Throws in people (not just guests) who think that the way THEY did it / are gona do it / would do it if their fella EVER got off his arse and asked - is the RIGHT way and ours is wrong! Grrrrrr
Oh and can i throw in the person who asked me if i could please not walk down the aisle to a certain song cos its 'their' song (that by the way didnt even feature in their wedding)....
Can I lob in grooms dressed all in white? Just because my (odious at the best of times) cousin was decked entirely in white for his wedding, and 6 years on it still gives me the heebee geebees ?
Honestly i thought about it. But just hearing it makes me so angry i couldnt have it now. Worst thing is she didnt think she was doing anything wrong by asking. arrrgh i cant even think about it.
is this aimed at me? you've hurt my feelings, you're all mean and horrid, im leaving but i just wanted to tell you all that i am before i do and then i'll stay around a bit longer