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United Kingdom · From April 2013

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Happily married 🎉

5 September, 2014

3843days 15hours


card for OH on morning of wedding
future.mrs.c, 27 August, 2014 at 13:42

Hi everyone, Don't know if I'm reading to much into this. Just went to get my OH a card to open on the morning of the wedding. They all say to my wonderful husband, amazing husband etc. When he opens...

s0phaz, saturday 30-Aug-14 16 2,219
September 2014 Brides :)
Abi<3, 14 September, 2013 at 17:31

Is anyone else getting married in September 2014? How far are you with your plans for the day? Abi

MrsShep, wednesday 15-Oct-14 1,335
Jewellery help
future.mrs.c, 12 August, 2014 at 19:18

Hi everyone, Im really struggling trying to find jewellery. I need crystal rather than diamonte. If that makes sense. Everything I've seen is to sliver I need more clear. I'm running out of time Thank...

lisaloulou, thursday 14-Aug-14 4
help with nerves
future.mrs.c, 7 August, 2014 at 13:13

Hi everyone, My wedding is next month. I'm soooooo nervous already. I'm quite a anxious person at the best of times. Can't eat, sleep. If I'm like this now what am I going to be like on the day? I'm...

future.mrs.c, friday 8-Aug-14 5
Can't get hold of suppliers
future.mrs.c, 27 July, 2014 at 20:50

Hi everyone, With my wedding suddenly creeping up I'm growing concerned as cannot get hold of my decorators. The people who are doing my chair backs, centre pieces etc. My payment was due over a week...

kharding2014, sunday 27-Jul-14 553
future.mrs.c, 9 July, 2014 at 09:27

Hi everyone, I've organised my own confetti in sealed cones. I was thinking of putting a cone on each chair in the ceremony room. But not sure if this is the right thing to do? Where are you putting...

Wedding Photography, wednesday 9-Jul-14 3 705
Getting ready outfit
future.mrs.c, 27 June, 2014 at 09:45

Hi everyone, For getting ready on the morning of wedding I keep going between tracksuit, dressing gown, tracksuit, dressing gown.............. Obviously with a diamond bride print on back! Ha! What...

AKWedding, sunday 29-Jun-14 27 4,509
*CrazyCatLady*, 8 June, 2014 at 22:38

Our wedding ceremony is going to take place at 1pm, so do we put 1pm on our invitations, or should we put an earlier time to make sure people are seated for 1pm? I'm a bit confused!

emabee, tuesday 10-Jun-14 15
Kids activity packs
future.mrs.c, 8 June, 2014 at 21:41

Hi everyone, Need ideas what to put in kids activity packs to keep them amused. I don't have children myself. So far I've got colouring books! Haha! Need help......

LittleSnowflake, sunday 8-Jun-14 5 2,588
future.mrs.c, 6 June, 2014 at 12:59

Hi everyone, Is it just me or do other people think confetti is pretty expensive?? I really want the 'confetti shot' so been looking to order some. Plus my venue will only allow biodegradable. Has...

Bruce Neville Photog, tuesday 10-Jun-14 20
Royal Mail wedding post box
jue1mac, 6 June, 2014 at 12:25

Hi i`m looking to buy a Cast iron royal mail post box prefrabley in red or white... Can anyone recommend the cheapest place they`ve found them. Thankyou

LuxuriousGreenBrides, wednesday 9-Jul-14 3
afternoon tea reception question
Sambarine, 7 June, 2014 at 11:59

So, after 2 months, my venue's caterers have finally got back to us with a quote for our afternoon tea buffet, and I am... underwhelmed. Just wondering if anyone who also did afternoon tea for their...

Trish2014, sunday 8-Jun-14 16
Rant....Rsvps :-(
katie80uk, 26 May, 2014 at 19:04

Why do people feel the need to wait till the deadline date to bother about ur RSVP I sent them a month ago and if that was me, as soon as I knew I could go iI would send it back not wait for a month....

*MM3*, thursday 29-May-14 21
Hen party bags
future.mrs.c, 25 May, 2014 at 20:09

Hi everyone, Anyone who's done hen party bags, did they go down well? What has everyone put in them? Thank you

Chucklevision, monday 26-May-14 5 1
Small gift for my friend marrying abroad
future.mrs.c, 20 May, 2014 at 09:42

Hi everyone My best friend is going away to get married abroad. I will be giving her a 'proper' wedding present when they get back at reception. I just thought it would be nice to give her a little...

Paula @ Ollievision, tuesday 20-May-14 1,048
Table place setting name help for unknown guest
future.mrs.c, 16 May, 2014 at 21:27

Hi everyone. Im still not sure if my dad will be at my wedding. He has said if he does come he will need a carer to come with him. However he will not know the name of this person as it depends on...

bliss_balloons, monday 19-May-14 4 1,898
Invitation declines
future.mrs.c, 12 May, 2014 at 20:23

Hi everyone, Having a panic. My reception room holds 120 people. Alltogether we've invited 100. Had all our day guests (45) except invite Sent out evening invites (55) last week. Already we've had 8...

Paula @ Ollievision, monday 12-May-14 2 868
No table plan
future.mrs.c, 5 May, 2014 at 21:31

Hi everyone, Did anyone not have a table plan? How did it go? Or is anyone not having one? I'm considering it but unsure. Thank you

SillyWrong, tuesday 6-May-14 8
I have discovered argon oil.....
donnyette, 28 April, 2014 at 16:44

After my recent post asking for tips on how to get nice healthy, shiny hair, general concensus was use argon oil. I just so happened to have a little bottle (free in cosmo mag) that I had never used....

emabee, friday 9-May-14 34
Table place names
future.mrs.c, 22 April, 2014 at 12:23

Hi everyone What are you doing when it comes to place names. Like mums, dads etc... Especially when it comes to grandparents? It feels strange addressing my nan/grandad by their names. Ha! Didn't know...

laurafish, wednesday 23-Apr-14 6
Will your groom shed a tear when he see's you?
Curlysuzie, 22 April, 2014 at 20:53 just saw this and thought it was soooo sweet! My OH probably won't cry...

MrsBeckiW, wednesday 23-Apr-14 30
future.mrs.c, 15 April, 2014 at 09:16

Hi everyone, How much confetti are you providing? Enough for 1 cone per guest? Half guests? I'm guessing not everyone will want to throw it? Or maybe they will? Thank you

Trish2014, tuesday 15-Apr-14 14 1,476
Personalised wedding cake toppers
future.mrs.c, 6 April, 2014 at 22:28

Hi everyone, Think I've left it to late everyone I've found is already booked up. Wanted the little personlised lookalike characters for the top of our cake. If anyone has these could you let me know...

Erin8, monday 7-Apr-14 6 1,060
Hair accessories
future.mrs.c, 2 April, 2014 at 13:39

Hi everyone, I'm struggling to find something for my hair. Not 100% sure what I want. Have looked in all the obvious places. Where did you find yours? Thank you

MrsCWB, saturday 5-Apr-14 9 1,548
future.mrs.c, 31 March, 2014 at 20:20

Hi everyone, Are you having a hoop with your dresses? Any pros and cons? Can't decide

holalisa, tuesday 1-Apr-14 4 652
Rainbow Club Shoes... True to size?
MrsF2Bee, 29 March, 2014 at 09:28

I've found some super pretty Rainbow Club shoes, but are they good for sizing? I'm normally a 6.5 and a 7 is always to big, wondering if they come up small or not?

CoopsJ68, tuesday 1-Apr-14 8

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