. We've been estranged from him for years - MrSC has never met him and we've been together for nearly 8 years. My mum didn't find out straight...

Hungry Caterpillar, friday 21-Aug-09 15
Are there any medical people about? quick question
cavewoman, 20 August, 2009 at 19:42

If there are and you are reading this, I am sorry for pestering you as i know when i come home the last thing i want to do is more work. I would really appreciate you taking the time to answer a very...

Sez, friday 21-Aug-09 9

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