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Join GroupWedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.

Apologies for the anon, but I don't want anyone who could know me and recognise what I'm about to ask to know my usual log-in. Hitched is my sanctuary sometimes and I've had serious grief before when...

I have longish hair but it's in a ponytail today and the 'tail' is less than pretty looking, it's all dry on the ends and lighter in colour. I think I need to go for the chop [gulp] How come some...

My daughter is being christened in a few weeks (that makes me feel old just writing that !) and - twee as it is - I want to have pink champagne for a toast afterwards. I was wondering if anyone has...

I have a couple of questions...

The white chocolate buttons with hundreds and thousands on the top. I've just seen a packed called Jazzles but I'm sure they were called something else when we were kids. Anyone have any ideas?

Hi all, Jist of it is, it's H's 30th birthday on Friday, and we're planning to hold a bbq for him on Saturday. We have about £20-50 to spend on it, which means it's going to be a Bring-your-own bbq...

As per the title really. All part of the Big 3-0 shenanigans, I'm going to attempt making a big cake for the first time in my life, and although I'd love the idea of making my own sugar paste, I've...

Is it really that easy? I've booked it but wasn't asked for age details or anything, and had to give no card or anything when booking.... I'm not used to booking things like this without even a...

I've overestimated the amount of risotto rice again and have a mountain of creamy, buttery, herby chicken and mushroom risotto. Hubby is away and the kids and I have eaten enough but half is left. I...
I've been separated from my husband for over a year now and we really want a divorce ASAP, we dont even just want to wait until the 2 year thing, we're both willing to have anything cited as the...

I posted a few days ago saying I am preparing a suprise party for my parent's 30th anniv, and we've got about 20-25 people coming. the buffet will be mainly breads, cheese, cold cuts, salad, pate and...
I live in a semi and need to hoover the house - do you think its too late now? (she says kind of hopefully)
H went to play 9 holes with his friend this afternoon, teeing of at about 1.30pm. I thought he said he'd be done by 3.30pm, but he's still not home & no word. He gets into a right strop if I send...

I am going this afternoon and am terrified - i really dont know why - i think it is just intimidation - it cant be as scarey as having to wear a swimming costume can it? bleuuurgh - i have pre major...

My partner & I are up sticks & moving to Aylesbury in the summer. We're going up next weekend to look at rental properties. Can anyone give us advice of good areas to live in or areas to...

I had my blood pressure taken yesterday, and it came out as 110/58. The nurse said that this could be a little low, so I would be grateful for any second opinions, and info about what this means, if...

LOL! Although, as a former resident of Leeds, I am slightly concerned that *I* may be one of his kinky victims ?
I have been waking up at 4am and not able to go back to sleep, so OH bought me some "Kalms-sleep", I took some last night and had a bettter night sleep but woke up with a really dry mouth, it still...
Excuse the anon but i think you will understand why. I have recently noticed that i have a really horrible smelling odour down there. I have had some watery discharge and sometimes it has a strong...

I'm going next week, which I'm very excited about, and want to go on the Saw ride, however the only thing that puts me off this is: Does it appear anywhere? We went last year when the ride was still...

I'm sure I saw shirts online somewhere that were cut for big boobs. I've looked at Bravissimo but couldn;t see a classic shirt on the site. Does anyone know a company that makes them?

I've just realised I have loads of cool things coming up: July Fairford Air Tattoo Parent's surprise 30th Anniversary party H's B-day Aug: Old school best friends coming over from abroad to stay with...

I tried one of the new kits (L'Oreal, I think) that claims to dye your hair and give 100% grey coverage in just 10 minutes at the weekend. It left my hair in nice condition, but the colour wasn't very...
Hi, Flying to the Dominican Republic on honeymoon on Monday and was wondering if you lock your suitcases or not?? I've seen both sides of the arguement, but what do you do? I have lost the key to one...

I think they've got new jobs in Russia!
Hi There is a guy in my work who says Cheryl Cole is pregant and that it is all over the magazines. I can't find anything on the internet. IS IT TRUE???
I seem to have suddenly developed an allergy to PPD which is the active ingredient in many hair dyes. Has anyone else experienced this? If so have you managed to find an alternative hair dye without...
I apologise in advance if this is a stupid question. We have travelled with our 3 year old but, only Spain and Italy and we are thinking this year of going to Turkey. I have heard some horrible...

I'm absolutely petrified and feel sick at the thought. I know I'm being stupid, but I really really don't want it done. I know I'm being selfish, I'm just so scared. ?

I'm so, so cross with myself. I had an interview today for a fantastic job, but had written down the location wrongly and went to the wrong office, halfway across London to where I was meant to be -...

It was my 40th last night and I had a party, it was a vary planned party with formal invites which needed RSVP's and due to conditions at the venue I needed guests names for them to be enrolled onto...