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Gone With The Whinge
Anybody know about electronic tags?
Gone With The Whinge, 20 of April of 2009 at 21:27

More novel research. Apologies! I can't seem to find much about these on google, aside from the whole social implications/"do they work?" debate. Does anybody know the sciency bit behind them? Do they...

Shree, yesterday at 14:02 7 22,590
Bellini..where can I get the peach bit?
Sare, 15 of May of 2008 at 20:54

I'm going to a friend's house for a "Cocktail Sleepover" tommorrow and I said I'd make Bellini's. I have Prosecco but I know the proper version is made with white peach puree, which I can't get hold...

Agenqq, yesterday at 09:03 16 26,910
Nightmare Mum & Sister
Brittany, 11 of April of 2024 at 19:44

Hiya, I wondered if anyone has been through a similar situation and can offer any advice… My sister and mum detest my Aunty due to some family issues a few years ago and have therefore kicked off...

Manabu, friday 14-Jun-24 18 713
iPhone ringtones
*Mini*, 2 of June of 2013 at 20:51

I remember seeing in a thread that someone knew how to have your own music as a ringtone? I've googled but I need simpleton instructions please.

Manabu, friday 14-Jun-24 7 1,060
People unable to access wedding website
Francesca, 11 of June of 2024 at 21:49

Hi, we have sent links to our website to our guests, but some are having trouble accessing it. The links we sent don't work for some people and it says 'access denied.' Some people can't even access...

Manabu, friday 14-Jun-24 1 11 1
Moving 22 before wedding 🤪
Alex, 12 of June of 2024 at 15:16

Any other nutters moving before their wedding? Just found out we are exchanging tomorrow. Whilst I’m desperate to move I now feel sick with the thought of it all. Moral support or advice appreciated!!...

RomanticGreenStation, thursday 13-Jun-24 1 26
Masters degree people - failing assignments
Doughnut, 12 of July of 2009 at 13:13

I've looked at the marking scheme and I'm not going to pass the assignment I'm submitting today. Studying at home/ online is harder than I ever imagined and I find it very hard to learn without...

Archie, wednesday 12-Jun-24 26 6,727
Do night schools exist anymore?
, 22 of February of 2009 at 09:00

I'm not even sure I'm asking with the right phrase. My Dad did O & A levels at night school (is that what it's called?), back in the mists of time. I did my A Levels at 6th Form, but lately have...

Shree, monday 10-Jun-24 14 1,919
Mrs Vineweevil
I need a can't fail cookie recepie please......
Mrs Vineweevil, 8 of October of 2008 at 13:28

I must learn not to burn my cookie attempts in my fan oven, but even those unburnt one's aren't always that great, any suggestions???

Ayme, monday 10-Jun-24 11 1,639
Toxic friendship
Sara, 13 of May of 2024 at 00:23

Evening so I’m getting married in 14 days, and I haven’t spoken to this friend for a month, I’ve known this friend for 35 years we been to the same schools, collage, we had the same friends, Ive been...

Ayme, monday 10-Jun-24 29 886 1
With the right support you can recover your coins
Edvin, 7 of March of 2024 at 16:03

Hi, about a week ago my ETH was transferred to a wallet address I do not recognize. I never did this nor do I approve the transaction. I feel like I have been hacked/phished. I was able to trace this...

Ayme, monday 10-Jun-24 11 128 3
'American Boy' Spoof song about East Anglia
MBK, 31 of July of 2008 at 10:23

A friend just sent me this, being an East Anglian I thought it was hilarious so wanted to share!

Noiseta, monday 10-Jun-24 14 7,007
Tom and Zendaya tie the knot?! 😍
Dani, 6 of June of 2024 at 11:36

Okay... so we might be jumping the gun a little here! But we can't help but wonder what this iconic couples wedding might look like - so here's our wedding predictions for Zendaya and Tom Holland if...

Dani, thursday 6-Jun-24 14
Free wedding witness
Lily, 24 of June of 2022 at 23:36

I know wedding season is here, so I thought I’d offer myself as free witness for anyone in London (North, West or Central areas) who are looking for a wedding witness. I’m just starting in in event...

Leah, tuesday 4-Jun-24 4 138
Koshka, 30 of June of 2008 at 10:11

I was nominated by my brother to cook profiteroles for a family meal today. We're meeting and I think/feel trying to impress his new girlfriend. I followed the Gorden Ramsey recipe, placing them on...

Renner, monday 3-Jun-24 29 2,322
Condensation ruining window sill
Buttons, 17 of November of 2008 at 11:52

We have wooden window sills and live in a fairly cold house resulting in wet windows (condensation) and stains on the window sills. If that isn't bad enough we've started noticing mould right in the...

Caio, monday 3-Jun-24 19 11,408
When should I get a Botox?
MaryRoberts, 23 of August of 2019 at 09:29

Just want to know your opinions on something. So I’m currently seeing some deep sets of wrinkles appearing on my face. My sister then told me that maybe I should get a Botox Wigan treatment from this...

Neil, saturday 1-Jun-24 4 1,357
Data Base Registered Passports, Driving Licenses & certificates
LuxuriousOrangeStationery65119, 23 of July of 2019 at 23:47

Buy Data Base Registered Passports, Drivers Licenses, Id Cards & Legalized Certificates. We specialize in the production of Data Base *Registered passports, driving License, ID cards, Registered...

Igrisvino, wednesday 29-May-24 1 470
My mum feels left out
Jade-Lee, 23 of May of 2024 at 20:11

Short back story, my mum helped a lot with the engagement was really there for my h2b. Since wedding planning she kinda back off a bit as much as I tried to get to her to come to wedding showcases etc...

RomanticGreenStation, friday 24-May-24 1 49
Help - starting to smoke again
Scaredycatanon, 17 of April of 2014 at 19:33

Sorry for the anonymous post, I'm scared that people I 'know' are going to see this if I do it under my normal user name and I don't really want it to be linked to my account in case real life people...

Awan, monday 20-May-24 17 2,469
Ex wife at wedding
Cazpot88, 9 of February of 2024 at 11:02

Hey beauts, I don't know if this is the right section to post this in Me and my fiance have decided to invite his ex wife and her partner to our wedding in August 2025 The reason is because my...

Greeny, monday 20-May-24 13 441
Help with questionnaire on wedding website
Robyn, 22 of February of 2024 at 12:54

Hi all I created a questionnaire on my wedding website but I can't see who has responded. If I go into the "Edit" view I can see 2 people have responded but not who they are. I unfortunately need to...

Doris, sunday 19-May-24 3 115
Thank you gifts
Amelia, 8 of May of 2024 at 19:21

What are people getting as thank you gifts for parents? Really unsure what to get mine and my MIL, but I know I want to get them something as they've contributed so much to our big day. I really want...

Greeny, saturday 18-May-24 3 99
Dental phobia - can anybody help?
Notquiteme, 3 of March of 2013 at 12:08

Even though I'm not a 'regular' poster here (more of a lurker with a few hundred posts to my name), I'm still too embarrassed to post this under my usual username. In fact, it's taken me a week or so...

Jennifer, thursday 16-May-24 11 3,239
Advice on invoicing a company in administration
Clairy, 16 of January of 2009 at 17:23

Adams (the childrenswear shop) owes my business several hundred pounds. It was their Hull branch that booked the advert, but they have since announced they are going into administration. However, they...

Glenna, wednesday 15-May-24 6 1,174
do you play the lottery ?
, 16 of January of 2013 at 16:35 so tickets are going up to £2 but if you get 3 numbers you will win £25 instead...

Falanga, tuesday 14-May-24 16 1,099
Adding Hotel links
David, 27 of January of 2024 at 13:02

Can you add a link for guests to click on to an external hotel website?

Alfred, tuesday 14-May-24 5 54
Discontinued MFI furniture
Sare, 13 of April of 2009 at 15:32

I really, really want to buy a sideboard and I'd love to have it from the same range as my TV unit, bought from MFI. Although it's flatpack, it's nice and chunky and I like the colour. I could just...

Alisher, tuesday 14-May-24 3 2,425
Any advice for my troublesome, very sensitive skin?
, 1 of March of 2016 at 23:20

Hi everyone, I was hoping someone out there would be able to give me some advice, provide recommendations, etc for my skin. I have had eczema since I was six weeks old and always suffered with my...

Shree, monday 13-May-24 10 2,691
Shampoo Recommendations
quackers, 17 of December of 2012 at 14:58

Right I have an issue with shampoo, My hair gets very greasy very quickly with a lot of them, or I get horrid dandruff! What do you use? I can't use pantene as it makes my hair fall out. Head and...

Kammal, thursday 9-May-24 18 1,259
Coffee machines
Flowmojo, 9 of October of 2012 at 14:20

So as of Saturday (yes, we are talking 4 days) Mr F has taken to drinking coffee and has requested a coffee machine for his birthday, specifically one that makes cappuccinos..yes im rolling my eyes at...

Osborn, wednesday 8-May-24 20 2,501
Having laminate flooring in a new build?
SAM83, 3 of September of 2009 at 11:30

I am having a new house built and have been told by Persimmon who are building it that we cannot have laminate flooring as its a new house. We went to a carpet shop yesterday to arrange to get a quote...

Gia, tuesday 7-May-24 15 14,498 1

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