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Wedding planning is fun but sometimes it's good to take a break! Grab a cup of tea and chat to your fellow forum members about anything and everything that isn't wedding planning related.



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How do you 'wash' laminate floor?
Sparkley, 7 August, 2009 at 14:01

I have really crappy laminate in my hallway and bedrooms. I really hate it, but wouldn't have carpet and can't afford proper nice wooden flooring. Anyway, I find it a nightmare to clean. I must admit...

flissy666, friday 7-Aug-09 7 1,730
Scottish Hitchers: mince and tatties
Rache, 6 August, 2009 at 15:00

It's my turn to make supper tonight and to my shame I realise I've never given my children mince and tatties. We used to have it every week with doughballs (dumplings) made by my gran. So..... fry off...

JasmineJ, friday 7-Aug-09 69 10,309
How long after food before you can exercise?
fifiminx, 6 August, 2009 at 08:20

I was in a haze this morning and when I made my son's breakfast I did myself a bowl of weetabix too. I had planned to do some 40 mins cardio this morning BEFORE food.. Anyone know how long I should...

l0vaduck, thursday 6-Aug-09 6 5,297
Dislocated Knee - Any advice/experience?
Kirstin, 6 August, 2009 at 11:56

? Gutted. I have dislocated my right knee. For a while it's felt really "unstable" and last week at work, I just turned on it and my leg collapsed. I've never been in so much pain!! My left knee also...

fizzypop, thursday 6-Aug-09 2 717
Daily Mash on Edinburgh Fringe
penguin1977, 6 August, 2009 at 13:01 😆 Just brilliant

penguin1977, thursday 6-Aug-09 286
Flying ants...
Sunset21, 5 August, 2009 at 15:40

Our front and back garden are infested - I haaaate them. How long do they usually last once they erm, hatch?

bobbi, wednesday 5-Aug-09 15 2,085
How much extra time for rush hour traffic?
Stargazerlily2626, 5 August, 2009 at 17:24

I have to travel from North London to Bury St Edmunds tomorrow morning to arrive by 9am. I always train it but due to the strike there are no trains so I am going to have to brave the drive. I have no...

Stargazerlily2626, wednesday 5-Aug-09 2 1,177
Suggestions for light hearted/funny reading material (poss sens)
Dove, 4 August, 2009 at 23:41

A friend as been told that she needs chemo and has asked friends to send her funny articles that she can read when she needs cheering up. Does anyone have suggestions for light hearted/funny reading...

Merlini, wednesday 5-Aug-09 8 2,751
Smudged logo on a t-shirt - HELP!
penguin1977, 5 August, 2009 at 09:10

Oh god. I did a whole pile of ironing last night accompanied by nice bottle of red. Unfortunately my hand slipped and I smudged the logo on the front of his beloved Socceroos t -shirt, leaving a nice...

penguin1977, wednesday 5-Aug-09 443
Do airport shops get paperbacks early?
HeidiHole, 3 August, 2009 at 15:13

I'm pretty sure you can get newish books in paperback from Airport shops before they go on general release in paperback, but Mr Hole thinks I'm 'having a moment'. There's a book I'd like but it's in...

Sunset21, wednesday 5-Aug-09 15 8,098
little chilli
Family problems at wedding (long)
little chilli, 4 August, 2009 at 13:54

Well where to start, H and I got married in France two months ago, H’s parents live there and we love the area so we thought it would be a lovely place to get married. For those who don’t know about...

little chilli, wednesday 5-Aug-09 11 1,424
Thomas Sanderson blinds- anyone?
Knownowt, 4 August, 2009 at 11:09

TS are coming round to give me a quote for venetian blinds. On the phone they were v keen to ensure that both H and I would be there, which to me is the sign of hard sell shysters (they want to close...

Knownowt, tuesday 4-Aug-09 8 6,295
I thin I can smell myself - I am minging (sob)
Hepburn, 4 August, 2009 at 15:06

I had a shower this morning, used copious amounts of my normal deodorant as usual, but I think I can smell myself. [:'(] Could it be my top maybe? It's freshly washed and fesh on today but... I am...

Hepburn, tuesday 4-Aug-09 5 622
Dr Doo.Little
Nothing like a wedding to bring out the best in people
Dr Doo.Little, 3 August, 2009 at 19:56

I went to my cousins wedding at the weekend, and it was a fantastic day, which given the family circumstances is quite amazing really. My auntie divorced my ex-uncle 10 years ago when she found out...

July, tuesday 4-Aug-09 5 990
40 day water fast
Hyacinth, 2 August, 2009 at 22:06

I've been reading in another forum about some nutter doing this. A quick google shows its not actually that unusual! but there isn't any real info. Does anyone know the purpose behind it? surely your...

Diefenbaker, monday 3-Aug-09 34 3,001
What does 'trimmed' mean in relation to lamb rump?
Rosencrantz, 2 August, 2009 at 17:19

I'm cooking a Gordon Ramsey lamb dish for Sunday dinner tonight.(This one - its the first on the list, new season lamb with crushed peas...

Rosencrantz, sunday 2-Aug-09 1 1,211
monkey fingers
Twister lollies, which is right?
monkey fingers, 1 August, 2009 at 20:16

I've just had a mini twister and it was gorgeous, I had two last night and they didn't seem as nice, I thought last night I was broken. However, I have just realised that last night, the ones I had,...

Monkey Mavis, sunday 2-Aug-09 13 3,498
Can anyone tell me about the Hackney Empire?
macca, 1 August, 2009 at 16:43

I am looking at taking my son to the Peppa Pig live stage show, and this is our closest venue. I know nothing about the venue, the area, how to get there, anything really; and am not overly confident...

Pu$$y Cat, saturday 1-Aug-09 7 2,276
monkey fingers
14 year old tongue piercing
monkey fingers, 31 July, 2009 at 22:20

My 14 year old neice has just had her tongue pierced, she is sure to tell me her mum went with her. Would someone still pierce the tongue of someone so young even with parental permission? Her mum...

Zebra, saturday 1-Aug-09 17 7,490
Tomy bed guard: help?
MrsClare, 31 July, 2009 at 22:13

Hi there, we were given one, but I am not sure how to use it. Do you just put the bars under the mattress? Thanks so much

Sare, friday 31-Jul-09 3 1,105
BB: Noirin Vs Bea ..........
bobbi, 31 July, 2009 at 15:34

Whose side are you on?

poochanna, friday 31-Jul-09 19 1,692
Lynseys Designs
Anyone suffer from fibromyalgia
Lynseys Designs, 30 July, 2009 at 18:34

Hi, Was wondering if anyone could offer some advice from personal experience. I got diagnosed with Fibromyalgia last year and have been on 50mg of amitriptyline at night. For months it worked a treat...

Lynseys Designs, friday 31-Jul-09 24 2,885
What gifts can I send via post other than flowers please?
lyni, 31 July, 2009 at 14:05

I have looked up sending cupcakes, but can't seem to find a decent one that will deliver outside of London (specifically Surrey). Any ideas of what else I can send please? Looking to spend no more...

poochanna, friday 31-Jul-09 19 5,647
Calluses and hard skin
Kegsey, 31 July, 2009 at 13:45

I've noticed that I'm getting a callus on my hand, just below where my ring finger joins my palm. I think its because I wear my wedding ring when I go to the gym. Does anyone else get this? I also get...

feathers, friday 31-Jul-09 1 3,518
Medical peeps- collapsed vein?
cha-cha, 30 July, 2009 at 13:47

I went for a blood test today and the nurse had a terrible time trying to find a nice vein. Right arm, left arm, back to right arm... I now look like I lost a fight with a hedgehog. but anyway. When...

Mrs Magic, thursday 30-Jul-09 7 26,059
Mrs Magic
Long term ill hitchers and those in the know, can I have your thoughts please? Meds related
Mrs Magic, 29 July, 2009 at 13:23

Disclaimer, I'm not seeking advice on what to actually do and obviously would never act on anything without first seeing a doctor. I would just like to get some thoughts. My health condition is...

Lumpy Golightly, thursday 30-Jul-09 36 4,056
Bit of a long-shot. Can you help me find a piece of china?
Peaches, 30 July, 2009 at 15:02

It's this - a wonderfully priceless (as in cheap!) soup bowl from Tesco. Bought it about 10 years ago, and now I need a replacement bowl, but can't find one anywhere. Can anyone ? Thanks!

Peaches, thursday 30-Jul-09 9 3,893
Would you/do you wear charity shop clothes?
R-A, 29 July, 2009 at 13:17

We have been a 'second hand family' my whole life. Be it from cousins, siblings, neighbours, charity shops or boot sales, as a child I hardly ever wore something new and thought nothing of it. These...

tahiti, thursday 30-Jul-09 60 6,088
Last Post- Carol Ann Duffy
Knownowt, 30 July, 2009 at 08:39

Lumpy Golightly, thursday 30-Jul-09 16 2,398
Zahada anyone?
Melancholie, 28 July, 2009 at 21:38

I'm a bit stuck on level 31. Can anyone give me a clue? Only the brightest will be able to add this up?

Melancholie, tuesday 28-Jul-09 4 466
beetroot recipes?
blimey, 28 July, 2009 at 14:41

I was wondering if anyone has got any tried and tested beetroot recipes. I've got 4 of them and i really haven't got a clue what to do with them as i've never cooked a beetroot before. Apart from...

Baby Buns, tuesday 28-Jul-09 16 4,555
Having to wee in the night - any ideas how to stop this?!
spacecadet_99, 28 July, 2009 at 09:25

Over the last couple of years I've gone through phases where I have to get up in the night for a wee. It usually would last a few weeks/couple of months and then go away again. I appear to be in a...

anjumanji, tuesday 28-Jul-09 8 18,034

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