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Ex wife at wedding
Cazpot88, 9 of February of 2024 at 11:02

Hey beauts, I don't know if this is the right section to post this in Me and my fiance have decided to invite his ex wife and her partner to our wedding in August 2025 The reason is because my...

Greeny, monday 20-May-24 13 444
Help with questionnaire on wedding website
Robyn, 22 of February of 2024 at 12:54

Hi all I created a questionnaire on my wedding website but I can't see who has responded. If I go into the "Edit" view I can see 2 people have responded but not who they are. I unfortunately need to...

Doris, sunday 19-May-24 3 119
Thank you gifts
Amelia, 8 of May of 2024 at 19:21

What are people getting as thank you gifts for parents? Really unsure what to get mine and my MIL, but I know I want to get them something as they've contributed so much to our big day. I really want...

Greeny, saturday 18-May-24 3 99
Dental phobia - can anybody help?
Notquiteme, 3 of March of 2013 at 12:08

Even though I'm not a 'regular' poster here (more of a lurker with a few hundred posts to my name), I'm still too embarrassed to post this under my usual username. In fact, it's taken me a week or so...

Jennifer, thursday 16-May-24 11 3,239
Advice on invoicing a company in administration
Clairy, 16 of January of 2009 at 17:23

Adams (the childrenswear shop) owes my business several hundred pounds. It was their Hull branch that booked the advert, but they have since announced they are going into administration. However, they...

Glenna, wednesday 15-May-24 6 1,175
do you play the lottery ?
, 16 of January of 2013 at 16:35 so tickets are going up to £2 but if you get 3 numbers you will win £25 instead...

Falanga, tuesday 14-May-24 16 1,099
Adding Hotel links
David, 27 of January of 2024 at 13:02

Can you add a link for guests to click on to an external hotel website?

Alfred, tuesday 14-May-24 5 54
Discontinued MFI furniture
Sare, 13 of April of 2009 at 15:32

I really, really want to buy a sideboard and I'd love to have it from the same range as my TV unit, bought from MFI. Although it's flatpack, it's nice and chunky and I like the colour. I could just...

Alisher, tuesday 14-May-24 3 2,426
Any advice for my troublesome, very sensitive skin?
, 1 of March of 2016 at 23:20

Hi everyone, I was hoping someone out there would be able to give me some advice, provide recommendations, etc for my skin. I have had eczema since I was six weeks old and always suffered with my...

Shree, monday 13-May-24 10 2,692
Shampoo Recommendations
quackers, 17 of December of 2012 at 14:58

Right I have an issue with shampoo, My hair gets very greasy very quickly with a lot of them, or I get horrid dandruff! What do you use? I can't use pantene as it makes my hair fall out. Head and...

Kammal, thursday 9-May-24 18 1,259
Coffee machines
Flowmojo, 9 of October of 2012 at 14:20

So as of Saturday (yes, we are talking 4 days) Mr F has taken to drinking coffee and has requested a coffee machine for his birthday, specifically one that makes cappuccinos..yes im rolling my eyes at...

Osborn, wednesday 8-May-24 20 2,501
Having laminate flooring in a new build?
SAM83, 3 of September of 2009 at 11:30

I am having a new house built and have been told by Persimmon who are building it that we cannot have laminate flooring as its a new house. We went to a carpet shop yesterday to arrange to get a quote...

Gia, tuesday 7-May-24 15 14,500 1
Sole trader versus company
Pittabre, 11 of December of 2013 at 20:54

When does a sole trader become a company, or even why? What is the difference and why might somebody eb a sole trader as opposed to a company?

BarryHolt, tuesday 7-May-24 6 2,147
Is it safe to travel Italy?
HappyRedStationery5420, 19 of June of 2020 at 09:15

Is it safe to travel to Italy in next 2 months as I wish to spend some good time before Summer ends

Shree, monday 6-May-24 2 491
Window repair in an old house
Olivia, 27 of September of 2023 at 08:36

Hi all! My parents gave me a wedding gift. This is our family house in a small cozy town. This is a great place. My grandfather built this house and my husband and I want to live there. but first we...

Yijij62862, wednesday 1-May-24 13 246
Fire drill.
Ali_G, 21 of August of 2012 at 11:05

Haha! Every Tuesday, we have a fire drill. The maintenance guy says over the tannoy "Staff announcement, we are about to test the fire alarms, please do not take any action." ... Fire alarm goes...

Robort125, wednesday 1-May-24 14 1,226
How to delete my account?
, 17 of October of 2013 at 15:21

Hi, Can anyone tell me or knows how I can delete my account please?

Witaya, tuesday 30-Apr-24 11 3,008 1
Asiakathleen, 30 of April of 2024 at 14:21

Hello I've set up a rsvp on canva, it's asking for a url I'm wanting to use this app so they can rsvp to it. What do I use as the url and where would the rsvp list appear for me to view thank you

Asiakathleen, tuesday 30-Apr-24 5
Cat food - which is best?
, 24 of September of 2008 at 19:54

Usually my cat has wet food, she's been having Tesco's Premium Supermeat recently, I tried her on Whiskas but it didn't agree with her, and she turned her nose up at it after a day or so. Then...

Shree, monday 29-Apr-24 40 2,729
How long for a cheque to clear?
Leanne (MsA), 22 of April of 2008 at 22:00

I paid a cheque into my account last Thursday morning (bank with Barclays). It has been showing on my balance since last Friday but not my cleared balance. Any idea as I am getting impatient! TIA

Kihec24, monday 29-Apr-24 6 2,542
Shellac question
skyrocket, 2 of December of 2011 at 10:34

I have had my first Shellac yesterday. I decided that regular manicures I always screw up on the drive home and smudge so for the wedding something pretty much welded onto my nails was best. My nails...

Avani, thursday 25-Apr-24 4 736
What was the best/most thoughtful wedding present you received?
Wuzzle, 6 of January of 2009 at 12:05

My best friend is getting married in a few months and I am being her briedsmaid. I want to get them something really special as a present but am drawing a blank on ideas. She loves chocolate, so I was...

Arcturus, wednesday 24-Apr-24 28 40,566
best way to collect video messages?
AnnaBanana, 21 of April of 2009 at 13:34

Couldn't think of a better title - sorry! Its my parent's 30th Anniv in July and im planning a surprise lunch and will invite some of their best friends. however most of their long term best friends...

Alfred, thursday 18-Apr-24 2 870
Wedding caterer gone bankrupt
Becky, 27 of March of 2024 at 17:03

Just heard that our wedding caterer has gone bankrupt - our wedding is 3 weeks away and we've paid them in full. We didn't get insurance as it was something that just totally slipped our mind when we...

PhotographybyBillHad, monday 15-Apr-24 6 292
Wedding website question
Hayes, 1 of March of 2024 at 21:02

Hi, looking to have a page on the website for guests to suggest song choices for the evening celebrations, is this possible, only see the questionnaire section but seems to be only closed questions...

Monster, wednesday 10-Apr-24 1 70
Pleasing parents compromise
Katrina, 14 of February of 2024 at 21:16

I just wanted a small intimate wedding close family only. I shared with my Dad our guest list he said he felt offended that I didn't invite more of his family I have more of my mums side as I am...

Monster, wednesday 10-Apr-24 8 149
Project Managers - anyone taken/got the APMP qualification?
rrr, 11 of July of 2008 at 21:43

Just wondering really. I've just got back from a 5 day intensive course with a 3 hour exam this afternoon and I'm feeling pretty fried. Not sure if I did enough to pass. Just how well known are AMP...

Shree, monday 8-Apr-24 4 457
jelly baby
Cleaning laminate flooring
jelly baby, 13 of August of 2008 at 12:19

How do you clean your laminate floor ? I keep seeing loads of "miracle" items such as special cloths, mops etc. So what do you use or what can you recommend ? Oh yes - I have a very exciting life ! ...

Joseph, saturday 6-Apr-24 8 534
Fence spraying
jojo2, 30 of September of 2011 at 11:31

I attempted to paint one panel in my garden with a brush and it took a whole hour!! Has anyone used a Fence Sprayer and is there a technique you used to get even coverage?

Dianne, thursday 4-Apr-24 2 273
Cleaning bathrooms - dust
LittlePeanut, 21 of August of 2009 at 10:36

HGMD!! (Hitched get me domesticated) How do you deal with dust and stuff that always ends up in the bathroom? I find when I'm trying to clean I end up with little bits in the cloth / sponge that then...

Joseph, sunday 31-Mar-24 22 5,110
Questions for people who get coldsores
ForTheLoveOfMrsBrown, 27 of September of 2012 at 12:20

Do they always appear in the same place/under the same circumstances/look the same/run the same course? I have had two coldsores (I think) in my life, both under my nose, appearing after a heavy cold...

Uzma, monday 25-Mar-24 31 2,565
Has anyone used a Business Coach?
MBK, 14 of November of 2008 at 18:56

If so was the investment worth it?

Uzma, monday 25-Mar-24 10 1,126

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