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Pakistani Baby Boy Born With Six Legs
Julie18, 18 of April of 2012 at 08:58

Pakistani doctors are battling the odds to save a newborn baby born with a rare genetic condition that has left him with six legs. The one-week-old boy is believed to be one of parasitic twins. His...

Faruk, tuesday 28-Dec-21 506
mrsbaillie2b, 20 of August of 2008 at 10:08

Good morning all, i discovered last week that i am pregnant!!!!! yaaaayyy i am very happy about this but the baby is due 3 months before the wedding!! so i am unsure weather to postpone or not????

Faruk, tuesday 28-Dec-21 21 1,822
Newborn baby and wedding
Elliefunt, 15 of June of 2015 at 21:58 a couple of months ago DP and I were chatting about our wedding (in ten months time) and said that now would be really bad timing to have a baby. Not sure what made us have that conversation...

Faruk, tuesday 28-Dec-21 9 6,895
Newborns on the table plan?
Wife In Training, 6 of November of 2014 at 20:23

Hi all, We will have two newborns at our wedding (between 2 and 8 weeks old). Do we need to include them on the table plan? We've got toddlers coming who will be on the table plan as they require...

Faruk, tuesday 28-Dec-21 11 4,471
Abroad Wedding 2020 - Coronavirus
LuxuriousGreenFlowers72905, 19 of April of 2020 at 14:23

Hi everyone, We’re due to get married in Portugal in the last week of August 2020. We’ve been planning this wedding for two years and now everything just feels so up in the air. Just wondered if...

David, tuesday 28-Dec-21 8 1,983
Flowers between Christmas and New Year-eeekk!!!
laura28040, 17 of February of 2012 at 23:18

Hello, I really need some advise! Our wedding is booked for the 29th December. I have been looking into florists, and apparantly ''no-one worth their salt'' would take on flowers over this time, as...

Seirah, tuesday 28-Dec-21 18 6,107
Pregnant Bridesmaid Dress ASAP
Twigz22, 18 of January of 2017 at 16:17

Ive just been told my bridesmaid will be half way through their pregnancy by the time my wedding comes in 2 months and still need to get bridesmaid dresses. Can anyone suggest maternity bridesmaid...

wamyood, friday 24-Dec-21 3 788
emma numbers
Do you drink tea and coffee?
emma numbers, 5 of November of 2008 at 16:18

Didn't want to derail the other thread but was surprised to find I'm not alone in not drinking tea and coffee as people act as though I'm mad when I decline their offer. I often get the 'What do you...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 41 2,736
My friend has chickenpox and I'm pregnant. Should I worry?
Bink, 7 of October of 2008 at 13:47

Just found out my friend has chickenpox and is off work. I'm nearly 23 weeks pg. I know chickenpox can be dangerous to pregnant women and she would have been contagious the past few days (I've had a...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 22 2,261
Help, I broke my boyfriend penis (tmi obv)!
Sparkley, 15 of September of 2008 at 14:47

God, how awful, I need some help. I had a copper coil fitted 4 years ago. It's small so suitable for women who haven't had children. I love it as I have lighter periods and it contains no hormones. I...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 20 3,792
monkey fingers
How many nights a week do you drink alcohol?
monkey fingers, 13 of August of 2008 at 19:54

And how much? I fancy a glass, but we're not allowed to drink on school nights, but if hitchers drink during the week, I will, as it must be the law! I am also curious! Thank you

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 46 2,969
What's your goal weight and why? Mini goals?
Rache, 20 of May of 2008 at 08:33

I have a big spreadsheet all based around my goal weight. Every time I lose a bit I get closer, so I have lots of mini goals (1/10 of the way there, half a stone off, under x stone, 10% of body...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 14 2,594
Getting married in 4 weeks and just found out i'm 19 weeks pregnant
LuxuriousOrangeCakes868, 27 of July of 2017 at 16:50

I've been planning my wedding for the last 6 months. I have not been planning on getting pregnant! However the pill failed me and i've just found out i'm 19 weeks pregnant, 4 weeks before i get...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 4 1,794
Am I the most selfish bride in the world?!
YellowDiamond, 25 of October of 2015 at 10:26

Hello! im really looking for advice - and before you read any further please know I'm aware of how terrible and selfish and downright awful I'm about to sound, but it's really stressing me out! as a...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 12 2,113
My sisters pregnant and hasn't told me
leni, 30 of October of 2008 at 16:52

I found out 2 weeks ago my sister is pregnant! Someone saw my grandma and said "it's great about xx and xx isn't it?" to which my grandma asked what is and was told my sister is pregnant. The lady...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 10 3,859
Pregnant - Would You Postpone?
, 25 of January of 2012 at 15:05

Not planned at all and a complete shock considering previous circumstances (we have 2 year old twins through IVF). Only found out yesterday and guess I am around 5.5 weeks which will make me 19 weeks...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 17 4,206
(BT) A mini survey for those currently using pregnancy tests
ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 22 of January of 2013 at 11:09

I'm assuming the majority responding will be those who are trying to conceive. Which brand do you use? Do you feel you understand the guidelines for use, the accuracy of the test results and when they...

Faruk, thursday 23-Dec-21 62 3,771
I have an uninterested bridesmaid issue - need some advice
cat26, 23 of January of 2009 at 18:32

☹️ I don't know where to start really and this issue is really getting me down, any advice welcomed! I have two bridesmaids (school friend and home friend) my school friend I knew had some personal...

Debbie, tuesday 21-Dec-21 6 1,546
Wedding supplier review?
ExpensiveGoldCars649, 30 of May of 2018 at 15:56

All Is this an approriate / acceptable place to publicise a very negative experience we had with a wedding supplier e.g. a hair and make up artist that did not show up or make any communication on the...

Gary, tuesday 21-Dec-21 3 1,153
How did you find your florist?
RomanticPurpleBridesmaid38829, 22 of February of 2018 at 20:25

Hi giys! My weddings not til next year but I’m already starting to freak out about the florist. Where did you look to find yours? And what did you look for? I feel like there’s a lot of florists in my...

Simon, wednesday 15-Dec-21 10 1,678
Lady Falafel
Are expensive shampoos etc worth it?
Lady Falafel, 9 of April of 2008 at 10:10

Or is it all a big con like skin care? My hairdresser was appalled that I use some high street shampoo & conditioner on my hair (elvive I think) but in the next breathe tried to sell me her own...

Charlie, wednesday 8-Dec-21 42 1,073
Covid Postponement + Mental Health: Have You Been Affected?
Sarah, 30 of November of 2020 at 10:58

Hi there We are looking to speak to brides and grooms whose mental health has been impacted by postponing their wedding and Covid. If you feel your mental health has been affected and you would like...

Anthony, wednesday 8-Dec-21 170 1
Win Exciting Prizes with the Hitched Advent Calendar!
Lucy, 1 of December of 2021 at 10:18

Happy 1st December! The countdown to Christmas is well and truly on and here at Hitched we have some seriously exciting news to get you in the festive spirit - our very own Hitched advent calendar !...

Lucy, wednesday 1-Dec-21 153
Wedding Venues in Derbyshire Heeelllpp.
NorthernLights, 7 of March of 2016 at 11:19

Hi Guys, Right at the start of our wedding planning and need some help! We're looking for a venue, my parents would like us to get married in Derbyshire which is totally cool.... However, My partner...

Knockerdown, tuesday 30-Nov-21 10 1,317

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