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, 30 of August of 2017 at 09:58

Hi, be gentle with me - first post! I've watched every possible wedding programme on TV over the last few years and knew roughly what to expect costing-wise for most wedding related things. Most...

Global, saturday 21-Jan-23 11 2,249
Daisy Bell
Newbie wanting a small wedding with just the two of us
Daisy Bell, 25 of September of 2014 at 08:21

Hi all, I'm new here and wanted to introduce myself. My boyfriend and I have been together 2.5 years now and although he hasn't proposed yet, we are planning to get married next year. Just a bit about...

Emma, thursday 19-Jan-23 17 12,317
Mother in law issues
mrs_w_to_be, 19 of March of 2015 at 22:11

OK this is going to be a bit of a long one - I don't even know where to start! Basically, to cut a long story short, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness a few months after my fiance and I met. I...

Romina, monday 9-Jan-23 18 5,746
Religious blessing after a civil service?
Jelly_Bean, 26 of July of 2010 at 10:29

Hi everyone I was just wondering of anyone else is thinking about doing/ has done this? We're having a civil ceremony but the venue we're using has a lovely little chapel that apparently a lot of...

Peggy, sunday 8-Jan-23 7 6,432
Is anyone thinking of getting married in Gibraltar?
starynightsky, 5 of March of 2013 at 13:37

Hi All Having just got married in Gibraltar If you would like any information or recommendation please feel free to ask me I can recommend great accomodation and a truely fab photographer. As well as...

Jodie, tuesday 3-Jan-23 8 4,781
7K for a wedding package?
Alisha, 29 of December of 2022 at 12:13

So my overall budget is 10k for absolutely everything. I was hoping to find a venue near me that has the full package for 7k ie ceremony food drinks evening do dj and dancefloor ectThen the remaining...

SdvillPak, tuesday 3-Jan-23 8 677 1
, 19 of February of 2013 at 22:30

Hi, my name is Jo and I'm an overeater. A horrible, horrible FAT overeater. If it wasn't for the fact I have a bad throat this evening, I'd be eating loads despite the fact I have had three square...

Virginia, wednesday 28-Dec-22 37 2,910
Eloping with no guests - just me and him!
DiamondInTheRough, 10 of October of 2017 at 14:30

Hi Everyone, I've been engaged for 2 years now and the more we think about it, the more we want our wedding to just be about us. No family , no friends, just us. We've decided we want to elope, just...

Lovelove, monday 26-Dec-22 9 10,276
Feeling stressed, exhausted, bored, irritable and short-tempered!
KJHC, 28 of March of 2016 at 14:35

Hi all, Apologies in advance for the moan - just feel like I need to get it all out as trying to come across as the excited bride all the time is quite draining! It's our wedding in three weeks (!)...

KailaOrtiz, monday 26-Dec-22 9 1,770
K much to spend?
katie80uk, 1 of May of 2014 at 13:04

Havent even started looking at wedding rings but really not sure where to start? Obviously my engagement ring is gorgeous and havent a clue how much it cost but thats the ring that is meant to be the...

Alisson, sunday 25-Dec-22 23 2,888
Where can I get good quality photos printed ?
Kilner, 24 of September of 2015 at 18:47

Hi I have my wedding pics now on a usb and would like to get some printed. Our printer is not good enough to get quality prints so can anyone recommend anywhere please? I was thinking of Boots or...

Egypt, sunday 25-Dec-22 14 9,246 1
wedding insomnia
, 27 of April of 2014 at 04:24

Hi everyone, Does anyone lie awake at night obsessing over their wedding? It seems that the closer the wedding the worse it's getting. I'm not stressed or worried over anything because so far...

Hannah, saturday 24-Dec-22 8 1,195
Inviting 'former' best friend?!?
ShootingStar2012, 25 of April of 2013 at 22:57

Hi everyone, been pondering this one for a while now and would like to know what you all think... While I was at uni, graduated 5 years ago, there were three of us that were really close. We lived...

Success, monday 19-Dec-22 10 2,722
Opinions..... How much money to give as a gift at a wedding?
*Pugsley*, 1 of July of 2013 at 17:22

Hi all, Just sitting here (wasting time at work) and got me thinking... If you're a guest at a wedding where they request money towards honeymoon etc etc, how much would you give? At recent weddings...

Green, friday 16-Dec-22 79 122,753
People with school age children getting married on a week day/term time
becca030713, 25 of November of 2013 at 13:48

Hi everyone, Is anyone else with children getting married on a week day during term time? To cut a long story short we're getting married on a Thursday and we have a 4 year old son in reception year...

Aaron, tuesday 6-Dec-22 26 7,899
taking someone to court who lives abroad, is it possible?
anna belle, 6 of February of 2009 at 15:06

I posted on here little while ago that my landlord stopped paying his mortgage many months ago. We didn't know this till a few days ago when we got a letter saying there was a possession order on the...

James, tuesday 6-Dec-22 8 12,107
Mrs Magic
(Christian) Domestic Discipline (sens re abuse?)
Mrs Magic, 23 of April of 2009 at 13:33

Has anyone heard of this? What is your take? After googling a comment from a US user on another forum earlier, I was disturbed by some of the returned results. I've spent much of the morning reading...

Eric, tuesday 6-Dec-22 53 25,362
No Speeches
daisymoo86, 21 of January of 2014 at 12:37

Hi Everyone We are thinking about not having any formal speeches on our big day. OH is very shy, as is Dad and BM. So I didnt want to put them under any pressure on the day. I just want everyone to...

Eric, tuesday 6-Dec-22 13 3,052
first dance? what style of dance?
spursbabe, 31 of August of 2009 at 08:27

Hi all, Hope wedding plans are all going well, only two months to go for me now, well excited. me and my H2B had dance lessons a while back and got a routine ready for first dance, nothing crazy, we...

Jasper, thursday 1-Dec-22 4 1,511
Is this really expensive for takeaway chinese?
Hitcher, 7 of November of 2008 at 22:07

Got chinese tonight, only have their number, no menu and they haveno website so cant check prices. 1 x special fried rice 1x chicken black bean 2 x chips TOTAL - 17.10! Is it just me but is this not...

Kieran, wednesday 30-Nov-22 23 2,702
Tipping etiquette?
cotteesgirl, 23 of August of 2009 at 15:57

As the title there any tipping etiquette to be followed on the day i.e hair/makeup ladies etc?

Jason, tuesday 29-Nov-22 10 12,797
sex before marriage
, 17 of August of 2012 at 13:49

I was just browsing another forum(slap my hand i know) and i came across a few posts from women who are waiting until their wedding night to do the deed. Some of these girls have been with their...

Ann, tuesday 29-Nov-22 64 6,235
SW stir fry Sauce ideas??
ashlil, 7 of February of 2012 at 11:20

Hi guys, we've got stir fry tonight and normally use an "amoy sauce" anyone got any ideas what to have instead more sw friendly? thanks

Daron, tuesday 29-Nov-22 5 25,446
Wedding shoes - in love with Harriet Wilde but not the price tag - HELP!
Cat D, 15 of February of 2015 at 22:37

Hi all, I was wondering if any of you could help me...I love these shoes (see the link): Thing is, they cost £375 and it's...

Ruth, monday 28-Nov-22 9 4,990

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