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United Kingdom · From November 2010

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Happily married 🎉

1 January, 2012

4820days 22hours


amihohu - are you around?
ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 21 October, 2015 at 11:49

Golly, not been round here for ages. How's it all going? I am trying to contact amihohu. I have some questions about game development. If you are here, can you reply (if you are willing to answer some...

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, monday 2-Nov-15 4 1
Where are The Otters? Who do I know?
ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 23 October, 2015 at 13:29

After popping back yesterday (the day before?), I noticed a distinct lack of Otters here. Despite knowing them all on Facebook, I am now testing them to see how many of them swing by here still.... ?...

Pompey, sunday 3-Jan-16 54 1
"Who are you wearing darling?"
Tigsy87, 20 October, 2014 at 21:46

What dress designers is everybody loving ? I personally love martina liana and essence of Australia , what dresses is everyone else loving? Xxx

bliss_balloons, monday 27-Oct-14 55 1
Mrs Rowan to be
Invite gift wording
Mrs Rowan to be, 16 October, 2014 at 10:45

Hi All, Right my invites are ready and need to go out, holding back as i don't know what to do about gift wording. Me and the H2B have lived together for a few years now and don't want to sound...

Melancholie, friday 17-Oct-14 27 1
Can't stop myself! Derbyshire anyone?
DerbyshireBride94, 6 October, 2014 at 19:36

Hi everyone, kinda new on here but I did introduce myself a while ago as I did a planning course and have been reading everything ever since! So, although me and my boyfriend aren't engaged, we know...

MartinC Photography, wednesday 15-Oct-14 17 1
Does your OH have an interest/hobbie/obsession you just don't get?
cinnamon009, 9 October, 2014 at 16:03

My Oh is obsessed with construction what I call 'tonka toys' but the big proper versions - Big diggers, JCBs, Tractors, Things with names I don't know and never want to..... but I just don't get it....

*J9*, friday 17-Oct-14 52 1
Do you tip....
Holey, 9 October, 2014 at 10:59

Delivery drivers? I had a big delivery from Ikea today and wondered whether it's the norm to tip the delivery drivers? Also, while I'm here, do you tip your hairdresser?

*J9*, friday 17-Oct-14 35 1
Need some help please.....talking to Priest
MrsB88, 9 October, 2014 at 13:24

Hoping you guys can give me some advice. Im catholic, h2b atheist. H2b finds religion & churches intimidating & uncomfortable. Just an example, when we were in Barcelona visiting a cathedral,...

Paula @ Ollievision, thursday 9-Oct-14 11 1
FUN POST! What made you choose your dress?
Charliebob, 3 October, 2014 at 12:59

Fun post, just want to know what made you choose YOUR dress? What was the deal clencher.. Was it because it made you look slim? Or because of the price? Or perhaps it was a certain designer you...

Charliebob, tuesday 14-Oct-14 80 1
For OMs who kept their maiden names - and brides who are planning to...
yorkshirekiwi, 8 October, 2014 at 00:39

There have been heaps of posts in WP recently about change of surname, and while I don't want to get into the debate about whether you 'should' or 'shouldn't' change, I wondered how much of an issue...

LittleMissPanda, monday 13-Oct-14 23 1
But what if i don't want to change my last name?
LoweToBe, 7 October, 2014 at 16:29

I love the idea of being my partners wife. i have no doubt that i want to get married, but i just have this overwhelming feeling that im going to lose my identity. this is the name i have been called...

Alreadymarried, wednesday 15-Oct-14 41 1
underwear. .. where to start? ??? ★flash - of dress not underwear!★
daffodilly, 5 October, 2014 at 08:21

Hi ladies So. .. I've bought my dress and it looks great on even without the alterations. .. but I'm clueless about the underwear that would be best with it. It's enzoani giona. .. Hope you can tell...

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, wednesday 8-Oct-14 12 1
Absolutely fuming
sky6925, 2 October, 2014 at 13:47

My partner and I went to put the deposit down on our wedding venue Tuesday. We had the whole day planned. Wedding breakfast for 50 of our guests and hog roast for the other 100. We were told we could...

gnosisart, sunday 5-Oct-14 30 1
My face hurts
Pompey, 26 September, 2014 at 11:15

Can I have some sympathy? It's a small issue in the grand scheme of things, but I'm sat at my desk feeling sorry for myself. Netball in face last night - firmest pass EVER. Blood everywhere,...

Erin8, monday 29-Sep-14 19 1
Using twitter to advertise for witnesses!?
SillyWrong, 26 September, 2014 at 11:31

We're getting married next week!! If you've been living under a rock and have missed me screaming it from the rooftops - we're getting married in Spain next Sunday. It's not legal though, we're having...

Civil Ceremonies, friday 26-Sep-14 11 1
Neighbours - AGAIN! (Possibly a contraversial issue!)
MrsCWB, 25 September, 2014 at 20:33

Ok, so I know smoking is antisocial and unhealthy and I can totally understand how it offends people, which is why I am a concientious smoker. I smoke in the garden only, well away from the house (and...

Ddpunk, sunday 28-Sep-14 14 1
What could it be??
WickyWack, 23 September, 2014 at 14:40

I've recently been to see my consultant gynaecologist as I have been having persistent left sided 'ovary aches'. In the past I have suffered from mittlescmertz but this only lasted for 2-3 days at a...

WickyWack, wednesday 1-Oct-14 11 1
any skeptics/humanists out there?
I-go-by-many-names, 23 September, 2014 at 22:32

My OH and I are humanists and my partner in particular is a strident atheist. It was never on the cards to have a church wedding and we are doing away with quite a lot of the traditions that weddings...

ricepudding, tuesday 30-Sep-14 18 1
Tips for reducing bloating
MrsShep, 21 September, 2014 at 11:12

I often suffer from bloating after eating anything a little on the naughty side, and last night we went on our last 'date' before we get married (!) and overindulged on curry! With 6 days to go, I...

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, monday 22-Sep-14 4 1
worst. postgrad student. ever.
Sambarine, 21 September, 2014 at 22:51

Disclaimer: needed a space to rant at myself, this is super boring so feel free to ignore I have my first deadline of my final academic year as a PhD at 9am tomorrow. I am notorious for not being able...

ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, monday 22-Sep-14 1
Grievance at work - experiences/advice ** poss BT**
casgup, 21 September, 2014 at 07:59

Morning all. Thought I'd start my Sunday by writing a cheery post about grievances at work. I'm wondering if any of yous have ever taken a grievance out at work? What were the outcomes? Do you feel it...

Peter, friday 26-Sep-14 14 1
Feeling a bit rubbish :(
harr22, 19 September, 2014 at 20:19

I'm sorry if this seems like a moan, I just don't have any other outlet for my current feelings at the moment. I moved to this city a couple of years ago straight from uni to be with my now husband. I...

Arpee, monday 22-Sep-14 22 1
involving ill Mum in the wedding
I-go-by-many-names, 19 September, 2014 at 00:18

My mum is 56 and for 7 years has been suffering from an incurable progressive neurological disease that has left her virtually immobile, unable to speak, and most recently, eat and drink. She is a...

Paula @ Ollievision, friday 19-Sep-14 6 1
Giving out save the dates at engagement party?
VintageGal, 18 September, 2014 at 11:16

OH & I are thinking of having an engagement party in november, we are also thinking of getting married in around a year. I am looking at ways to cut costs & i was thinking about getting a save...

MrsB88, thursday 18-Sep-14 8 1
Thunder and Lightning
Pompey, 18 September, 2014 at 09:50

There are people screaming in my office. Is it really that scary?!

nammy502, friday 19-Sep-14 17
HELP ME!!! Tickly scratchy cough.
Ali_G, 18 September, 2014 at 09:00

I am the walking dead today. Got very little sleep last night because I was up most of the night coughing my guts up. I remember the days when a cold used to consist of a sniffly nose for a week. Now...

Erin8, friday 19-Sep-14 11
Do you work from home?
*Mini*, 17 September, 2014 at 19:11

I officially don't work from home, most of my role requires me to be in meetings or interviews face to face so being a homeworker would make that hard. Despite that I often will find myself...

Erin8, thursday 18-Sep-14 26
Urgently needed: Thicker skin!!! Invites sent and problems already!
*CrazyCatLady*, 17 September, 2014 at 07:38

I am so angry right now, and have barely slept because of it. Yesterday evening, my OH's cousin posted a status on Facebook that said something along the lines of: "Isn't it horrible to receive an...

Lorns, thursday 18-Sep-14 37
Guests outstaying their welcome (RANT)
Meltdown, 15 September, 2014 at 21:14

OH has a friend J who comes over most Mondays to go play badminton for an hour, our house is on his way home from work so he is here when I get home from work at 5.15, (he has his own key) The boys go...

Chucklevision, thursday 18-Sep-14 50
probably *sens* crying like a bloody idiot
TreacleTart, 3 September, 2014 at 13:33

Hi all, I dont really know what Im expecting off loading this onto you all, nothing really, I just feel like a want to write it all down and get it off my chest, im not on any other forums, and dont...

AuntieBJ, saturday 4-Oct-14 36

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