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Wedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.



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Starting to get fed up with mortgage application
conway13, 29 April, 2015 at 16:39

It feels like it going on forever. We sold our house months ago but still waiting on a formal mortgage offer, we had a mortgage lined up before but that fell through and we had to pull out on a house...

kiwi_girl, wednesday 29-Apr-15 4 1,060
Lip waxing numbness?
, 23 April, 2015 at 22:09

Last night I took the brave decision to wax my upper lip and eyebrows. I have done it before, but years ago and have always been too chicken to do it again. They were sore afterwards, but not too bad....

Superhanka, friday 24-Apr-15 7 9,886
Newlyweds ITVBe
HelenSomerset, 25 February, 2015 at 22:08

Has anyone been watching this? Believe it is a series but only the first episode has been shown. I have seen the first 30 minutes and am not sure what to make of it. You can see where the cracks are...

MrsShep, wednesday 22-Apr-15 41 3,310
Andy Murray and Kim sears
LalaC1988, 11 April, 2015 at 22:56

Just been having a little look online at the wedding, looked really nice relatively normal to be honest and from the sounds of it they just had a really small wedding reception. got to be honest...

Elsie81, tuesday 14-Apr-15 18 2,356
, 6 March, 2015 at 11:53

Folks - if you havent watched this series on Ch4, you NEED to! Watched episode 5 last night on 4oD (last weeks) and was properly blown away. Amazing acting, amazing storylines and funny in places too....

Pittabre, tuesday 14-Apr-15 16 2,099
Dunelm - out of stock fabric - Can anyone help?
WickyWack, 23 March, 2015 at 11:02

Https:// I've been trying to get a...

WickyWack, thursday 9-Apr-15 31 3,298
FAO Holey - Into the Darkest Corner book *SPOILERS*
SillyWrong, 8 April, 2015 at 15:40

I hate finishing a book and not having someone to talk to about it (usually my mother or my wife have read a book before me as we share a kindle account.) I wanted to say thanks for the recommendation...

Holey, wednesday 8-Apr-15 919
Happy Niece-ster! **BT/sens**
Calella, 2 April, 2015 at 16:57

Just got a call to say I'm getting a new baby niece at the weekend! It's my cousin that's having the baby, but we still consider her wee one as my niece. She already has a little one who's 1 and a...

Nims, monday 6-Apr-15 12 1,771
Blister on lip
InkedDoll, 25 March, 2015 at 10:34

So I went to the dentist for a filling yesterday and he managed to catch my lip with the heat curing light. I don't really blame him as I have a very small mouth and they struggle with everything, but...

InkedDoll, sunday 5-Apr-15 8 1,796
New Inlaws...
Kathryn3, 2 April, 2015 at 16:25

...discuss For me they're a bloody disaster. Huge argument at Christmas with little chance of reconciliation. Luckily they live about 7 hours drive away - but still the wedding (not till July 16)...

Kathryn3, friday 3-Apr-15 16 2,158
Grey hair
WickyWack, 30 March, 2015 at 20:36

I've noticed 2 hairs in the past few days. I'm totally not okay about this! I'm 27! I'm not ready for this!?

Erin8, thursday 2-Apr-15 18 1,656
Easter bonnet ideas? UPDATED
, 22 March, 2015 at 20:47

Right Hitchers With the wedding and overload of uni work on the cards, I have let my halo slip and neglected to sort out an Easter bonnet for the parade at my daughters school this Thursday. Now this...

Erin8, sunday 29-Mar-15 23 2,074
MediQuestion - What Causes these Symptoms?
yorkshirekiwi, 25 March, 2015 at 23:05

I'm worried about my mum. She was rushed to hospital yesterday after collapsing at work, but was discharged after about 9 hours. The only symptom she was aware of was severe chest pain. No shortness...

Sambarine, friday 27-Mar-15 17 1,955
Fancy dress ideas?
Karen84, 23 March, 2015 at 09:53

Hi all, I have a fancy dress party in less than 2 weeks and not a clue what to go as so I'm hoping you can help me out with some inspiration! The theme is North or South America so there are lots of...

Chucklevision, monday 23-Mar-15 18 1,996
Dinner party food
AuntieBJ, 10 March, 2015 at 16:10

We're having a few more dinner parties this year than we have done previously and, while I'm enjoying the social aspect, I'm beginning to get a little lost on what to serve! I've done most of our old...

InkedDoll, monday 23-Mar-15 43 3,550
Tea, dinner, supper, evening meal. What do you call it?
Ddpunk, 13 March, 2015 at 12:52

I say dinner - always have, always will! I'm sure OH used to, but he's started to call it tea?! This confuses the heck out of me, because tea is a drink with sugar and milk, no? Nope, that hot drink...

lilbeth, saturday 21-Mar-15 78 5,633
Driving lessons - drivers advice needed!
SillyWrong, 12 March, 2015 at 10:40

I'm such a twonk, I've managed to get to my mid thirties with my head buried firmly in the sand when it comes to driving! I learned back in 2005 and was technically good, I could control the car but I...

Nims, wednesday 18-Mar-15 44 2,900
Are there any other straighteners as good as ghd's (but not as pricey)
tabitha, 22 November, 2008 at 19:44

Hi OH was going to buy me some ghd's for xmas but they are so so expensive, are there any others nearly as good, he doesnt mind the price but we really cant afford that much. dont mind him spending 50...

Ali_G, tuesday 17-Mar-15 20 5,753
Old school
, 15 March, 2015 at 19:45

So today I made and ate this bad boy... What are your fave old school puddings? I try and bring a new one back from the past every few months and need some inspiration!

AuntieBJ, monday 16-Mar-15 42 2,318
easy switch torch for arthritic nan???????
miss_winter14, 12 March, 2015 at 22:46

good evening all, my grandmother has asked for a torch but the one we tried was too stiff. does anyone have any recommendations for any torches which are easy to switch on with very poor strength and...

Gracey, friday 13-Mar-15 2 1,373
Mrs Monkey
Electric toothbrush
Mrs Monkey, 5 March, 2015 at 12:31

I'd been thinking for ages about getting ourselves electric toothbrushes (everything I read says they are better then a normal toothbrush). OH's sister gave us two Oral B Professional Care 600...

Nims, tuesday 10-Mar-15 11 1,785
bum length hair?
miss_winter14, 9 March, 2015 at 16:32

Odd question but does anyone have bum length hair? looking for a nice hairstyle for the party but with hair this long a lot of things apparently don't work, so wondering if any fellow long hair lasses...

InkedDoll, tuesday 10-Mar-15 5 1,334
pink & glitz
Drastic hair colour change??? xxflashxx
pink & glitz, 8 March, 2015 at 17:52

I have very blond hair at the moment with no fringe but I am naturally dark (dark brown). Thinking of a total change (like this photo!!!) Fed up of dark roots with blond hair. Has anyone else gone...

WickyWack, tuesday 10-Mar-15 12 2,045
I have a £50 M&S voucher, what should I spent it on?
WickyWack, 27 February, 2015 at 10:49


Nims, wednesday 4-Mar-15 47 3,156
Tooth Whitening
lc93, 22 February, 2015 at 12:26

Has anyone had any experience with this? My teeth are in good condition, the dentist is always happy with me other than maybe the odd scale and polish (2 of my teeth overlap slightly so the plaque etc...

Ddpunk, monday 23-Feb-15 5 1,197
Washing your wedding dress
HAG13, 9 February, 2015 at 18:29

Its been a while since I have posted, hope everyone is good! I currently have the bottom layer of my wedding dress sitting in a bath tub full of water and now I thought I may need some help!!! I got...

alyj66, saturday 21-Feb-15 16 3,424
Those under-eye roller ball things
KittenCake, 16 February, 2015 at 11:00

Has anyone got a recommendation for one which they use and are happy with? I use a Clinique one, which I am happy with, but I only like to buy Clinique when they have bonus time on, plus I like trying...

KittenCake, tuesday 17-Feb-15 5 1,116
Hair dye patch test **WARNING!!**
, 14 February, 2015 at 13:43

I just wanted to put it out there that you MUST do this. This week my OH decided he wanted to experiment covering his greys, and bought a hair dye. He was going just put it on, but decided to do a...

*Pugsley*, sunday 15-Feb-15 13 1,998
Sam Smith - overrated
*J9*, 9 February, 2015 at 13:20

Am I the only person on the planet who thinks Sam Smith is really overrated? I keep hearing on the radio about how brilliant he is and he's won loads of awards and stuff but honestly I just find his...

InkedDoll, saturday 14-Feb-15 53 4,598
Fifty shades of grey
MrsShep, 10 February, 2015 at 18:55

I have never read the books, but the film coming out has sparked this up again. I've just seen a very interesting post on Facebook that I can't copy across on my phone but suffice to say it was a very...

MrsShep, friday 13-Feb-15 76 4,756
Structural Movement...
amihohu, 10 February, 2015 at 10:13

Hey all, Sorry, I realise this isn't a house buying/selling forum, but wanted to get your thoughts anyway! A house we are in the process of buying had the survey come back to say that it has some...

pammy67, tuesday 10-Feb-15 5 1,827
pink & glitz
Has any1 lived in Dubai???
pink & glitz, 1 February, 2015 at 16:32

Hope you are all having a good weekend! Within the next year or so there may be a possibility for my husband and I to move there for a couple of years, due to the work he does. We have never been...

LalaC1988, monday 9-Feb-15 4 945

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