Can I throw in mothers who refuse to speak to you because you won't invite a distant cousin who you have seen once in the past ten years and when you last rang to speak to them (again, for the first time in many years, but thought I should make an effort) replied with "Jennifer who?". Can I also throw in dads who tell you it's not your wedding but a 'family celebration'?
Waist coats and/or cravates that match the bridesmaids' dresses...that match the chair covers, that match the ribbons on the cake, that match the bloody curtains...
We're having Cadbury purple cravats, the bridesmaids are in lemon yellow, the chair sashes are sage green and the ribbons on the cake are teal. Didn't want to put anyone off by having everything matching ?
I'll throw in guests asking if they can bring a mate, guests who think booking the hotel and not telling you is as good as an rsvp, sweetie buffets and ring-bearing owls.
oh jesus, my bridesmaids dresses are pink as are the cravates, chair sashes, favours, cake, swagging....... i did think i had gone over the top but AFTER i had sorted it all...hehe...?
Throw in the guy who lives near us who has invited himself to our reception and no matter how many times we tell him hes not invited he replys with "I wont eat any food, i will just stand in the corner, i need to find a new woman" F*CK OFF!!
Not really relevent to anyone else, but can I chuck in a cousin who has now asked me twice if I am coming to her wedding (in September) despite me:
a) replying to her invitation within a week of receiving it back in February.
b) telling her I was when she asked me this question via FB over a month ago.
My aunt has just e-mailed me with some addresses of family members which I asked her to send through to me, and she has added at the end of the message "E has asked are you definitely coming to her wedding?"
Chucks in my H's Aunty, Uncle and their daughter who did in fact start a fight at my wedding- not that many people including myself noticed thankfully as it happened in their room. I guess you can't choose your Hs family, but at least we can choose never to invite them to a celebration again...
Dresses with colour detail & any that look like the bride is wearing a baked Alaska. Pineapple hair/ Glasgow facelift hairdos, overly themed weddings (she says after having a polka dot explosion at hers)...
Oooh and bad make-up, ill fitting dresses that make your mammories look like Right Said Fred/the Mitchell brothers are hiding under there. Bad food can be lobbed in too.