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Join GroupWedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.

So i was just having a conversation with Rod about cream eggs as they are here again. whats your favourite bar of chocolate? mine would have to be a bounty

I hope you don’t mind me posting but I would love some advice/opinions from you lovely hitchers .sorry in advance if it’s long or ranting but I’m at the point I’m going to explode but I don’t know if...

I have two fillets of this fish. Never had it before, never cooked it before. Any suggestions? ETA. I obviously meant SEA bream, although I'm sure seam bream would be equally as nice haha.

I was in a meeting talking to someone today when it occurred to me I said 'to be fair' about 90 times in the space of two minutes. It's one of my most overused phrases. That and 'do you know what I...

I'm having real issues waking up in the morning at the mo and I'm really not enjoying it. It's been going on for a few months. I sleep through alarms and just generally feel like I've been risen from...
Hi all, after asking you for your advice about whether getting a puppy would be sensible when we work full time (I'm a teacher so I get the holidays at least) and realising it just wouldnt be fair to...
What is the worst job you have ever had? (I am bored!) Mine was working at amazon at Christmas a few years ago! I have never been so drained in my entier life! I worked 10pm-6am had stupidly strict...

DT said there are very few gay people in Hollywood. JB laughed and said there were lots of gay people in Hollywood but they were advised not to come out because if they announced they were gay it...

If I was to have one continuous piece of carpet all the way from the top of the landing to the bottom of the stairs - I need 10m of length. However, I only need 1.3m of width. Most carpets come in...
Hi all, I've recently set up a wedding email address, but I can't change the email on here. I can see it, but it won't let me edit it. Any ideas? Thanks!1
Did I dream it or did someone on here once recommend a water app to help remind them to drink more? I'm absolutely terrible at remembering to drink - once as a child my mum brought home a drip and...
We've just viewed a house that we both really love, but the boiler is in a cupboard in the bedroom - at the other end from where the head of the bed would be, but still where I need peace and quiet as...

Hi Hitchers! Hopefully somebody can help to give me some advice on fading ingrown hair scars as I've looked online loads of times but mostly they say to just give it time, and that they don't fade...

I've just purchased it for after Christmas (£5 on Amazon if anyone is interested?). I've not done any serious exercise for about 2 years. I'm just concerned about when I'll fit it into my day so I...
So my H2B surprised me recently by saying one if his all time favorite Christmas films is The Polar Express. Through the magic of the Internet I've found a bell/gift box like the one in the film. Do...

Sorry guys! It's 00:48 and I've just got back to our hotel room, it's been my works do tonight. Right, it's officially the 14th and the start of our Secret Otter opening weekend!!!!!! Assuming that...
So, we all know I'm a baldy-headed coot. It's really bad at the top of my head now. I haven't added any extra colour to my natural blonde (how could I be anything else?!!) hair since March, in the...

I've seen a few Otters have clear baubles with a papercut inside, where are they from?! I know some were as SO gifts so as long as a response to this isn't blowing someone's cover!

Our building had a competition this year for the best decorated office and I am proud to say that we won ? I just thought that I would share a pic as I have absolutely no decorations at home so far...

? Hi everyone! Who fancies a interior design project? We are knocking down a partition wall in our house to make a nice big master bedroom for ourselves. It's basically going to be gutted though so...

Hello Ladies, I was wondering if you may be able to help me. I have a young Nephew who is just 14 and hes getting quite a few spots now. Unfortunately he's becoming quite conscious about them now and...

One of the many ideas I have for my H's Christmas or birthday presents is a turntable. We've got one that's alright but he's mentioned getting a 'decent' one, whatever that means. So does anyone know...

I know that most of you are probably on your way to the Birmingham meet (lucky sods!) but I'm hoping someone might be able to help. I received jury summons this morning but I'm not sure if I am...

I'm guessing its probably ok to talk about this since he's now been in court and pleaded guilty. But this was the first news story that i woke up to this morning and it made me feel completely sick to...

I just sent this message to my younger brother's girlfriend, I'm torn between peeing myself laughing and mortified because she hasn't replied since I corrected myself. Tell me your worse predicted...

Https:// Does the posting of "selfies" onto social media indicate an arrogant nature? Is it that different to posting a more natural or even...

I'm having it today for a bad neck/migraine problem I've had on and off for about 18 months. Bit anxious about what to expect but hoping it sorts me out! Any one else had it done?

Can any Otters here help with some ideas? (thanks if you've suggested things on fb already) There is no theme so me and H are struggling. We thought we'd do a couple thing but they're all pretty...
I want to get a new camera but I'm stuck between a Canon EOS 600d (DSLR) and Canon Powershot SX50 HS (Bridge). I've only ever had a digital compact camera which has out-served it's usefulness. I...

How northern are you? I'm 12% northern, which puts me in Bournemouth!

Nice and thick and even (not woolly). Wash well. I also like to pull my tights right up over my belly button and don't like it when there isn't enough fabric to go past my hip bones. Weirdo. Any...