United Kingdom · From September 2002
- Beginner
Happily married 🎉
25 December, 2014
1,632I wasn't here when the great Hitched->DW debacle happened but sometimes stuff is picked up from the old days by people trying to advertise.... there are all these people with 1000's of posts, and...
Hi, it's been a loooong time since I've Hitched, but I hope I'm OK to ask this question to help me with a quest! I'm trying to find out if the vast majority of people would be put off hiring a vehicle...

I need to do a bit of market research and couldn't think of anyone better to ask than you honest lot _ so here goes Do you have a wheelie bin or rec ycling boxes? Do you have them cleaned and...
I'm selling some of my son's fancy dress and accessories and listing them on ebay. For the life of me I can't remember what an item of his fire fighter accessories are called. It's a tool which makes...

That thinks they are the biggest waste of money and the most expensive way to get clean? just wondered if anyone out there can justify them or make me a bath believer.

We're thinking of moving, well, we NEED to move to a bigger house but a 4 bed house in a decent area in Gloucester is too far out of our budget. We were thinking of moving to Evesham where we can get...

I'm trying to think of a little gift I can get H2B to open on the morning of the wedding, I have already gone through the usual items like watch, cufflinks, hip flask. But they're not 'working' for...

Probably been done before but I've just spotted the fourth Simons Cat episode on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1qHVVbYG8Y&feature=channel This for sure is Pinot, one of our cats, it's...
We've got a fairly big square bay. Currently we've just got some muslin curtains up for privacy. I'm hoping to get some venetian blinds made soon, but we'd like some proper curtains too and I'm a bit...

Part of my big nail broke off on Saturday night after spending two days cutting the cuticle and causing a blister. Where the blister was, there is now a cut. It's only a small one but it bloomin'...

I've just eaten fish and chips from a chipshop! The thread about the cost of fish and chips came to my mind when Mr WT said he was going to go to the chippy. I thought I'd bite the bullet and go for...

I was thinking about this at the weekend and have come to the conclusion that we dont really have that much in common but our relationship works regardless of this. We are most certainly a case of...

For what we needed!!!! Yaaaaaay!!! ?

Im an Ebay selling virgin, however we have lots of stuff to sell (in connection with my new mental state of declutter and get rid) I have listed 13 lots of Mr WTs books this afternoon. Now all these...

Before I get lost in the powers of google can anyone help recommend any informative websites regarding Aspergers please? And particularly in adults. Or is there anyone here who has any experience of...

We're off to Sydney in the morning - H has got a few meetings and some work stuff to sort out and I'll be checking out houses, the shops, the people, the vibe - basically trying to convince myself...

We need to replace our 1930s Aga, which is becoming less and less eficcient, and it seems after getting several quotes we will be better off replacing it. Our current one is cream, and it is what H...

Has everyone had enough of BB or have you all gone out?
I was thinking of treatingp myself to some nice hair products and thought of Charles Worthington, can anyone tell me if they are worth spending that little extra on. Also which products did you really...
I'm loving this picture 😄 http://www.fotoaparat.cz/index.php?r=25&rp=657133&gal=photo
I should be cleaning up in readiness for guests tomorrow. In reality, I fancy taking my books to the local coffee shop and doing some study. Or even going to the local (v nice, friendly and safe) pub...
When I get stressed and run down I get mouth ulcers. I have a particularly painful one at the moment, and it's driving me mad! Does anyone have any recommendations? I'm using Bonjela Cool, but it's...
How much are they in your area? I have a friend visiting and we called for chips on the way home yesterday and she was stunned at how cheap they were here - £3 for cod and chips so I thought I'd ask...
HGMD!! (Hitched get me domesticated) How do you deal with dust and stuff that always ends up in the bathroom? I find when I'm trying to clean I end up with little bits in the cloth / sponge that then...

I have loads of peppers from the farmers' market; was going to make soup but my blender has gone kaput. Any bright ideas on what I can do with them?
Did anyone go? have to say i was roasting in there...Pearl jam were great and Eddie Vedder has still got it ? apart from being very drunk on what looked like a bottle of red wine.