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Wedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.



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Online shopping delivery to Italy
bostongirl, 12 of December of 2008 at 17:29

I want to order a digital phootframe online to send to my brother in Italy. can anyone recommend something like Amazon that will deliver there? Or even if Amazon will deliver there if I order through...

Berton, a minute ago 145
Koshka, 30 of June of 2008 at 10:11

I was nominated by my brother to cook profiteroles for a family meal today. We're meeting and I think/feel trying to impress his new girlfriend. I followed the Gorden Ramsey recipe, placing them on...

Peter, friday 5-Jul-24 32 2,346
Hen Party Games
Panjita, 3 of May of 2012 at 09:08

It's my mates Hen this weekend and I am struggling to think of games to play. We will be out and about in Brum so it can't be anything too 'active' if you see what I mean? Just something funny like Mr...

Andriy, friday 5-Jul-24 17 9,133
ben wa/kegel balls (tmi)
(Have, 12 of June of 2009 at 23:29

Dear ladies of hitched, where else would i turn when i have a *cough* chuff related query? i hope you can assist me. i have recently bought...

Susie, friday 5-Jul-24 3 2,738
Best tech gift ideas for wife
James, 13 of September of 2021 at 14:38

Any gift that makes life easy and can be used daily. They are not expensive but very useful .

Connie, thursday 4-Jul-24 2 112
Better off using it as a sex toy??
Julesgirl, 13 of January of 2009 at 20:53

Just lusting over some new knives and found this on John Lewis' website - Jamie Oliver's flavour shaker in limited edition gold. Are they really a total waste of time? [we have a pestle and mortar]. I...

Connie, thursday 4-Jul-24 5 1,233
Negotiating price on a new-build property (& cooeeeee to Old Bear!)
*Ducky*, 30 of August of 2012 at 16:20

Anyone have any experience? Earlier today Mr DB and I went to look at a house being built on the edge of a very well-to-do-village close to wear we work. Due to it's location it costs more than the...

Andy, tuesday 2-Jul-24 23 15,207
My Fitness Pal
Gracey, 30 of March of 2014 at 21:15

Just as a continuation from the weight loss thing, I just wanted to say that I find it quite useful after someone on here recommended it to me ? I force myself to be honest on it, and I find that I am...

Victor, tuesday 2-Jul-24 10 736
Deleting events
Sapna, 2 of July of 2024 at 06:35

Hi, I need to delete duplicate event for ur guestlist. Does anyone know how to do that?

Sapna, tuesday 2-Jul-24 2
Any advice for my troublesome, very sensitive skin?
, 1 of March of 2016 at 23:20

Hi everyone, I was hoping someone out there would be able to give me some advice, provide recommendations, etc for my skin. I have had eczema since I was six weeks old and always suffered with my...

Max, monday 1-Jul-24 11 2,696
Help - starting to smoke again
Scaredycatanon, 17 of April of 2014 at 19:33

Sorry for the anonymous post, I'm scared that people I 'know' are going to see this if I do it under my normal user name and I don't really want it to be linked to my account in case real life people...

Max, monday 1-Jul-24 18 2,472
With the right support you can recover your coins
Edvin, 7 of March of 2024 at 16:03

Hi, about a week ago my ETH was transferred to a wallet address I do not recognize. I never did this nor do I approve the transaction. I feel like I have been hacked/phished. I was able to trace this...

Max, monday 1-Jul-24 14 143 6
Porn mags in bushes-Hyacinth
Hyacinth, 13 of May of 2008 at 10:17

I was reading a book yesterday which mentioned this as a common phenomenon and had a little lightbulb moment - so it wasn't just in the bushes near my school! So whats the idea behind porn mags in...

Max, monday 1-Jul-24 38 3,877
slightly strange discussion about prescription pill addiction
Hyacinth, 28 of February of 2009 at 21:24

On catch up, I'm watching a programme called Britains deadliest addictions. Its not quite as sensationalist as it sounds but is still a slightly strange programme. They are following 3 addicts through...

Craig, monday 1-Jul-24 10 493
Minibus hire
LeighB3, 20 of April of 2015 at 13:07

Hi, I hope someone out there can help me I'm looking at hiring a minibus for my hen weekend and was just wondering if anyone has used a company before that they would recommend? We're travelling from...

Metveronicas, monday 1-Jul-24 3 492
My kid has no dentist but looking at his face he has an absess
Jords, 2 of May of 2009 at 22:45

? So situation is our NHS dentist decided to go private and sent us a letter saying unless I went private, he wouldn't treat my kids.... so we all left and are now on a waiting list elsewhere. I've...

Victor, sunday 30-Jun-24 10 1,063
Bellini..where can I get the peach bit?
Sare, 15 of May of 2008 at 20:54

I'm going to a friend's house for a "Cocktail Sleepover" tommorrow and I said I'd make Bellini's. I have Prosecco but I know the proper version is made with white peach puree, which I can't get hold...

Tono, thursday 27-Jun-24 16 26,940
1st Anniversary gift ideas?
, 14 of February of 2012 at 16:56

Claire_lou has just got me thinking about my 1st anniversary. Those that are recently married or have already has a 1st anniversary, what are you doing/did you do/what gifts did you buy eachother etc?...

Ethan, wednesday 26-Jun-24 19 9,465
jelly baby
Cleaning laminate flooring
jelly baby, 13 of August of 2008 at 12:19

How do you clean your laminate floor ? I keep seeing loads of "miracle" items such as special cloths, mops etc. So what do you use or what can you recommend ? Oh yes - I have a very exciting life ! ...

Victor, wednesday 26-Jun-24 8 538
People unable to access wedding website
Francesca, 11 of June of 2024 at 21:49

Hi, we have sent links to our website to our guests, but some are having trouble accessing it. The links we sent don't work for some people and it says 'access denied.' Some people can't even access...

Yannick, saturday 22-Jun-24 2 22 1
Gone With The Whinge
Anybody know about electronic tags?
Gone With The Whinge, 20 of April of 2009 at 21:27

More novel research. Apologies! I can't seem to find much about these on google, aside from the whole social implications/"do they work?" debate. Does anybody know the sciency bit behind them? Do they...

Yannick, saturday 22-Jun-24 8 22,629
The Nazi Banksters' Crimes Ripple Effect
Jubilee2012, 4 of February of 2012 at 19:56

Http:// Released: 5th of November, 2011. Muad'Dib's latest hard-hitting documentary about the innumerable crimes of the Ashke-Nazi Banksters. From their historical origins...

Lapcameragiare, friday 21-Jun-24 453
Laser Lipo
*Funky*, 27 of June of 2013 at 08:52

Has anyone tried laser lipo? I keep seeing groupon deals for it and with the wedding approaching if I get desperate to lose a inch or 2 nearer the time I'm thinking I might give it a try, I appreciate...

Duncan, thursday 20-Jun-24 7 954
Nightmare Mum & Sister
Brittany, 11 of April of 2024 at 19:44

Hiya, I wondered if anyone has been through a similar situation and can offer any advice… My sister and mum detest my Aunty due to some family issues a few years ago and have therefore kicked off...

SunnyPurpleFlowers85, wednesday 19-Jun-24 22 806 1
iPhone ringtones
*Mini*, 2 of June of 2013 at 20:51

I remember seeing in a thread that someone knew how to have your own music as a ringtone? I've googled but I need simpleton instructions please.

Awan, friday 14-Jun-24 7 1,060
car part exchange question
bingy, 12 of June of 2009 at 10:26

We're about to go shopping for a new car, as yet undecided whether to go for something brand new or a couple of years old - depends on the offers available! We have a car to part exchange, it's 8...

Victor, thursday 13-Jun-24 16 4,428
Moving 22 before wedding 🤪
Alex, 12 of June of 2024 at 15:16

Any other nutters moving before their wedding? Just found out we are exchanging tomorrow. Whilst I’m desperate to move I now feel sick with the thought of it all. Moral support or advice appreciated!!...

RomanticGreenStation, thursday 13-Jun-24 1 29
Oh crap - my mot expired - just a quick bit of advice please
, 15 of August of 2008 at 15:47

Right, just looked at my car documents and found my MOT expired on 1st August. I know it's no excuse because I should have been organised enough to have sorted it out before the expiry date, but I...

Licenses4us, thursday 13-Jun-24 4 16,131
Job hunting and wedding planning at the same time - is it possible?
AKWedding, 7 of May of 2015 at 13:50

I have been unhappy in my job for a while, and did spend most of last year looking for a new job without any luck. When 2015 started, I decided to put job-hunting on the backburner because I wanted to...

Andriy, wednesday 12-Jun-24 9 1,668
Masters degree people - failing assignments
Doughnut, 12 of July of 2009 at 13:13

I've looked at the marking scheme and I'm not going to pass the assignment I'm submitting today. Studying at home/ online is harder than I ever imagined and I find it very hard to learn without...

Archie, wednesday 12-Jun-24 26 6,740
*ginni of the lamp*
Games for a Christmas Fayre-make me look good!
*ginni of the lamp*, 4 of November of 2008 at 21:55

We need some new ideas for games for our school Christmas fayre - we have things like throwing as many beanbags as possible into rudoph's mouth in x seconds, bagatelle, that kind of thing. So...if you...

Alex, wednesday 12-Jun-24 2 9,714
Moving house - packing tips?
RuthG, 23 of March of 2009 at 16:33

We're (hopefully) moving house a week on friday (it's only taken 18 months!) I've not really moved house before, other than moving out of my parents and into this house, but that was only 1 bedroom of...

Harryoscar, tuesday 11-Jun-24 29 2,574

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