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Ow Ow Ow Owie Ouch
wenchintraining, 7 June, 2009 at 22:10

Every part of me aches, I have bruises where I didn't think I could get bruised.My shoulders feel like they are being pulled out of the sockets, even my fingers ache. Why, oh why did I think pole...

feathers, sunday 7-Jun-09 444
I love shoes
It really is one thing after another with this house...
I love shoes, 7 June, 2009 at 09:04

Some of you may remember our issues with the boiler and then the washing machine in this rented house.. Those issues have now been rectified but now there are another 2 which have become evident...

I love shoes, sunday 7-Jun-09 2 583
Floating glass fish
Ellena, 6 June, 2009 at 15:57

Anyone seen these for sale anywhere? Google has loads of references to them, but nowhere actually selling them. eBay UK has nothing either.

Melawen, saturday 6-Jun-09 630
Single event PLI for band
DebbieD, 6 June, 2009 at 14:51

I need to arrange Public Liability Insurance for a band for a wedding. Does anyone know a good company for one-off PLI?

DebbieD, saturday 6-Jun-09 1 1,015
Basal cell carcinoma- anyone know anything?
Knownowt, 5 June, 2009 at 14:46

My mum's just called to say that the results of a test she's had for an odd bit of skin (which she thought was a wart and therefore did nothing about for a while) have come back saying it's cancerous....

louised, saturday 6-Jun-09 9 1,376
TMI question, sorry! Diarrhoea - eurgh
Kaz_76, 5 June, 2009 at 21:46

? If you eat something and then it comes out 90 mins later, is it definitely food poisoning? ?

Doughnut, friday 5-Jun-09 13 2,451
Fiona Phillips on Question Time last night...grrr!
alison76, 5 June, 2009 at 08:43

She started off quite promisingly but then began spouting inane drivel. And when the question of MMR came up she offered the immortal words....."so if the link between autism and MMR is unproven, how...

Roobarb, friday 5-Jun-09 5 1,649
Cooking lasagne in advance
MrsDux, 5 June, 2009 at 12:18

I want to make a lasagne for tomorrow lunchtime but won't have time to do it tomorrow morning so thought I'd do it today. I've been looking on the web and some people say to make it up, then put it in...

Mizz Pink, friday 5-Jun-09 5 703
Is it OK to buy wine for teachers?
Iris, 4 June, 2009 at 12:47

Master I has just over 4 weeks of reception left. I know people buy gifts for teachers these days. Is wine the done thing as I don't want to go down the twee tat route. His teacher is a lady in her...

LizBjk, friday 5-Jun-09 27 7,465
Anyone had someone in to paint their exterior wooden windows?
Emmark, 5 June, 2009 at 10:03

My wooden windows are in much need of some painting on the exterior. I am going to be getting a few companies out to quote, but just wanted a rough idea of how much people have paid for there windows...

Emmark, friday 5-Jun-09 2 5,215
Low calorie alchoholic drinks
, 5 June, 2009 at 07:47

Hi all, I would have put this on the WL board but no one replies! I'm off out for a couple tonight and was wondering if there are any specific drinks which are lower in calories? Also, which ones to...

MissL, friday 5-Jun-09 17 2,138
Ashes to Ashes
bobbly1, 1 June, 2009 at 22:13

I won't spoil it for anyone who has not yet watched it, but all I can say is I didn't see that coming!

Peter, thursday 4-Jun-09 15 1,605
Gone With The Whinge
sperm/sex question
Gone With The Whinge, 3 June, 2009 at 17:58

Probably TMI for some. I realise this is very uneloquent, but it's bothering me ? Is sperm meant to taste foul? I mean, utterly foul. It's like having the back of my throat bleached. Now, I only have...

Clairy, thursday 4-Jun-09 75 7,090
Flowery the Grouch
Compulsory MMR?
Flowery the Grouch, 3 June, 2009 at 10:26

What do htchers think? Should children have to prove they have had all their MMRs (initial injection and boosters) before being allowed to go to school. I think i am torn between community...

minerva, thursday 4-Jun-09 63 4,870
PSA: Ladette to Lady
HeidiHole, 2 June, 2009 at 21:02

New series starting now, Australian ladettes coming here.

GinFizz, wednesday 3-Jun-09 9 911
Mrs Winkle
I need to create an invoice - hayulp!
Mrs Winkle, 3 June, 2009 at 16:48

I have sold one of my photos to an advertsing agency - hurrah! I need to invoice them does anyone have a template I could use? Obviously not a registered company, but I presume this doesn't matter?...

Flowery the Grouch, wednesday 3-Jun-09 7 782
healthy eaters: breakfast/elevenses?
Sunset21, 3 June, 2009 at 10:59

I'm back on my healthy eating plan, I want to lose weight and get more exercise. I'm aiming for 1lb a week. I have, in the past had a slimfast shake on the days I work for my breakfast, purely because...

Consuela Banana Hamm, wednesday 3-Jun-09 22 1,783
Going to a concert at Wembley Stadium - any top tips?
Janna, 3 June, 2009 at 08:10

I got my TT tickets through at the weekend (woohoo!) I've never been to a concert at Wembley Stadium before and wondered if anyone with more experience had any top tips? We've got standing tickets,...

Headless Lois, wednesday 3-Jun-09 13 8,275
Epilators - worth the pain?
~~~liz~~~, 3 June, 2009 at 11:26

As above really. Are they really worth all the pain? I bought one a couple of days ago but I'm too scared to try it yet. Ive read some mixed reviews on it so thought I would see what the Hitched...

Carrot, wednesday 3-Jun-09 20 2,645
Do you snog?
Iris, 2 June, 2009 at 20:31

Just pondering. Do you still do snogging and how long have you been together? We've been together for 11 years so not much snoggage these days. I think that's normal though.

poochanna, wednesday 3-Jun-09 43 2,699
Clare _ M
Taking pain killers through airport security.
Clare _ M, 2 June, 2009 at 12:21

Do they need to be kept in their box or can I just take the sheet they come on? I need to take a load of tablets with me on a flight tomorrow and don't really want to take the boxes if I don't have to...

memedoaky, wednesday 3-Jun-09 8 3,950
Crimewatch - Claudia Lawrence
Doughnut, 2 June, 2009 at 21:32

Is anyone watching? What do they mean about her relationships being "delicate and complicated"?

Viva Suzi, tuesday 2-Jun-09 2 506
Twisted ankle sympathy needed / Solpadeine Max
Clairy, 2 June, 2009 at 15:43

A few weeks ago I did something to my right ankle - I have no idea what, it must have been mild as I can't remember - but my ankle really hurt and it literally took weeks to stop hurting. Yesterday,...

Ice Queen, tuesday 2-Jun-09 290
Food issues - Beyond Chocolate? Anyone got it/read it?
Sunset21, 1 June, 2009 at 09:23

I was sat in the car with H yesterday following yet another pact to lose weight starting today. We both yo-yo diet and have been successful in losing the weight and getting fit, my main stumbling...

Mad, monday 1-Jun-09 7 1,659
Secret Lemonade Drinker
Is there a shower at St. Pancras?
Secret Lemonade Drinker, 1 June, 2009 at 18:58

I have now had no water at home since 8pm last night - Thames Water are being great, helpful and sympathetic but it is not a problem at their end. Landlord for my apartment block is giving conflicting...

memyselfandi, monday 1-Jun-09 1 662
Ped Eggs?
Flump, 1 June, 2009 at 11:20

Has anyone got one of these, or heard anything about them? Thanks to the annoying JML video demonstration in Boots on Saturday I was vaguely aware of their existence, but then a friend mentioned them...

macca, monday 1-Jun-09 27 2,053
So tell me about fake/spray tans
rrr, 30 May, 2009 at 19:56

I'm am naturally very pale. In fact, you can see my veins through my lilly-white legs! I'm off to Lake Como, Italy in 4 weeks. I'd like to look at least healthy when I go. I don't really tan well. I...

sdaisy22, sunday 31-May-09 4 843
do seperate dining rooms add value to your house?
peanut, 29 May, 2009 at 15:01

My H threw an idea at me the other day and I dismissed it straight away but now I have been giving it some thought and I think I warming to the idea. Our main house has a big kitchen with a breakfast...

MD, sunday 31-May-09 14 7,262
foodies - what is pared lemon zest?
bones, 31 May, 2009 at 08:48

Anyone know? thanks

Flowery the Grouch, sunday 31-May-09 4 40,198
Alternatives to Chanel No 5?
spot, 30 May, 2009 at 09:15

Hi, As it says above. I'm looking for an alternative to Chanel No 5 which is (hopefully) cheaper and a similar scent (although not exactly the same). Can anyone recommend anything? TIA. S. x

Doughnut, saturday 30-May-09 4 1,648
Can you have a BBQ in public?
lyni, 29 May, 2009 at 21:24

I saw those deposal BBQs in Tesco tonight, and wondered if you can use in public, park or beach perhaps? Google is not being my friend! TIA

Mrs S*, friday 29-May-09 6 7,613
Ive never met anyone as unphotogenic as me
josie, 29 May, 2009 at 15:14

Theres a piece about the charity skydive im doing in our local paper today along with a photo of me and my two sons. I know Im no oil painting but I look terrible. I look like Ive not slept for at...

Redhead, friday 29-May-09 16 1,776

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